Saving The Dino
Gohan slowly opened his eyes, he noticed that he was still in Makoto's house. He lifts himself up from the bed and rubs his eyes. He then yawns.
Gohan: *Yawns* Man, it's already morning.
He turned his head to see that it was 8:50 a.m. He then places his hand on something very fluffy and soft.
???: Hehehe~
Gohan: Hm?
Gohan lifts the covers to see Makoto wearing an orange shirt and some grey shorts. She also had a cheery smile on her face. Gohan also noticed what he grabbed was her tail.
Gohan: M-Makoto?!
Makoto: Morning, my little hero~
Makoto hugged the saiyan-hybrid making him embarrassed. She then leaned foreword a gave him a peck on the cheek. Gohan then blushed as he quickly jumped out the bed.
Gohan: W-We should be getting to school soon.
Makoto: Hm? You didn't notice that there was no school today?
Gohan tilted his head.
Gohan: Huh? No school today?
The squirrel girl nodded her head.
Makoto: Mhm, they called 20 minutes before you wake up.
Gohan: Oh, so that's was that noise earlier when I was sleeping... Wait were you on the bed with me the whole time?!
Makoto had a cheeky grin on her face.
Makoto: Maaaybe~
Makoto then gets up from the bed and walks out of the bedroom.
Makoto: I'm going to prepare some breakfast for the two of us.
Gohan: Oh alright, I'm going to take a shower.
Makoto: Okay then, I'll take your dirty clothes and put them to wash.
Gohan: Thanks Makoto, I really appreciate it.
Makoto: Oh no problem.
The two leave the bedroom. Gohan then walks to the bathroom gets undress and turns on the shower.
Gohan walks out of the bathroom to smell something cooking.
Gohan: Wow that smells really great, I wonder what's Makoto making?
He walks over to the kitchen to see the female squirrel setting up the table. He saw two plates of food on both sides of the table. He then saw Makoto with an orange apron wrapped around her curvy body and some syrup on her face. She had a very happy smile on her face.
Makoto: Breakfast is ready!
Gohan: What's this?
Makoto: It's 5 crepes stacked on top of each other with hazelnut syrup and chestnut ice cream!
Gohan sweat dropped.
Gohan: You sure do love nuts Makoto.
Makoto: Of course, its my favorite! Anyways time to dig in!
Gohan looked down to see the food. It looked really good that it made him start drooling.
The boy then picks up his utensils and starts digging in. Within the first bite, Gohan tasted the sweetness and the flavors of the food. Once he swallowed it, he let a smile crept around his face.
Gohan: MM! Sho guud!
The girl had a slight blush on her cheek.
Makoto: Aw thanks Gohan.
She smiled at the demi-saiyan and continued eating the breakfast that she made. The squirrel girl grabbed her remote and turned on the Tv.
Makoto: Wonder what's on the news today.
She flipped through the channels to go to the news until she stopped at to see something very interesting. She saw a man with a whip, beating a small pterodactyl while it's trying to balance itself on a ball.
Makoto: Poor thing, it's clearly scared to do anything.
Gohan glanced at the tv to see what the squirrel brawler was talking about. He recognized that little dragon, it was the dragon him and his little brother Goten were playing with a week ago.
Gohan: That's my friend!
Makoto turned her head.
Makoto: That little critter is your friend...?
Gohan nodded his head.
Gohan: Mhm, whenever me and my little brother had time to ourselves we would always play with chobie.
Makoto: Oh I see...
Gohan: Makoto, is it okay if I could borrow your phone for a quick second?
Makoto: Oh uh sure..
She hands him the phone, Gohan dials his mother phone.
Son residence...
Goten was also watching the news with sadness. He hears the phone ring and runs towards it, he saw the name "Gohan's girlfriend" on the call. He answered it.
Gohan: Hello.
Goten: Big Bro!
The young demi-saiyan yelled as Gohan's started bleeding.
Gohan (on phone): OOOOOOOW!
Goten: Sorry big bro.
Back to Makoto's house.... Gohan could be seen getting his ears cleaned thanks to Makoto wiping the blood off it with a napkin.
Gohan: I-It's fine.
Goten (on phone): Did you see that they took Chobie from his home.
