6. Pictures
Jess pov.
With my bag on my shoulder I walked into the building. I've been in this school for a while now and I kind of like it. I only get straight A's and made some friends. Well with some I mean Peter and Gwen. Peter and I became best friends not long ago. We are really close. And me and Gwen are going oké. We don't talk much but we are friends. I saw Peter standing at his locker with some girls. I felt a pang of jealousy. I keep feeling these things when I'm with Peter and its strange. I walked closer and could just pick up the end of their coversation.
"Yeah I'll look at the old- schedule"
"Thanks" The brown haired girl smiled. Peter smiled at her and hopped on his skateboard. I shook my head and walked the opposite direction but stopped on my tracks when a group of boys ran past me. I rolled my eyes and jogged after them. Nearing the courtyard I could hear chanting. 'Eat it!, eat it!, eat it!'
Flash was holding a boy upside down above a plate of pizza? He kept shouting that he had to eat it. A large crowd had formed around it and kept chanting. As I pushed my way through the crowd I heard talking.
"Hey, Parker, come on." When I finally made it to the front of the crowd I saw Peter standing there.
"Take a picture of this."
Don't Peter don't get involved with this. It's not worth it. I shouted in my head.
"No, I'm not gonna take a picture of it. Put him down, man" Peter said with a little hesitation but bravery. "Don't eat it" he told the boy in Flashes' arms.
"Put him down Flash" I shouted at Flash stepping out of the crowd. He seemed to ignore me because he kept looking at Peter.
"Take a picture" Flash said, even more threatening.
Peter stop talking your making it worse.
But of course he went too far.
"Put him down, Eugene!" A lot of oooooh's came from the crowd, Flash tossed the kid away and walked up to Peter clearly pissed. Peter was about to walk to the fallen kid when Flash reached him and punched him in his face. He fell down
"Get up Parker!!" Flash shouted. I quickly dropped my bag and ran towards them. My blood was boiling.
Peter tried to get up but got kneed in the guts. He fell to the ground again and held his stomach.
"Get up!!" Flash shouted as I neared him.
"Still not taking the picture." Peter managed to say through his pain. I was about to yank Flash off him when he grabbed my arm.
"Oh look, Parker got himself a girlfriend"
"Leave him alone Eugene" I spat. At least he forgot about Peter for a moment. Flash glared at me before let me go, knowing he couldn't hurt me. He would be in jail before he could even blink.
"Stay down Parker!!" Flash spat at Peter, who was still on the ground. Leaving Flash, I slid done next to Peter, checking him for injuries. Flash on the other hand was chanting at the crowd "One more!!"
"You are really stupid you know that right?!" I told Peter while checking his ribs. He just smiled sheepishly at me. I shook my head at this and continued checking his ribs. Well he was lucky, no broken ribs only bruised, so I helped him sit up. Flash had stopped his shouting so I looked what was going on and saw Gwen talking to him. I turned back to Peter and saw him looking intensely at Gwen. Again the feeling of jealousy came to me. The bell rang and I helped Peter stand. Then I noticed his camera on the floor so I reached down and picked it up. Nothing looked broken so I handed it to Peter. He was still eying Gwen as she walked away so I made sure he had his camera and walked away to my class still unnoticed by Peter.
Peter Pov.
Gwen Stacy... The blond haired girl in my class. My crush on her had lasted for as long as I can remember. I can't believe she helped me. Why would she, I'm just the nerd of the school. Every time I see her my stomach does flips and I can't even think straight. She disappeared into the disappearing crowd as I regained my balance and noticed that my camera was in my hands. Jess must have handed it to me. I turned around and expected to see her but nothing. She must have walked away. I shrugged and walked to my class with my bag and camera.
I dropped my bag next to me and fell into my seat. Gwen was in front of me so I laid my arms on top of the table and rested my head on them, my camera in between. Class was no different only Jess wasn't in this one. She had a free period. The teacher started explaining something but Gwen turned around so she came face to face with me.
"I thought it was great what you did" her blond ponytail softly swaying with her movements. "It was stupid... But it was great." A small smile appeared on her pink lips. Something about those words made me think about this morning. Like a déjà vu. I nodded my head.
"You should probably go to the nurse. You might have a concussion." I swallowed and smiled at her. "What's your name??" All the hope and dreams from the last minute disappeared. She doesn't even know my name.
"You don't know my name?"
"No I know your name." All my happiness came back. "Just wanna know if you know your name??" She told me with a small smile. I stared at her. She was nice, beautiful and good looking, she's perfect.
"Peter" she still stared. "Parker. Peter Parker."
"Okay. Okay, good." She laughed and turned back to her work. I did to but I couldn't help but look at her. She then turned around again, "I'd still go to the nurse though."
"Your Gwen right?" Of course I know her name but I don't want to appear like a stalker.
"Gwen Stacy." She nodded.
3 pov.
