Chapt 15: Meeting more People... yay...
Ozpin Pov.
I was looking out the window of my office with Glynda. Watching some Atlas jets roaming the area. I then heard a beep on my desk, "Come in," I said. The elevator doors open showing Ironwood. "Ozpin," He greeted walking up to me.
"Hello, General," I greeted him back. "Please drop the formalities," He said. We both walked up to each other and shakes hands, "It's been too long." He then turns a see Glynda.
"And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met," He told her. "Oh, James," She said sarcastically. She leans into me, "I'll be outside," She told me. As she walked past Ironwood, he then turns to me.
"Well, she hasn't changed a bit," He said. "So..." I said turning around to my desk. "What in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" I asked him.
"Well, you know how much I love Vale at this time a year," He said. "Besides, with your hosting. I thought it might be a good opportunity for us to catch up," He continued.
"I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends," I said. "However... the small fleet outside my window has somewhat concerned."
"Well.. concerned is that brought them here," He said. "I understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult-"
"Oz..." He stopped me. "About the report at the docks. What were those Faunus?" He asked me. "The White Fang of course," I told him.
"No, the ones with tentacles on their heads," Ironwood said. "What are those?" He demanded.
Your Pov.
How did I get into this situation? I keep asking myself. Right now I'm in the library sitting at the table beside Weiss and her teammates, playing a board game. She wanted to come with her for a while, which she meant the whole day. I had to agree because she's going to force me to follow her and I don't want May and Weiss get into a fight. I hope the Agents are doing fine watching the Octolings. I wonder how they got here?
I looked back at the other table, as Ruby and Yang shouted at each other. I see a man with green clothing and a pink strand of hair. He was reading a large book, while an orange hair girl is sleeping on the other side of that book. Besides, that girl was a boy with yellow hair and some nice looking amour. He was reading a comic book until the Redhead girl took it away from him, and gave him a proper book. As she reads the comic book.
"Noooo..." I heard Ruby said in defeat. I turned around and see Ruby had her head agaist the table. "Well, Weiss it's your turned!" Yang said.
"I have..." She paused for a moment looking at the cards she has in her hand. "Absolutely no idea what's going on," She admitted. "Nice one," I said sarcastically. "Shut it, you duce," She said looking down at me.
"You force me to come with you," I told her. Yang then slides in, "Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo witch means all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus!" She explained.
"That sounds dumb," Weiss said. I groan in anyone, this is boring. Right now I just want to do some turf war. I missed home, sometimes I wonder whats going on back there. I hope everything is alright.
"You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant," Ruby wined. Weiss then did an evil laugh standing which made me scoot away from her, "YES! FEAR THE ALL MIGHTY POWER OF MY FORCES! COWARDS AS THEY PILLAGE YOUR HOMES ADN WEEP AS THEY TAKE YOUR CHILDREN FROM YOUR VERY ARMS-!"
"Trap card," Yang butted in. "Your armies have been had been destroyed," She told her. Weiss then breaks down, "I hate this game of emotions we play!" She wined.
"You sound like Jess, every time she loses her rank," I said. "Just shut up," Weiss said. Ruby then hugs on to Weiss, "Stay strong Weiss. We'll make it through together," Ruby said still crying. "Shut up! Don't touch me!" Weiss wined hugging Ruby closer together.
"This is weird..." I whispered to myself. "Alright Blake, your up!" Yang told her breaking out of Blake's thoughts. "Huh? Oh... umm... sorry what I'm I doing?" Blake asked confused. "Your playing as Vale trying to conquering the kingdoms of Remnant," Yang explained. "Right..." Blake said.
"Hey! can I play?" Someone asked behind Weiss and I. I turned around and see that same Yellow hair boy. "Sorry Jaune, we've already got four people," Ruby told him. "But, you have this kid here, is he playing with you guys?" Jaune asked.
"No, I'm just here because Weiss said so. And my name is (Y/n) by the way," I told him with my hand out.
"Oh, you must be that kid who got hugged by Nora, sorry about that. Oh, and my names Jaune," He said shaking my hand.
"It's alright, it's not the first time I got hugged hard. And it's nice to meet you Jaune," I said.
"Besides, this game requires a certain level of cunning that I seriously doubt you possess," Weiss told Jaune. "Said the Girl who attacks her own navel fleet two turns ago," I said out loud.
"Hmph," Weiss said turning away from me. "That's what you get for keeping me around, princess," I said sarcastically. Weiss slowly blushed at my comment, but I didn't notice it.
"Bring it on Ice Queen, I'll have you know that I've been told that I'm a natural-born leader," Jaune said. "By who? your mother?" Weiss teased him. "A-and Pyrrha," Jaune said embarrass.