Gohan: Mhm, I'm upset that they did that to him, he is just a baby.
Goten (on phone): You have to save him big bro!
Gohan: I'll see what I will do.
He hung up the phone.
Makoto: Soooo... Gonna try and talk to boss to see if he can let it go?
Gohan nods.
Gohan: Yeah, looks like I'm going to the circus.
Gohan finished his breakfast and placed his plate in the sink.
Gohan: Thanks for the meal, Makoto.
Makoto: No problem, your clothes are already dry and are placed on the bed.
Gohan: Alright, thanks.
Time skip brought to you by Gohan and Makoto playing tennis...
In the city...
The teen saiyan-hybrid was walking towards his destination which was the circus. He purchased a ticket and went inside the tent. As he went inside, he saw a bunch of people sitting in seats eating popcorn while in the middle there was a man with a whip beating up Gohan's little friend.
Gohan's mind: Don't worry chobie, I'm coming. You are going to be back with your mommy and daddy in no time.
He then walks away from the main show and goes to the manager office. He knocks on the door and waits until he hears someone say come in. Gohan opens the door to see a man sitting at his desk with his legs on top of the table.
Gohan: Um excuse me, sir, are you the person to talk to if I had a problem with something?
Boss: Depends on the situation and if I feel like caring.
Gohan: O...Kay.? Well, I had a problem about that baby dino. I believe that you are treating it poorly and it would be nice of you if you bring it back to it's Mother and Father before something bad happens.
The man laughed at the boy as he lit up his cigar.
Boss: Don't be ridiculous, we already were planning on going on another town with this thing, ain't no way we letting this thing go. I'm going to milk this thing for all it's worth!
Gohan was shocked.
Gohan: Unbelievable, I've seen some bad stuff mister but stealing a baby just so you can make a profit is just the worst!
The man grabbed Gohan's collar.
Boss: You don't say! Well guess what goodie two-shoes, it's a little something called finders keepers! That little shit is mine now, so I can do whatever the hell I can with it!
He then let's go of the saiyan-hybrid.
Since the show was over, everyone was exiting out of the circus and heading back home but with Gohan, he was walking to the animal room.
Gohan: Alright... I should be great saiyaman for this in case I get caught.
Gohan pressed a button on his watch as his whole body lit up for a few seconds. After a couple of seconds, he was in his hero costume. He then continued looking for the small animal, but finds him in a cage.
Great Saiyaman: Ah-ha! There he is!
He quickly ran to the cage. He saw that his animal friend wasn't hurt too badly.
Great Saiyaman: Help has arrived, little guy. It's your pal, Gohan.
Gohan then tore open the cage and broke off the restraint from Chobie's leg.
Great Saiyaman: Alrighty, let's get you back to where you belong.
He carries the small animal out of the cage and was about to fly off until someone caught him in the act.
Buff Employee: Hey! Who the hell are you?!
Great Saiyaman: I am a Hero of Justice!
Buff Employee: More like a thief!
The man grabs a metal bar and swings it at the hero but Gohan easily dodges it. Gohan then grabs the pole and flips the man over with one arm. He then takes the metal pole and bends it into bow tie.
Buff Employee: W-What are you?!
Great Saiyaman: A hero.
The hero flew up in the air and blasted off. One of the other employees saw him flying off and ran to the boss' office. The employee saw his boss counting all of his money that he had just received after the show.
Employee: Sir! There's a big problem!
Boss: Hm? What's the problem?
Employee: Some weirdo in a costume ran off with our money making animal!
Boss: Son of a Bitch! Go contact the police, we need that thing!
With Gohan....
The hero was trying to fly back to return Chobie to his parents but the animal was giving him a hard time due to Gohan flying.
Great Saiyaman: Chobie cut it out!
Gohan landed on the ground, holding the animal carefully so he doesn't let it fall.
Great Saiyaman: Listen buddy, you're gonna have to learn how to face your fear some day.
He was about walk away until he heard the sounds of sirens, police sirens. The Boss in from before lifts his finger and points at Great Saiyaman.
Boss: That's the guy! Arrest that thief!
Police Officer: W-Wait your telling me that Great Saiyaman kidnap that animal?!
