7. Oscorp
Jess's Pov.
"Five laps around the field as a warming up." The teacher told us. I was standing at the back, not in the mood to run. That's just it about gym. If I run, I run to fast. I could easily use my powers without even wanting to an end up in china without me knowing. The teacher blew her whistle and off we went. I started jogging lazily behind. "Common Stark you can do better!!" The teacher shouted but I rolled my eyes and continued my lazy lab. As I was done with my fourth lab nearly everyone was done except me. How I would love to run at least a hundred of these labs with my speed but I know I can't. As I finished my last lab I stood next to the others.
3th PoV.
After a surprise call from Peter, Jess took a quick shower and went to oscorp. A very slow metro ride later she arrived at the Oscorp tower to see Peter. He was staring intensely at the building with his dorky glasses on his face.
"Quite tall huh?" Peter jumped up, hearing Jess's voice. He turned around and smiled when he saw it was Jess. "Why do you need entrance into Oscorp?" She asked tugging on her bag strap. Peter pointed at the building behind him with a questioning look. Jess nodded.
"No, no I don't need to get in. I just thought it would be nice to see it... Together.." Peter stuttered. He was a really bad at lying.
"So you don't need this?" Jess held up her visitors pass, she got from the last time she visited the tower, two years ago.
"Fine... I need to get in" Peter explained, knowing he couldn't lie to her.
"Something about my dad might be in there" Jess nodded and together they walked to the doors.
As Peter and Jess walked into the main building, Jess couldn't help but stare. It had been a while since she had been here. Peter was looking around while Jess focused on the lady behind the front desk.
"Excuse me" The woman called them over. A fake smile went on Jess's face as she grabbed Peters arm and dragged him towards the desk.
"Can I help you??" Peter stepped up.
"I don't k-know I'm here to see doctor- doctor Connors"
"Right you'll find yourself to the left, you are here for the internship?"
"Yeah, yeah"
"Well you find your badge to the left"
"Oh" Peter looked at the badges.
"Are you trouble finding yourself??"
"No" Peter took a random badge.
"Okay Mr.... Guevara"
"Gracias" Peter walked away, leaving Jess. She sighed and turned to the lady. Jess smiled again and took out her own pass.
The woman's eyes turned to Jess's badge before a very fake smile appeared on her face.
"Ah Miss Stark great to see you again" Jess just nodded and walked away just in time see the real Mr Guevara being escorted to the exit.
When Jess finally caught up to the group, she saw that Gwen was leading it. Peter was at the back so Jess jogged towards him and hit him in his ribs. He grunted and looked at Jess with his goofy face. Jess sighed and walked next to Peter into the lab.
"Come around this way" Gwen told them and they quickly followed her instructions. As Jess walked to an open spot, she saw Doctor Connors walking up to their group. "Good afternoon Doctor Connors" Gwen greeted him. Doctor Connors nodded at her before he turned to the group. Peter and Jess were standing at the back of the group, making them unnoticed.
"Welcome, my name is Doctor Connors, Curtis Connors. Yes in case you're wondering I'm a southpaw" Everyone snickered. "I'm not cripple I'm a scientist, and the world's foremost authority on herpetology" Reptiles "that's reptiles for those of you who don't know, like the Parkinson's patient who watches on its own horror as her body slowly betrays her, or the man with macular degeneration, who's eyes grow dimmer each day, I long to fix myself. I want to create a world without weakness" Jess smiled at Doctor Connors. She really admired that guy. He didn't use his intelligence to build weapons and kill people but to help people, cure them. "Anyone care to venture a guess just how?" One of nerds in front held his hand up.
"Stem cells?"Jess shook her head, nice try but no.
"Promising. But the solution I'm thinking of is more radical" The whole group went silent. "No?"
"Cross-species genetics" Peter spoke up making Jess look at him. The whole group split in two revealing him. Peter started explaining something but Jess was focussing on Gwen. She had noticed Peter and was checking if he is on the list. Jess snapped out of her thoughts when Gwen spoke up.
"He's one of Midtowns sciences best and brightest." Doctor Connors looked stunned.
"He's second in his class"
"Second?" Peter asked Gwen, a smirk on his face.
"Your sure about that?" Jess finally spoke up, stepping next to Peter. "I think he's third" Jess said nodding to Gwen. She looked at her and then nodded to Peter.
"Jessica Stark, never thought I would see you here" Doctor Connors smiled as Jess walked up to him.
"Had to see Oscorp for myself" Jess laughed before giving Doctor Connors a hug, which he returned with his one arm. As they pulled away, Doctor Connors phone bleeped.
"I'm afraid duty calls, I'll leave you in more then capable hands of miss Stacy. We will speak later Jessica" Jess nodded before Doctor Connors walked away. Jess smiled and walked back to Peters side who looked at her with wide eyes. Gwen walked over to the large round centrepiece and opened an hologram.
"If you'll all gather around" The hologram contained a large tree with all kinds of animals on every branch. Jess was about to admire it when she noticed that Gwen and Peter were both gone. Jess looked around and quickly found them talking to each other. Gwen said something to Peter before she walked back to the group.
"Alright, guys? I'm gonna take you to the bioreactor room now" The hologram stopped and the group followed her. Jess looked back at Peter but he was already gone. Jess decided against looking for him and walked back towards the group. Before she could even turn a corner she bumped into someone.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Jess apologised and bend down to grab the stuff the other person had dropped.
