Chapt 11: The Docks...

Your Pov. 

After that indecent with Jess and the icecream. We made it back with the group, we walked around Vale for a while. While Ruby was showing us around. She talked about her adventures so far, and how she made it to beacon early at her age. The others didn't talk much, Yang was, I guess, daydreaming. While Blake was looking around but with Bridgett in her arms. And Weiss was leading us somewhere. As we walked, I saw an old man putting up a sign, that says "Welcome to Vale" 

"The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!" Weiss shouted happily. I looked at May confused but she just shrugged.  

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Weiss," Ruby told Weiss. "It's kinda weirding me out." Weiss then turned around and looked at Ruby. 

"How could you 'not' smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world!" She shouted excitedly. "There will be dances, parades, a tournament!" She adds. 

"Sounds like Splattfest," I told her. 

"Splattfest?" Weiss question me. "Splattfest is like, this festival you're talking about. It happens every once a month. During the Splattfest, we have to pick a side that the stars chose as their team name. Then the stars do a concert for us, while we fight each other in a turf war. After the Splattfest, the team who has the most wins and popularity wins"  I told her. Weiss and the other humans looked surprised at me.  

"What?" I asked them confused. "Never mind," Weiss said and turn back around and started to walk. While we follow her once again. As we walked, May bump my arm with her shoulder. 

"Thank you for telling them about Splattfest," She whispered at me a little angry at me. "Come on, they told us about them. So might as well tell them more about us," I whispered back. She just rolled her eyes. "I don't trust them," She told me. We then turned to another conner to see, a dock... 

"Remind me again, why we're visiting the stupid docks?" Yang asked annoyed.  We stopped at the railing of the docks. "Ugh, they smell like fish!" Ruby said covering her nose. My team and I are used to this smell, because of Salmon Run. 

"I've heard that students are visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today," Weiss told Ruby while looking out to the water. Before I asked whats a 'Vacuo' is, Weiss turned around. "And, as a representative of Beacon. I feel as though is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fire kingdom," She told us proudly. Once again I wanted to ask her about this stuff, but she started to walked away. I looked down and sigh. 

"You ok?" I heard May asked me. I looked at her and see her looking worried for me. "No, I'm fine. I just don't understand this human stuff," I told her. "Don't worry, none of us understand this stuff," She told me. 

"You love birds get over here!" We heard Jess shouted. May then turned to her angry but with a slight blush on her face. "Shut It!" May shouted at her. Jess just giggled and follow the Humans. I then put my hand on her shoulder. "Let's go," I told her with a smile. She smiles back and nods. We then catch up with them. As we caught up to them, Blake turned to Yang. 

"She wants to spy on them so she'll have an upper hand in the tournament," Blake told her. Weiss then initially turned to her with her arms crossed. 

"Ah! You can't prove that!" she shouted at her. Blake then shushes her. "Be quiet, she's sleeping," She told her while looking down at sleeping Bridgett in her arms. Weiss just gave a 'hm' sound. 

Ruby Pov. 

As Weiss and Blake were talking to each other. I looked at the yellow inkling, Jess if I remember, was eating her ice cream. But I then saw in the background then saw two detectives looking at some sort of a crime scene.  "Woah," I said. Everyone stopped and looked at the crime scene. We then started to walk up to the scene.

"What happens here?" I asked one of the detectives. "Robbery. Second Dust Shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a juggle," He told us and walked away. "That's terrible," Yang said sadly. 

"They left all the money again," I heard one of the detectives said. "Yeah, just doesn't make sense. Who needs that much dust?" The other one said to him. "You think it's the White Fang?" He asked. "Maybe," He responded. 

"Whats the White Fang?" I heard (Y/n) said. "It's a Faunus organization that fights for Faunus rights," Blake told him. "Oh, what's Faunus?" He asked her. 

"It's criminally insane things," Weiss told him as she turned to him. "What's your problem?" Blake asked her irritated. "They want to wipe humanity face off the planet!" She spat at her. Before Blake said anything (Y/n) step between them. "Calm down you too, I'm sure the Faunus are good people like you," He told Weiss. "Thank you," Blake said to (Y/n). 

"Hmph," Weiss then turned away from them. I then heard yawning and see the Octoling girl, Bridgett waking up in Blakes' arms. "Moring," I said to her. 

"Ai wen-mee," Bridgett said and jumped down from Blakes' arms. The long hair inkling, May, goes up to her and started to talk in their language. 

"I hate it when I can't understand," I heard Yang whispered to me. 

"Hey!, Someone stop that Faunus!" I heard someone shouted. We all turned around and ran towards the dock. We see a blond monkey Faunus running away from sailors. He jumped off the boat and landed on the docks. We then saw the same detectives went up to him. They were talking until the Monkey Faunus threw and banana peel at one of them. He then ran away from them as they started to chase after him. 

Blake Pov. 

As the monkey Faunas pass by us. He quickly looked at me and gave me a wink. It didn't really phase me for some reason. After he passed by us the long hair inkling walked beside me. 

