The Fight for Earth! Gohan vs Cell

The two hybrids sat next to each other on the roof of the school finishing up their lunches.

Makoto: what happened at the Cell game's Gohan?

Gohan placed his hand under his chin.

Gohan: hmm.... Where do I begin..? Oh I know!

... Intro*

Gohan: hmm... Where should I start.? Oh I know!

Flashback.... Cell game's arena, Goku and Cell were clashing fists as Gohan and the others watched the Saiyan warrior fight. This battle was the fate for the whole world.

Goku did a backflip away from cell and was started panting.

Goku: Man, you're tough... No wonder why you were able to beat Vegeta so easily.

Vegeta heard what he said and screamed out.

Vegeta: F*ck you Kakarot!

Cell chuckled and looked back at the Super Saiyan

Cell: Well shall we continue then..

Goku smirked and stood up, wiping the blood on his face. He then powered down

Goku: I give..

Cell: What did you say Goku? I'm high up.

Goku: I said I give up. . . You win.

Everyone including cell were surprised at what the Saiyan said.

Cell: what?! No that can't be possible... This isn't a victory.. I don't know what this is.

Goku: Cell you knew what this is... A fight nothing more.

Cell had an upset look on his face. He then screamed out

Cell: you bitch!

Goku: hey, I never said this was done we still have one more fighter that's been wanting to face you.... And that is Gohan.

Everyone: What?!

Everyone looked at the saiyan-hybrid.

Piccolo: Goku, I don't think this is going to be a good idea to put your 11 year old son in a death match between a monster like him.

Goku: Don't worry he'll be fine, in-fact he's the one that told me to put him in after I quit.

They look at Gohan again.

Gohan: Yeah, I'm the one that is  going to finish Cell

Krillin: Gohan you should rethink about this!

Gohan turned his head and gave a thumbs up to the bald man.

Gohan: It's okay Krillin, I got this.

The young Super Saiyan jumped down the hill and took off his weighted clothes.

Cell: Well this was unexpected... But once I crush you, I will get to fight Goku again.

Gohan: like I'll let you, HAAAAA!

Gohan started gritting his teeth and squeezed both of his hands and released a huge amount of Ki causing the ground around him to break.

Trunks: Th-This pressure... It's even higher than Goku's.

Vegeta's mind: What in the world... his energy it''s higher than Kakkarot?!

Gohan then finished powering up.

Goku: hey krillin can you hand me a senzu bean?

Krillin: oh sure...

Krillin grabs a brown bag from his pocket and takes out a green bean and hands it to the super saiyan. Goku then throws the senzu bean at Cell.

Goku: hey cell... Senzu Bean!

Krillin: Goku no!

Cell grabbed the senzu

Cell: so these are the magical senzu beans that heal you up instantly.

The android ate the bean and immediately powered up to max power.

Cell: Ah! It's that good shit! Oh and thanks for the beans.

Krillin then noticed that he didn't have the beans anymore 

Krillin: When did he-

Piccolo: Goku what the hell! Now Gohan is going to die!

Goku: Relax you guys, Gohan has this. He's been waiting for this moment for awhile, let him.

Flashback was then interrupted by Makoto screaming while Gohan covers his ears. She was in shock, Gohan uncovered his ears.

Makoto: What! You're father gave Cell that healing bean?!

Gohan: Ouch Makoto, Can you please not scream while I'm telling the story.

Makoto blushed in embarrassment.

Makoto: oh erm... Sorry, continue.

Gohan: ehem, now where was I... Oh yeah

Flashback resumed...

Krillin: listen Goku, I'm not trying to tell you to be a father but you should really really rethink about this, he's just an eleven year old boy.

Goku: I know that he's eleven years old, he just wants to get stronger like me and Vegeta... He has learned that he has a lot of potential and he doesn't want to waist it on something like studying. Right now, he's even stronger than me. He just needs to let it all out.

