- Maps -
Please take a note that this chapter is an optional read. The readers who are interested in reading the world building of my book can go through it! The subsequent chapters named World Building I & II are also optional and do not contribute to the plot. The story begins from the chapter 'Prologue'.
- Royal Houses of Traetos Province -
Neraepherus (Ner-aae-pherus) __ Ner means 'nearer' in context of the River Epheritis. The name implies 'residing to the near side of River Epheritis'. They were considered as one of the ancient tribes of Avestriā and often named as one of the 'Elder Tribes'. They were one of the primeval indigenous people of the entire continent.
These people had been living on this land when none of the capital cities in the continent were even established. The identifying feature of these people is a small hint of their antediluvian dialect of an ancient language. The Neraepherus had split into two tribes in the past and one of the clans migrated further west and founded their expatriate home named Harāpiā. Traetos was the first Ethnarch of the capital and hence was the name of the province. The descendants of the other tribe which remained nearer to the river are now ensconced in the kingdom of Goldrunes which does not lie in the Traetos province.
Lushonerus (Loo-show-ner-us)__ The people of this tribe had established their civilization near the lake Lush and hence came to be known as Lusho-ner meaning 'near to Lush Lake'. The descendants of the Lushonerus now reside in Harāpiā.
Kŗūtenus (cru-ten-us)__ A nomadic tribe which wandered in the forests near the Lake lush. The name Kŗūtenus is derived from the word 'Kŗūta' which meant skin or in particular hard skin. The Lushoners called them Kŗūtenus because their skin was hardened due to calluses formed on their elbows, knees and knuckles. The descendants of this tribe also live in the kingdom of Lothar. They were mostly lumberjacks and gatherers in the past. They reside in the city of Harāpiā.
Nelarii (Nel-aa-rai)__ It means 'children of River Nelam'. Nelam itself means 'pure'. Nelarii Tribe, brethren of Neraepherus, was also one of the primeval tribes of Avestriā but not as old as the elder tribe since Neraepherus civilized the Nelarii. Nonetheless, they were elder to all the other tribes that came later.
Their distinctive feature was their pale white coloured feet due to the salts from the river. Descendants of Nelarii reside in the city of Harāpiā and on the outskirts. These people were basically devout and peace loving. Their distinctive feature was that the tribe were not meat eaters but survived on a vegetarian diet of leaves, fruits and roots.
Brutarus (Bru-taar-us)__ It comes from the word 'Brutar' which means 'strong'. Brutarus were the people who were born with inherent strength. They were anatomically stronger than any of other tribes in all of Avestriā. Their ancestral home was the kingdom of Lothar but later due to political disputes about power, they formed their own stronghold called the Vikanin range. The Brutarus were often known to be condescending, rude and pompous about their inherent strength.
Vorcerus (Vor-ser-us)__ It comes from the word 'Vorcera' which means 'tall' or long. The Neraepherus called them Vorcerus because they were aberrantly tall as compared to them. The Vorcerus initially lived with Kŗūtenus in Lothar but later they moved to Virgin Cape.
Auctisila (oct-tee-see-laa)__ It means 'Eight daughters'. Auctisila was a tribe evolved from Brutarus in which women revolted against their oppressive male leaders and set out to establish their own tribe. They considered themselves as the daughters of Iraethea who was worshipped as the mother of all land. The Auctisila established their kingdom called Virgin Cape, in the southern subcontinent under the dominion of Harāpiā. Virgin cape, as opposed to all the other kingdoms across the entire continent, always had a woman as a ruler.
Rectasius (Rect-aa-see-us)__ It derives from the word 'Recta' which means 'red'. The Rectasius was a nomadic tribe of people who were mostly gatherers and hunters in the past. Because of their nefarious hunting of animals as well as humans, they were always stained in blood and hence the name. They were a backward tribe and a primitive civilization which lived in the forests near Virgin cape. Neraepherus tribe along with the Vorcerus tribe subjugated them for the safety of all other tribes and also civilized them. The descendants of Rectasius now reside in the kingdom of Lothar.
