A strange love story

His eyes darted towards her unknowingly. Why did he look at her everyday starting from the day she joined the university? Sitting on the bench near the tree, she always had a book with her.

Her character always fascinated him. She was always alone from the day she joined the university till today. He hadn't seen her talking to anyone unless they go and talk to her. She wasn't there for any college trips or competitions but there was never a dull moment for her. Always wearing a smile on her pinkish red lips, she was a natural beauty with just the thickly lined kohl on both up and down of her eyes.

He excused himself from his friends' gang and walked to her, finally finding the courage to talk to her. There was an inexplicable urge in him to get to know her, to find out the real her.

“Trivedi” He called as he sat on the bench a little far from her.

She closed her book very delicately as if it would hurt the book. That was one thing he noticed about her. The book she held was always fresh and crisp even after she uses the same book for over a week.

She adjusted her nerdy spectacles and turned to him with a smile.

“What's up Oberoi?” She asked holding her fingers between the pages of the book wherever she stopped reading.

“You know me? Surprising” He told in order to start a conversation.

“I'm honoured that you know my surname. I mean come-on Oberoi, who doesn't know you?” She asked and he looked at the changing expressions of her expressive eyes with awe.

“Isn't that flattering Trivedi?” He asked playfully and she shrugged.

“I hear your name every now and then so I thought everyone knew you” She told shrugging.

“Oh so that's the reason you thought I'm famous?” He asked and she nodded. Which century was she living in? Doesn't she watch news?

“Now if you excuse me Oberoi, I'm in a very crucial part of the story” She told.

“You can continue. Do you mind me sitting here?” He asked and she nodded.

“If you sit here, see all those bird eyes searching for you as if searching for their meal for the day? They'll come as a flock and start chirping from here. I need silence while reading. So please” Though she told it with a smile, he sensed the irritation in her tone as she looked at the few girls who were asking his friends for him.

“Uh—ok” He told awkwardly before slowly getting up from the bench with a 5% belief that she'll stop him but that never happened. She was back to reading her book and he slowly walked back to his friends but before he could reach them, the bird eyes she told previously, cornered him. All the other days, he enjoyed their attention on him but today he just looked at her while she was busy reading. She was a tough nut and he was determined to crack it.


Next day

“Trivedi” He called as he sat beside her and she turned to him exactly the way she did the previous day after slowly closing her book.

“Seems like you have no plans to let me read in peace Oberoi?” She asked with a smile and he chuckled.

“Well no. So tell me one thing. Dairy milk or milky bar?” He asked and she looked confused at him.

“Neither?” She asked confused.

“Choose one” He insisted.

“I don't like both of it then how can I choose Oberoi?” She asked confused and he was kind of shocked. A girl didn't like dairy milk. That was something new for him. His sister is such a goner for dairy milk that she would kill a person for a piece of dairy milk. Talking about all the girlfriends he had in past, all of them were a fan of dairy milk.

“Which chocolate do you like then?” He asked and she shrugged.

“Is it necessary to like any chocolates?” She asked and he was shocked yet again. She was a whole package of surprises and was redefining his concepts about a girl.

“Still?” He insisted yet again and she smiled, a kind of mischievousness in that.

“If you want to get me a chocolate, get me a Godiva dark chocolate with nuts” She told and he looked surprised. Which brand was that? He who boasted about knowing every brand of chocolates haven't heard about this.

“Done” He told. Well he can't admit that he didn't know the brand.

“When will I get it?” She asked.


“Alright” She told and went back to her book, ignoring his existence on the bench.

He must get angry at her for ignoring him, the shivaay Singh Oberoi but he was as usual fascinated with her behaviour.


He asked almost every shop in and around Mumbai for the whole day for Godiva but none of them had it. Finally he decided to search in Google for the said chocolate and found that it was a Belgium chocolate manufactured and available only in foreign countries. Where was he trapped?

There was no way he was going to the university without the chocolate. He returned back to Oberoi mansion but was deeply disturbed. While thinking, he dozed off due to tiredness and woke up only the next morning. Even in the morning, he kept thinking what to do sitting on the bed and finally felt a bulb light in his brain. If it was a foreign chocolate, it would surely be there in the duty free section of Mumbai international airport.

