18 - Paint War

Yeah so the picture...that's from the dvd of the last con I went to...and that's me with Rob Benedict :D

Week 3/4 - Day 18 of 28? - Thursday

Sam woke up, Gabe's arm wrapped around his stomach. He smiled softly, rolling over to face Gabe.

"Morning Gabe," he said quietly, kissing Gabe's nose lightly. Gabe stirred, opening his golden eyes to look at Sam.

"Heya Sammy," Gabe said sleepily. He moved his arm to run his hand through Sam's hair. "Sleep well?"

"How could I not?" Sam asked with a smile, one of his arms wrapping around Gabe's middle.

"You're adorable kiddo," Gabe said, leaning down to kiss Sam gently. "We should probably get up though."

"Do we have to?" Sam whined.

"Hey we can be lazy next week," Gabe said. "This is the fun week."

"Fine," Sam muttered, rolling out of the bed and out of Gabe's arms. Gabe followed him, walking out of the room to see it their brothers were awake.

Gabe walked back to where Sam was getting dressed, currently being shirtless. Gabe smirked, before gesturing for Sam to follow him. Sam gave him a confused look, following him to the doorway of Cas and Dean's room.

"They're adorable," Gabe whispered, the two of them looking at Dean and Cas who were asleep in Cas's bed, tangled together. Gabe disappeared, returning a moment later with the camera from Michael, and took a picture of the couple.

"Hey Sammy take a picture with me," Gabe said, turning the camera around to face them. Sam put his arms around Gabe's neck and they smiled goofily at the camera as Gabe took the picture. Gabe chuckled as he put the camera back down.

"What are you guys doing?" Dean asked, sitting up in the bed now as Cas slowly woke up. Gabe and Sam were still in their doorway.

"Being awesome," Gabe said before running away, Sam following and laughing.

Dean just shook his head at the two, before nudging the sleepy Cas out of the bed. Cas fell to the floor, glaring at Dean.

"Mean," he muttered.

"You were going back to sleep," Dean said with a smile, leaning down to press a kiss to Cas's lips. Cas was smiling when he pulled away, blue eyes sparkling.

The four of them got up and dressed, walking out of the cabin. Michael and Luci were waiting for them to get to the hall, everyone else on the camp already being there.

"Okay everyone," Michael said. "Four days left and we have the biggest activities left."

(Yeah you heard me. Four days. You'll see why)

"If you get exhausted and die," Luci said, "at least do it near the woods so we don't have to drag your body so far."

"Or alternatively, don't die," Michael said. "Today we have paintball." He held up the paintball gun he'd had behind his back. "Now, I suggest you all wear multiple layers of clothes because these things can hurt."

"We do have helmets for you though," Luci said. "Just because that one kid missed his eye."

"Luce," Michael said, shoving him gently. "Shut up."

"Make me."

"I'd rather make you scream."

Complete silence from absolutely everyone. Gabe started snickering and Luce was just staring.

"I'm going to hold you to that later," Luci said with a smirk as Michael was going redder than anyone thought possible.

"Use protection!" Gabe shouted. Luci was still just smirking at Michael who looked like he wanted to die.

"Well since Michael's not functioning properly anymore," Luci called out to everyone. "Paintball is in the forest, go over there whenever you're ready." Everyone started talking again, and Luci walked up close to Michael. "You okay there?"

"Fine," Michael said, turning to Luci. They were standing close enough that their noses were almost touching. "I um..."

Luci just smirked, kissing Michael quickly before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the Winchester's and Novak's.

"How are my ships doing?" Luci asked.

They kinda just ignored him. Dean and Cas were talking and Gabe was playing with Sam's hair.

"Well okay then," Luci said. "Michael love me, these guys obviously don't."

"If I love Satan, does that make me a satanist?" Michael asked.

"Hah yep," Luci said.

"Well that's great, how do I explain that to a religious family?"

"Pft they all love me."

Michael laughed. "True."

Magical rainbow time skip to a few hours later.

Gabe was using Sam as an armrest.

"Goddammit Gabe I am not an armrest!" Sam near yelled. Gabe just chuckled and put his arm around Sam's shoulder instead.

They were about to start paintball, everyone having guns, helmets and quite a lot of padding in their clothes.

