Chapter Four.

Beginning note:

Well, I'm busy writing chapter 5 so enjoy the three chapters i just spammed?


A Ten Thousand Year Wait-Chapter Four.

"Allura, Pidge! What's going on?"

Everyone at the village heard a giant crash and ran over to the place they heard said noise, they were met with the sight of the green lion protecting Allura and Pidge from a monster that looked strangely familiar to Shiro.

Shiro cleared his head and turned around to look at his team "Pidge, take Allura into your lion for safety. The rest, call upon your lion to get them here. Get prepared for your second fight, i believe in all of you"

Pidge nodded and took Allura's hand before dragging her into Green, the rest focused on getting their lions to the battle. It came naturally to Shiro and Keith after their years of practise with the lions, it was a little harder for the other two but they managed as well.

Once everyone was in their lions the battle began,

The first minutes were the hardest for them, all of their lions took hits by the monsters energy ball. Shiro took note of this and got away from the monster before yelling out a order "Everyone, try to find weak spots and try to avoid as much hits as possible"

Everyone yelled something along the lines of 'Understood!' And started dodging the monster, the manoeuvres were hard to make for the newer pilots while they others had a hard time focusing on flying and watching out both.

"Shiro this is too hard! We need to form Voltron!"

"I know, everyone fly in formation!"

Everyone gathered around Shiro and Black, they flew in formation around the monster. They got knocked out of formation a few times by the monster's energy-ball, but eventually ended up transforming into Voltron.

They stood there in front of the Galra Monster and came up with a plan "Guys, observe the actions of the monster. We might find his weak spot if we do"

"I actually noted his actions while we were flying around him, if I'm correct about this then the energy ball will do three rounds before returning. He's weak at that very moment"

Shiro grinned proudly "Great job Pidge! Now both you and Keith, activate the shield and sword. We should be prepared"

Everyone nodded and stood ready for the monster to start attacking again, Pidge was currently trying to find a way to activate the shield and Allura helped her with looking at the screens. They eventually managed to activate the shield just in time as a energy ball was headed their way.

"How many times has it been?"

"Uh... two i think? One more time!"

Shiro nodded at Hunk "Yes one more time" he waited for the Monster to throw the Energy-ball, when the ball left the staff they dodged it "Keith, now!"

Keith nodded and put his Bayard into the slot, a sword appeared in the Red Lion's mouth, matching the Green Lion's shield. They held out the sword towards the monster and hit it while it was reloading, the monster stepped back with a grunt and prepared another energy ball.

He threw it at the team as Pidge held up the shield, the were successful with blocking the attack but were blown backwards by the blast. But they got back to their feet with the help of the Red and Green lion, they stood again and held up the shield to block the monster.

The monster shot the second ball, they once again shielded themselves from the blast, but this time they weren't just blown backwards, they were blown back close to the Arusian village. Keith bit his lip at the sight, Coran had luckily evacuated the villagers to a nearby cave to protect them from the Galra.

"We can't let them destroy the Arusian village!" Was yelled by Keith as he moved Red to go forwards and struck the monster with his sword.

Everyone made noises of agreement and Keith struck the monster on last time, It yelled out in agony before falling to the ground. They separated Voltron and landed on the ground in their respective lions.

"Great job everyone! We'll be able to take on warships in no time." Shiro commented happily as he got out of his Lion,

Lance immediately went to hug Hunk, who immediately hugged back, While Allura and Pidge were talking in hushed tones. Shiro focused his attention back to Red and waited for her to open up and Keith to walk out.

Red opened up and Keith walked out calmly, he smiled at Shiro and went over to him. The pair hugged each other "Good job Keith" keith chuckled softly "You too Shiro".

Coran and the Arusians eventually came to congratulate them as well "Good job Paladins!" He said cheerily as he held a few Arusians in his arms with a wide grin on his face.

Shiro nodded at what Coran said "Good job indeed everyone! Now, get back in your lions and we'll get back to the castle"

Everyone nodded and went off to their Lions, Pidge dragging Allura with her, Keith however turned to Shiro "Shall we go in Black together? I already asked Red and she'll follow us" Shiro blushed but faintly but nodded "Alright" he put a hand around Keith's waist and led them into Black.

He went in Black's pilot seat and Keith took place in Shiro's lap, Shiro chuckled softly as he heard Black rumble quietly before starting up. The two flew to the Castle with Red behind them, followed by the rest of the team.

They landed in Black hangar, while Red landed in her own. After they were sure that the others had landed too, they left Black's hangar together and went to the kitchen. Where they were met with the sight of the Hunk cooking to relieve the adrenaline from the battle, with the rest excluding Coran siting around the dining table.

