Chapt 9: Language Barrier

Roman Pov. 

I was in my warehouse watching the thugs and White Fang members caring crates full of dust. I looked to my left and see Neo walking up to me. 

"How are you doing Neo?" I asked her. Just gave me a thumbs up. 

"Good," I then look back at the thugs and see them missing. 

"What the?" I then see a white fang member launch out of nowhere and crashed into crates full of dust. The white fang member was covered in dark red ink, leaving a trail. I jumped down to find this person. 

"Come on out, there's no need to hide," I said, trying to make this person show himself. I heard walking coming behind one of the crates. A little person came out with a samurai outfit and holding a katana covered in ink. 

"I here to help you, humans," he said. 

"What do you mean? You took out some of my thugs," I told him. He just laughs.

"Well, I have my own gang with me," He then took out a device out of his pocket. 

"Let's just say... we could help each other," he then press the button on the device. Everything started to shake violently. I held on to a crate, while Neo is holding on a railing. A portal open behind him. 

"This is my gang," Then a bunch of strange looking Faunus walked out of the portal.

"My name is Octavio, this is my army, The Octarians" 


Adam Pov. 

I was sitting on my throne waiting for this robot that the White Fang found. I see the door open and see two fang members bring me a robot they found. But they look different, their eyes look lifeless with lime and blue colour and I see could see their veins colour have a lime green colour too. 

"Um... are you two ok?" I asked them. They just stand there looking at me lifelessly. I look back at the robot. It was covered in lime slime. 

"...Sensing...Sensing...Sensing... More of these Stange beings... Humans... but not..." It said. I was confused. Has this machine never seen a Faunus? Whatever I don't think this machine is useful, It seems to be really old. 

"*Sigh* I don't think this machine is useful for us, throw it out," I demanded. The two Faunus that bring this machine it didn't. They just stand there. 

"Hey! Didn't you here to me. I said to throw this trash out!" I shouted irritated. Then tentacles appeared out of the machine grabbing everyone in the room except for me. 

"WHAT THE?" I looked at the machine. 

"THIS RACE DISCUSSING... I MUST CRATE A NEW... ONCE AGAIN!" It said. I then everyone slowly changing into the same thing like the two Fang members. I took out my Wilt and Blush and charge at it. But it then grabbed my weapons and me with his tentacles. It then brings me to him. I can't escape out of his grasp. It made me look at him. 

"I'll make a new... your race will be perfect... The Sanitized" It said. Everything fades to black as the machine covered me up with its slime. 


Ruby Pov. 

We finally found where the inklings and octolings went, but... well they made a huge mess in the dining hall. We watched them fight off Team CRDL with no problem. I was surprised that they could fight this well. Well, the old inkling told us that their part of a Squid Platoon. But their just kids, right? Whatever their age is, their good at fighting. Their weapons I never have seen before. It looks like water guns you get as a kid, but they shoot out the ink colour that they can swim in it. I wonder if that's their semblance. It's really cool. 

Right now we back at their dorm with the inklings and octolings. While Team JNPR and CFVY are cleaning the cafeteria. I hope they're ok about cleaning these kids mess they made. Glynda Goodwitch is going to Ozpin office about his. I looked at my team and see them hanging out with the kids. Yang is hanging out with the Off The Hook is I remember, watching them talking to each other. Blake is hanging out with the agent Four and agent Eight. Weiss is hanging out with the Squid Sisters, trying to teach them their language. I was sitting on the bed hanging out with the agent Seven and Agent Three. I see them talking to each other. I could see a little blush in the inkling girl. I giggled a little, knowing that should maybe have a crush on him. I then heard a groan from Weiss. I looked at her and see her walking towards me. She then sits on the bed beside me. 

"These inklings are hard to teach," She said annoyed. I just shrugged.  

"Well, at least you try your best," I told her trying to cheer her up. She just sighs and laid down on the bed with her arm over her forehead. 

"How are we going to communicate with these inklings and octolings, if we understand them, or even understand us,"  

"I don't know, maybe Ozpin will help with that," I suggested. 

"I guess your right," she agreed with me. 

"Well maybe I do," I heard someone said. We all looked at the door and see Ozpin and the old man. 

"Wait you do?" I asked Ozpin. He nods. 

"Well, kind of. Cap'n Cuttlefish will teach them as much as he can," He told us. 

"Yep, but I got an idea of a device that can translate our language to your language," Cuttlefish suggested. 

"That sounds like a good idea," Blake said. 

"But for now, we have to deal with it," Ozpin said. We all nodded. 

"Don't worry, they'll understand us sooner or later," he added. 


Tartar Pov. 

This body I made is great. I don't have to order the sanitized of carrying me around no more. I look around the room with many of these creatures hooked up to I.V bags with the sanitized ink in it.  

"Soon, I'll have my army ready," I said to myself. 

"You won't get away with this, Salem will destroy you!" I heard Adam screamed at me. I turned around and looked at him. He was hooked up to I.V bags. He's surprisingly resistant 

"This Salem, who is it?" I asked him. 

"Ha, she the creator of the Grimms, a god, she'll rule this world," He told me. Sounds like my type. 

"Really? Well maybe she works with me then work with you," I said to him. 

"No, she'll never work with you," I just laugh.

"She wants power... then I'll show her power," I walked out of the room. I walked throw the hallways with my sanitized bring more of these creatures in to make them one of them. I then enter the throne room with my own symbol on it. I sat on my throne looking at all of my sanitized creatures. 

"Let's see these Grimms," I said. 


  Blake Pov. 

It was midnight as I was on the balcony looking at the night sky. I was wondering what the White Fang are up too. I then heard a noise behind me. I turned around and see her, Ilia. 

"Ilia?" She then covers my mouth. 

"Can you be quiet, I don't want to wake your friends." She told me. She never my mouth. 

"Are you here to bring me back to Adam?" I asked her. She shakes her head no.

"No, it's much worst, the White Fang as change once again," She said. 

"What do mean it change again," I asked confused. 

"A machine took over... there are no more White Fang or even White Fang members. They all been mind controlled by this one machine," She said.  

"What is this machine you're talking about?" I asked her. 

"I don't know, it just came and took over in one day, I don't know how but it did," she said. I was shocked that one machine can take over the White Fang like it was nothing.

"Now it's going out and grabbing more Faunus and changing them into a servant for this machine,"  

"How did you escape?" I asked her. 

"Many White Fang members try to fight them off but failed. Only some of us escape. I escaped because I knew we can't defeat them." She told me. 

"This is bad, this is really bad," I said. 

"Don't worry, I'll figure out a weakness," She said Before she left I stopped her.

"Be safe," I told her. She nods and left.

Whatever this machine is, it will not take over. I just hope my parents are ok. 


A/n: Sorry if I took long. It's hard to write down stories, plus I'm working on others. I'm so sorry if I took long. 

Anyways I hope you have a great day. 

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