◇ ~Chapter Twenty-Six~ ◇

Vande watched in shock as Cayde stood triumphantly, gazing at Vande, full of power and energy.

"I will strike you down, Vande. Your plans of suffering upon this world will be halted and put to an end." Cayde said, his voice echoing, sounding majestic. So beautiful, yet so aggressive. A perfect balance.

"Fool! I will NOT fail!" Vande snarled, his fur resonating with the same black and purple energy as before.

Cayde merely smirked,

"This ends now."

With a loud howling yell, Vande charged across the shrine towards Cayde. But Cayde was not being defensive anymore. It was time to fight back. Fight for what was right.

And so, he charged towards Vande.

They collided with each other, a wave of energy shaking the ground beneath them. Cayde's quick dodges gave him the advantage against Vande's slow and heavy attacks.

Cayde would not face Vande alone. He had the power of Harmony on his side. Not wanting his friends and allies to get hurt, Cayde decided to use his power to create reflections of those around him.

Cayde leapt backwards, snarling. Slamming a paw against the ground, his power was able to create a golden aura near him. This first reflection took form as Pahanin, who ran directly at Vande. She was the one who had taught Cayde how to dodge quickly, so it was no surprise that she was a master at this, despite being a reflection. She slid right under Vande, who swiped a paw at her with brute force. She quickly got up once she slid under him and slammed her body into his side, causing the reflecting to shatter.

Vande stumbled, growling, "Fine then, I'll take you ALL on at once!" He yelled, clearly talking about Cayde and the reflections. Cayde's friends and allies were standing at the entrance of the shrine, not interfering with this battle. Only through their reflections.

Cayde slammed another paw against the ground as Vande charged at him.

This caused another reflection to appear, but much differently than Pahanin's entrance. A brief puff of smoke appeared nearby, and suddenly, before Vande hit Cayde, Malahayati struck from the shadows, knocking him down before her reflection shattered as well.

Cayde used this to his advantage and swiped at Vande with quick and majestic hits.

Growling, a burst of energy erupted from Vande, causing Cayde to stumble back, giving Vande just enough time to stand up again.

More reflections appeared, this time it was Anise and Saint.

Anise swung down from the air, landing precisely on Vande's back and causing him to be disoriented as she spun him around slightly.

Saint followed up with an attack, leaping at Vande with his fangs bared. He struck Vande in the side, causing both his own reflection and Anise's reflection to shatter.

Vande took a deep breath, snarling.

"That does it!" Vande said, his claws radiating with purple energy as he charged at Cayde again, managing to swipe him in the side and send him flying backwards. Whatever energy was infused into Vande's claws on that hit was quite powerful.

Cayde staggered, but kept his aggressive stance. Quickly, without Cayde doing it on his own, the reflections of many pack members began to leap onto Vande, pinning him down. It seemed like Kimlasca was able to assist using reflections to his advantage as well.

But Cayde was injured from that hit. It was a lucky and unexpected blow. It didn't leave any noticeable marks on Cayde, but it definitely caused his sides to ache. If something wasn't done about it, he would be exposed.

But the reflections were not done yet. One particular reflection approached Cayde. Instead of attacking Vande, this reflection was more focused on helping Cayde heal.

A reflection of Cayde's mother, Soula!

With a calm and caring smile, she rested a paw against the side in which Cayde was hit. It drained the energy in her reflection, causing it to fade away into golden specks of light, but the assistance was enough to make Cayde feel as good as new again.

And just in time as well, because another dark pulse of energy shot out of Vande, causing the reflections of the numerous pack members to fly off of him and shatter like glass.

Stumbling, Vande snarled at Cayde again, "Enough games! This ends now!!" He yelled, charging again. Cayde charged at him in return, but before either of them collided, Cayde leapt over Vande, landing behind him, his paws skidding against the floor.

Vande turned around, surprised by this move, but before he could charge again, the ground beneath Vande shook and a wave of golden energy erupted against his body, causing him to fly upwards and land on his back. As this happened, Cayde was now... suspended in mid-air?

This spectacle was nothing short of spectacular. His eyes were glowing with a white and golden aura as his fur resonated with pure light.

Shortly after, reflections of his allies appeared, suspended in the air. Pahanin, Saint, Malahayati, Jace, Anise... members of the Kimlascan Pack, and even Cayde's mother.

"Vandescelda! Face me!" Cayde shouted, his voice sounding more majestic than before.