“Khanna gaadi nikalo” He shouted as he rushed to out of the room with barely buttoned up shirt and messy wet hairs.


“No time to talk Mom. Love you. Bye” He told and kissed Jhanvi's cheek like he used to do as a child when he was too excited making Jhanvi almost shocked.

“Where to sir?” Khanna asked.

“Airport. Quick” He told making khanna shocked.

“But why sir? Where are you going?”

“Somalia! Will you start the car now?” He asked irritated and khanna quickly started the car.

He checked his pocket for his passport only to realise that he forgot it back at home. Cursing almost everyone for he forgetting his passport, he rushed back to his room on returning back to Oberoi mansion after covering half the distance to airport.

“Shivaay where are you going?” Jhanvi asked shocked as khanna informed her about Shivaay wanting to go to airport.

“No time mom. Will tell you after coming back” He told breathlessly before running to the car.


He was ecstatic when he finally got the said chocolate from the airport but when he checked the time, it was already 12 noon and was terribly late for university. Sighing, he decided to go to her home and give it to her personally. He didn't know himself why he was doing all these for a mere girl.

With the help of khanna, he found her address and then feeling a little naughty of himself, decided to sneak in to her room and surprise her in the evening. He was actually surprised when he saw the huge Mansion in front of him. Was this where she lives? There was a security too. When he thought it was impossible to reach her, as if God saw him, the security was someone he had helped a few years back when the man was about to die in an accident.

After the initial greeting and then almost begging the man to let him in and show him her room, he was finally successful.

Taking a deep breath, he climbed up to the balcony of her room. He was surprised with himself. Did she affect him so much that he literally begged to a common man and climbed the balcony of a simple nerdy girl?

When he reached her balcony, he heard her voice.

“And then, he told he'll get the chocolates today but he didn't even come. I know he won't get the chocolate here in Mumbai” She was talking to someone about him too excited.

“You little devil! Why did you trouble that poor guy?” He heard a female voice and slowly peeped in to see an elder man and woman whom he assumed to be her parents sitting there.

“It was fun Mom. You should have seen his face. He was shocked when I said the name, still he didn't admit that he didn't know which chocolate it was. I'm cent percent sure he won't even talk to me after this. Well that's my intension” She told chuckling and his eyes widened.

“You keep scaring away every guy” Her mother told chuckling.

“What should I do then? I'm sure he was trying to play me but I'm Anika Trivedi” She told and her parents chuckled.

“Alright, you continue studying. We're going” Her father's voice was heard accompanied by the closing of the door.

He slowly peeked in and making sure she was alone, he walked inside through the open french window making her breath still for a fine second. She couldn't even find her voice to scream.

“Chocolate” He told extending a whole box of the said chocolates towards her making her eyes go wide with shock.

“Oberoi?” She asked, her eyes still wide.

“Yes Trivedi. Here, your Chocolates” He told and she looked at the box of chocolates, shocked.

“You——how did you?” She asked rushing to the window to see it open. Then running to the door, she locked it and looked at him.

“What the hell? Do you want to get killed by my dad?” She asked in a whisper.

“Why? Your dad is a police officer?” He asked playfully.

“Yes! He's the DCP here” She told and his breath hitched in his throat.

“What?” He asked shocked and she glared at him keeping her finger on her lips.

“I'm going. Keep the chocolates” He told with wide eyes and was about to rush out when he heard her chuckle.


“My dad is a doctor” She told chuckling and he looked at her as if ready to kill her.

“You little devil” He told and she widened her eyes before pushing him to the balcony with a frown and then closing the french window from outside keeping it slightly ajar.

“Don't tell me you heard everything that I talked to my parents” She told rolling her eyes at him and he nodded with a sheepish smile.

“I never knew you were an eavesdropper” She told and he shrugged.

“Couldn't help but listen when you were talking about me. So Trivedi what's the reason you don't want me near you? Am I so bad?” He asked sitting on the swing in the balcony and she shrugged.

“Why do you want to be near me Oberoi? Isn't it one of your time pass?” She asked sitting on the sit out of the balcony.