Everyone including Vegeta were surprised by this.

Vegeta's mind: Kakarot's brat is stronger than him?! Impossible! Damn it! What kind of training did they do...

Back with Cell and Gohan... The two got into their fighting stances.

Cell: huh... Hidden power huh? Interesting, show it to me.

Gohan stated

Gohan: No... this will do just fine (whispers) at least for now.  

Cell grunted.

Cell: Getting cocky eh? Well then come, show the world what you can do!

Cell's energy bursted out of his body causing the whole area to shake. Behind a bolder, 5 men and a young lady were watching the whole fight. One of these men was the world martial arts champion, Hercule Satan.

Announcer: Mr. Satan, This is really getting out of hand should we get the heck outta here.

Cameraman: Yeah, can we.

Hercule: yeah we need to go... Now.

They tried to run away but were blown away due to the amount of ki that was flaring from the two warriors bodies. 

Cell: Now that I'm at max strength, Shall we begin?

Gohan suddenly vanishes from Cell's sight.

Cell: I guess thats a yes..

Cell vanishes.

The two fighters clash fist sending shockwaves around the area and creating cracks on the floor beneath them. Gohan then smirks.

Gohan: heh... You're pretty tough, but I'll show you the result of my training! Horiyah!

Gohan then grabbed Cell's arm, lifted him up and slammed him on the ground.

Gohan then tried to step on the android's face but he vanishes before he gets his head crushed.

Cell: tch... You sure have more spunk than you're father.

Gohan: You want to know why... It's because I was so weak and afraid to even fight, if I don't train then what's the point of calling myself the son of the strongest warrior who ever lived. 

Gohan's aura flares out of his body, cracking the ground around him.

Gohan: I'm willing to sacrifice myself for others!

With Goku and the others... The group was watching the two fighters duke it out with each other.

Yamcha: Gohan's really anticipated to fight cell and his training... What kind of training did you put him through Goku?

Goku turned his head towards the bandit, Yamcha.

Goku: To be honest.... I'm not the one who made him like this, he's willing to train like how me and Vegeta train and get stronger.

Piccolo looked at the boy throw some blows to Cell and thought to himself.

Piccolo's mind: I remember the first time that I took him in on his first training session on how to dodge.

Piccolo: he's changed a lot since he was a kid.

With Gohan and Cell...

Cell punched Gohan in his gut making the boy spit out blood.

Gohan: Guah!* Cough* *Cough* man, this is going to be tougher than I thought...

Cell dashed in front of boy and tried to punch him but Gohan dodged out of the way. Cell then put both of his hands by his chin in a weird position and chanted.

Cell: Galick Gun-

Vegeta: H-He's using my move!?

Cell: Fire!

Cell fired the purple energy beam at the teen. Gohan then quickly placed both of his arms over his forehead.

Gohan: Masenko Ha!

The teen fired a yellow energy wave and both of the beams clashed with each other causing a huge explosion. The two warriors dashed towards each other and punched each other in the face. Gohan tried to kick Cell but the android vanished and sledgehammered him to the ground.

Gohan: Gaaah!

Gohan tried to get up but Cell out his foot on Gohan's leg and pushed him back on the ground.

Cell: What's wrong Gohan, you were so confident about beating me and yet here you are on the ground..

Suddenly Cell was grabbed by a pair of arms. It was the nature loving android, 16.

a/n: It's the dunking master! 

Gohan: Huh?!

Cell: What in the?! Where the hell did you come from?

Android 16: If I blow myself you won't regenerate!

Cell was in shock.

Cell: N-No you fool! You're going to the both of us!

Android 16: That's the point! 

The tall android's body lit up, but nothing happened.

Android 16: What?!

Cell smirked

Cell: Oh... Looks like you don't have that self destruct.

What Cell did shocked everyone, he blasted the tall androids to bits leaving only the head. Cell scoffed and kicked the android's head towards Mr. Satan

Mr. Satan: Gaaaaah!

