Chapt 16: Hanging With Weiss and Marie
Weiss Pov.
Today I was in Mr. Ports' class, and once again it's really boring. Mr. Ports was once again talking about some random stuff from his past that has to do with something important. I again tried really hard to concentrate on his stories, but my mind drags me somewhere else. Jaune was also beside me. He's talking to me right now about how he wants to go on a date with me, but I just ignore him.
The thing that was on my mind is (y/n). I feel weird when I'm around him like my heart is burning for something. My heart wants him, I don't understand. No one ever made me like this except for him. I then felt my cheeks go red as I thought about him more. Agh! I hate this feeling! I never felt this before! It's distracting me from my work!
*Alarm Sound!*
"And then I-oh uh, timed that one wrong I guess," He said right after the alarm stopped. "Well the stunning story will have to wait... Until next time," He said dismissing us.
"Weiss? Did you hear me?" Jaune asked still trying to get my intentions. I stand up and walked away from him, "No, No, No, Yes," I told him of leaving him. Jaune sighed and slammed his head agaist the desk.
Your Pov.
"So, you want us to help team Rwby?" I asked Gramps. "Yes, I want you, Bridgett, May, and Jess go with team rwby and help them out on their missions," He told me. "Why us? Don't we have to stay here and help you and the rest of the agents?" I questioned him. "Well let's just say Ozpin had told me a lot of things," He said walking towards the window looking outside seeing the beautiful scenery. "We need to help them, you and your friends will give them that help."
I nodded, "I understand, I won't let Cinder get that chance," I said. I turned around and was about to leave but stopped by Gramps. "So, hows your relationships with Bridgett?" He asked. I froze, 'shit..' I cursed mentally. "W-what do you mean?" I asked nervously.
"Don't play dumb like Callie. I know when someone is in a relationship or a deep one," He said winking at me. I slowly blushed (y/c) [Your Ink Colour], "So, you know that Bridgett and I are in a relationship?" I asked making sure.
"Yup, let's just say one of my daughters saw what you did with Bridgett two nights ago," He told me. "Oh great..." I groaned. "Was it Callie?" asked him. He shakes his head, "Nope it's Marie."
I was shocked, "M-Marie saw that?!" I asked surprised. "Wow... I thought the perverted ones are the ones who spied one," I said blushing even more. "Well, it looks like you have a lot of girls that like you," Gramps said chuckling.
"What do you mean a lot of girls?" I asked him confused. "You'll find out soon," He said before looking back outside. I sighed, "Alright then... see ya, gramps," I said leaving. I wonder what's in store for me.
*Time Skip brought to you by Weiss giving (Y/n) a ride on her shoulders*
Your Pov.
I was walking through the hallways trying to find Rwby's dorm. I then see Marie with her back agaist the wall in her Agent outfit. "Marie!" I shouted, she turns her head, "Finally, you're here," Marie said. I looked at her confused "What do you mean?" I asked her.
"I'm going with you," She said grabbing my arm and started to drag me. "Whoa! Not too rough Marie!" I shouted. She didn't listen and kept dragging me somewhere. "Great..." I groan quietly.
After passing many dorms and students giving us a weird look due to my being dragged by Marie. We made it to Rwby's dorm with Bridgett, May, and Jess waiting for me. "Marie? What are you doing here?" May asked her. "I'm coming along," She said finally letting go of my arm. "Marie gramps said that it's our missions, not yours," I told her while rubbing my arm. "And next time don't grab too hard."
"Sorry..." She said looking away from me like she was ashamed of doing something. "If really want to come, then you can come," I told her. She looks at me, "R-really?!" She asked.
"Yes, you can come and help us," I told her smiling at her. Marie hugs me, "thanks (Y/n)," She said.
"You're welcome," I hugged back. I didn't notice that May and Jess looked at us with jealousy. We let go of our hug, "Alright, let's do this then," I said knocking on the door.
Weiss Pov.
As Sun and Neptune were coming from the window, I heard a knocked from the door. "I got it," I told my team. I walked up to the door and opened the door and see the Inklings and the octoling. "Oh, it's you guys, what do you want?" I asked them coldly. (Y/n) smiled, "We're here to help you guys whatever you guys are doing," he told me. When I saw his smile, my heart started to beep more. Dammit! It's back again!
"Uh... n-no thanks, w-we don't need a-any h-help," I stuttered as my face slowly blush red. I tried to shut the door but Ruby stopped me. "Yes we need help!" she shouted. I sighed, "just great."
Ruby pushed me to the side and opened up the door. "Come on in friends," She said happily.
As they came in, I notice they have different clothing on. It's the same clothing that we saw them fighting off the grim when we first met them. They have tanks on their backs with their colour, I wonder what that is for. They also have their weapons, (Y/n) was holding some sort of bucket, May was holding a paintball gun, Jess was holding some sort of duel gun, Bridgett was holding an umbrella? I then notice a new inkling in the group, she wore the same clothing as May but she wears a green hat with a white mask coving her bottom half of her face. Her eyes are yellow and orange with a plus sign in the middle, weird. She was holding a long-barreled paintball gun.
I notice that Bridgett and that girl seemed being cling onto (Y/n). I don't know why, but I felt jealous for some reason.
Ruby Pov.
"All right," I said grabbing everyone's attention. "Me, (y/n), the new girl will go with Weiss." They nodded walking beside Weiss.
