Gohan's first day.... The reunion!
???: Gohan... Oh Gohan.
Gohan opened one of his eyes to see his mother standing next to him on the grass.
Gohan: m-mother?
Chi-Chi: come on, wake up I made a special lunch for you.
Goku: yeah Gohan, join us.
Gohan then turned to see his father, Son Goku smiling and waving at him. This made Gohan immediately stood up in shock.
Gohan: Dad, how are you here... Didn't you sacrifice yourself?!
Goku: huh.. sacrifice? What are you talking about?
Gohan: but I saw you d-Gaaaah!
Gohan then felt something piercing his chest, he looked down to see a hand going right through his chest. He then turned around to see cell smirking at him.
Gohan: C-Cell?! Y-You bastard... What a-are y-you doing here... i k-killed you.
Cell: Gohan.... You wanted to save everyone but couldn't save your own father... What a disappointment.
Cell removed his hand from Gohan's chest. Gohan fell on the cold floor, he coughed up blood.
Gohan: I... C-could've e-*coughs up more blood* s-saved h-him but I chose to be arrogant and Naïve... damnit
As Gohan continued to cough up more blood, he saw his mother and father leaving him. He tried to call out their name but they kept walking away.
Gohan: Mother! Dad! C-come back!
Gohan continued to call to them but they didn't turn around, he then heard his father say something.
Goku: Bye Gohan, I hope we never meet again...
Chi-Chi: I can't believe I gave birth to a useless son.
Gohan's eyes widened, tears were now forming on his eyes. He slammed his hand on the ground. He was now alone on the floor.
Suddenly... Gohan opened his eye's to see himself tightly holding his blanket, he looked around the room to see himself in his room
Gohan: T-That was just a dream... Why did it feel so real.
Gohan heard someone knocking on his door. He got up from his bed, walked over to the door and opened it revealing it to be his little brother, Goten. The little boy smiled and waved his hand.
Goten: Good Morning big brother!
Gohan: oh hey Goten, what's up?
Goten: mom wanted to know if you were already awake and it looks like you are.
Gohan: it sure does, is mom almost done with breakfast?
Goten: she said she will be done in a hour, before you're school starts.
Gohan's mind: oh yeah, I forgot that today was my first day of school.
Gohan: oh okay, hey you want to train for a little bit while mom finishes up with breakfast?
The little demi-saiyan smiled and jumped up in the air.
Goten: Yay! I'm going train with big bro Gohan!
Gohan smiled.
Gohan: just give me a second to get ready and I'll be out in a second.
Goten nodded and ran off. Gohan then walked backed into his room, brushed his teeth and put his gi on.
Gohan: okay I'm ready, now where is he?
Gohan walks out of his room and walks toward the living room to see his brother on the switch playing smash ultimate.
Gohan: oh so you were here huh?
Goten: yeah, I wanted to test out some of Luigi's combos while you were getting dressed.
Gohan: i see, anyways once you done with that come outside.
Goten: Okay!
Gohan left the living room and walked into the kitchen to see his mother cooking. She had an apron, and a spatula on her hand.
Gohan:Hey mother, I'm going outside to train again with Goten.
Chi-chi turns her head to see the young teen in his martial arts gi. She then smiled at him.
Chi-Chi: training again I see, you're just like your father... Always training to become stronger..
Gohan: I have to mom, who knows what dangerous villain plans to take over the world.
Chi-Chi nodded.
Chi-Chi: I see, just make sure you get your studies done okay?
Gohan smiled and nodded.
Gohan: yeah..
Gohan walks out of the house to see a grassy field. He then does a couple of stretches like push ups, sit ups etc. He then herd the door open, he turns his head to see his little brother in his martial arts gi.
Goten: Alright Gohan, I'm ready to train with you.
Gohan nodded.
Gohan: Alright then.
Gohan stood up, he then got into his fighting stance.
A/n: He's in base form
Gohan: Get ready little Goten.
Goten: I'm ready for you!
The two stare at each other for a few seconds and suddenly they both vanishes... All you could hear is a shock waves around the whole area.