"N-No it's a-alright" Jess stood back up and handed him the documents. Tugging a strand of hair behind her ear, Jess looked up to see a brown skinned guy with a hole in between his teeth and glasses.
"You aren't hurt are you?" Jess asked placing her hands on his shoulders. The man looked at her with wide eyes.
"N-no" Jess smiled and stuck her hand out.
"I'm Jess" The man nodded but was completely frozen. "And you are?" Jess asked.
"M-max" Max managed to stutter out.
"Well it is nice to meet you Max." Max nodded at Jess with a dreamy look in his eyes. Jess looked past him to see Gwen.
"I'm sorry, I have to go Max, I'll hope to see you. Sorry again" Jess said over her shoulder as she walked towards Gwen
"Y-yeah.." Jess heard Max stutter before she met up with the group.
After the whole tour Gwen finally noticed that Peter was gone. She turned to Jess.
"Where is he?" She hissed. Jess just sighed and closed her eyes, before opening them again.
"I don't know, I'm sorry Gwen" Gwen stared at Jess for a moment more before she walked away.
Jess exhaled trough her nose before walking after Gwen. They found Peter at one of the rooms at window. Gwen walked to him and demanded his badge. Jess watched as he gave it to her but frowned seeing him sweating badly. Gwen turned around but when she did Peter's hand flew to his neck. Jess walked over to him.
"Are you alright, you were gone and I couldn't find you. I was worried"
Peter sheepishly smiled at her. Jess sighed and took his hand, walking with him out of Oscorp.
When they finally reached the metro station and found the right one, Peter fell asleep with his head in Jess's lap. Not that she minded it of course, he seemed sick and he had fallen asleep like this before. After a couple of minutes, Jess fell asleep too but she quickly woke up when Peter jumped up. Jess's eyes widen as he was literally stuck to the roof of the metro. Pinching herself she notice that she wasn't dreaming anymore. Everyone backed away from Peter while Jess stood up.
"Peter?" She asked calmly. Peter looked at her and then at his hands. He was stuck. How did he even get up there? Peter pushed himself off and fell to the ground but was back on his feet in seconds. Peter walked to the woman in the back trying to calm her by laying his hand on her shoulder.
"I didn't meant to do that" Peter tried to take his hand off her shoulder but was stuck to her shirt. Is there glue on his hands or something?? He tugged harder but pulled of his hand and her shirt. The woman was now in her bra.
"Oh my god" Jess exclaimed, taking of her coat. She quickly walked over to the woman and laid it over her shoulders.
Peter had backed away until he was standing at a pole. He grabbed it and tried hiding his face. The woman kept staring at Peter while Jess tugged the jacked around the woman. She let go to see if it held and it did. Glad, she turned back to Peter to see him trying to take his hand off the pole. Jess sighed and tried tugging his hand free only to find it stuck. A man who was also in the metro ran to Peter, meaning to punch him but Peter jumped up and kicked the man, like a reflex.
"Man I'm sorry" Peter tried apologizing as Jess still tried to pull his hand off but coming to the conclusion that she was stuck too. All of the sudden more men ran towards Peter and Jess. Jess pushed them away from them with her loose hand. What was on Peter's hand?! Cement? Jess pushed one guy, accidently using her full power making guy slam into the wall and pulling Peters hand plus the pole loose. Peter stared at it before he swung it around hitting the last guy in the process but because Jess was still at the other side he also hit her in the face. Peter, unknowns that he had hit Jess stared at his hand were the pole and Jess's hand were still stuck. As on cue the pole and Jess's hand came lose. How did he do that? Peter just stared at his hand, dumb folded. Jess's hand flew towards her nose, trying to stop the bleeding while her other hand grabbed Peter's board and ran out of the metro, Peter hot on her heels.
Jess and Peter ran to Peters house. Jess's nose had finally stopped bleeding. Peter was running very fast while Jess was running a little bit back still dizzy from the blood loss. They arrived at Peter's house and Peter opened the door. He was still all sweaty and Jess was pretty sure he had a fever.
"Ah hey" Peter called as he lead me into the living room, where his aunt and uncle were sitting. "Sorry I'm late"
"We were so worried"
"It's my fault. I needed something for a shop and wasn't strong enough to carry it all" Jess tried explaining. Uncle Ben and Aunt May both looked at her, realizing she was there. Aunt May was quick to notice the dried blood on her upper lip.
"Oh my god, what happened to you?" She asked her hand flying towards her mouth. Uncle Ben ran out of the living room, disappearing.
"Oh nothing, just a bloody nose" Jess waved off but Aunt May had already pulled her down into a chair. Uncle Ben came running back into the dining room with a wet towel and a glass of water. He handed her the glass while he gave the towel to aunt May.
"Jessica Stark, your nose is heavily bruised. What happened?" Aunt May demanded as she gently placed the towels on Jess's nose making her hiss.
"I'm fine really, I fell" Jess tried but Uncle Ben wouldn't take it.
"Don't you dare. I may not be your father but I know damn well that something happened" Aunt May quickly slapped his shoulder for swearing. Jess smiled before explaining the whole story without the whole weird Peter part.
After at least two hours of explaining Jess sat down on her bed. It had been one long day and she hadn't even had time to work on her suit. Now that she was finally out of her growing period she wanted to make a real superhero suit instead of loose clothing parts. Jess rubbed her eyes before falling backwards onto her bed. Tomorrow, definitely tomorrow
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