Vetarsius (we-tar-see-us)__ The root word is 'Vetar' means first born. When the Auctisila left their tribe of Brutarus and settled in Virgin cape, some of the women had sons with the Nelarii since the Nelarii were sophisticated and peace loving people. The first born of these women came to be known as Vetarsius which later became an entirely different tribe serving the Auctisila.
Nefarii(Ne-far-ai)__It means the 'dark children'. They were brethren of Nelarii which lived in the caves of the mountain ranges near the river Nelam. They were similar to Rectasius but they were much more violent and barbaric. These savages hunted the Nelarii for sacrifices and almost pushed the Nelarii on the verge of extinction. They were never captured like the Rectasius, since their tactical skills of hunting made them formidable even for the Brutarus. They continued to maintain their dominance and fear all over the province. The descendants of this tribe reside in Harāpiā.
- Royal Houses from land of Anvos -
Raelius (ray-lee-us)__ The Raelius were the descendants of Anvos who was the younger brother of Traetos. In order to expand the territorial limits of the Neraepherus tribe, Anvos set out to establish his own kingdom under the cordial command of his elder brother. Anvos and the men who followed him came to be known as Raelius which meant the 'right arm' of Traetos. Traetos bequeathed the territory beyond his borders to Anvos and it became the 'Land of Anvos'. The ancestral stronghold of the Raelius was known as Kingslock.
Sperectus (Sper-rect-us)__ It is a compound of two words 'Recta', which means red and 'Spera' which means a weapon. The Sperectus were trained spearmen of Anvos which were responsible for protection of the land. Sperectus were rugged and agile people who were trained to be warriors from their childhood. They reside in the kingdom of Redspear.
Borbellus (Bor-bell-us)__ It means 'Brown beard'. These people were the natives of the land of Anvos before Anvos captured the territory. Borbellus were not strong enough to fight against Anvos and hence they surrendered to Anvos. However, since Anvos was a benevolent conqueror he gave them right to liberty and since then, Borbellus people have lived in Kingslock.
Cavosus (Kaa-vos-us)__ It means 'Cavemen' who lived in mountain caves of the Woods of Octaves. Cavosus was another nomadic tribe but it was less developed and a primitive civilization. Anvos II, son Anvos, captured their lands and civilized them. However, initially they were treated as slaves by Anvos II. Now they reside in Pentarock Lithalsa as one of the high class.
Blavelus (Ble-va-lus)__ It means 'blue eyed' pertaining to the large number of people in this tribe born with blue eyes. It was also said that these people had an extraordinary vision and they had good knowledge about herbs. Blavelus, along with Neraepherus, was considered to be one of the Elder tribes. Blavelus were the aboriginals of the land until Anvos II, the son of Anvos, captured them. However, since the Blavelus were well versed in medical sciences and they were one of the ancient tribes, Anvos II respectfully gave them a refuge for his own benefit. The descendants of Blavelus now reside in the Phrontistery.
Cursicus (Kur-see-kus)__ It means 'black tongue'. It was just a small group of people who were rebellious towards Anvos II and criticized him for his subjugation of other innocent tribes. It later evolved in to a surname. They reside in Kingslock.
Posinisus (Po-zee-nee-sus)__ It means 'venom'. This tribe of people lived in the woods of octaves which was the most densely covered forest of the entire continent. The people used poisonous darts for hunting to paralyze the prey and also during their battles, to weaken the enemy. They reside in Pentarock Lithalsa
Flepelaus (Flay-pae-laa-oos)__ It means 'flappy ears'. The people with flappy ears were called this name and in time, it evolved into a surname. The people of this surname live in Kingslock.
Elvaelius (L-way-lee-us) __It means 'left arm'. After the death of Anvos, Elvaelius, an elitist group of warriors, were not in harmony with Anvos II and his beliefs. Hence, they separated from the Sperectus and called themselves as Elvaelius, meaning the 'left arm', in opposition to the Raelius which were called as the 'right arm'. Their descendants reside in the Pentarock Lithalsa.
Atriculus (A-tree-q-lus)__ It means the 'children of Aetris'. Sage Aetris is known to be a mythical sage that is mentioned in almost all of the folk tales over the continent. Every culture had a reference to Aetris. This tribe of people claimed that they were descended from Sage Aetris himself. They were one of the elder tribes, alongside Neraepherus and Blavelus. Atriculus people were known to be intelligent and observant. They had a keen interest in studying nature of things. They were also considered to be one of the most developed and civilized tribe. The people of this lineage reside in the Phrontistery.