Gohan got punched in the jaw, he then wipes his mouth to see blood on it. He then smirks. He then vanishes surprising the young Saiyan. Goten suddenly felt pain as he looked down to see Gohan's knee on his stomach. Goten then evaded away from his big brother and was heavily panting. Gohan smirked.
Gohan: heh.. This is getting exciting!
Goten (panting): huff... huff.. it sure is.. And you really got me off guard with that kick too... Huff
Gohan: why don't we take to the next level?
Goten: huh?
Gohan placed his hands above his forehead, he then concentrated on putting a little bit of power onto his arm. A yellow energy ball came out of his hand.
Gohan: HAAAAA! Masenko!
He fired of a yellow beam of energy at his little brother. The boy put his arms together by his hip and chanted
Goten: kamekameha!
He then threw a blue energy at Gohan's blast.
Bother of the beams collided into each other. As they collide, the ground start to crack. Gohan gritted his teeth as he was getting pushed back a bit.
Gohan: I won't lose! HAAAAAAAA!!!
Gohan used more energy a started having the upper hand. Goten started struggling and tried to put more energy into it but it was too much for the small kid.
Goten: I-It's t-to much, I can't hold on....!
Gohan's energy blast started to overpower Goten and the only thing that he can do was jump out the way.
Goten: I gotta dodge it....
Goten jumped out the way of the blast and it hit a mountain causing it to have a huge hole in it. Goten turned his head and was shocked.
Goten: oh man.... If I didn't dodge that, I would've be burnt to a crisp.
Gohan grinned.
Gohan: why don't we take this to the next level.
Goten: I thought you never ask.
As they were about to power up, their mothers came out of the house and called them.
Chi chi: Gohan! Goten! Breakfast is ready!
They both immediately power down and ran back into the house. They washed their hand and sat on the kitchen table.
Goten: mommy, whatcha made for us this time?
Chi chi: oh you'll see.
Chi chi started setting up the food and placed it all on the table, Gohan and Goten were amazed by how much food there was and couldn't wait to dig in.
Chi-Chi: since this is Gohan's first day at school, I made a very special breakfast for all of us.
Gohan smiled at his mother.
Gohan: Thanks mom..
Goten: oh man! I can't wait any longer! I'm hungry!
Goten starts grabbing a handful of bacon, sausage and pancakes and stuffed them all in his mouth.
Goten: ish... sho....guud!
Chi chi smiled and looked at the time.
Chi chi: Gohan it's almost time for you to go.. here take this, it's where your school is and the classes that you have.
Gohan finished swallowing his find, he then grabbed the paper and ran out of the kitchen into his room. He then grabbed the uniform that was on his bed and got changed. He ran out of his room and out the house.
Gohan: bye Mom,bye Goten!
The two waved at him.
Chi chi: Bye sweetie! Have a good day!
Goten: bye bye!
Gohan walked out of the house, he then yelled out loud a name.
Gohan: Icarus!
In just a minute, a purple dragon could be seen flying over to the Saiyan-hybrid.
A/n: Icarus is an adult.... And finally remembered..
Gohan pets the dragon's head and hops on its back.
Gohan: it's been awhile Icarus. How have you been?
Icarus roars loudly.
Gohan: good, I'm glad you're wife is feeling better. I need you to take me to school, is that Okay?
The purple dragon nods and Gohan jumps on its back.
Gohan: let's go!
Icarus used it's wings to fly in the air and was heading North. Gohan looked at his paper.
Gohan: Orange star high school huh...? I wonder if I can make any new friends there.
1 hour later.. brought to you by chibi Icarus licking chibi Gohan.
Gohan finally arrived at Satan city. He then jumped off of Icarus and waved to him while he landed on the sidewalk.
Gohan: bye Icarus, I'll see you later!
Gohan landed on the ground. He then looks at his watch. His watch was 9:45 and his class starts at 10:00 a clock.
Gohan: at this rate, I'll end up being late to my class on my first day of school... Maybe if I use my ki to speed up then I'll make it.
Gohan dashed with inhuman speed until he saw something that caught his interest.
Gohan: hm? What's this?