“Just wanted to find the real you out of the facade you created in that university. Now that I found it, I'm not leaving without asking you this” He told and kneeled down in front of her holding the box of chocolates.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and she chuckled.

“Who gave you the dare Oberoi?” She asked and he shrugged.

“I don't propose people for dare and on knee is not my cup of tea but still, here I'm, on my knee proposing you with a chocolate I had searched in whole Mumbai till yesterday night and then going to the airport today morning and getting it from the duty free section there. Never did so much hardwork for someone whom I don't even know properly” He told with a smile and her eyes widened in shock.

“Why can't you choose someone amongst all those people who walks behind you like puppies? Why me?” She asked amused.

“I don't like puppies” He told with a wink and she turned her face.

“There are some conditions. You're not going to talk around to everyone about us. Not even to your good for nothing friends” She told crossing her arms across her chest and he chuckled.

“Didn't get another expression to describe my friends?” He asked and she shrugged.

“If you're gonna think me as a time pass, you're messing with the wrong person. If I decide to take revenge to someone, I'll destroy everything they have” She told in a threatening voice and he nodded.

“You're not gonna touch me anywhere. Not even my hand. So don't take any right of being my boyfriend. If you want to touch me, get married to me and then touch” She told and he widened his eyes but still nodded.

“I'll not give you my mobile number”

“How are we going to communicate then? You don't want me to talk to you from the university because if we do, everyone will know. Then how will we communicate?” He asked and she shrugged.

“That's not my problem” She told smirking.

“I'll find some way” He told smirking and there was shock in her eyes for a brief second.

“Everything accepted. Will you accept my proposal now?” He asked and she slowly took the box of chocolates from him.



“Happy Six months anniversary” He told extending the box of chocolates and she frowned.

“It's 12:30 now. I'm waiting since half an hour” She told with a frown and he chuckled.

“You take the chocolates first. I'll explain” He told sitting on the bed and she took the chocolates with a frown.

“Now explain” She told.

“While I was slowly coming out, Rudy saw me. He stopped me asking all sorts of detective questions and wasted half an hour. That's the reason” He told and she nodded before opening the packet and taking a chocolate from it.

Making the chocolate into half, she extended it towards him and he showed his mouth. With a blushy smile, she kept it near his lips and quickly took her hand back.

“Trivedi let's break up” He told and she looked at him shocked. She had expected this long back but now when they were so comfortable with each other, she didn't expect it. She learnt to trust him over these months and found that he was not like other men and was genuine with her when he put up with all her conditions and tantrums.

“I can't go on like this. I mean I haven't even held your hand till now” He told and she nodded before walking to her wardrobe and taking the box of chocolates he had given to her while proposing her. She had kept it just like that without even touching it.

As she turned, he was on his knees with a box of ring, a grin on his face.

“Will you marry me?” He asked and she looked at him with wide shocked eyes.

“What?” She asked in a whisper.

“Let's break up and get married. I can touch you only after Marriage right? I can't go on without touching you. I mean come-on Trivedi, I'm a man and having such a gorgeous girlfriend, I can't go on more” He told and she blinked her eyes.

“I knew you were mad but never thought to this extent. You're insane Oberoi” She told with a frown.

“Why Trivedi? Don't you want to marry me?” He asked with a pout.

“We're just 20 idiot!” She told chuckling.

“Oh shoot! Legal age for Marriage is 21 right?” He asked and she nodded smiling.

“If you just want to hold my hand, here you go” she told and extended her hand towards him and he smiled before getting on his feet.

“Can I put this ring for you?” He asked and she thought for a while.

“What will I say if dad and mom asks?” She asked.

“Say I put it for you. Simple!” He told and she nodded as being the good daughter she was, she had told her parents about him once she was sure about him neglecting the climbing up balcony part.

He extended his palm towards her and she kept her palm on top of his palm with a blushy smile. Holding her soft palm in his, he slipped the ring onto her finger.

“We're engaged now” He told and she chuckled.

“I need a full fledged on knee with roses proposal when it's time for marriage or else I'm not marrying you” She told and he chuckled.

“I never thought we'll go on for so long. Every day for the first one month, I thought you'll say let's break up but you put up with all my tantrums and refused to give up. Why?” She asked and he smiled.

