Chapt 12: Discovery And An All Out War
Tartar Pov.
I was really pissed that those three human escape my grasp. They had good information about this place. Whatever, I need to find some info about this place.
"Master, we fond something you might need," Sanitized Adam said. I turned around and Adam hand me a phone. The phone showed a video of more of these humanoid creatures running off too. I threw back the phone to Adam and walked past him.
"Bring me there," I order him. "Yes, Master," He bows and run past me.
Third Pov.
"Finally, she speaks!" Sun shouted. It's been nearly two days ever since Blake disappeared with (Y/n), Bridgett, and Marina. They were in a cafe on the balcony. You were sitting beside Sun, while on the other side of the table Blake, Bridgett, and Marina are sitting.
"I thought I had to talk to this kid forever," Sun said sarcastically while looking at you. "Hey-" Before you can speak, you were cut off by Sun. "Nealy for two days, you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks," Sun told Blake. Blake then gave a 'seriously' face. Which made Bridgett giggle a little.
"Yeah, like that," he pointed out. Blake then rolled her eyes. "Sun... are you familiar with the White Fang?" Blake asked him.
"Of course! I didn't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them," Sun told her. "I don't know them," you told him.
"How?" He asked. "I told you, me, Bridgett and Marina are not Faunus. I'm an Inkling, and Marina and Bridgett are Octolings." You told him for the twentieth time. "Yeah, yeah, you're basically Faunus," He said. You just groan, annoyed at him.
"And Yes I know that White Fang," He told Blake. "Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that used force to get whatever they want," Marina made sure to cover Bridgett ears when he said all those insults. "Bunch of freaks you ask me."
"Maybe not all of them," (Y/n) said. Sun just ignores me and starts to drink his tea.
"I was... once a member of the White Fang," she said after she took a sip of her tea. Sun then chokes on his tea. "Wait a minute, 'you' were a member of the White Fang?" He asked surprised.
"That's right, I was a member of the White Fang for most of my life actually. You could say I was born into it," She said. "Can you tell us, about your life of the White Fang and what the White Fang is?" (y/n) asked her kindly. She nods and starts to explain her life of the White Fang and what the White Fang is.
*Timeskip brought to you by me being lazy to write down Blake, speaking of her life in the White Fang and what it is to (Y/n)*
Rwby Pov.
"Blake! (Y/n)! Marina! Bridgett!" I shouted. I'm with Weiss and Yang, with the inklings searching for Blake, (Y/n), Marina, and Bridgett. They went missing after Blake ran out of our dorm.
"Blake! (Y/n)! Marina! Bridgett! Where are you!" I shouted again. Yang and the inklings were shouting too, except for Weiss. I turned to her and said, "Weiss, you're not helping!"
"Oh! You know-" Before she can even finish her sentence, she was cut off by May. "Shut Up! It's your fault that Blake and my friends went missing!" May shouted at her. "Oh you little-" Weiss was cut off once again by May giving her the death stare. Weiss just looks away crossing her arms. I sighed at the situation.
"Hello, Friends!" We all screamed and turned around to see Penny. "Oh, it's you," Weiss said. "What you up too?" She asked.
"We're looking for our Friends, Blake, Bridgett, Marina and (Y/n)," Yang told her. "Have you seen them?" May asked her. "Nope, why?"
"Well, they been missing for a while," I said. "Gasp, that's terrible," She then grabs me by the shoulders and continues speaking, "Well don't worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate,"
"Uh, that's really nice of you Penny, uh, but we're-we're okay. Really. Right guys," I asked Yang and Weiss nervously. I looked and see them missing. "Where did they go?" I heard the White hair inkling asked. They all shrugged at the same time. She then turns to the inkings. "So, May. Who are your other friends?" She asked her. "Well, this is Callie and Marie, the Squid Sisters, and that's Pearl," She told her.
"Well it nice to meat you inklings," She said with a nice smile.