Michael finished giving the warning speech, and then led them all out a ways into the forest. Everyone dispersed pretty quickly, having already been split into two teams. Destiel was on one, Sabriel was on the other, and Michifer was split between the two.

Michael shot the blank gun to signal the start of the paintball war.

Sam and Gabe stuck near each other, hiding behind trees and bushes. When they found someone on the opposite team they both attacked them, making the other person run in fear within instants.

"Sam, get into the trees," Gabe said, his eyes lit up with an idea. "People won't see us up there." Sam nodded, and Gabe helped him into the tree, climbing up after him.

The first person to walk past them was Crowley, and they bombarded him with paint. And Crowley didn't think to look up, so he just shouted some British curses before running off. Sam and Gabe high fived, laughing to each other.

Over to Destiel now.

"Dean how do I use this?"

"Weren't you listening to Michael's instructions?"

"Yeah but..."

Dean smiled softly at Cas who was looking at the gun awkwardly. "To start with, you're holding it wrong." He walked over to Cas and repositioned the gun in Cas's arms. "And to shoot," Dean walked behind Cas, putting his hands over Cas's and holding it up, "you hold it like this, aim, and pull the trigger." Cas smiled under the helmet and nodded.

Balthazar suddenly came running through the trees, yelling some sort of battlecry, and Dean, still helping Cas with the gun, used Cas's gun to shoot him several times in the face. Balthazar yelped and ran away again.

Cas laughed as Dean pulled away smiling, getting his own gun again.

Michifer now!

Luci stalked through the trees, essentially killing everyone who came anywhere near him. Everyone became afraid of Satan and stopped even daring to come near him.

Except Michael of course.

Luci caught a glimpse of Michael through the trees and smirked, holding up the gun and slowly walking towards him.

"Come on Mikey," Luci called. "I know you're there." Luci was suddenly hit in the back with several paint bullets. He spun around, seeing Michael hiding around the trees. He shot at Michael several times, hitting him on the shoulder. Michael yelped and hid behind the tree properly.

Luci very slowly and quietly walked up to the tree Michael was hiding behind, and at the last second jumped around and knocked him to the ground.

Michael fell down, landing on his back, his helmet falling off in the process. Luci knocked the gun out of his hand and aimed his own at Michael's chest.

"Go on," Michael said, looking at the gun. "Shoot."

Luci hesitated. "This doesn't seem right anymore."

"Then let me go," Michael said.

"I could do that," Luci said. "But what will you do in return?"

"Oh I have plenty of things I could give you," Michael said with the tiniest hint of a smirk. Luci crouched down, still holding the gun to Michael's chest.

"Oh really?" Luci said. "Tell me more."

"Nah, you're still kinda holding a gun to my chest."

"Yeah, which means I have the advantage here," Luci said.

"Well actually," Michael said, suddenly moving his arm which he was now holding his own gun with, that he'd reached out to grab from where Luci knocked it to. He shot into Luci's chest, pushing him off in the process. The shocked Luci fell on his back and Michael knelt with his knee on Luci's chest.

"Traitor," Luci muttered. Michael just laughed, pushing Luci's helmet off.

"You love me," Michael said, before leaning down to kiss Luci. Luci let go of his gun to move his hands up to Michael's neck. Michael smirked into the kiss before grabbing Luci's forgotten gun, standing up and walking off.

"Oh for f..." Luci said, glaring. Michael just laughed, leaving Luci lying there weaponless.

But let's go back to Sabriel shall we?

"Dammit where'd they go?" Gabe said, looking around at the bushes. He and Sam had been attacked by Dean and Cas and forced to leave the tree, and were now looking for their attackers.

"They're being smart about this," Sam muttered.

"Of course they are, they have Cas," Gabe said, crouching behind some bushes. He suddenly saw Cas in the distance, his gun pointed at them. "Sam get down!"

Sam wasn't quick enough.

"Sammy are you okay?" Gabe asked, Sam falling to the ground beside him. "Sammy?" He saw the red paint on Sam's neck. "Oh no Sam...no don't die on me." Sam thought for a moment before playing along.

"Gabe," he choked out. "You need to go. Go on without me."

"No Sam I won't leave you here."

"You have to...you'll die too if you stay."

"Sam I ain't leaving you."

Sam fake coughed, and Gabe put his hand to the 'wound', the red paint rubbing off on his hand.