- Royal Houses of Balenor Province-
Balenorus (Ba-lay-nau-rus)__ 'Balee' means 'unity'. Balenorus means the 'united ones'. Balenorus were an ancient tribe in the North which had its origins before the establishment of capital cities throughout the continent. It was as ancient as the Neraepherus and the Blavelus tribe to the south. Their territory came to be known as Balenor. Apart from being ancient, Balenorus people had a mystical ability limited only to their bloodline. They never mated with anyone outside their own blood, in order to pass on that ability to the future generations in a concealed and harmless manner.
This made them a unique tribe, not just on Avestriā but across the entire world. Balenorus lived at the North-western edge of the continent near the river Bromopetra. However, in the later years, they were subjugated and massacred by the One Eyed king and their ancestral home remains no more than a relic of the past.
Only a handful survived in that massacre and they fled to other parts of continent and are considered extinct or disappeared into oblivion.
Bremorii (bray-mo-rai)__ It means 'children of Bromopetra'. This tribe settled on the banks of the river Bromopetra in the northern part of the continent. The Bremorii were known to have a good hunting skill, especially with archery. They had invented their own skill of agriculture but some mythical accounts dictate that they learnt farming from the Balenorus. The descendants of the Bremorii are now ensconced in the Azmonaus kingdom which is named after their first chief of the same name. However, they are under the command of the One Eyed King.
Bedelus (bed-ae-lus)__ It is derived from the word 'Bedela' which means belly or abdomen. It was usually associated with corpulent people. It later became a surname. The Bedelus people have a huge appetite and are known to be amenable and dim witted. They reside in Azmonaus.
Feracicus (Fer-aa-si-kus)__ It means 'Ferocious'. The Feracicus were elite skirmishers trained in sword fighting. They were highly skilled, agile and ruthless. The Feracicus were responsible for the genocide of the Balenorus and they captured all of the Balenor province and its bay. The Feracicus now reside in Castle Blackspear under the command of the One Eyed King.
Irakeces (Ee-raak-sees)__'Ira' means water or sea and the word, when compounded, means 'seafarers'. Irakeces were originally Bremorii but later some of the clans migrated to the Northern subcontinent and settled there. They became one of first tribes in the continent to create rafts and ships and travelled the seas. The North Quay is where their descendants reside and they made a pact with Feracicus to surrender their forces when commanded, in return of their freedom and lives.
Festocus (Fay-stow-kus)__ 'Festo' means 'fist' and in this context it means 'strong fists'. The Festocus were the aboriginal tribe of the province alongside Balenorus. They revolted against the Feracicus and lived in Panasia. However, they were unable to defeat the cruel Feracicus and lost the battle of Panasia.
They retreated to another part and established a stronghold called the Northern Stronghold. The Festocus still reside in the Northern Stronghold and have been engaged in battles with the Feracicus. Although, they are the only unconquered tribe in the Balenor province, they do not possess enough military strength to subjugate and defeat the Feracicus.
Blekidus (Blay-key-dus)__ It simply means 'blackheads'. The people with black hair were called with this name. They serve in Castle Blackspear as warriors.
Shorenus (Show-ner-us)__ Shoren means gold and hence Shorenus meant Goldsmiths. They work as Goldsmiths and Barons in the Castle Black spear.
Mentonius(Meant-o-nee-us)__It means 'men of the mounts'. This was a secluded tribe living on the arid, snow covered lands. They were mostly lumber jacks and gatherers and lived in the permafrost plateau. They were later subjugated by the Eastern invasion. They live and serve the conquerors in the permafrost plateau.
- Royal Houses of Puntos Province -
Soracenes (So-ra-say-knees)__ The Soracenes is a compound word comprising of 'Seros' which is the name of the Sun and 'Cenen' means descent. They were popularly called the 'Sons of Seros'. Their stronghold is the Sunsphere castle which is also the citadel of the Ethnarch of the Puntos province. The distinctive feature of these people is the light brown hair and eyes with Turquoise green colour. The light skin tone makes them appear fairest in all of the Puntos Province.