Cinder Pov.
Emerald, Mercury, and I are laying in bed. I was blind on my right side of my eye, and my right part of my body felt dead. Like I can't move. Roman and this person named, Octavio, are trying to take this neon green slime out of us. I learned about these new creatures. These creatures are not Faunus, but Octolings and Octarians. They're really small but have technology similair to Atlas technology. Mostly in robotics kind of technology.
I looked around and see many White Fang members laying in beds recovering. I'm hearing voices in my head like something is telling me to do stuff. It's like when Salem controls the Grimms. This voice is getting annoying, it's hurting my head.
"Cinder," I heard someone said. I turned to the voice and see Salem. "Salem," I said. "You must complete the mission," She said. "I know, but the-" Before I can finish, she silences me. "I don't care, you must get the power of the maidens no matter what," She told me before disappearing. I thought of what she said. Should I complete the mission to get the power of the maidens, or not and take care of the Sanitized Faunus?
"Get up boys, a shipment of Dust is coming here soon," Roman said.
Blake Pov.
Sun and I were walking down the streets of Vale, while (Y/n) is playing with Eight and Marina.
"So, what's the plan now?" Sun asked me. I thought for a moment. "I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before," I told him. We then saw (Y/n) running between us with Bridgett on his shoulders. While Marina is running behind them. They're laughing and having fun. I giggled a little, although they're not Faunus, it's rare to see people playing and not to have to worry a thing. I looked at Sun who looks a little jealous. "You ok?" I asked. "W-what... uh... yeah..." he said. I just shrugged.
"But, what if they did?" He asked. I looked at him. "I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there... Right?" He explained. "The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be," I told him.
"Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a 'huge' shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas," Sun told me. "How huge?" I asked. "'Huge'. Big Schee Company freighter," He said. "You sure?"
Third Pov.
Penny, Ruby, and the inklings were walking around Vale still searching for Blake, (Y/n), Bridgett, and Marina. "So, Blake is your friend?" Penney asked Ruby. Ruby then sighs, "Yes, Penny."
"And you mad at her?" Penny asked. "No, it's Weiss. Weiss is mad at Blake because she's a Faunus," May told her. "May, Weiss only hates Faunus because her friends got killed by Faunus," Ruby told May.
"That doesn't mean that every Faunus or other species like us are evil, innocent, or whatever. We're all the same, and we're too stupid to see that!" May angry. They didn't say anything, because, she right. "*sigh* Sorry, I just... want Weiss and Blake to talk it out, I just want us to understand each other..." May said in a calm tone.
"Yeah... me too..." Ruby said.
*Timeskip brought to you by Bridgett in a boxie!*
(I dont own this pitchure, I found it on google image and I love it)
Blake Pov.
It was night time and we're hiding on top of one of the warehouses near the shipping yard. (Y/n), Bridgett and Marina decided to come with us and help us. I wish they wouldn't come, I rather not lose them, but it was impossible to push them away.
I looked at the shipping crates and see the Snchees' Company logo. I instantly knew that those where the Dust shipping crates. "Are those the crates?" (Y/n) asked me. I nod in response.
"Did I miss anything?" I heard Sun asked after coming back with food. "Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there. "Cool, I still some food for us," He said. "Do you always break the law without a second thought?" I asked. "We're you in some sort of cult?" I gave him a 'serious look'. "Ok, too soon,"
All of sudden, the wind hit us hard. "Whoa, hold on Marina, and Bridgett!" I heard (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n), Marina and Bridgett hold on. While Sun and I looked up to see a Bullhead landing on the docking area. We all then see a bunch of White Fang members coming out and... Octolings?
"Who are those Faunus?" Sun asked. "What!?" I heard (Y/n) shouted. "(Y/n), who are those Octolings?" I asked him.