Gohan: No... 16!

Cell: Now that he's out of the way, why don't I make this interesting.

Gohan: What?!

Cell's tail became visible and was suddenly started to become bigger.

Piccolo: What is he doing?

Trunks: I don't like where this is going...

Cell continued to scream at the top of his lungs.

Cell: grrrraaaaaah!!!!

Eggs started shooting out of Cell's tail and start forming into little Cell's... Seven little Cell's but instead of green skin like Cell, their skin was blue and somewhat childlike.

The story was interrupted again by a confused Makoto.

Makoto: Wait... So Cell, a guy gave birth to seven children?

Gohan only nodded his head.

Gohan: Yup...

Makoto: How does that work? How do androids breed?

Gohan: To be honest... I don't know nor do I want to, it sounds complicated and gross.

The two shivered in disgust.

Gohan: Anyways... Back to the story


Krillin: T-There l-l-little Cell's everywhere!?

The prince of Saiyans scoffed.

Vegeta: Great there's more of these androids.

Cell walked over to his children and kneeled to their level.

Cell: Now boys, you see those people over there?

Cell points at Goku and the gang on the hill. 

Cell: I want all of you to kill them, not a single one lives okay?

Gohan: No! Leave them out of this! You're fight is with me!

The Cell jr's nodded their heads and started dashing towards the other Z-fighters. The Z-fighters get into their fighting stances.

Goku: guys get ready!

Vegeta: tch!

One of the Cell jr's appeared in front of Krillin's face and stuck their tongue out.

Cell jr: hehehe!

Krillin: Tch... Why you! Haa!!!

The short man tried to punch the small android in the face but it dodged and kicks krillin in the gut.

Krillin: krk..!

The Blue child then threw him towards a nearby mountain.

Gohan: No Stop! Leave them alone!

Cell: Oh what's wrong Gohan? Just a few minutes ago you were so confident to beat me? What's wrong?

Gohan tried to fly to the others but was punched in the face by the android.

Cell: Ah ah ah, No Gohan. You're fight is with me remember?

Gohan grunted and started to get frustrated. 

Gohan: Call them off now!

Cell: Ohoho. Demanding are we? I just wanted to keep the others entertained instead of just standing their waiting for their turns... I already took the senzu's so it will be fair.

The others we shocked. 

Krillin: When did he?! I didn't even noticed him taking it from me?

Goku: damnit, I should've taken a Senzu when I had the chance.

Goku then gets punched by the small android.

As the other Z-fighters tried to Fight the androids, Gohan was slowly getting beaten by Cell. Gohan tried to block one of Cell's punches but it connected to the saiyan's face causing him to spit out blood

Gohan: Guaah!

Cell then grabbed Gohan by the collar of his Gi and repeatedly punching him in the face.

Cell: come on fight back! 

Piccolo: Gohan's in trouble... I wish that I could help him but these little freaks won't let up.

He then punched one of the Cell jr' to the floor but it gets up and starts laughing.

Cell jr: hehehe.

The namekian growled 

Piccolo: tch.. Raaaaah!

Piccolo attacks the Jr but it dodges effortlessly.

With Goku, he was on the ground getting pummeled. He was like a rag doll, he was getting thrown around and played with like an object.

Cell threw Gohan's bloody body on the dirt floor. Gohan spat out blood on the floor and wiped his mouth.

Gohan's mind: Damn it, he's too strong! And the others are in danger.... How am I suppose to beat him?

Suddenly as If his message was heard, he heard a loud clank. He turned his head to see the android 16's head rolling towards him.

Cell: Hm?

Gohan: A-Android 16?

Android 16: Gohan.... Let it go?

Gohan: W-What?

Android 16: It is not a sin to fight what you want to protect. I know how you feel Gohan, you are the boy who's willing to fight for what he loves and cares about..  Don't be afraid to fight for the right cause.