"Hello again!" I heard the Redhead girl said. I guess that Pyrrha, she does have a nice ponytail.
"Come on please, let me play your hand for a turn," Jaune begged Weiss. "I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!" Weiss said leaning back away from him. You for being a board game, at least I learn more about the areas about this place.
"Why not?!" You've trusted me with way more important stuff before!" He complained. "I mean you told us all that Blake is secretly a Fau-" Jaune was cut off my Phyrrah who was covering his mouth. "Fun-loving person whom, we all admire and respect," Phyrrah said. They all looked at Blake who wasn't so happy. "Nice one," I told them. I thought Bridgett was bad at keeping secrets. Like that time I stole May's gun, let's just say she wasn't happy when she found out.
"Right... that," Jaune said awkwardly. "Ladies and (Y/n), enjoy your battle," Jaune said bowing down.
"Sup losers," I heard Sun said with a man with blue hair beside him. "Oh, hey Sun hows it going?" I asked him. "Ruby, Yang, Blake, (Y/n), Ice Queen..." Sun said sarcastically towards Weiss. "Why does everyone keep calling me that?" Weiss complained.
"Well, I called you princess, does that count?" I asked her. Weiss again blush of what I called her. "Y-yes... n-no..." She admitted.
"I never got the change to formally introduce you to my old friend," Sun told us while looking at the blue hair guy.
"Uh... aren't libraries for reading?" The blue hair man asked Sun. "Thank you!" The green boy shouted in the background, waking up the orange hair girl that shouted "Pancakes" after.
"Shut up, don't be a nerd," Sun told the Blue hair guy. "Intellectual. Okay. Thank you," He corrected Sun.
"Hi, I'm Neptune." He greeted us. "So, Neptune, where are you from?" Weiss asked him. "Heaven..." He said walking up to Weiss and me. "... And I don't believe I've caught your name, Snow Angel," Neptune flirted with Weiss who just didn't react.
"Um... I'm Weiss," She told Neptune. "Are kidding me?!" I heard Jaune said in the background. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Neptune said.
"Yeah, can I leave Weiss so you two love birds can talk without me in the middle?" I asked Weiss who got all flustered when I said 'love birds'.
"F-fine... But tomorrow I'm asking questions," She told me. "Fine by me," I said leaving.
*Timeskip brought to you by Weiss holding you in her arms while you sleep in Squid form*
Your Pov.
"So, was it fun hanging out with Weiss?" May asked me, Bridgett, Jess, and I walked down the halls. "No, I mostly just watch them play a board game. But meet some new humans," I told her.
"That's good, I don't want to see you get all board again," May said. "Don't worry, it was fun teasing Weiss a little," I said.
"Well, at least you don't have to deal with 30 Octolings," Jess complained.
"Ture," I agreed with her. We then bump into someone making us all fall down. "Ow... how does that happen always?" May asked. As we slowly stood up was saw the humans we bump into. A boy with grey hair and a girl with red eyes and emerald hair. "Oh, sorry," I said standing back up.
"You have really nice eyes by the way," I told the girl. "O-oh... t-thanks," She said looking away from me.
"We haven't seen you around here, are you visitors from the other kingdoms?" May asked them.
"Yes, we are," Someone said. The Redeye girl moved to the side showing a girl with long black hair with fiery red eyes. This made us suspicious about them, something doesn't feel right. I remember the Octoling telling us about people who wanted to take some sort of power in Vale. Form what I can see, I think it's them.
"Yeah... I heard that people who are visiting Vale had their own assigned rooms," I told them.
"I guess we just got turned around," The grey hair man said. Bridgett was a little scared and hid behind me. "I'm scared..." she whispered to me. "It's alright I got this," I told her.
"Alright then go back to your dorms," I order them. "It's somewhere in the east of the building," I told them. The two people walked past us, "Thanks, maybe we'll see you around," The black hair girl said. As they walked away, May shouted at them "We know who you are!"
But they just ignore her and go one with their day. "We should report this to Gramp," Jess said. "Yeah... we should," I said.
A/n: Yay, chapter done
I hoped you like it.
Me: What to do... what to do...
Scott: Bored?
Me: Yes! I'm so freaking bored!
Scott: What do you want to do then?
Me: Drugs?
Scott: No
Me: *sigh*
Scott: It's bad for you
Me: I know, I know...
Gun: Maybe you two should go to bed together
Me: *blushed* What?
Scott: Sure I can get some sleep.
Me: WHAT?!?
Scott: It's not the first time we've sleep in the same bed, remember that time when Gun put a bunch of snakes in my bed.
Gun: Hehe, that was funny.
Scott: It was not...
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