Gohan stopped running and saw a bank being robbed by a couple of thug's and we're trying to get away from the cops.
Thug #1: Hurry up! Bring the money in the truck and let's get the hell outta here!
Gohan continued to watch as the robbers were grabbing the bags of money into the truck.
Gohan's mind: geez even till this day people still rob stores.. I should do something before someone gets hurt... Maybe if I turn super saiyan I can hide my identity...
Gohan's hair started to turn a bright yellow and spiky. His original black eyes turn into an emerald like color.
Gohan: alright, this will do... Now let's go.
Gohan flew by one of the thugs and punched him in the face causing the thug to get knocked the f*ck out.
Thug 2: what the?! Who's this kid?
Thug 3: I don't know but he's dead meat!
???: Not if I have anything to say about it!
Everyone heard a female voice, Gohan looked up to see a young lady with short brown hair, a big curly brown tail, hazel eyes. She wears a uniform with a black balmoral cap, a jet black cloak, and a orange military boots with a golden tip.
Girl: man, instead of going to class on time, I have to be dealing with you criminals.
Cop: who is she?
The robbers saw the girl and gritted their teeth
Thug: damnit, it's a beastkin...
Gohan: Makoto...?
Makoto took off her coat revealing her orange and black jacket, her orange gloves, her big bust and her belly. She also had black thigh highs
Makoto: All right then, time to take you down.
The girl vanished surprising the thugs and Gohan and knocked two of them out.
Gohan: what the?! She's really really fast.. how could I not keep up with her...
Thug: what the, where'd she go?!
Makoto: right behind you.
Thug: huh?!
The man turned around only to meet a fist colliding with face, knocking him out.
Thug 4: why you damn animal!
They all pointed their weapons at the squirrel girl and opened fire, Gohan then rushed in front of the girl and caught the bullets.
Makoto: huh?...
Gohan: hey Makoto... It's been awhile...
Makoto: huh? What do you mean?...
Gohan: I'll tell you once we're done with this.
Gohan then dropped all of the bullets on the ground, surprising everyone.
Thug: W-What is he?!
Gohan: I'm the one who will take you down, if you come nicely I wouldn't have to hurt you... If not then...
Gohan walked up to the thugs getaway vehicle, he picked it up and crushed it scaring almost everyone except Makoto who looked amazed.
Makoto: whoa you can crush a car too.
Gohan: now do you understand me...
All of the thugs dropped their guns and immediately ran to the cops asking to get arrested. As Gohan was checking to see if everything went well and that all of the robbers went to jail, the squirrel girl approached him.
Makoto: so what were you saying before..? You said that it's been awhile..
Gohan: Makoto you seriously forgot... It's me Gohan.
Makoto: Gohan...?
It took a few moments before the girl realized that her and Gohan met each other 7 years ago.. She then jumped on him causing the both of them to fall on the ground.
Makoto: Gohan! It's been so long! Why haven't you visited me!I missed you!
Gohan was blushing at the girl.
Gohan: I'm sorry its just I was busy training and I had to much to do.
The squirrel girl pouted and got off of him.
Makoto: hmph!
Gohan: it certainly has been awhile, and you certainly have gotten stronger.
Makoto: that's not the only thing that changed...
Gohan: huh? What do you mean by that Makoto?
Makoto fell on the floor in a comedic way causing Gohan to sweat dropped.
Gohan: eh...? What did I say?
Makoto: Baka! I was talking about my physical change like my body!
Gohan: oh uh... Right anyways, what are you doing here?
Makoto: well I was heading to school here but since there was a robbery I decided to jump in and stop them.
Gohan: oh High school? Where do you go?
Makoto stated proudly.
Makoto: Orange Star High School.
Gohan smiled.
Gohan: I'm also going there too.
Makoto had a big smile on her face and cheered.
Makoto: Yay! I wonder what time class starts though?
Gohan: it starts at.... 10:00.
Makoto: and what time is it now?
Gohan: 9:58... Wait 9:58?! We gotta go!
Gohan grabbed Makoto's hand and quickly ran away from the bank. Just then a girl with black pigtails arrived at the crime scene.