Cell: Ugh.. This stupid android should learn when to shut the hell up.

Cell then walked up towards the head 

Gohan: Cell No!

The head takes one last look at Gohan and smiles.

Android 16: Let it go Gohan...

 Cell then crushes the head with his foot surprising the young super saiyan.

Gohan says quietly to himself.

Gohan: N-No... 16..

Gohan's eyes started streaming with tears. Gohan slammed his fists on the ground creating a little crater underneath him.

Cell: Hm?

Everyone including the Cell juniors stopped fighting and saw Gohan continuously slamming his hands on the ground.

Trunks: Gohan...

Goku still on the floor saw his son and smiled.

Goku: Y... You got this son.

Gohan stood up from the ground still with tears in his eyes. Gohan clutched his hands, he then gritted his teeth and raised his Ki. Yellow aura and lightning flared out of his body.

Play music....

Gohan: I will not stand for this!... Not anymore! I can't let everyone down! I won't sit here and watch this anymore!!!

Gohan roared loudly to the sky, surprising everyone.


Gohan continued to scream as his power caused smoke to appear. Once the smoke cleared, everyone saw the boy's hair suddenly become more spiky and lightning was around his body.

Gohan exhaled.. he then looked at one of the cell juniors that was about to finish off krillin.

Cell: W-What's this?

Suddenly Gohan vanishes and kicks the blue Cell in half. he then quickly picks up the unconscious earthling.

Gohan: Krillin... I'm sorry. I will finish this.

Gohan the vanishes and takes down every Cell junior with a kick or a punch through their chest.

Vegeta: What? He took them down like they were child's play.

Everyone was in shock at the boy the boy was displaying. Not only did he take down the juniors in a matter of seconds but he appeared in front of Cell without him noticing. He then slowly walked up to him

Cell: I see.. So this is your true power that I was eager to see. Well then, this battle shall be entertaining.

Gohan: No more Cell..

Gohan then snatched the senzu beans out of Cell's hands and tossed it to Trunks.

Gohan: Pass the beans around to everyone Trunks!

Trunks: Oh... uh sure.

Cell growled and punched Gohan in the face. He soon realized that it didn't faze the boy and received a punch to the gut and made the android spit out green blood.

Cell: What th-

Gohan then grabs his head and slams it on the ground. He then picks the android up and punches him in the face which sent him to the sky. Cell stopped midair and took a couple of seconds to breath.

Cell huff... Why is this happening? This shouldn't be happening! I'm supposed to be perfect!

Gohan: Can you hurry up dumbass, I'm growing quite bored.

Cell started getting irritated and started powering up. His body gradually gets bigger, he then looked down in the boy.

Cell: I'm going to tear you're little Head apart!

Gohan just smirked and kicked his stomach.

Cell: Gaaaaah!!!!!

Cell was pushed back a few meters in the sky and heavily panting.

Cell: I will not be beaten by some Brat!!

Cell dashed towards Gohan, the boy smirked and dodged all of his attacks.

Cell: Stay still!!

Gohan grinned.

Gohan: Come on Cell, weren't you waiting for me to be at my full power?

Gohan grabbed Cell's left arm and slammed his elbow onto Cell's. Cell screamed out in pain


Gohan then spun him around a few times and threw him into the atmosphere. He then put both of his hands by his waist and started chanting.


Gohan fired the energy blast at Cell.

Gohan: HAAAAA!!!!

The blast engulfed the android and caused a huge explosion.

Piccolo: D-Did he do it?

Vegeta: No, Cell's still alive.

Goku slowly got up from the ground and yelled out to his son.

Goku: Gohan! Stop toying with him and finish him now!

Gohan: No dad! Cell needs to suffer more!

Gohan flew up in the air, coming towards the damaged Android.

Gohan: Raaaaah!

The young Super Saiyan punched the android in the face. He then grabbed his foot and slammed the perfect android to the ground.

Gohan then backed away from the crater.