The man grabbed the microphone by the steering wheel and brought it close to his face.
Police Officer: Put the creature down and place your hands behind your head!
Great Saiyaman: Not gonna happen!
He then runs off with the young dinosaur behind his back. He tries his best to lose them, but the cops wouldn't let up and continue to follow him all around the block. He then sees an oil truck in the corner about to make a turn, an idea pops in his head and jumps over the truck thanks to his superhuman abilities. He lands on the concrete ground perfectly fine and continues running.
Great Saiyaman: There that should hold them off.
Unfortunately for him, a yellow jet passed him making the saiyan-hybrid stop in his tracks.
Great Saiyaman: Aww crapbaskets..
The door opened up and Videl jumped out of the jet. She lands on the ground and points at the son of Goku.
Videl: Not so fast Great Saiyaman!
Police cars begin to surround the area making Gohan sweat a bit.
Videl: You got some nerve after pulling a stunt like this after flying around like a hero. Shame on you!
Great Saiyaman: Listen Videl, it's really not what it seems.
Videl: Oh yeah?
She smirks.
Videl: I knew you were up to no good when you showed yourself. Now...
She got into a fighting position.
Videl: Don't worry, once this is over, I'll take out the stupid bucket off of your head so everyone can see your real identity.
She then jumps up and dives her foot down, clearly trying to hit the hero but Gohan vanishes.
Videl turns around to see the Great Saiyaman behind her.
Great Saiyaman: Wait, you seriously have the wrong idea.
Videl: And I'm seriously going to take that mask off of your face!
Continuing her attack on the mistaken hero, Gohan puts the young dino down to catch her fists.
Great Saiyaman: You have to listen to me Videl, I took the baby so I can bring it back to his parents. These guys stole him from his parents. His parents are really not going to like it if they don't have their child back.
Videl: Shut up!
She goes for a right hook until the saiyan-hybrid got it with his hand. Videl tried with all her might to pull away from him but she couldn't.
Videl: Let go of me you fiend!
The hero does as she said and let go of her hand.
Great Saiyaman: I'm not going to fight you. I'm doing the right thing and you're not listening.
The Saiyan hero turns around to walk away from the girl but suddenly...
Nirvana now!
Great Saiyaman: Huh?
The hero turns around to see a figure dashing towards him. Before they can get their hands on the superhero, Gohan jumped high in the air.
Great Saiyaman: Whoa, that was a close one.
The teen hero looks down to see to figures. One was a robotic figure and another one was some sort of child.
Carl and Nirvana.
Carl: Damn it, we missed.
Great Saiyaman: Whoa whoa, calm down let's talk about this peacefully .
Videl: Carl!
The young boy turns his head to the young girl.
Carl: Are you alright?
Videl nods her head.
Videl: Yeah, I am. This bastard keeps dodging from me.
Carl: I see, mind If we help?
The pigtailed female grinned.
Videl: Yeah, that would be great.
Great Saiyaman: I already told all of you that this is a misunderstanding. The guy stole the dinosaur away from his parents. If we don't bring him back his mother and father are going to attack!
While he was still trying to talk to the three heroes, the boss took a police man's gun and started running towards the you dinosaur. Everyone turned their heads to the gun wielding boss.
Police Officer: Hey!
Boss: Alright nobody move!
Carl: Hey put the gun down!
Boss: Shut it brat! I just had about enough of this.
Still with the gun pointing at the heroes, the man slowly walks towards Chobie and grabs him. This caused the small baby scream.
Great Saiyaman: Stop your scaring hi-
A bullet cut the saiyan-hybrid's cheek causing a bit of blood to trickle down his cheek.
Great Saiyaman: I had just about enough of this!
Gohan growled as he quickly vanished from sight to be right behind the boss. The boss quickly turned around to see a fist heading straight towards his face which connected with his face, throwing Chobie in the air. The man fell on his butt as both Carl and Videl widen their eyes.
Great Saiyaman: Enough, you are under arrest.
Boss: Why you...
He points the gun at the hero.
Boss: Even you can't dodge this!
More shots were fired as everyone widen their eyes to see...
Sorry for interrupting, but I guess it's time for me to jump in to stop this.
It was the beastkin hero, Makoto Nanaya. She blocked the bullets with her tonfas.
