Chapter One.

Allura was inside of her desert shack, she build it with her dad a long time ago. She moved into the desert shack after her father, a garrison officer, died during the kerberos mission. She picked up on a strange energy around the desert and decided to investigate around, she ended up meeting three boys during the night.

She sighs and looks at the three boys, Pidge, Lance and Hunk, and raises an eyebrow "What are you two doing in the desert at night?" The shorter one of the two spoke up "I picked up a irregular pattern in the energy field around this place and i wanted to investigate" she perked up at what the boy said "Really? I found that as well. It's coming from a cave... follow me"

She led the boys to the cave, the moment Lance stepped inside of the cave it lit up blue. Lance grinned "This cave is ready to party~" she huffed and turned to Lance "This never happened when i entered the cave" just as she said that a hole appeared in the ground and the get dumped in front of a Mechanical Blue Lion.

"Huh, Neat" Lance gets up and goes towards it, Hunk and Pidge warn Lance but he ignores it and taps on the blue barrier around the Lion. He gets a vision of a man with a white floof and scar piloting the lion to this planet, and then gets a vision of a castle. His mind clears up and he turns to the others "Did you guys see that too?"

"See what? A giant mechanical robot that shouldn't be here?" Hunk was fretting in panic "We aren't going to do anything with it are we? Tomorrow is Shrimp day!" at that very moment the Blue Lion opened its mouth and took everyone inside, it also opened Shiro's cyro pod aboard the ship.

He stumbled out and fell onto the ground with a groan, he lifted himself up after a few ticks and looked around spotting Lance and the rest. "And who are you?"

The group was too busy staring at the man, he looked like them but also slightly different. He had pointed ears and black markings on his cheeks, maybe they were tattoos. Lance eventually answered the stranger "We uh... were taken aboard by this lion?"

Shiro looked at them with a sceptic look before realising this must be the new paladin Blue has chosen "Follow me" he leads them to the pilot seat and let's Lance take control of the Blue Lion. At first they have a test flight but eventually Shiro is able to get Lance take the Blue Lion into space.

Immediately when they were up in space they were met with a Galra Warship, it immediately went to attack the Blue Lion while Pidge, Hunk and Allura stared in shock. Shiro told Lance not to engage and activated a wormhole to the castle, before the others had any say in it the Blue Lion was by Ares.

The Blue Lion landed in front of the castle and Shiro smiled, he'd be with his beloved soon. The Blue Lion let them out and roared, making the castle flare back to life. Everyone freaked out except for Shiro who just watched the castle doors open calmly, he walked inside quickly and the others followed him.

Shiro immediately went to the Cyro Pods and made them come up from the ground, the first pod opened and Keith fell out of it with a cry of "Shiro!" Lance, who was the closest to the Pod let Keith fall into his arms. Keith frowned and looked at Lance "Who are you? Why are you in my castle and why are your ears so hideous!" This boy looked like the other man they encountered, pointy ears but instead of black cheek markings his cheek markings were bright red.

"Whoa whoa, where I'm from my ears are perfectly no-" he was cut off when Keith stood up and tackled the other, he activated his bayard and pointed it at Lance "Where is Shiro?!" Shiro went up to the two and swept Keith into a hug, Keith unactivated his bayard and hugged back "I'm right here baby, don't worry"

Lance got up from the floor "Hello? He just tried to kill me?!" The others whispered to each other before reaching a conclusion, Allura voiced the opinion "Well, after that action. We all want to know who you two are"

Shiro broke the hug and turned to the others "I'm the commander of the Altean army, the paladin of the Black Lion, Leader of Voltron. Shiro" he then took Keith's hand "And this is my beloved, Prince Keith from Altea, Paladin of the Red Lion, right hand of Voltron" Keith smiled at Shiro before continuing "And we need to find out where we are, and how long it has been"

Keith walks towards a pad and types something on it opening another Cyro pod, releasing Coran. He looks at everyone "Prince? Are you alright?" Keith nodded before stilling all actions as he stared at the timer, Shiro joined him at the pod. "Ten thousand years..... it's been ten thousand years."

Pidge snapped out of their daze and looked at Keith "What? Voltron? I've heard about that!" Coran looks at Shiro and Keith before turning to the others "Could you four follow me, we have a lot to explain" the other nodded and followed Coran to the main room, Shiro and Keith shared a kiss before following the group.

Coran let the explaining to Keith and he started the story "The Galra and Alteans were once allies, but Zarkon the former Black Paladin and emperor of the Galra wanted more, he wanted Voltron to try and take over the world because he knew it was the only thing that could defeat him. When his first attempt to take Voltron failed... he waged a war on Altea, we used the lions to try and defeat him but the Yellow and Green Lion weren't functioning and the Blue Paladin passed away leaving only me and Shiro to defeat the Galra. My dad put me and Coran in Cyro pods so we could eventually form voltron again and defeat the Galra empire"

Shiro nodded along with Keith's story before Allura turned to him "Then why was he in lion?" Shiro answered her easily "The King wanted me to hide the Blue Lion, i did exactly that"

Pidge walked up to Keith "Can you explain what Voltron is?" Keith nodded "Voltron is a warrior consisting of 5 lions Black,Red,Blue,Green and Yellow. Together they for, the greatest warrior in the universe... I'll assign everyone their lions" he steps onto the pad and a constellation map appears.

Allura frowned "You never told us about the fact that we need to pilot lions" Shiro turned to the girl "That's because this is war and we need you guys.... just listen to Keith, okay?" Everyone nods and Keith starts assigning each Lion to a person.

He assigns the Green Lion to Pidge, The Blue Lion to Lance and the Yellow Lion to Hunk. "It seems that we can currently only retrieve the Green and Yellow lion, I'll look into my bond with Red and try to find her"

Shiro nods and turns to Pidge "I'll help you get your Lion" he then turns to Hunk and Lance "You two can go to the other planet in the Blue Lion" he and Coran walk off to prepare a ship so they could get the Green Lion.

Keith turns to Allura "It seems there is no lion fit for you to bond with, but i will teach you the ways of selfdefense" Allura nodded before Keith showed Allura to her room while he focused on finding Red.

Keith went to his and Shiro's room and sat on the bed, he focused on his bond with Red and tried to see through her eyes on were she was. When he succeeded he was horrified at the sight, his lion was on a Galra war ship close to Ares. He shot up from the bed and ran to the Main room "Coran! I found Red."

Coran looked up from a holo pad that described the status of the Castle "Where is she?" Keith frowned and looked down "On a Galra war ship" Coran looked at his Prince before going over to pat him on the shoulder "Don't worry we'll get her"

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