"Those are part of the Octarian and Octoling army. The one who just looks like tentacles on those machines are Octarians, while the Octolings are mind-controlled by Octavio... the leader of the army," (Y/n) explained. "How are they're here?" Marina asked (Y/n). "I don't know," he said.
"Alright, grab the tow cables," A White Fang members order them. They all nod and walks towards the crates while the Octarians guard the sector. "Did you think they won't do this?" I heard (Y/n) asked me. "I guess... deep down, I thought it wouldn't be right," I told him.
"Hey! What's the holdup?" I heard someone shouted. We then saw a man with orange hair with a cane. "We're not exactly an inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment. So, why don't you animals pick up the pace!" He shouted.
"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with humans. Especially not one like that." I said while standing up and took out my Gambol Shroud. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked. I jumped down and ran near the area, passing by the Octarians who were scouting out the place. I then hid behind a crate and peek to see what they're doing.
"No, you idiot! This isn't a leash," The orange hair man shouted at the White Fang caring... whatever that is. I quickly went up behind the orange hair man, and put my bald against his neck.
"What the--? Oh for f-"
"Nobody Move!" I shouted at them. The White Fang members and Octolings point their weapons at me while the Octarins flaked me form behind.
"Woah! Take it easy there little lady," The orange hair man said. I then took off my bow and show them my cat ears. "Brothers of the White Fang. Why are you adding this Scum!" I asked them.
"Heh, ok kid. Didn't you get the memo?" He asked me. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "The remains of the White Fang, The Octavio army and I are going on a joint business venture together," He said. I then press my blade closer to his neck. "Tell me what it is, or I'll end this little operation," I demanded. All of the soundly more Bullheads appears above the docking area.
"Well, I wouldn't say it's a little operation," he said. Then an explosion happens under me launching me away from the orange man. "Blake!" I heard someone shouted. I look up and see Bridgett running towards me. "You ok?" She asked. I then picked up Bridgett and started to dodged the shots coming from the orange man cane.
Third Pov.
Blake runs behind a crate and put Bridgett down. "Stay here," She told Bridgett before running away from her. Roman was going to follow Blake but was stopped after a banana peel hit his hat. Sun then jumps down and kicks Roman to the ground. (Y/n) and Marina jumped down behind Sun. (Y/n) was holding an Undercover Brella, while Marina was holding her Octo Brush. "Leave her alone," (Y/n) said.
More White Fang members and Octolings jumped down from the bullhead surrounds the three of them to support Roman. "You're not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you kids?" He said. Sun fought off the Whit Fang, punching, kicking, using his weapon, Ruyi Jingu Bang, while dodging their attacks. While Marina and (Y/n) are dealing with the Octolings. (Y/n) used his Undercover Brella to block their attacks while shooting back at them, and hitting them with the Brella if. Marina was dodging all of their attacks trying to get close so she can attack, using the Autobombs to distract them.
Blake hid on top of the crate and saw them fighting against the Octolings and the White Fang. After they all defeated, Roman tries to shot Sun, but Sun blocked his shot. Blake jumped down in front of Sun and charges at Roman. Blake and Roman weapons clash against each other. Roman was on the defensive while Blake is trying to hit him. Roman then manage got a bunch of good hits on Blake putting her down on the floor. (Y/n) and Sun then jumps in and kicks Roman. (Y/n) and Sun tries to hit Roman but he manages to block every attack. Although some of (Y/n) ink hit him making his suit more of a (Y/c) colour. Blake then came in and hit him away from them, falling onto the ground. Roman then looks up and see a hanging crate above them. Roman then shoots the cable that was holding the crate and started to fall. (Y/n), Blake and Sun manage to jump away from it in time. While (Y/n) was about to get up, Roman points his can to your head.
"Hey!" Ruby shouted from on top of the water house with the inklings. They all looked up at her. "Oh, Hello red. Isn't it past your bedtime?" Roman said. "Ruby, are these people your friends?" Penney asked Ruby. "Penny gets back," Ruby was then got hit by Roman shoot and was knocked back.
