Chapter 1
It was a hard day, more like any other ones. The sun was shining, the sky was ever so blue, and the gentle breeze in your face ... a typical summer.
Not unless your summer is ending.
[ At the Mall ]
It was a normal day at the mall, where two Otakus have been doing some shopping for anime items. One was named Ari, and the other was Angel.
As time went by, the two friends decided to do some shopping by themselves and headed off in their own paths, promising to meet each other at the fountain where people sit and eat.
Angel was sitting in a chair, eating her McDonald French fries. As she chowed down, her friend Ari came in, carrying bags of anime dolls and such.
"I finally bought some Hetalia dolls XD" Ari explained as she jumped of joy.
"That's awesome Ari." Angel replied with a small smile.
Ari noticed a bit of sadness in Angel and say across from her. "Alright Angel, what's up?"
"Well ... It's school."
"Oh I see. You're nervous since we'll be heading off to high school instead of middle school."
"And the fact that I am being forced to wear my glasses! I hate wearing them! You know they make me feel like Austria!"
Ari smiled and giggled at Angel's comment. "Yeah, you don't want to be a pansy like him."
"Exactly what I'm saying! Ugh. School starts tomorrow and I don't even think I'm ready for it!"
"Oh relax Angel! It's not school is gonna kill you."
"It could try" OAO
The two friends stared at each other for a while and finally broke the silence in laughter.
"Nice one Angel. You almost had me there."
"I know. It's not normal for a school to grow arms and try to strangle me to death."
Ari giggled once again and checked her phone. "Gotta go home now. Mom says I should sleep early for tomorrow."
All Angel could do at the sound of Ari's comment was bang her head on the table and raise her fist saying in a mono toned voice. "Yay ...."
Ari laughed and places her hand on Angel's other hand. "You'll be fine Angel. Trust me. Just think of school as ... Hetalia."
Angel looked up at Ari with a confused look in her face. "What do you mean?"
"Just think about it, and you'll know." Ari then headed off to the outside of the mall.
There was a long pause for the moment being, until Angel stopped it by banging her head on the table once again.
"Ari, you know damn well that even the awesome Prussia can't help me through school ..."
[ Later at Angel's house ]
Angel was bored out of her mind. She was simply just laying down in her bed and looking at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep, nor did she wanted to. School was a pain for her, and obviously, to everyone else that would rather stay at home and watch anime.
She looked over at he laptop that was just laying on her desk. As she examined her laptop, she zoned out for a bit. I mean, all she could think of was school.
What will her life be like? What will the teachers be like? What will the other students be like? What will the work be like? What will the food be like? (typical Americans XD) After asking herself all these questions, and more, she finally got up and grabbed her laptop.
"Might as well catch up on my Hetalia." She said to herself.
Angel started typing up and watching Hetalia Axis Power, as usual.
She has already seen every episode, but it never hurts to watch them again. Unless the FEELS come in.
You know ... like the Revolutionary War .... Holy Rome leaving Chibitalia ...
Yeah those kind .3.
Angel was displeased at the fact that she had everything ready for school tomorrow. She didn't want to face the fact that she will be going to high school instead of staying in middle school.
She paused the playing episode and looked out her window. It was already dark out and she knew, she has to sleep for tomorrow
As she put her laptop away, she saw a shooting star pass by.
Never in her life had Angel seen a shooting star, so as soon as she caught a glimpse, she immediately made her wish.
As she thought of a wish to make, she remembered what her friend Ari said about school.
"You'll be fine Angel. Trust me. Just think of school as ... Hetalia."
Angel finally made her wish ...
"I wish my high school life was more like Hetalia ..."
And with that ... nothing happened.
"I should have known this was stupid."
She finally got to bed and fell asleep.
But, once she got into a deep sleep, something happened to her laptop.
It suddenly it started to glow and it opened up by itself. Once it was fully opened, it stopped glowing. And instead of showing the page of the episode Angel was watching, it showed a picture of her school. With the Hetalia countries in the front.
[ The next day ]
It was morning. The alarm clock was quiet and Angel was sound asleep comfortable in her bed.
Until the alarm clock finally rang. Angel was forced to turn it off and sit up from her bed.
"Let the torture begin ..." Was all Angel said before she started her routines.
As she did her bed, she looked over at her desk to find her laptop opened and the screen black.
"That's odd. I thought I closed it." She remembered.
She walked over to her device and turned it on. Only to find out that the battery was completely drained.
She let out a sigh and connected the charger. It was strange for the female blonde to find her laptop on at night, but she didn't let the thought bother her for so long.