“It was a fascination at first. I have been noticing you from the time you joined. If you have a book with you, you're oblivious of the world. You don't have any friends but you're always happy. When I talked to you for the first time, that fascination grew. I thought you'll falter at least when I asked you about chocolates but you just challenged me instead. I was restless until I got those chocolates and after hearing your talk with your parents, I just wanted to be near you however you try to make me away from you” He told and she smiled.



“Happy first anniversary Anika” he told holding both her palms in his and she smiled.

“Same to you Shivaay” She told smiling.

He removed the ring from her finger making her shocked.

“Why did you——?”

“To put the new one” He told shrugging before sliding a new ring on her finger and she frowned.

“Why are you wasting so much money unnecessarily? I'm happy with that ring” She told and he shrugged.

“I liked this ring and got it for you. If you don't want to wear, then don't wear it” He told and she twisted her mouth before taking her hand from him and caressing the ring making him smile.

“Anika, can I hug you?” He asked softly and she looked at him with a blushy smile.

“That's a yes” He told before wrapping his arms around her while she slowly held him across his back, keeping her head on him.

“I love you” He whispered in her ear and she gasped as she tried to come out of his hold but he didn't let her.

“From a long time now. I don't know what was stopping me from telling this to you but somehow I feel this is the perfect moment” He told leaving her and she looked shocked at him.

“You don't have to answer now” He told with a smile.

In an year, he knew she was more than enough comfortable with him when she gave her phone number to him a few months back and they started talking till the wee hours of morning, the time she devoted for her books. He knew she was letting him invade her comfort zone.

She looked at the screen of the laptop before closing it. Taking out her spectacles, she took a deep breath. She looked at his photo that was on the table before taking it in her hand. Holding it close to her heart, she closed her eyes.

“I want to see you Shivaay. I want to hug you. Come back. Please” She whispered as tears rolled down her eyes.

She touched her abdomen that had protruded out. If he saw his pregnant wife sitting and working in laptop, he would have surely scolded her but alas, he wasn't there to do that.

They had decided to get married soon after they were settled in life as it was getting intolerable for Shivaay with all the no touching-no kissing before marriage. Since both the parents were more than happy about their relation, it took just a three lettered word, yes from their side. Before they knew, they were married to each other and since then it was nothing less than a fairy tale. It was their third wedding anniversary the next day and he wasn't there to celebrate that with her.

She sighed and got up from the chair after keeping the photo on the table.

“No use kicking me. Your Papa the great is not here” She scolded looking at her abdomen with tears in her eyes.

“And who said that?” Hearing his voice, she turned to look at the door to see him standing at the door leaning onto the door frame.

She turned her face hiding her smile as he slowly walked to her and hugged her from behind.

“I told you, when you miss me, I'll be here” He told as he kissed the back on her neck.

“I have been missing you since last five days. Were you here? Your meeting is important than me right?” She asked with a frown and he smiled.

“You know it's not true. There's nothing more important than you in my life” He told as he walked in front of her.

“Yaya keep saying. If my Rudy and Om weren't here, I would have went into depression. That cruel you're” She told turning her face.

“Who told me to go to London when I was hesitant?” He asked and she pouted.

“That's not important here”

“Only God knows how I completed the ten days work within five days and came back” He told and she turned to look at him.

“Really? You did so much hardwork?” She asked caressing his face and he nodded with a childish pout.

Her eyes teared up, seeing which he bit his tongue. Only he would do this grave mistake of jumping into lion's den knowing that lion is awake.

“I'm troubling you a lot right. I'm sorry Shivaay” She sniffed.

He made her sit on the bed before sitting near her and keeping her head on his chest.

“Went were you scolding them when I came?”

“They were kicking me” She told as she sniffed.


“They were asking for you” She told as she wiped her tears and he chuckled.

With him caressing her hair, she slept while still holding his shirt in her grip and he smiled.

“You're the best thing that happened to me Anika. My love and life, my asset and treasure, my heart and heartbeat” He whispered as he kissed her head.

~There Ends their strange love story with more colours to come to their life ❤️~

A/N: A complete work of fiction. Doesn't have any relation to anyone living or dead ;-)

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