Videl: Damnit I'm late.
The girl walked up to a cop wondering what happened.
Videl: hey excuse me?
The cop turned around to she the girl.
Cop: oh videl you're here?
Videl: yeah, what happened here?
Cop: there was a robbery not to long ago, but a teen with yellow spiky hair and green eyes and a beastkin took all of them down.
Videl: then what's with that crushed car over there?
She points at the destroyed getaway vehicle.
Cop: that was the golden warrior that did that. I thought you knew them since they go to your school.
Videl: huh? What do you mean?
Cop: two of them had the orange star high school badge on their chest. The boy had a black school jacket and underneath his jacket, he had a white long sleeve. He had orange pants. And the girl had a orange and black jacket, orange gloves, short orange and black skirt, animal ears, black thigh highs and orange military boots that had gold on the tip of the shoe.
Videl: a beastkin and a golden hair teen... I'll see if they are at my school... Bye.
Videl ran off to her school.
With Gohan and Makoto.... The two teens have arrived at the front of the gate of their high School.
Makoto: phew, we're finally here!
Gohan: yeah we are... Come on let's get go...
Makoto: Roger...
They both walk in the school and see a big hallway.
Later... With videl, she was in class waiting for the teacher to arrive.
Erasa: Hey Videl, did you hear about the golden warrior and the beastkin that took down those crooks.
Videl nodded in agreement.
Videl: yeah I did, strange.
Erasa: I also heard that he looks really hot too, with his golden spiky hair and green eyes. I hope he's single and strong too.
???: If you're looking for someone that is strong, that you got the guy.
The two girls turn their head to see one of their male friends. His name was sharpner.
Erasa: No thanks I'm good
Videl: me too.
Just then the teacher came in the room with her notebook on her hand.
Teacher: Okay everyone, today we have two new students joining us today. Make sure you treat them well. Okay you two, you may come in.
The door opened and two students walk into the classroom. One was a teen with spiky black hair, black school jacket and underneath his jacket, he had a white long sleeve. He had orange pants. The girl had animal ears, a squirrel tail she wore a standard uniform, with a dark mini skirt, white thigh-highs and brown shoes.
Some of the students were surprised that a demi-human was joining their class. And some were angry.
Teacher: go ahead, introduce yourselves.
Makoto walked up in front of the class and started introducing herself.
Makoto: Hello everyone, The names Makoto Nanaya. I am a half squirrel and half human, I love fighting, all you can eat buffet and chestnut parfait. I hate being discriminated.
Makoto then stepped back and it was Gohan's turn to introduce himself.
Gohan: Hello everyone my name is Son Gohan, I like studying, I like eating, reading, and hanging out with my little brother.
Teacher: very nice you two, you both can sit by those two seats next to Erasa. Erasa may you raise your hand please.
Videl's mind: that boy... He fits the description the officer said about the golden warrior... The only thing is that he has yellow hair and green eyes, Gohan doesn't... Unless it's like one of those people from the Cell games... His name also seems similar too... I have to keep an eye out for him.
The two teens saw a blonde haired girl raise her hand. The two walked over to her and sat down. The blonde haired girl waved at them.
Erasa: Hey, the names Erasa and this is Videl Satan, the daughter of the worlds hero Mr. Satan.
Videl slightly waved at the two.
Gohan pretended to be surprised and Makoto had a blank expression on her face..
Gohan: Woah really?! That's amazing!
Makoto: oh wow, so impressive... He's the one that got slapped out of the ring, the actual hero is go-
Gohan covered her mouth and awkwardly laughed.
Gohan: hahaha, what she meant to say was that Mr. Satan one of the strongest fighters the whole planet has known isn't that right Makoto.
Gohan moved his head towards Makoto and slightly whispered to her.
Gohan: hey can you please not say that please, or this will become a problem. I'll explain it to you later about why just not at this moment okay?
Makoto nodded her head.
Makoto: Okay then but you have to explain the reason why later...
Gohan nodded.
As the two teens continued talking videl was curious why the squirrel girl was cut off by the Saiyan-hybrid.