Boss: You damn beastkin!
The squirrel female walked up to him and grabbed his collar and threw him to the cops. Makoto sighed as she looked over to Videl and Carl.
Makoto: Carl, I know that we were friends for awhile but please understand that Great Saiyaman had no intention of stealing a child. He only did it to bring it back to his family.
Carl: I see, my apologies. Let's go Nirvana.
Nirvana: ...
With that, the two took off. Videl growled as she went storming off. Gohan grabbed Chobie and turned to his squirrel girlfriend.
Great Saiyaman: I'm off, can you please make sure that everything is good here?
Makoto nods.
Makoto: You got it.
Great Saiyaman: Good, I'll see you later.
He then flew off leaving in the squirrel hero to look at the boss.
Makoto: Know you got some explaining to do buddy.
The boss growled as he was forced up by the beastkin.
Police Officer: Sorry for the misunderstanding there about Saiyaman, Makoto.
Makoto waved her hand.
Makoto: No no, don't worry about it. It happens sometime.
Boss: I swear I will get the little runt back!
Makoto: Whatever you say, little man.
He was then placed in cuffs and forced into the car.
Makoto: Okay then.... What now?
With Great Saiyaman.....
With Chobie in hand, the saiyan hero soars through the sky all the way to his residence. He finally took off his mask revealing his sweaty face.
Gohan: Man, I took awhile but we're finally here.
The saiyan-Hybrid descends slowly making sure to not let Chobie cry again. The two landed in a nest where created by both of Chobie's parents. He carefully places Chobie down.
Gohan: Now, all we have to do is wait for mom and dad.
About 45 minutes later...
After awhile, Chobie's parents were seen flying over to the nest. The young Chobie roared as a smile appeared on Gohan's face as he waved towards the mother and father. The two dinosaur parents squealed as they saw their child.
Gohan: Alright then, I'll see you later! Take care Chobie.
Gohan levitated off the ground and used his Ki to speed up to go to his house.
Gohan: I better check up with Makoto and see how things are with her.
He takes out his phone from his capsule and dials the female hero's number. Once she picked up, he started talking to her.
Gohan: Hey is everything alright back there?
Makoto (on phone): Yeah, everything went smoothly. How are things with you?
Gohan: Everything went smoothly here too.
Makoto (on phone): Good, that settles things.
Gohan: Sure does, after all the things that happened today... I think I deserve a nice rest.
Makoto (on phone): You said it, I'll be seeing you later in my house then to grab your clothes.
Gohan: Will do, see you.
About 25 minutes later...
Gohan arrived to the Nanaya house, He lifted his arm up and knocked on the door.
Gohan waited for a bit until the door was opened to reveal a happy squirrel beastkin. She was of course wearing her house clothes and carried Gohan's clothes that were neatly folded.
Makoto: Glad you can make it, I already folded your clothes for you so you don't have too.
Gohan: Thank you.
She nods her head.
Makoto: Soo.. Gohan, I wanted to ask you something for awhile.
The saiyan hybrid tilted his head.
Gohan: Hm?
The beastkin started twiddling her fingers as she had an embarrassed look on her face.
Makoto: Can... You teach me how to fly?
The Son of Goku sweat dropped as he scratched the back of his head and nervously chuckled.
Gohan: Ahaha... Sure, maybe this weekend I'll show you.
The girl's tail swayed as she cheered.
Makoto: Sweet, I can't wait for that! Good night Mr. Hero~
She quickly gave the teen a hug and ran back to her apartment. With a smile on the boy's face, he hovered in the air and blasted into the sky.
The Next Day...
The son of Goku was up and ready for school as his little brother just woke up and is now brushing his teeth. Chi Chi was finishing up with breakfast. Gohan entered the kitchen with his school bag on his hand.
Chi Chi: Breakfast ready, sweetie.
Gohan: Thanks mom.
Gohan quickly devoured the multiple plates of food as he gave the plates to his mother and ran to the door.
Gohan: Bye mom, bye Goten!
The two family members waved the young adult goodbye. Leaving his house, Gohan tapped a button on his watch as his outfit changed into his hero outfit. He then flew into the air heading towards his high school.
To Be Continued...
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