Gohan: hmph... Looks like he's had enough... wait there's still one more thing I have to do before I finish him off.

Cell slowly got up, his whole body was damaged and his arm was broken thanks to Gohan.

Cell's mind: Why is this even happening to me, I'm supposed to be the perfect creation.

Cell then slowly saw Gohan walk towards him. With each step Gohan took, Cell took a step back. Gohan then dashed in front of him and kicked him so hard, Cell threw up Android 18 and reverted back to his semi-perfect form.

With Krillin... He opened his eyes to see 18 on the ground.

Krillin: 1-18?

With Gohan and Cell... Cell returned back to his semi-perfect form.

Cell: No... This can't be happening to me...

Gohan: It's over Kameham-

Cell started chuckling randomly, Gohan stopped what he was doing and wondered what why Cell was laughing.

Cell: Hehehehehehehe... It's over for you!!!

Cell's body started to get bigger and chubby.

Gohan: What the hell?!

Gohan was about to punch him but Cell stopped him.

Cell: uh ah ah. If you plan on attacking me, I will blow myself along with the Earth up.

Gohan: No this can't be?!

Cell: Hahaha, you and this earth are done for! I've won and you lost!!!

Gohan slammed his fist against the floor in anger


Just then his father appeared in front of him surprising him and Cell.

Gohan: Dad?

Goku: Son, you did good, you don't know how Happy I am to see that you are growing to become a strong warrior. Let your old man deal with this.

Gohan: W-Wait where are you going?

Goku smiled.

Goku: I'm going to take him somewhere far away.... Bye son.

Just like that he disappeared. Gohan cried for him to come back but it was no use.

Gohan: Father!!!!!!

With Goku.... He teleported himself and Cell into King Kai's planet.

King kai: Waaaaah! Goku what are you doing?!

Goku: this was the only place I can think of I'm sorry.


Cell then blew himself, Goku and everything up along with king Kai's planet.

With Gohan and the others...

Krillin: I-Is it over?

Tien: Hope so.

Piccolo walked up to the young super saiyan and put his hand on his back.

Piccolo: Come on kid, Let's go...

Gohan wiped the tears off his his face and nodded.

Gohan: Y-Yeah.

Suddenly as Gohan stood up an energy blast almost hit him, but he jumped out of the way. But the blast went threw Trunks's chest.

Trunks: urk..N-no....

???: Whoops... didn't mean to hit him but that's fine.

Everyone was in clear shock, the one in most shock was Vegeta. He just saw his son get "killed" In front of his eyes.

Vegeta: S-Son...

Everyone looked to see who shot the energy blasts and their mouths fell to the floor. It was Cell and he was in his perfect form.

Play this....

Yamcha: Cell?!

Cell: That's right dumbasses! It's me and I'm alive!

Gohan gritted his teeth and powered up to SSJ2


Gohan then flow towards Cell and start clashing fists.

Gohan was given an uppercut to the chest, he tried to punch him in the chin but Cell caught his punch.

Gohan: How.... How the hell are you still alive?!

Cell smiled: You see, I had the same bomb like that idiot 16 had in his body and blew myself up but thanks to Piccolo's cell, I was able to regenerate everything even if my whole body is destroyed. If I have at least one atom thats not damaged, it'll regenerate my whole body. I also have to thank the saiyan cell's. Thanks to the saiyan cell's I  can become even stronger than before. I even have Goku's new technique, the instant Transmission.

Gohan: Tch... Damn Bastard.

With Vegeta and the others... Yamcha and Tien were checking if their fallen comrade has died. 

Trunks: gaaak.

Trunks spat out more blood from his mouth.

Yamcha: Don't talk Trunks, you'll only waste more blood.

Vegeta: No... This can't be..

The prince of all saiyans squeezed his hands and yelled to the sky. 

Vegeta: MY BABY BOY!!!!!!