Videl: hm....
Erasa: So Gohan, where are you from?
Gohan: Well, have you heard of Section 49 East, that's where I'm at.
Erasa immediately stood up from her chair and yelled out.
Erasa: What?! But that's like 500 miles away from here!
She was then shushed by the teacher.
Teacher: Be quiet!
She quickly sat down with a book covering her face.
Erasa: Even if you took a jet flyer, it would take at least five hours to get here.
Gohan starts to sweat
Gohan: Oh yeah, guess I was so excited that I didn't even notice hahaha.
Later.... The two teens were having lunch together and talking together about what happened the seven years. Gohan brought his own lunch that his mother made for him and Makoto bought a sandwich and a chestnut parfait.
Makoto: Soo Good~
Gohan: Makoto, how did you become so strong? You're power level might be more powerful than my super saiyan form. (Makoto is really really strong in her game, so her power is greater than a Super Saiyan when Gohan first turned)
Makoto: I went to military school and had a friend of mine to help train me. And what's Super Saiyan?
Gohan: it's my transformation that makes my hair blonde like before.
Makoto: oh... Wait you're hair is naturally black?
Gohan: yeah..
Makoto: kinda like the blonde better than the black but that's okay, you're still cute either way.
Gohan blushed making the squirrel girl giggle.
Gohan: you did look good in that orange and black outfit.
Makoto: thanks, I got it from my parents as a gift. And I use it to train
Gohan: oh cool.
In another table, Videl and her friends were watching the two demi humans talk to each other.
Erasa: man, Gohan and Makoto surely are getting along well... Maybe they were friends. What do you think videl?
Videl wasn't paying attention to her friend because she was too busy trying to compare the Saiyan hybrid to the golden warrior.
Erasa: uh videl, Hello! Earth to Videl!
Videl stopped thinking and looked at Erasa.
Videl: huh? What is it?
Erasa: I said Gohan and Makoto are getting along really well.
Videl: oh... Yeah.
Sharpner: hmph, he doesn't look anything special.. why are you girls interested in him?
Erasa: he's really cute!
Videl: there's something off about him... And I'm going to find out.
Erasa: oh no Cardin is walking up to them...
Videl: oh great, him again...
With Gohan and Makoto... they were still talking until someone grabbed Makoto's tail and was pulling it. This made Makoto a squeal in pain. Gohan looked behind her to see a bunch of boys standing around the squirrel girl.
Makoto: Eek!
???: See I told you it was real.. what a freak.
???: And look at those ears. She's no human.. She's a filthy animal.
Makoto: hey stop pulling on my tail! Your hurting me!
Cardin: listen you dumb squirrel, I can do whatever I what when I want, now shut up befo-
He suddenly gets punched in the face by Gohan which sent him on the cold floor. The rest of his friends looked at the Saiyan-hybrid with anger.
Gohan: I hate people like you... Always hurting demi humans just because they look different than the rest of us. Shame on you... And she's not a dumb animal, she is a beautiful girl that has feelings like the rest of us.
Makoto's cheeks turned as red as a tomato.
The boy got up from the ground wiping blood off his mouth.
Cardin: Get him!
His lackey's all started charging at the Saiyan-hybrid, Gohan just sighed and was about to knock all of them out until he was stopped by a angry Makoto. He felt her power rise a bit
Makoto: Sorry Gohan but I'll take it from here.
Gohan: eh.. alright just don't kill them alright.
Makoto didn't say anything and just knocked them out with incredible speed.
Makoto: there... All done.
Videl: woah she knocked them out quick...
Erasa: that is what he gets.
Makoto: come-on Gohan, let's go somewhere more... Peaceful.
Gohan: uh sure..
The two grabbed their food and walked out of the cafeteria.
Videl: hmm....
Erasa: hey Videl quit staring at them, your kinda acting weird.
With Gohan and Makoto... The two were on the roof finishing up their lunch.
Makoto: hey Gohan.
Gohan: Yeah Makoto?
Makoto: What happened at the cell games...?
Gohan: where should I begin?
To be continued...
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