Chapt 17: That's a Mech



Your Pov. 

It was getting dark. I was standing outside waiting for Wiess and Marie.  Weiss and Marie had to go to the washroom and I didn't. So I have to wait outside.

"Man, they sure take forever," I sighed. I then heard screaming in on the alleyways. I quickly grab my Slosher and moved over to the alleyway. I then slowly peek and see nothing. Just a note on the ground. I walked in slowly making sure that no one around. I picked up the note and started to read it. 

"Hello (Y/n), it's nice to meet you... what?" I asked as I felt an object hitting on the back of my head as I blackout. 


*Timeskip brought to you by Chibbi Ruby eating Cookies with Chibbi Bridgett*


Your Pov. 

"Ugh... my head..." I groan in pain. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in a dark room. I slowly looked down and see that I'm tied down to a chair.

"Great... I've been capture..." I told myself. Maybe I shouldn't go into that ally. I then heard a door open infront of me. I looked up and see a woman.

"Hello (Y/n), you been busy from what I have seen," She said as she slowly walked around me. 

"Uhh... thanks, anyways... can you let me go?" I asked her. She giggles and stops giving me a cold stare, "No."

"Well, if not. Might at well get to know you," I told her. "So, what is your name?" I asked her.

"I thought you already know me," She says to me as I felt her finger sliding up my chin. 

"Um... no all we know that you guys are doing something that will destroy Beacon or something like that," I explained.

"Well, it seems that you know a lot already..." She said. "But..." She continues, "My name is Cinder Fall. A loyal worker and Salem," She tells me. 

"Salem... who is this Salem you speak off?" I asked her kindly. 

"Well... you will soon meet her yourself," She told me. "Okay... can you let me go now?" I asked her once again. 

"No..." She said coldly. "Okay... asking nicely won't work..." I told myself. 

"So... how did you know?" She demanded to cross her arms as she stands infront of me. 

"The Octolings told us after we knock those Hypno-glasses off of them," I told her. 

"So you're telling me that these Octolings of yours had been hypnotized to do the bidding of some sort?" She asked making sure she understands what I'm saying. 

"Yeah, they being controlled by the Octairains leader, Octavio," I told her. 

"So that small old man controls them with glasses. Can these glasses work on you, or maybe Faunus?" She asked. "Well... we're kinda similair so maybe..." I told her. 

"That's interesting..." She said quietly. "Another question, who is Tartar?" She asked. 

"Tartar..." I said coldly. I just met him and see what he'd have done already. Eight will be having nightmares once again. 

"He's some sort of robot that the humans build a long time ago. It wanted to pass down something about humans to the next living beings like us. But soon wanted to destroy us after we discussed him with our way of fashion and life," I explained to her. 

"Some sort of robot? Like the ones at Atlas?" She asked. "Well do they look like a phone?" I asked her which she responds by shaking her head.

"Well, then it's not the ones from Atlas," I told her. After that, there were silents. We just sat there doing nothing but staring at each other. It was awkward, it's like.... well mostly when I talk girls...

"So..." I said trying to break the ice. "Cinder... why are you doing all this?" I asked her.

"Doing what?" She said. "You know... being al evil and such since you're trying to destroy Beacon or something like that," I told her. 

She just laughs, "Aw... aren't you a wondering type~," She said softly.

"And you're the flirting type," I chuckled. I then get smacked in the head. 

"Ow! What the heck?" I complained. 

"Shut it, or I'll burn you," She threatened as fire formed from her hands. 

"Not if you can catch me," I told her, confusing her. "What do you mean-" before she could finish her sentence, I turned into my inkling from and slipped out of rope. I quickly got turned back in my human form jumping over Cinder running out the door. 

"Hey! Get back here!" She shouted chasing after me. 

"Fudge this ship, I'm out!" I shouted back. I then heard something burning behind me. I quickly looked back to see a fireball coming towards me. 

"Ah!" I shouted moving to the side. 

"Get back here or I'll burn you!" Cinder said in rage as she threw two more fireballs. I stop and turned to face her. I moved to on side then to the other side dodging both fireballs. 

I then grabbed a Splatt-bomb under my jacket, "Here's a present before I go," I said as I threw the Splatt-bomb at her. She took out some sort of blade weapon and cut the bomb in half. But the ink within the bomb still spilled all over her, covering her with my (Y/c) ink. 

"Agh! Wtf is this stuff?!?" She said wiping the ink off of her face. As she wiped her face, I took my chance to leave. I ran towards a door, I tried to open it but it won't budge.

"Come on! Open!" I panicked shouted. I then look back and see a huge fireball come straight at me. 

"Ahhhh..... crap..." I said before getting hit. The fireball exploaded on in pack, launching me at the door breaking it. 

"Ugh... what happen?" I asked coughing a little. I looked around and see many Faunus from The White Fang and other Faunus. In the crowd, I see Blake and Sun in a White Fang unit form. I then see boots infront of my face, I looked up and see a man with ginger hair, a nice white coat with a bowler hat... oh it's Roman.

"Oh... I'm dead..." I barely said to myself. 