"Was that a tail?" The long hair inkling question. "Yep, that's a monkey Fanuas," I told her. "Their's many different types of Faunus?" She asked me. "Correct, they're many different kinds, with special abilities they can use to their advantage," I explained. "Its kinda like you and how you guys turned into Squid and used ink as a weapon." She just nods. 

"Well Weiss, you wanted to see the competition. And there it goes," Yang told Weiss. 

"Quick we have to observe him!" Weiss shouted and started chase after the monkey Faunas. Every one followed with her, except me. I was wondering why did the monkey Faunas wink at me. 

"So, why did the monkey Faunas winked at you?" I heard someone asked me. I turned around and see I wasn't the only one left behind, the (Y/c) Inkling. 

"What's your name, (Y/n), right?" I asked him. 

"Yep, that's me," He responded. 

"Well, most likely he likes me, (Y/n)," I told him. 

"Oh like a friend?" He asked me. I forgot their like kids, they won't really understand this kind of stuff. "Yeah... that," I said. "Well, let's go catch up with the with the others," I told him. 


Emeraled Pov. 

I was locked in a cell with tubs attached to me. It keeps pumping this neon green slime into me. I can feel it take it over my body. I looked across me and see Cinder and Mercury sitting across me. With tubs in them, I can see some of the slime colour glowing from their veins. Salem manages to escape but she left us behind. My memories are slowly going foggy. I knew that this slime will change us, change us into his slave. 

"I'm scared," I admitted to them. I know I shouldn't say that, but were now trapped in this place. Slowly turning into a mindless slave. 

"Don't be," Cinder said. "There must be a way out," Cinder told me. She tries to stand up but failed. Her legs wiggled a little when she tries to stand. 

"Cinder, we can't... we're weak," I told her. She didn't believe me. Once again, she tries to stand. She manages to stand up, but her legs shake violently and she fell down onto the ground. She groans in pain laying down on her stomach on the cold hard floor. 

"Help will come... I just know it," I heard Mercury said weakly. I turned my head to him and see his left eye is now neon and blue colour. I wanted to tell him but decided not too. I laid my head against the wall and was about to go to sleep. But then we heard grunting. Mercury and I looked at the cell door. We saw two sanitized Faunus fall onto the ground. 

"Hello?" I called out. Then a White Fang Faunus girl appeared in front of the cell door and open it. 

"I'm here to help," She told us. 


Your Pov. 

As we chased the chase. I saw Weiss and Jess, ahead of us,  turned the corner. I then heard them crashed into someone. We turned to the corner and see them on the ground on some orange girl. Weiss then looked back up and see the Monkey jumped away. 

"No! He got away!" She shouted. Jess then looks back up and see she was laying the girl. 

"Eek!" She shouted and fall backwards. "Huh?" Weiss then looks back down and see the orange hair girl looking at her. "Agh!" She shouted and stand back up. 

"Salutation!" The orange hair girl greeted us with a wave. "Huh?" May, Jess and I said confused. Ruby just tilt her head in confusion. 

"Um... hello," She greeted her confused. "Are you... ok?" Yang asked her. 

"Oh, I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking." She said while still laying on the floor. Team Rwby the looks at each other confused. Jess then walks up to her and gave her a hand.

"Hehe... sorry... about pumping into you," Jess told her. "Oh, it's ok!" She said and shake her hand. 

"Um... I was going to... help you up," Jess told her. "Ooohhh," She then grabs her hand and Jess tries to pull her up but failed. 

"Jeez, you're heavy," She told her. "Don't worry I can stand back up," She then used her hands and pushed her way back up onto her feet. "Woah," I said impress. Team Rwby then took a step back surprised. 

"My names Penny. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She told us. 

"Hi, Penny. I'm Ruby" 

"I'm Weiss" 


"Are you sure you didn't hit you're head?" Yang asked her. Blake then hits her arm. "Oh, I'm Yang," 

Ruby then point to us. "And these are the Inklings and Octolings," She told her. Penny then couches down to us. 

"Inklings and Octolings? Do you mean Faunus?" She asked Ruby. 

"Well no... so far what I learned, they're different than Faunus," Ruby told her. She then looks back at us. Bridgett was hiding behind me because she's a little shy. 

"Um... Hi, my name is (Y/n)," The the others greeted her. 

"I'm Jess and sorry about before!"

"I'm May, that's all you need to know," 

"I-I'm... B-Bridgett," 

"It's nice to meet you, you inkings and Octolings are cute !" She said patting my head. "hehe... thanks," I said embarrassed.  

"Come on let's go," I heard Weiss said. "Oh," I looked back at Penny. "Well take care, friend!" I told her before following Team Rwby once again. We turned to conner and I heard Team Rwby talking about her. 

"That's girls is nice," I said. "Something seems weird about her," May told us. 

"Oh, come on May, you say that to everyone you meet," I said. "Heh, you know me too well," She responded. When then bump into Team Rwby who stopped. "Oops sorry," Ruby said to us. We looked past them and see Penny who somehow got in front of us. 

"What do you called me?" She asked us. 