"Can, I play too?" Someone asked. They all turned and see Tartar with Sanizitized Adam. "Who are you? A creepy-looking robot?" Roman asked. "My name is Tartar, and I'm here to make a better race," Tartar said. Then a couple of Sanitized White Fang members appeared behind him.
"Make sure to kill the Inklings and the Octolings. And Capture the rest," Her order. The Sanitized White Fang charged at them. The White Fang then chargeback at them and clash against each other. "Oh, Ngyes!" (Y/n) swore. Penny then jumps down with her weapons floating behind her. She then starts to fight off the White Fang and Octolings. She knocks out them out instantly and tries not to hurt to octolings. "Whoa, this is an all-out war," Sun said.
Tartar saw (Y/n) helping Marina to fight off the Octarians. Tartar tentacles grab them and bring them to him. They try to struggle out of his grasp but with no prevail. "Well, well, well... Marina, it's nice to see you again." He said. "I thought you were dead!" Marina said.
"Not dead enough sadly," He said. "And who's your new friend?" Tartar said while looking at (Y/n). "The last thing you ever going to see!" (Y/n) shouted. Tartar just laughs and squeezed him making him screaming pain. "Let go of them!" Blake shouted and cut off the tentacles that were holding Marina. "You have to ruin the fun don't you?" He asked her. Tartar the threw (Y/n) at Blake and Marina knocking them into the ground. They then an explosion and saw many of the Sanitized and non-sanitized White Fang launch everwhere. They all looked and see Bridgett holding a Rainmaker.
"Welp, it seems I underestimate you 'thangs'." He said before opening a portal and left with Sanitized Adam. Penny took out every Bullhead. By herself which amazed Ruby. Roman manages to escape on a Bullhead. Bridgett then jumps down and help (Y/n), Marina and Blake up.
*Timeskip brought to you by, Chibi Penny and Ruby playing with Bidgett and (Y/n)*
Blake Pov.
The cops came after the battle, while we rest on some wooden crates. Pearl was happy that Marina was back and hugged her. (Y/n) was pretty injured when Tartar squeezed him, but Marie and Bridgett were helping him sit down. May and Jess were talking to Sun asking him questions. But at least I know who took over the White Fang, but why would the rest of the White Fang work for that scum? We then heard walking, we all look and see Yang and Weiss.
"Look, Weiss, it's not what you think she explained the whole thing you see she doesn't actually wear a bow, she has kitty cat ears and their actually kinda cute," Ruby said. Weiss past by her and walked up to me. May stepped beside me, "Anything you girls want to say?" She asked us.
"Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I-" But I was cut off by Weiss.
"Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've looked for you, (Y/n), and Bridgett?" Weiss asked me. I was surprised that she was looking for me. "Twelve hours. That means I had twelve hours to think about this. And in Twelve hours I've decided..." Then there was a pause, and everyone looked at us. "I don't care," Weiss said.
"You don't care?" I asked. "You said you're not one of them, right?"
"No, I h-haven't been since I was younger-"
"Upupupup! I didn't wanna hear it," Weiss shush me. "All I want to know is next time something this big come up... you'll come to your teammates and... not someone else," Weiss told me. I felt happy when she says that. I wiped a tear off my face and said: "Of course," Weiss then smiles at me. "See, wasn't so hard, right?" May asked us. "Oh, shut it you!" Weiss said. May giggled.
"Yeah! Team Rwby is back together!" Ruby shouted.
"Wait... where's Penny?" Ruby asked us. We all look around and see Penny not around.
A/n: Finaly, I finished. I hope you like this chapter.
Anyways I hope you have a great day... while I go lay down.
Scott: You ok Loser?
Yes, I'm ok... I just wrote another long chapter.
Scott: Oh, welp rest up.
Gun: Can you two kiss yet?
Scott/Me: No! Fuck Off!
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