"Well, well, well... Look who decided to show up," He said picking me up by the collar. 

"Well, I was forced..." I told him trying to litten the mood. "Ah! I like you already," Roman laughed then threw me back onto the ground. I groan in pain as I hit the stage floor. I looked back up and see the same girl I saw at the ice cream shop.

"What...?" I said in shock.

"Who's that little shit?!" I heard a Faunus asked. "Just a pest in the house," Roman said aiming his gun cane at my face. I then heard a gunshot shouting out the lights. 

"Wtf! Who turned off the lights," A Faunus asked.  I then felt someone grabbed me and started to carried me. I then heard glass breaking and the moonlight shined. I notice that Blake is holding me within her arms.

"Oh... hey Blake," I said smiling. "Not now!" She shouted. I then heard a wall crumble, I looked back and see a huge machine. We then jumped onto the roofs running at inhuman speeds across the rooftops. Hopping on one building to another. 

"So you wouldn't happen to have... I don't know... back up!?!" Sun shouted sarcastically. "On it!" Blake shouted as she grabbed her phone and throwing it to Sun

"Wait... where's Agent Three?!" I asked. They didn't answer, Sun was to busy shouting on the phone about this huge mech chasing us. I peek over Blake should and see May holding onto the mech to life. 

"When did she get there?!" I asked myself. Blake and Sun then jumped down onto a highway landing on some cars. 

"I think this is illegal!" I shouted. The mech soon landed onto the high way and pursued us. Blake and Sun jumped car to car as I hold onto the Balke tight. I notice that her cheeks turned a little pink.

Third Pov. 

As Roman chased (Y/n), Blake, and Sun. Yang, Neptune, Bridgett and Jess showed up behind him on Yang's motorcycle. Bridgett was infront of Yang as she drove. Neptune was holding onto Yand as Jess just chills on the back. 

"We got to slow it down!" Yang shouted. "Don't worry I go this!" Jess said standing on the back of the motorcycle with her dualies. She then supper jump onto the mech Where May his holding on. "Woah!" Yang and Neptune said amazed. 

Jess landed where May is. "Jess, take out your Suction Bomb !" May told her as she took out her Suction Bomb. She nodded and took out her's. 

"Ready?" May asked Jess. "Hell yeah, let's blow this robot!" Jess shouted excitedly. They both stick the Suction Bomb onto the mech and both jumped off landing onto the highway. The Suction bombs then exploded coving the Mech in their ink making it malfunction, slowing it down. This made Roman mad as he struggles to get the mech moved faster. 

Neptune then took his chance and take out his Try-hard. He then shoots a dust round onto the back of Roman's mech. He then transforms his Try-hard into a spear and jumps from Yang's bike. He then stabs into Roman's mech. While Yang picks up both May and Jess. 

Blake with (Y/n) in her arms landed onto a van while Sun landed onto a truck near them. They both turned back seeing Neptune struggling to keep on as Roman tried to shake him off. 

"Neptune! Hold on!" Sun shouted. Sun then did a hand signal summoning two golden clones of himself. The clones then charge at Roman slamming into him. He then takes out his Sun Wukong then jumps towards Roman. 

Roman manages to throw Neptune into Sun. Neptune slam into Sun flailing them off of the highway. "Blake! We're in position!" They heard Weiss shouted. 

Weiss and Marie jumped off another part of the highway. They landed in the middle of the highway. Marie took out her Hero Charger and aimed towards Roman. Weiss then holds the trigger and releasing it inking the mech. 

"Weiss do whatever you have to do!" Marie told her. Weiss nods and slams the tip of her Myrtenaster onto the road creating ice underneath. 

The Mech then slips falling off the highway onto ground level. Ruby was surprisingly there just standing there with her Crescent Rose read in hand. Yang, Jess, May laned onto her left. Weiss and Marie landed on her right. Blake then landed beside Weiss putting (Y/n) down.

"Where were you?" Weiss asked. 

"I was kidnapped," (Y/n) told her. Bridgett then gracefully lands with thanks to her undercover Brella. 

"Here," Marie said throwing (Y/n)'s Roller to him. (Y/n) cheches his Roller, "Thanks Marie," he said smiling at her making Marie smile back. Weiss growled quietly seeing this. The mech then slowly moved towards them.

"Freezerburn!" Ruby shouted. 

"What?" May, Jess, (Y/n), and Marie said confused. Blake moved back as Ruby shot her Crescent Rose launching her back. May, Jess, (Y/n), Marie and Bridgett also moved back. Weiss once again summon ice underneath her as Yand jumped into her air as she slams her Ember Celica. This made the whole area foggy. 

The mech then scans the area trying to find them. Roman growled having no luck. He then sees something glowing, a single colour, Yellow. "Bomb-Rush!!!" Jess shouted. Roman then see bunch of burst bombs coming towards him. The mech was hit hard by multiple Burst Bombs coving the whole thing and the ground around him in Ink. The mech malfunctions and slowly shut down. 