Vasestus (Va-says-tus)__ The descendants of Vasesta were called Vasestus. Vasesta is known to be an ancient sage like Aetris. The Vasestus are the brethren of the Atriculus and one of the Elder tribes. The Vasestus are known to be erudite since they represent one of the elder tribes alongside Neraepherus, Blavelus, Balenorus and Atriculus. The people of Vasestus surname are generally known to be academic, devout and serve the administrative interests of the empire. The Vasestus also act as the advisors to the Ethnarch of the Puntos province. They reside in the Raylord Temple which is known to be a place of gaining knowledge and studying religion. It is similar to the Phrontistery in the Traetos province with the exception of learning warfare. Raylord Temple is considered to be a place of worship and peace. Ergo, any form of violence is prohibited.
Empelseus (M-pale-see-us)__ 'Empelse' means aggressive. The people of this clan settled near the mountain ranges surrounding the province and they are known to be aggressive. This made them skilled in the warfare and they later formed an alliance with the Soracenes. They live in the Hot Fort. Hot Fort is known to be a kingdom with a formidable cavalry and ergo they have been able to hold the land from the adjoining kingdom of Vikanin Range which is the home of Brutarus from the Traetos province. The Empelseus, although formidable, follow an immutable pact of peace with the elder tribe of Soracenes. Hence, Empelseus only answer to the Ethnarch of the province.
Soparnean (So-par-nii-un)__The name is a compound. It is formed from 'Soparna' which means the great bird, and 'anea' which means the eye. The tribe of Soparnean were the forest-dwellers who lived in the forests surrounding the lake Blue Vessel. They hunted animals by hiding high up in the trees. They hunted from above as if a hawk hunting a rodent. That is why they came to be known by that name. Soparnean were later captured by Empelseus and trained for being archers. Since the hunting skill of Soparnean people was inherent, they became one of the most skilled archers across the continent.
Menarseus (Me-nar-see-us)__ 'Meenus' means a fish, hence Menarseus means 'fish men'. This tribe survived on aquatic life as a resource for food. They were excellent swimmers and they are known to be one of the tribes which established the concept of rafts for sailing into the deep sea. Their ancestral home was on the western seashore but they were later offered a refuge by Soracenes and now their ancestral home is a quay by the name of Port Puntos.
Prokorus (Pro-core-us)__ Prokor means 'bright'. Since Soracenes were known to be descended from the Sun, the Prokorus was a clan evolved from Soracenes. Their distinguishing feature from Soracenes is that they possess slightly darker skin tone than their brethren and they have dark brown hair. They are also known to be choleric as compared to the Soracenes. They reside in the Sunsphere castle and answer only to the Ethnarch. They are a tribe of protean men who are skilled as spearmen and knights.
Yimenerii (Yi-men-a-rii)__It means 'children of River Yimens'. This tribe settled on the banks of the river Yimens and it is one of the ancient tribes of the continent. The Yimenerii people are known to be peace loving and sophisticated as being one of the oldest tribe. They established their own kingdom near the cliffs and close to the river as well as to the sea and the Kingdom is now known as the Wolfstone castle. They answer to the Ethnarch of Puntos Province. Yimenerii are also known to have cordial trade relations with the Auctisila people in the Virgin cape from the Traetos province.
Axalenaus (Axel-e-naus)__It means the 'Axe people'. These people were originally Yimenerii but set out to build stone and gold mines. They later became a separate clan which lived in harmony with the Yimenerii. The descendants of this tribe also reside in the Wolfstone Castle.
Beldicus (Bell-dee-kus)__ It means 'bald head'. The bald heads in the respective clans were called by this name. It later evolved into a surname.
Pervoblekas (per-woe-blay-kas)__ It is a compound word comprising of 'Perva' which means rock and 'bleka' means the colour black. They were tradesmen who mined the black volcanic rocks which looked shiny and traded the rocks in exchange for grains. The rocks were also used in sword handles and hence the Pervoblekas made a good living. They lived in harmony with the Mentonius in the past, but later met the same fate as the Mentonius. Their descendants lived as refugees in the Puntos province.
Note: The judges for the awards can skip this chapter and the next two, labeled as 'World Building'. They can start reading the book from Prologue.
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