Chapter 2- Its like looking into a mirror

( Falcon's POV )

It had been roughly a week since I had arrived in the rainforest kingdom. I had stayed near the border and never strayed too far into the forest. I had had countless close-calls with guards as well as citizens almost catching me. Not only was I at risk of being found by the rainwings, but food was scarce unless you were to venture further into the forest. One warm afternoon I was lying in a sun patch in the middle of a pile of bushes, concealed from prying eyes. I lay there, alone with my thoughts when my stomach began to grumble. I lifted my head from my paws as I craned my head around to see if there was any immediate food lying around. Comon just gimme something... After finding nothing I stood up sighing, bending my front half down and stretching before beginning my quest for food. I sniffed a clump of bushes at the bottom of a large tree, finding an unusual scent. It was not something I had ever smelt before, it smelt...lively. It must have been from a creature, but not one I have ever encountered. I raised my head, sniffing the air around me before catching the scent, faint as it may be. Setting my pace to a gallop, I followed the scent until I reached a cave hidden by a wall of leaves. The scent was stronger than ever here.
"What the heck?" I mumbled to myself before cautiously approaching the leaves. I wasn't able to see past them, so I brushed the leaves aside carefully. What greeted me astonished me. The cave was full of random items, from leaves to berries scattered across the floor. He continued walking until he found a moss patch on the ground. It was very rugged and looked as if it had housed a pressure on it for years. Looking around it, there was a pile of some kind of berry beside it as well as...claw marks? I took a mental note of them. I looked up on the walls. They were mostly barren except for one spot above the moss pile, it was a picture of a black dragon, most likely a nightwing, in a bamboo frame. Wait. Was this cave home to a Nightwing???? My stomach dropped. I have only one thought racing through my mind. Run. I turned towards the entrance and began to run as fast as my legs could take me. I had almost reached the exit when I saw a dragon blocking my path.
"What are you???" The dragon had dark purple scales, a faded yellow underbelly and vibrant yellow wings as well as a trail of small star marks along the dragon's snout and tail tip. I could distinguish from the voice that it was a female. Oh great, my death is going to be in the claws of a random nightwing in the middle of nowhere, that's just GREAT!
"I wouldn't eat you ya know, or hurt you. Unless you want to hurt me, in which case we have a whoooole nother problem." The nightwing finished with a small glare. I was in shock, how did she know what I was thinking? I though all nightwing powers weren't really...real!
"I-I don't want to...hurt you...?" This seemed to please the nightwing as she became more visibly relaxed, dropping her wings to her side. She moved further into the cave, away from the exit. I could leave, but for some reason, I felt compelled to stay.
"Now, as I asked before, what are you?" Upon seeing my quizzical expression she expanded.
"What tribe are you from?" I made a sound of realization and trotted up to her, sitting down.
"I'm a Sandwing?" I tilted my head in confusion. Why couldn't she tell??
"Well I've been cooped up in here most of my life, haven't seen another tribe before." There she goes, back at it again with knowing what I'm thinking. Either that or she's very good at guessing. She started circling me, seeming to take in every detail. I lifted my wings to get a clear view of her, making sure she wasn't going to hurt me. That was always a thought in the back of my mind, but for some reason I seemed to trust her.
"Neither have I...A-are you a nightwing?" I asked. She appeared in front of me again, sitting down, lifting her wings as if she was proud and boasting.
"Flesh and blood!" She finished of her display with a huge grin. I took more details of her in, the color of her scales, her tail as well as her horns. Any detail that could change throughout tribes. She looked up at me before adopting a worried expression.
"Your horn, it's broken. Are you ok?" I lifted my arm, touching the spot where part of my horn had broken off before wincing at the pain. The nightwing's expression became even more concerned. She started to stand before moving off to a pile of leaves in the corner of the cave.
"Stay there, I think I have something that might help." I waited patiently, wondering what she could have.
"Do you have some sort of magic potion over there that grows broken horns back?" I quipped sarcastically, pleased when I heard a laugh. She made her way over to me, some sort of fabric in one of her hands. She walked behind me, rearing up on her two back legs. I tried to move my head to see her before she pushed it back into position.
"Stay still! If you move this is only gunna hurt...more." At this I stilled any movement, receiving a slight chuckle from her. After a few seconds I felt stinging coming from the wound, before it subsided.
"Done!" She moved around the front of me, admiring her work. I reached my arm up to the wound, feeling the fabric covering it. I flashed the nightwing a grin.
"Thanks." The smile I received passed on her message of ' You're welcome.' Suddenly the nightwing facepalmed making a sound of disappointment.
"I'm so so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Nightmoon." She held out her arm for a handshake. I shook it, grinning.
"I'm Falcon, nice to meet you."
"Me too." This was the start of something special, I could feel it. And I know Nightmoon could too.

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