"This... is not my... destiny..." Vande said weakly, breathing heavily before he growled once more.

Vande's fur resonated with more energy than before. With a shrill yell, mixed with an aggressive howl, Vande charged forward, leaping into the air to hit Cayde.

Cayde howled in return, his howl sounding like a beautiful symphony as he collided with Vande's body, with all of the reflections howling along with Cayde as they all shattered into one beam of pure golden light, colliding with Vande at the same time as Cayde's body collided with him.

A loud boom was heard, followed by a bright flash of white light, covering the entire shrine and blinding those inside with white light for a brief moment.

Once the light faded, one wolf was on the ground, defeated.

And there was one wolf who remained standing, who stood triumphantly.

Cayde, the Wolf of Harmony.

Vande laid there, defeated and unconscious. Black smoke and purple energy was drifting off of him, fading away.

The battle was over.

And Cayde had won.

His friends and allies gathered around, looking at Vande. Everybody was silent for a while, and eventually, Pahanin spoke up.

"I never thought that I would be here, fighting against the leader of such a peaceful pack." Pahanin said with a sigh.

"He had us all fooled. His act was enough to gain the trust of us all. He played his cards just right, but in the end, he could not defeat Cayde," Saint told them, "I didn't think I'd be here either though."

"It was a shock to me as well," Malahayati said softly, "It was something none of us expected, nor prepared for, yet together, we saw through his evil, and now, here we stand. Together."

"Indeed." Jace awknowleged.

Anise looked at Vande, "I never knew him. I was never a part of your pack, either, but... I sensed something too. That's why I came here. Because I sensed a great danger. I'm glad we were all able to help." She explained.

The rest of the pack members who came to assist stood quietly, with some nodding in agreement.

Cayde nodded, "It was not easy, but... If it weren't for all of you and your help... I don't think I would have survived." He looked at all of them.

"Thank you."

Pahanin was the first to respond, and she quickly went to Cayde, licking his cheek, "And thank you, hero. You're the one we should be thanking."

"Indeed we should." Jace stated, "Without you and your bravery, we would have all been defeated without a doubt. He would have won... I can't imagine what would happen if he did."

"Thank you, Jace... I'm... I'm sorry for what I did before. Vande tricked me, I was fooled, believing that he was the good one, whereas you were the imposter." Cayde said apologetically.

Jace chuckled in response, "No worries, Cayde. If I were you I would have most likely done the same. I understand, and I forgive you." He assured.

Before their conversation progressed any further, Vande groaned, moving around slightly, awakening from his unconsciousness.

Cayde quickly got into a defensive position, narrowing his eyes.

"Wait!" Jace raised a paw, "I sense something different about him. Halt your attacks for now." Jace said.

Cayde listened reluctantly, but his eyes remained narrowed as he watched Vande lift his head weakly, looking at everybody.

"Cayde... thank... you..." Vande said, coughing slightly as he shifted a bit.

"Thank me for what?" Cayde growled.

"You..." He coughed again, "You and your bravery... you freed me. You saved me. Thank you..."

Cayde tilted his head, his eyes still narrowed, "Explain yourself this instant!" He demanded.

Nodding, Vande sat up slowly, looking at everyone who surrounded him.

"I know you have lost faith in me... you lost hope in me... I understand. I would do the same. But, you see... the actions I did, the actions I attempted... they were not my own." He explained.

Cayde growled again, "You will NOT fool me again."

"I understand your lack of trust in me... but... please listen to me." Vande requested, his voice still weak.

Cayde didn't say a word, but he relaxed a bit to let him talk.

"Cayde... when you reached the top of the mountain and completed the Trial of the Mountain... there was a great and powerful storm. Lighting crackled everywhere, and once you reached the top, before a powerful bolt of lighting struck down on you, you unleashed a powerful howl, sending a beam of golden light up into the sky, penetrating the clouds and clearing the storm. You unleashed a wave of Harmony, a wave of energy capable of putting the entire pack into a state of tranquility, and rejuvenating the land around you for miles around, giving every bit of life and nature a sense of calm and peace..." Vande said.

Cayde remained silent.

"Your howl was enough to give Kimlasca enough energy to create a physical reflection of himself, and also create a reflection of my body so I could communicate with you at the top. Kimlasca wouldn't let me project myself to you if I was evil. Allow me to explain the rest."