He powered up to Super Saiyan and started flying towards Gohan and Cell. He then fired enormous amount of energy towards Cell. 

Gohan: Vegeta NO!

Vegeta: Vegeta Yes!

Cell smacked the energy blast and appeared behind Vegeta and smacked him towards the ground.

Cell: Vegeta no.

Cell then put his two fingers on his forehead.

Cell: Special Beam Canon!!!

Cell fired a beam towards the prince but Gohan jumped in front of him causing his shoulder to get hit with the beam.

Gohan: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! My arm!!!!

Piccolo: Krillin, nows the time to give us those senzu beans!

Krillin: We ran out!

Cell: Well, that was a surprise. I didn't think you would actually save him.

Gohan got up with his one arm.

Gohan: Damnit... This is going to be tougher now that I have just my right arm... I need to finish this now.

Cell landed on the ground, he then put both of his arms below his waist.

Cell: Looks like it's the end for you Gohan, wished that we had fought a light more but that's fine. Once I finished destroying this planet, I'll destroy the whole solar system and become the most powerful being to ever be known!

Gohan's mind: No.. I won't die here... I won't throw in the towel just yet!

Gohan put his right hand below his waist.

Cell: Oh! You're not giving up? Good! Kamehameha!!!!!!

Cell fired the beam towards Gohan.

Gohan: Kamehameha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gohan also fired his beam towards Cell's and the two beams collided with each other. Cell was gradually getting the upper hand and he starts pushing the blasts. Cell then felt that an energy blast hit him. He turned his head to see Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha and Tien.

Cell: Will you idiots, cut the crap and get out of my way! HAAA!

Cell raised his power and blew the other Z-fighters away!

Gohan was getting overwhelmed by Cell's energy.

Gohan: N-No, I can't keep this up for much longer...

???: Don't give up now!

Gohan looked up and saw his father.... But with a halo over his head.

Gohan: D-Dad?!

Goku: Yeah it's me, I'm communicating you thanks to King Kai.

Gohan: Dad, Cell's way to strong now, I should've listened to you.. I'm sorry.

Goku: You still have more energy than you think, you just have to believe in yourself.

Gohan listened to his father and put more power in the blast.

Gohan: Graaaaah!!!!

Gohan's beam started to get bigger, and slowly overwhelming Cell's.

Cell: Oh is this the final effort that you're going to make? Well too ba- ah!

Cell was suddenly hit by a energy wave. He looked up to see Vegeta.

Cell: Vegeta?!

Vegeta: that.... Was... For my son!

Goku: Gohan, Now's you're Chance!!!!!!!!

Gohan gritted his teeth and put more power into his blast. He screamed out loud.


Gohan's blasts overpowered Cell's. Gohan starts walking towards the android.

Cell: N-No this can't be Guuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!

While Cell was slowly dying, his actual cell's were getting disintegrated. Gohan powered down and fell on the floor. Before he went unconscious he moved his right arm and gave a thumbs up.

Yamcha: He did it!!

The Z-fighters smiled at the boy.

Krillin: Oh crap, I forgot about 18!

Krillin then flies over to the unconscious android and picks her up.

Piccolo: We should head over to Kami's place.

Tien: Yeah that does sound like a good idea, I'm going to grab Gohan.

Flashback over... 

Gohan finished his story and looked down to see Makoto on his lap.

Gohan blushed, he never realized that the squirrel girl was on his lap the whole time.

Makoto: That's soo cool Gohan, you certainly are very strong!

Gohan: Makoto! Why are you on my lap?!

Makoto: Because you're warm.

Makoto's tail wrapped around Gohan's stomach.

Makoto: come on let's stay like this~

Gohan immediately got up, making Makoto sad.

Gohan: oh look at the time, lunch is about to be over. We should head to the baseball field! Haha

Gohan went back inside the school leaving Makoto to herself. The girl just giggled to herself.

Makoto: hehe Gohan's so cute when he blushes~

To be continued.....


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