"May, Sun you'll go with Blake. Jess and Neptune, you'll go with Yang," I said pushing Neptune beside Jess and Yang.
"Um... maybe I should be put with Weiss. Since Yang is your sister, right?" He protested. I just laughed, "Nah," I told him making him disappointed. Weiss was also about to protest but I grabbed her and dragged her out of the room with (Y/n) and the new girl following.
Weiss Pov.
"Wow!" Ruby said as she was amazed at how huge the transmitter tower is. "I forgot how big the transmitter tower looks so close!"
"You should see the one in Atlas," I told her. "That was the first one, right?" She asked me. "That is correct Ruby," The new girl said. "The kingdom of Atlas developed this cross-continental transmit system to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another after the great war," The new girl explained as we walked.
"It seems you have been doing your research," I told her. "Yeah, I do a lot of research, just asked (Y/n)," She said. "By the way can't we just used the library to call whoever you calling?" She asked Ruby.
"I know, but it's so cool! Oh! I'm going to take a picture!" Ruby said excitedly. Ruby then took out her phone but it slipped out of her hand falling in front of the ginger-haired girl from two days ago.
"Oh," She said picking up Ruby's phone. "You dropped this," She said handing out her phone. "Penny?" (Y/n) and Ruby said surprised. "Uhhh..." Penny said.
"Where have you been?! We haven't seen you since the night at the docks!" Ruby shouted. "S-sorry... I think you're confused." She said has she hiccups throwing her phone to Ruby. "Uh, I've got to go!" Penny said quickly turning and running.
"Um... is there something wrong with her?" (Y/n) asked. "I don't know," Ruby said as she turned her head to him. "But, I'm going to find out," Ruby said walking forward. She then turns to me, "You make you call, I'll meet up with you guys later!" She told me before chasing after Penny.
"Wait!" I shouted, but it was too late. I sighed, "Something wrongs Weiss?" (Y/n) asked. I shake my head, "No, I'm fine..." I told him.
Your Pov.
"Welp this stinks," I groaned. Apparently, we have to stay outside of the transmitter due to them thinking that we're kids. "It's alright (Y/n), we just have to wait for Weiss," Marie said. I sighed, "I know but I want to see what it looks like on the inside," I told her.
"Me too, but don't worry there got to be imaged on the internet," she said while looking on her phone. "Yeah..." I sighed.
We stand there awkwardly. Like we're waiting for one of us to speak. I was thinking about gramps telling me that Marie saw what I did with Bridgett. So far, Marie hasn't mentioned anything about it, maybe she didn't know it and Gramps just lied. But... I want to ask her if she did saw it.
"S-so... Marie?" I said to her. "hm?" She responded as she keeps looking on her phone. I felt my face go (i/c) as I thought about it more, "I was wondering... t-that you have seen... what I did with Bridgett?" I told her. I saw her eyes widen making her freeze in place. Her face slowly turned red as she just stands there holding her phone in place. "Um... Marie?" I said trying to get out of her shock.
"H--how d-did you k-know?" She stuttered. I can tell that she was afraid, I don't know what she was afraid of but most likely of not being her friend anymore. "Gramps told me... that you saw the thing that Bridgett and I did," I told her. Her face was all red like Ruby's cape.
"Y-yes... I did..." She told me. "I saw the whole thing..." She said. "Why did you watch?" I asked her.
"I-it's nothing! I-I-I was just distracted... and... look sorry for watching a-and-" Before she can explain more I stopped her. "Marie, it's alright..." I said.
"Let me guess you like me don't you?" I asked her. She then turns her head away from me, "As... a friend?" She asked pretending that she doesn't know what I'm talking about.
"Marie don't play dumb. I know that you spy on me, even in the shower," I told her. Making her go red even more. "So, tell me to do you like me more than a friend?"
"Yes!" She confessed. "I liked you ever since I met you okay!" She said. "You're the only person I met that makes me happy to be around with. You're not the boys back home who mostly like Callie because she's way sexier than me and has the better personality, but you loved Eight more than so-"
"Marie, stop," I told her as I walked up to her. We were the same hight as I looked into her eyes. "I don't care about Callie being better than you," I said as I took off her mask. "I love you too," I told her as I kissed her on the lips. At first, she was surprised by my action but soon press in, into a deeper kiss. We soon let go, "I-I..." Marie started trying to get out of her words.
"It's okay Marie, I think Bridgett is willing to share," I told her winking.
Weiss Pov.
I watched as the girl kissed (Y/n). My face was red but my heart felt like it been cut by a knife. I hate it when I saw them kissed. I was jealous, and I don't know why still. I don't like him! We've just met and I barely know him!
But... at the same time, I felt like I want him. I want him to ravage me, or like those fantasies of a knight and the princess. Ugh... I can't comprehend this feeling!
A/n: Sorry for taking forever! I was busy.
Anyways I hoped you enjoy this chapter.
Gun: So... Ms. Loser, are you doing anything today?
Ms. Loser: No? Why?
Gun: *blushing* N-nothing... just wondering...
Ms. Loser: Okay then...
Scott: Gun just do it
Gun: Do what?
Scott: Ask her out
Gun: What ask her out? Nah!
Scott: Fine, be like that
Gun: How about you ask her out
Scott: Nah, she won't date a guy like me
Gun: She moaned out your name in her dreams
Scott: You too!
Ms. Loser: What are you guys talking about?
Gun/Scott: *Blushed* Nothing!
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