"Seriously! Ink stopped this machine!" Roman shouted trying to get the mech online. As the mech slowly turns back on he saw movement in the ink. He quickly aims and started to shoot the ground. 

Ruby then came out of nowhere and slashes the mech making the mech stubble back. "Check to make!" Ruby shouted reloading another round into her Cresent Rose. Blake and Weiss then charge towards Roman. They slash at the legs of the mech, trying to rip it apart. Weiss then jumps up and destroyed one of the sensors of the mech. The mech then lifts its foot up and about to stomp onto Blake. 

Weiss then summons a snowflake underneath Blake and pulled her back. Roman growled as her missed Blake. He then launches rockets. Weiss and Blake quickly moved back all while dodging the rocket.

"Done!" (Y/n) shouted as all of the Inklings and Octoling jumping off the mech. "What the!?" Roman shouted confused. His mech was now covered in Suction Bombs. All the bombs exploded at the same time. The explosion manages to cut off one of the mech arms.  

"Man... ink is dangerous..." Roman told himself. As Roman was recovering from the explosion, Yang came up from behind and jumps onto the mech. She started to pound the mech with her shotgun knuckles.   

"Damn that mech is tough," May said panting a little. "We have no more Suction Bombs," Jess said. 

"Well... then I got to do this the old fashion way," (Y/n) said grabbing his Roller. 

"It's time to bring out the Kraken," 

Roman then lanches back slamming Yang into pillars breaking three. The mech then moved forward and turns back towards Yang who was slowly falling onto the ground. The mech then punches Yang hard slamming her into another pillar breaking it. 

Yang then slowly stands back up. Her lilac purple eyes slowly turned Blood red as her hair slowly glow. Roman slimed and slowly walks towards her. Before anyone can make a move they heard a huge roar. 

"What the heck was that?" Blake asked. They all looked around trying to find where the sound come from. All of sudden a huge Kraken came out nowhere spinning towards the mech. 

"Oh, shit!" Roman said as the Kraken slam into the mech. The pointing tip of the Kraken head drills through the mech with ease. 

"Holy cow!" Ruby said amazed. The mech was soon launched back cutting it in two. Roman managed to get off the broken mech without a scratch. "I just got this clean!" Roman complained cleaning of the dust of his jacket. The Kraken started to glow and shrink back into (y/n), "Man that was tiring,"  he said panting. 

Yang then sends dust round towards Roman. Then Nea came out of nowhere and blocked the dust around with her Umbrella. 

"Ladies, Ice Qeauen and Children," Roman said as they run towards them. "Always a pleasure," He said saluting to them. 

"Neo if you would," Roman said as Neo slowly bows down. Yang then charges at them punching Neo. But Nea and Roman shatter into the glass. 

"What the?" Jess said confused. As they looked around they see a jet flying away with Roman and Nea on it. 

"So I guess he got a new henchman," Yang said angrily. "Yeah, I guess she made our plans... fall apart," Weiss said trying to make a funny pun.

"That's even worse than Marie's puns," (y/n) said sarcastically. "Hey!" Marie said lightly punching (Y/n). "Ow! You know that I'm pretty injured," (Y/n) told her. 

"No, just no," Yang said. "But you do it!" Weiss complained.  

"There are a time and a place for jokes," Yang told her. "Was this not it?" Weiss asked. 

"No, it's just wasn't very good," Yang told her. "Well, at least I'm trying," Weiss said as they walked away.

"Wait where's Sun and Neptune?" Ruby asked. "Probably at a noddle shop of some sort," May said following the girls. 

As they walked away, (y/n) looked back and see a card laying on the ground. He picks it up and reads the card.

"Call me," he read. On it, there's a phone number and a heart. He then looks at the back and sees it's a coupon for ice cream. 

"I guess this Neo love her Ice cream," (Y/n) told himself as he put the number into his jacket. 


TarTar Pov. 

I was sitting on my throne watching the whole fight on a screen. I send out a spy to of course spy on them. 

"It seems that they have tricks up their sleeves," I said. 

"This (Y/n), he's seems powerful. He's going to be the person who will stop me in my tracks to build a perfect world. Isn't that right Kali?" I asked my new wife.

"Y-yes... master..." She said quietly. She wasn't sanitized like the others because she's too beautiful to be Sanitized.

 I giggled as I closed the screen, "Don't worry my love, soon this world will be ours~" I whispered into her ear.

"Now then~ Let's have some fun~" 




A/n: Chapter Done, Sorry for taking forever!

Anyways, I hoped you enjoy this chapter.

Also, do you want Kali to be in your Harem? 

Just asking.



















Gun: Sooo Scott...

Scott: Yeah?

Gun: Do you think Ms. Loser likes me?

Scott: Of course she does, why do you even ask? 

Gun: Well... I do get on her nerves most of the time and-

Scott: I'm sure she still likes you even being an annoying kid.

Gun: Heh, thanks-Hey! I'm not a kid!

Scott: You act like one

Gun: Okay, fuck boi

Scott: I'll fucking murder you if you say that again

Gun: Fuck-*gets smack by a frying pan*

Scott: Shut up!

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