Shiro raised and eyebrow before joining them at the table "What is Hunk doing?" the paladins looked at them with a startled look before Lance piped up "He's cooking for us if course! It'll be better than the goo, we can promise that!"

The pair nodded and entangled their hands under the table, Keith leaned against Shiro as they waited for the food.

They looked around the table and saw Allura and Pidge, the pair was basically in each others lap as they were talking about stuff Shiro nor Keith could hear. They looked at each other before shrugging and moving their eyes over to Lance.

Lance had the space mice on his lap as he relaxed back into the chair, he was watching Hunk and waiting for his food.

They looked away from Lance and towards Hunk, who was looking through the weird ingredients stocked in the castle "Do you need Help?" Shiro offered.

Hunk turned around to face him before nodding rapidly "Yes please! I need to find something to replace flour with, but I don't know any of these ingredients"

Shiro nodded and stood up to lend Hunk a hand, he picked up a giant Purple carrot like fruit and took a knife "I assume that flour is used to bake yes?" Hunk nodded and explained to Shiro what flour was.

"Then i had the right thought" he used the knife to cut open the carrot to reveal a lightly coloured powder "You will need to cut open about four to fill an entire bowl" he scraped the flour like mixture into a nearby bowl before handing it to Hunk.

Keith watched the two before getting up to help as well "I'll get you ingredients to improve the flavour, since there aren't any good flavours in the ingredients you chose" he opened a few cabinets before grabbing a few green beans.

He handed one to Hunk "Taste it" he nodded at what Keith said and ate the bean slowly, a rich chocolate like taste with a hint of bitterness filled his mouth "That's good!"

The pair of Alteans chuckled softly "Glad you think so" the three went to work on making some treats, luckily the kitchen was big enough for all three to work comfortably while the others watched the three.


Hunk put the cupcakes on a plate before presenting them to the rest of the team "You guys are good with making cupcakes!"

The pair nodded and sat down in the seats they sat in earlier, they watched as Hunk placed the cupcakes in the middle of the table. The paladins took the cupcakes happily as the two watched, when they all had a cupcake Shiro took one as well.

He broke it in half and gave a half to Keith, Pidge looked at them curiously "Why don't you two take your own cupcake?"

Shiro chuckled softly at Pidge's curiosity "In Altea, sharing half of your food with your lover is a honourable thing to do"

Pidge nodded at that and broke their cupcake in half and handed a half to Allura, who blushed before doing the same. Lance just shrugged and gave the mice some crumbs "I'll have to keep that in mind as a flirting technique huh?"

Keith tilted his head in confusion "If you want to know about Altean courting techniques then you could've asked"

Lance perked up in his seat "Do tell~!"

Keith nodded "Well first you ask their parents for permission on courting" Shiro wrapped an arm around Keith's waist and continued the sentence "And then you flatter them with gifts and compliments"

Lance listened closely while Pidge took notes "So, how did you two actually get together? You didn't tell us anything about it, well except for Pidge"

The pair looked at each other before shrugging "I guess we could tell you how we met" The two leaned towards the rest of the paladins before they started the story.

"I was the son of the commander of the army, one of the closest friends of the king. So of course i met Keith a lot, we were usually left alone to play together. Luckily, we got along perfectly fine, we both loved the stars and we usually ended up talking about that."

Keith smiled as he listened to Shiro's story, he leaned into Shiro and continued the story "My Parents eventually became desperate for me to get married, as their heir they wanted to be sure i would continue the family name. The day they told me they wanted me to get married i panicked... and ran away to Shiro"

"His Parents found him two days later, they had decided that he would marry me. To put him more at ease, we both agreed. We cared for each other immensely at that point, Well... i loved him already" everyone in the room aw'ed at the words, the pair blushed.

"Ever since then we slowly fell in love, when we were 1 year into our engagement my dad build the lions. As you all know Zarkon betrayed us, I was so terrified was i watched him wage war on Altea while i was safe in Red"

Shiro hugged Keith close as silent tears streamed down Keith's cheeks, The rest of the team looked awkwardly "We'll just go and uh.... train in the training room?" Everyone followed Hunk as he went to the training room.

Shiro just hummed a soft tune and stroked Keith's hair until he calmed down, Keith's sobs eventually quieted down "Shiro, can we just go to our room early?" Shiro nodded and picked Keith up.

He walked to their room calmly, opening the door with his Human hand. The pair went inside and Keith sat down on the bed, he sagged down and eventually fell on his back.

Shiro chuckled softly and got into his pyjamas before joining Keith in the bed, pulling Keith tightly against him. Holding him in a war embrace, which made Keith smile lightly.

The pair curled around each other comfortably before falling asleep, Coran eventually came to check on them and smiled at the sight of the pair before deciding to let them sleep.

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