"I'll get you somewhere safe," Gabe said, before Sam went still. "Sam? Sam come on, stay with me here." Sam didn't respond. Gabe looked down at the 'blood' on his hand, and glared towards where Dean and Cas were hiding with determination in his eyes.

He ran out with a yell, shooting at where Dean and Cas were peering around the bushes. He got hit several times, before tripping and falling down. Dean and Cas walked out to stand over him.

"Well Gabriel," Dean said, pointing the gun at Gabe. "Looks like we win."

"The hell you do."

Dean and Cas were suddenly attacked, both of them getting hit right in the middle of their helmets. They immediately ran for cover, and Sam walked out to help Gabe up.

"Sammy you're alive," Gabe said.

"What no, I'm a ghost," Sam said. A moment later the two of them just started laughing.

"We are such idiots," Gabe said in between laughs.

"We're awesome idiots," Sam said, leaning against Gabe.

"We'd shoot you, but you're too cute," Dean said. "Truce?"

"Hmm," Gabe said. "Nope." Then he shot Cas in the chest. Dean yelled and ran over to Cas.

"I think our brothers are idiots too," Sam said as they watched Dean and Cas do a similar thing to what they had just done.

"I think they both need to die," Gabe said, before pulling his gun up to shoot Dean too. Dean fell on top of Cas, and they both went still. "Shall we bury them?"

Sam just started laughing again.

Moments later the blank gun that signified the end of the war went off, and everyone started going back to the camp. Dean and Cas sat up, laughing.


Lucifer was laughing at Michael who was looking down at his clothes. They were back in their cabin, everyone else also having returned to their cabin.

"You still suck at paintball," he said, laughing.

"Shut up," Michael said, pulling off his paint covered shirt. That shut Luci up. Michael watched Luci's eyes trail over his chest and smirked, walking over to him. He put his arms around Luci's neck and Luci's hands automatically moved to his hips. "Didn't you say you were going to hold me to something?"

"Well," Luci said, smirking. "You're the one who always says we shouldn't mentally scar all these poor teenagers."

"We could be quiet," Michael said, pressing his lips to Luci's neck.

"You know I can't do that," Luci said.

"No I don't know," Michael said. "Maybe you should show me."

"God Mike you're gonna be the death of me," Luci said, pulling Michael into a kiss. Michael responded enthusiastically, one of his hands moving to slide under Luci's shirt. He broke away from the kiss for a moment to pull the shirt over Luci's head, pulling Luci close as they kissed again.

They did that for a while, just kinda made out. But they didn't go any further than that. Because they both knew they shouldn't really do that on a teenage camp...


Gabe looked at the paint soaked shirt on Sam's bed and at Sam who was finding a new shirt. Then he grabbed the shirt and pressed it against Sam's back. Sam yelped and jumped away, looking at the paint now spread down his back.

"Jerk," Sam muttered and Gabe just laughed. Sam suddenly jumped on Gabe, knocking him down onto the bed. Gabe automatically moved his arms around Sam, therefore getting paint on himself.

"Oh come on," Gabe said, looking at the paint on his arms. "I just washed this off." Sam just laughed and got off of Gabe, walking off to the shower.

Dean and Cas had already washed the paint off, and were sitting in front of the fire talking. Gabe walked out from his room and saw them. He smiled and went over to grab the camera, taking a picture of the two of them. They turned at the sound, looking at Gabe.

"Hey you can't tell me not to," Gabe said. "You both want these photos."

"Can't argue with that," Cas said, shrugging. "Gimme." Gabe passed the camera to him. Cas looked at it. "There's paint on it."

"Of course there is," Gabe said. They'd gotten the camera out earlier, and had taken a picture of all four of them covered in paint.

Sam walked into the room then, clean clothes on. He sat beside Gabe on the couch, leaning against him on instinct. Gabe smiled at him and put an arm around him, and Sam looked up at him, returning the smile.

Cas smiled and took a picture of the two staring into each others eyes.

The four of them spent the rest of the night talking about random things before going to sleep for the night.


So I was thinking about what's happening after the camp in this story. I do actually have that planned but I was wondering, should I write it in this story or make it a sequel? I have no idea, what do you guys think?

This was supposed to be finished yesterday but I fell asleep on my laptop...sorry bout that guys...

I'm on holidays now :D And it's easter this weekend so chocolate! Wooo!

*Gives everyone hot cross buns*

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