She finally ran outside before saying goodbye to her parents. She ran all the way to Ari's house and found her other friend already there.
"Oh hey there Alexia!" Angel yelled out as she waved her hand high up.
The dirty blonde female turned around to see her friend and waved back.
Angel caught up with Alexia.
"How are you Angel?" Alexia questioned.
"Fine. Everything's good and well." The blonde smiled.
As Alexia and Angel started their conversation, Ari was already walking out if her house and to the sidewalk. Without her two friends noticing. So she yelled in both their ears and startled them.
"GAH! Oh hey Ari .3." Angel said nonchalantly.
"Ma ear!" Alexia whined.
"We heading off to school of not?" Ari questioned.
With Ari's question, Angel sighed and slowly say down. Ari and Alexia know they had to drag Angel to school, so they did. Literally.
What they did was, they picked Angel up by her arms, grabbed her by the arms, and dragged her to school.
Even though Angel walked while they dragged her on.
[ Outside of the school ]
"Angel, we're here!" Ari said as she let go of her arm. Once she did, Alexia did the same.
"Ugh, guys I don't wanna -" Angel stopped. She looked ahead and saw a fair male with short black hair and brown eyes.
She couldn't explain, but it was as if she had seen him before.
"What are you looking at Angel?" Ari asked as she looked at where Angel was looking.
Alexia did the same and smirked. "Aw, someone just started school and they already have a crush! XD"
Angel blushed at her friend's comment. "It's not like that!" She yelled.
"Sure ~ " Ari teased.
Angel sighed and walked off to the school without her friends, but was stopped by a male with blonde hair that was more ... "fancy" than the other male with black hair.
"Bonjour ~" he said in a French accent. "My, don't you look lovely today, no?"
"If you're gonna flirt with me, loose the French accent." Angel said in an I pleased tone.
"Ah, I cannot, for I am French." He explained.
"Oh. Well goodbye!" Angel said as she headed out to the school, but once again, was stopped by the French flirt.
"Ohohohohohoho ~ playing hard to get?" He said.
Angel was a bit shocked at his comment. She knows she heard the word of the beginning of his sentence somewhere before ... she just couldn't remember ...
"Francis, if you're going to flirt again, don't get in trouble like last time!" A voice was heard from behind Angel.
As she turned around, she saw 2 guys walking towards them.
One had red eyes and white like hair, while the other had green like eyes and brown hair.
"Aw, must you two ruin my fun?" The French said.
"Oh calm down Francis." The brown hair green eyed gentleman said. "You can flirt with her later. We have to go meet the others, remember?"
"Sadly." Francis said with a deep sigh. "We shall meet again my dear ~ but might I ask, what is your name?"
"Uh .... Angel."
"Ha! What a lame name!" The white hair red eyed guy said in an German accent.
"And you're name is?" Angel said with a glare.
"Gilbert." He said.
"And you say my name is lame."
"Well at least I have good taste in clothes."
"Hey, remember when I asked you for your opinion? Yeah me neither."
"That's enough!" The brown hair male yelled out. "Please excuse my friend. He's just a bit cranky."
"That's okay, everyone gets like that on the first day of school." Angel sighed.
"Yeah, my name is Antonio by the way!" He said as he took out his hand.
Angel gladly shook his hand with a smile upon her face.
"Hey, let's go already!" Gilbert yelled out.
"I swear, it's like you think you're all that and a bag of chips." Angel murmured.
"Well, we must be off now." Antonio said with a smile.
And with that, Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio left.
- "What a strange trio those guys are." Angel said.
Ari and Alexia finally managed to be with their friend.
"Hey you okay?" Alexia questioned.
"We just noticed some boys talking to you and we wanted to know if you're okay." Ari worryingly said.
"I'm okay guys. Really." Angel told them.
But to her, it wasn't "okay". The way those three acted, their looks, their accents of their voice, even their names were so familiar.
But before Angel could think of even more crazy things, the bell rang.
"Uh oh. We better go before we're late!" Ari mentioned.
"Oh, right. I'll see you guys later!" Angel said as she ran inside.
Ari and Alexia followed her to the school, but went their separate ways once inside.
Later, as Angel walked to her class with her books wrapped around her arms, she bumped into someone and dropped her books.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Angel apologized. As she checked to see who she had run into, she blushed.
It was the same student as before. Fair skin with black hair and brown eyes.
"No, it's my fault. Please, allow me to help." He said as he began to kneel down and pick up Angel's books.
Angel kneeled down and picked up the rest. "No, it's fine." She politely told him.