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I definitely didn't think you heard me," Yang said. "No, not you," She told her. She walked past Team Rwby and straight to me. She then couches down to my level.

"You!" She said. "Um..." I panicked a little. "You called me 'Friend'. Am I really your friend?" She asked me. I looked at my team and see them just shrugging. I then looked at Team Rwby, where Ruby was just nodding while the rest shaking her heads, no. 

"Um... sure, why not?" I said to her. Yang, Blake and Weiss all fell down instantly. She then stands back up happy. "Ahaha! Sensational!" She shouted happily. "Huh?" I said confused. She then starts to talk about what to do as friends. I looked at May, who just smirks and giggled a little. 

"So, what are you doing here?" Yang asked her.

"Oh, I'm here to fight in the tournament," She said.  "Wait, you're fighting in the tournament?" Weiss asked her. 

"Yep, I'm combat ready!" She saluted. "You looked hardly fit," Weiss told her. 

"Says the girl who's wearing the skirt," Blake told her. "Hey! It's a combat skirt!" Weiss shouted at her. Ruby then somehow slide beside her. "Yeah," Ruby agreed with Weiss and high five her. I giggled a little reminding when Jess and May had to wear 'combat skirt' during a turf war. I then got slapped on the back of my head. 

"Don't you dare," Jess said a little angry at me. I just giggled more. 

"Wait a minute!" She then goes up to Penny and holds her. "If you're going to the tournament, does that mean you know that monkey-tailed... rapscallion?" She asked her. I didn't know what she means about that. I looked at Blake and see her a bit angry at her. Before I can ask her if she's ok. Weiss said more about the Monkey Faunus about being a filthy Fanuse and showing a poorly drawn picture of him. Even, Bridgett could draw better than her. 

"Why you keep saying that!?" She snapped at Weiss. Weiss turned to her confused. Blake started to walk up to her. "Stop calling him a rapscallion! Stop calling him a degenerate! He's a person!" She shouted at her. I looked at Bridgett who was a bit scared. I walked to her side and told her it's going to be ok. She never likes to see people scream or even fight each other. Weiss then suggest other names for him. Which Blake didn't like that before they can spat at each other some more, May spoke up. 

"Shut Up!!!" She shouted at them. They all looked at us and see May looked angry. "How dare-" Weiss was cut off by her. 

"You're insulting their race! Although we don't know these people. So far they're like humankind!" She told her. 

"No they're-" Once again May cut her off. 

"So what? They're different, like us. Are you saying you don't like us because we're not like you but different?" May spat at her. Everyone was silent... they just stared at her. May then turns around and looked at us. 

"Come on, let's go back," May told us. I agreed with her. We then started to walk back to Beacon. 

Eight/Bridgett Pov. 

As I follow my friends, I looked back and see Blake and Weiss complaining and scream at each other some more. 

"Do they like us?" I asked (Y/n). He looks down and thought for a moment. 

"Maybe not Weiss. But Blake seems to be nice," He told me. "Yeah..." I agreed with him. ________________________________________________________________________________

Eight/Bridgett Pov. 

Everyone was asleep. After coming back to Beacon, we met up with Marie, Callie, Pearl, and Marina. We talked about what happened today and how poorly it went. When they came back, Blake and Weiss were still complaining. I hear them spatting at each other from our room. I couldn't sleep. I'm worried about Blake. She's a nice girl and Weiss is a big old meanie. I got out of my bed and walked out of our room. I wanted to stop their fighting before it gets bad. As I was walking down the halls, I saw someone slam the door open and ran past me in a hurry.

"Blake wait!" I heard from their room. I then turned to the direction that Blake was going and followed her. 

"Bridgett wait up!" I heard someone shouted at me. I turned around and see (Y/n) and Marina. "Where are you going?" Marina asked me. 

"Um... the Blake girl is running away," I told them. (y/n) then put her hand on my shoulder. 

"Well let's follow her then," I smiled when he told me that.


Blake Pov.

I was panting as I ran into the courtyard. I then ran up to the statue in the middle, I looked up at it. I then slowly took my ribbon off of my head revealing my cat ears. I then heard someone running behind me. I quickly turned around and see the Inkling and the two Octolings. 

"Whoa, you have Cat ears," The Octoling said. "You're... You're a Faunus?" (Y/n) asked me, surprised. 

"Yes..." I said sadly. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me. Before I can respond to someone barge in. 

"I knew you would look better without the bow," we all turned to the person. And see him again.


Roman Pov. 

"So, you're telling me that someone took over the White Fang?" I asked the White Fang member.

"Y-yes, this robot thing, t-took over and used this ink to control us all!" He shouted. "So, what you want me to do?" I asked them. 

"I need you to help them," Octavio said. I turned around and see him walking up to me. 

"What why? It's not our problem?" I asked him. 

"This Machine you're talking about is dangerous," He said. 

"How you know?" I asked him. 

"Asked them," He then points behind him. I looked and see them, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury but with something different about them.   



Sorry about the long wait, and I need to work on my other stories you know.

Anyways, I hope you have a great day...

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