"Once you embarked on your journey to the shrine and the huge spike in energy and powers of Harmony began to fade back to normal... well... I suppose you are well aware of the fact that such a spike in energy was quite a hotspot for dark energy to rise as well to meet that previous spike. You know this, there must be a balance between light and dark, Harmony and Chaos, in most places, with certain places such as this shrine being an exception." Vande continued.

"When Harmony rose... Chaos rose as well to meet that standard. A dark wave of energy washed over our pack. While it was brief and did not affect the rest of the pack... it affected me. As one of your most trusted allies and biggest advocates for Harmony and peace, this dark energy had a goal and a purpose: consume my willpower, take control of my soul and my body, controlling my willpower..." He sighed.

"I didn't have any way to stop it. The energy took control of my willpower, using my body as a way to get to you and claim your power to use in chaotic ways. As someone so bent on peace and happiness, someone who admires you so greatly... it came as no surprise that this dark energy took me. It tricked the pack, and sent me here. Against my own will, I had to watch as this energy fought against you and forced me to say things I did not mean..." Vande had regret and shame in his voice.

"In short... I was controlled. My willpower was used against me, my body and personality used against you to trick you... I could not stop it no matter what I did... I am so sorry, Cayde. I am so sorry... all of you..." He closed his eyes and shook his head.

Jace stepped in, "He is telling the truth. I sense the dark energy that was once in him fading. Light is finding its way back into him. He is becoming the wolf you know and remember him as again." He stated.

Cayde was surprised to hear all of this. Everyone was. Vande... controlled by a dark energy, controlled by someone with powers great enough to control the mind and soul of somebody. No doubt it was the work of Mystearica, the Wolf of Chaos.

Vande shook his head, "I am so ashamed of what happened... I did everything I could to stop it, but I could not..." Vande said, almost sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

With a sigh and a deep breath, Cayde nodded, "It is okay, Vande. As the Wolf of Harmony, it is not something I commend to hold grudges, especially to those who did not mean to do what they did. I know who you really are, Vande. A kind, noble, and humble leader. Together, we will see to it that something like this never happens again." Cayde assured.

"Thank you... s-so... much." Vande responded, nodding a little, keeping his eyes closed as if it was a way to hold back tears.

"Part of being the Wolf of Harmony is making sure that there is peace and happiness in places I go to. You are an advocate for Harmony, Vande. You have always been bent on peace and happiness. You are not at fault for something you could not control. I forgive you." Cayde said.

With another nod, Vande opened his eyes, "Thank you..."

"Great! Friends again, evil defeated... we're really making some progress!" Pahanin said cheerfully, "I forgive you too, Vande. It isn't your fault."

"I agree with Pahanin." Malahayati said.

"I second that!" Anise said.

Saint gave a nod of approval. The pack members who were at the shrine did as well.

Jace smiled, "It is nice to see Harmony restored in you, I see that your true soul is bright." He told Vande.

Before any more conversation could continue, the black and purple energy that was once on Vande began to appear on the ground nearby the crowd of wolves.

The energy began to spiral, rising into the sky, creating a tornado of dark energy and smoke.

Something began to take shape in the twister...

Claws, sharp like razors.

Teeth sharp like daggers...

And red eyes glaring at the group.

The twister faded as the energy took shape, creating a black plume of smoke, creating an illusion of a beast of unfathomable evil.

With a screeching howl, sounding like a painful howl, mixed with a scream and an angry battle cry, this wolf of dark energy, this beast... leapt at the crowd, encompassing the whole group, leaving the horrific howl ringing in their ears for seconds. Everyone had their eyes shut tight, but once they began to open their eyes again, the energy was gone...

The smoke was gone, the beast was gone...

It was one final illusion, an illusion of pure intimidation. Despite the energy being defeated and removed from Vande, the remainder of it had formed the aura of a wolf of unthinkable evil. But the remainder of that energy was now gone, and left the shrine at peace, at last.

After a few moments of silence, Malahayati spoke up.

"What... what was that...?"

A new voice responded to her question. A voice new and unfamiliar to most, but this voice was familiar to Cayde.

Everyone looked over at the source of the voice, and immediately a sense of tranquility and peace washed over the group, helping them recover from the illusion.

The golden aura of a familiar wolf resonated at the base of the staircase leading further up the shrine. Kimlasca, the original Wolf of Harmony. With the dark energy gone, his energy flowed freely through the shrine, allowing him to create a physcial form of himself in the shrine for all to see.

He spoke with a calm and serene voice, answering Malahayati's question.

"That... That was Mystearica."

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