As soon as they finished picking up all of Angel's books, they both stood up and the male student handed his pile of Angel's books to her.
"Th-thanks." She tried hard not to blush.
"It's my pleasure to help such a beautiful lady." He smiled.
Angel blushed at his comment. "My, aren't you a gentleman."
He smiled. "My name is Kiku, may I ask for your name?."
"Angel. My name is Angel."
"I should have known. You are as bright and as pleasant as any angel."
Angel continued to blush. She liked the way Kiku says such nice and beautiful things to her. Unlike that French bastard, Francis.
"If you'll excuse me, I am off to my class." Kiku bowed and walked off to his class.
Again, Angel felt as if she saw him before. It was the same feeling with Antonio, Gilbert, and Francis. But since she liked Kiku, she let him slide for now.
There was no time to waste for her now. She skipped off to her class with joy an she was still blushing.
She finally made it to her class and looked around to see her classmates, also hoping if there were some other girls she could be friends with.
There were girls here and there, but the population of the class was mostly boys.
The blonde student sighed and sat down somewhere far from the rest of the students.
She sat and began to get out her drawing notebook.
"Oh. I didn't know you would have this class."
Angel looked up to see who was talking to her, and to her luck, it was Antonio.
"Oh, hey Antonio." Angel greeted.
"Hola! What are you doing all the way back here?"
"I always sit far from other students. I'm sometimes shy when meeting new people in classes."
"Well, I'm not new to you. We met already. Come! Sit with me and my friends!"
"I don't know if I should."
"It's okay! Gilbert and Francis aren't in this class."
As soon as Antonio finished his sentence, Angel stood up with her belongings and followed Antonio to his pack of friends.
"Hey! Guys, this is Angel." Antonio said to his fellow companions.
"Hi Angel!" One of Antonio's friends said. He had an Italian accent and had a curl on the left side of his hair. "My name is Feliciano!"
"The name's Lovino." Another friend of Antonio's said. He also had an Italian accent, and looked a bit like Feliciano, but he had a curl on the right side of his hair.
"He's my brother." Feliciano said with a smile.
All Lovino did was roll his eyes.
"My name is Ludwig." A German accented friend of Antonio's said. He had the typical blonde hair blue eyes, though his hair was pulled back. "I assume you know my brother already. Gilbert."
Angel gave a disgusted look to Ludwig. "Oh, him. Not to be mean, but he's kind of a -"
"Jerk? I know. He's like that, but you'll get used to it." Ludwig finished Angel's sentence.
"I hope." Angel smiled and looked for a place to sit with her new friends.
They were sitting in a row. Ludwig was far to the left, Antonio sat next to him, Feliciano sat next, and Lovino was in the far right.
"Sit here." Lovino said as he moved ahead to the right. Italy followed and Angel sat in the middle of the row. Between Antonio and Feliciano.
"Thanks for greeting me to your friends, Antonio." Angel smiled.
"No problem!" Antonio returned the smile.
"Might I ask, are you guys from different countries?"
A long pause was followed at the end of Angel's sentence.
Ludwig then killed the silence by clearing his throat, which gave Angel and the other 3 to get his attention.
"I am from Germany." Ludwig explained.
"Oh." Angel said.
"A-And I'm from Spain." Antonio panicked a bit as he said his sentence.
"Lovino and I are from Italy! Though I live in the north part and he lives in the south."
"Oh. So you're separated siblings?" Angel asked.
Lovino and Feliciano just fell in silence.
Angel was about to ask again, but the teacher finally came and started the class. So she just stayed silent, not bothering to ask her question again to the Italian brothers.
As time went on in the class, so did Angel's mind. It went on and on about how familiar her new friends were.
But she had to focus on her school work, so she dropped the thought, yet again, and started to pay attention in class.
Still ... everyone knew she met do far, she knows she has seen them before.
( Come on Angel! You know who they are! It's on the tip of your tongue! So anyways, I hope you all enjoy this. I decided to post a new chapter every week on Tuesday, because as you can tell, I STARTED SCHOOL TODAY!! So I will have less time in publishing chapters in books. Sorry. But, I will try my very best to publish more chapters and open up new books for everyone! Anyways, I would liked to thank you for reading this! Make sure to VOTE AND COMMENT :D! I would also like to give a shout out to @PuertoRico_chan and @Russia_Fangirl! Make sure to follow them! They are awesome! They are Hetalians! THEY. ARE. SPARTA! :D so anyways, see you guys later :3 SAYONARA!!!! )
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