Chapt 10: Hanging out

A/n: Sorry if I took forever, my parents are strict and I have tons of Problems. 

But anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter 


Ruby Pov. 

It's been three days ever since Ozpin let the kids and the Grampa stayed. We haven't seen them in a while since we had classes to do while they learn our language with Ozpin helping them. Anyways, its the weekend and Weiss told us that she wanted to go to the docks about something about a festival coming up. But before we went there, we were called by Ozpin to his office about a 'special mission' for us. As we went to Ozpin office, my team and I are discussing what this 'special mission' could be. 

"I could be a mission about taking out a whole hoard of Grimms," Yang said exited. Weiss just rolls her eyes. Blake was to focus on her book, while I was thinking about what this mission could be. We made it to the elevator and went in. Yang was still discussing what mission this could be. As the elevator open, we were greeted with Ozpin and Glynda discussing something.

"Ah, there you girls are," He said. He then turns to us. "I have a special mission for you guys."

"What is it, Oz?" I asked him. He then chuckles a little and turns his head and motions someone on to come out. We all look and see four of the same inklings and Octoling. 

"I want you to show our little friends around Vale," He told us. 

"WHAT!!!" We all shouted. 

"You want us to take these children, who don't understand us, to Vale!!!" Weiss shouted at him. He then turns to the kids and gave them a smile. 

"Yep, isn't that right, (Y/n)?" He asked the boy. 

"Uh... Yeah... Ozpin," He said. We all stood in shocked, how can an inkling learn our language in three days?! 

"So, are you up to the task?" Ozpin asked us. I look at my team, as they look at me. 

"So, what do you guys think?" I asked them. 

"Well, we could show them around," Yang said. I look at Blake who just nods and then look at Weiss.

"*sighs* Sure, whatever," She said annoyed. 

"Well, do it!" I told him. He then nods and turns to the kids. 

"Now I want you guys to go with team Rwby, ok?" He asked them. They all nodded and walk towards us. I then crouch to their level. 

"Hi, my name is Ruby. What's your guy's name?" I asked them kindly. 

"Um... name (Y/n) or agent 7," The boy told me. He then introduces the rest "That one with long hair in May, or Agent 3, she doesn't talk much. The one with short tentacles is Jess, or Agent 4. The octolings is Bridgett, or Agent 8. Eight and Four don't know your language that well still." 

"Well it's nice to meet you kids, my name is Ruby Rose and this is my team," I then look at my team and pointed to each one. "The blond girl is my sister, Yang. The girl dress in all white is Weiss. And the one with the ribbon on her head is Blake." 

"Nice to meet you girls," (Y/n) said. I then stand back up. 

"Now follow us, we'll show you around Vale," I told them. 


Tartar Pov. 

I was sitting on my throne looking at the cage Grimms. They're really aggressive against my sanitized soldiers. So far I can't really sanitize them, they just disappear into dust when I do it. I guess these strange unwanted human-looking creatures will have to do. After taking away the cage Grimms. I started to think about exploring more of this place. More of these human-looking creatures keep showing up, some just wonder in, while others try to take this place back. I then see a portal appeared in front of me. Four people came out of the portal, and woman that looks like one of those Grimms. A woman wearing a nice red dress. A girl with green hair. And a boy with silver hair and clothes. My guards were going to attack them but I order them to stop. These people seem interesting. 

"So, you're the person who took over the White Fang," The Grimm-looking woman said as she looks at my sanitized beings. 

"Yes, these are disgusting creatures. But I made them better," I told her. The Grimm lady walked up to one of my sanitized and analyze him. 

"Interesting... how do you do this?" She asked me. I then stand up and walked towards them, giving the smile at the three people who came with her. 

"I created an ooze that can make them into mindless beings, only serve me," I told her. I turn to the at three people who look at me surprised. "So who are you, people?" I asked them. 

"I'm Salem, the creator of the Grimms, and these are my helpers, Emerald, Mercury and Cinder," Salem introduced them to me.

"So your that Salem person that Adam was talking about?" I asked her. 

"Yes... by the way what happen to him?" She asked me. I gave a little evil laugh.

"Him? he's my new guard, come on out!" I shouted at my throne. They all look and see Adam coming out with green skin, blue hair and Neo eyes. I heard Emerald and Mercury gasp when they saw him. 

"Adam, what happen to you?" Mercury asked him but didn't respond. I then walked up to Adam and pat him on the shoulder. 

"Remeber, he's is in my control now," I told them. I look and see Salem was about to say something but I stopped her. "I know, I know. You want me to work for you... well I decline," My soldiers then started to close on them. "I rather, you people work for me..." 


Ruby Pov.

Me, my team, and the kids were walking around Vale showing them around. Blake was holding Bridgett in her hands. While the others were walking with us. Many people walk by us, mostly giving the kids a displeased look. We just ignore them, but I see Yang getting annoyed with that. As we almost made it to the docks, I look back at the kids and see Jess and (Y/n) gone. 

"Where did they go?!" I asked panicked that they got lost. My team then notice this and look around. "Do you know where they went?" I ask Agent 3. She then looks around and retraces our steps. 

"Should we follow her?" Weiss asked me. 

"I think she knows her way around," I told Weiss

Your Pov. 

"Jess there's no time for ice cream!!" I shouted at her as I try to pull her away from the ice cream stop.

"Come on! I just want some ice cream!" She shouted back. She then got out of my grasp and ran inside. I just sigh and look around and notice that the human, Eight and Three where nowhere to be seen. Oh Eel, this is bad. I then went into the ice cream stop to grab Four. When I went in, I see Four at the counter looking at all the ice cream. I walked up behind her and hear her talking to her self of what ice cream she wants.

"This one... no... that one, eh... ooh, the pink, white and brown one looks good," She whispered to herself. I then see a man walked up behind the counter. 

"Hello," He greeted us. "What ice cream do you kids want?" He asked us. Neapolitan

"I... want this!" She told him. She pointed to the Pink, white and brown ice cream. 

"Sorry, that's only for a special person," He told her. 

"Aw man..." She said to herself. We then heard the door open, we look back and see a girl with brown and pink hair, same with her eyes. 

"Oh, hello Neo," The man greeted her. She just nods and went up to the counter. The man then scooped up the ice cream that Jess wanted and gave it to the girl. I look at Jess and see her looking jealous of her. I look back at the girl who was sitting down eating her ice cream and walked up to her. 

"Um... miss, can my friend here have some of your ice creams?" I asked the girl. She then looks at Jess who looked sad and looked back at me. She then nods and walked back up to the counter and order another ice cream. She then hands it over to Jess. 

"Thank you!" She thanked the girl. The girl then smiles and walked out of the store. 

"Come on Jess, we got to find the group," I told her as we walked out of the store. 

"There you are!" I heard someone shouted at us. We turn our heads towards the person and see Agent 3. "Jeez, I was worried that something bad has happened to you guys" 

"Sorry, Jess just wanted ice cream," I told her, she just rolls her eyes.  

"Come on we gotta go catch up with the others," May said as she left. 

"Let's go, Jess," I said as I start to drag her while she eats her ice cream


Octavio Pov. 

"So, he's here is he?" I asked one of my Octolings.

"Yes, sir. He's has taken over the White Fang," She told me. I sigh, Roman and Neo don't know about this. Many of the White Fang members who had escaped from his grasp ran to Roman for protection. 

"Make sure, those none spying on us," I then look back at my computer. "And keep eye on the agents." 


A/n: yay chapter done.... I want a 9mm in my head right now... 

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