Peter who was done with school walked into his aunts kitchen.
"Hey" She was cutting up some vegetables. "I'm making spaghetti with meatballs tonight" She told him not looking up from her work.
"You're serious? Spaghetti and meatballs??" You could clearly hear his disappointment. Peter opened the fridge and took out a bottle juice.
"Since when don't you like spaghetti and meatballs, huh??" His Aunt asked while walking over to the sink to wash her hands. Peter walked to the other side of the kitchen but she had noticed the red bruises on his face.
"Oh, my god. What happened to your face??" She kept looking at him while he was trying to avoid her.
"I'm all right. Just-- I fell, skating" Peter turned around and sat in the counter. Just then his uncle, Ben walking in with a box full of trophies.
"Ben Parker, don't you even think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen."
"These are my bowling trophies" His uncle stated simply. "What happened to you??" He said while noticing Peter sitting on the counter drinking his drink.
"He fell" Aunt May told him.
"Why you kids ride those things, I'll never know??"
"When we where stupid and dangerous."
"Trust me, we were stupid and dangerous."
"Alright good to know" Peter noticed that his uncle was walking barefoot. "Where's the flood??"
"Come with me I'll show ya" Uncle Ben told him as he walked out of the kitchen with his box
"All right" Peter hopped of the counter and after his uncle.
Now they were both standing in the basement barefoot.
"I thinks it's the condemnation tray."
"Too much water for the convention tray or the heat exchange tubing" Peter told him while holding a box up. The water was at least 2 cm high but still the whole basement was drenched. "This has the be the fill line."
"That's the only thing that makes any sense. Can you fix it?"
"No, not tonight. I'll go by the hardware store tomorrow."
"Maybe Jess can make it??" Silence. Uncle Ben nodded and handed Peter a stake.
"Good deal. And meanwhile, put this on your face." They both walked to a large box.
"How's the other guy look??" He asked Peter who kept quiet. "Come on. I know a right cross when I see one." Still no answer. "Yes or no? So I have to call somebody's father??" He glanced at Peter.
"No, no" Peter told him.
"Alright I wouldn't tell your aunt May. I pity the poor kid who'd have to suffer her wrath" Uncle Ben told him before he lifted the box with stuff and walked to the stairs. "And before you come up see if there is anything with saving" He walked up the stairs and disappeared from view. Peter started lifting more boxes from everywhere and looking through them. When he lifted one of the last boxes he heard a strange noise and looked at the place where he lifted it from the see a secret opening. A bag laid there with the initials RP on top. It was his dad's bag. He looked at it for a while before picking it up and walking upstairs.
Uncle Ben and aunt May were arguing about something when Peter walked in with the bag. They stopped talking when they saw the bag.
"I forgot all about this thing."
"It was your dads"
"He asked us to keep it safe"
"He saw it in the window of that leather shop over on 9th avenue." Uncle Ben took a seat on the table. "He was 19. What does a 19-year-old kid need with a briefcase?"
"And guess who sold it to him?"
"I don't know"
"Your mother, that's how they've met"
"He asked you to keep this safe? There is
nothing in here" Peter asked stuttering.
"Have you looked in here there is nothing in here"
"Your father was a very secretive man, Peter" His aunt told him.
"Yeah I know" Peter continued to look through the bag until he found a picture. "Who are they?" He asked showing them the picture. It was a picture of his father with a man.
"Some guy who worked with your dad, I guess." His uncle answered. He showed the picture to his aunt but she was silent. Until now...
"Just take this of the table, all right, we're gonna eat." She shooed him of the table. "Off. And wash your hands." She handed him the bag and he walked to his room. When he was gone his aunt was on the verge of tears.
He was sitting in his room on the ground with everything that come from the bag in front of him. The picture, two calculators, coins, pens, his father's oscorp ID and his father's glasses. He took the glasses and put them on after he took out his lenses. He then took the ID. It was an old picture of his dad. He looked at it before placing it back and took the bag itself. He held it to the side and heard something moving. He turned it the other side and again a sound of moving. He then opened it but it was empty. He turned it around and opened the zipper. He felt but the one was also empty. He put his finger under the zipper and slit it until he felt something snap. A hidden compartment. A file fell out. He opened it and saw all kinds of inscriptions. A knock on the door.
"One second" Peter put everything back in the bag and went to his computer. The picture of Jess still on it. He pressed a button and the door opened to reveal his uncle.
"You okay??"
"Yeah. What's up?" He faced his uncle who smiled at him.
"You look just like him" Peter moved his glasses up.
"Can I come in?"
"Yeah" His Uncle walked in and closed the door. He grabbed the rubix cube from his desk. It was a gift from Jess. She had told him that every nerd had to have one so she gave it to him. And now they sometimes compete on how quick you can finish it. She won most of the time but he managed to win a couple of times too.
"I don't have much aducation, you know that Peter. Hell I stopped being able to help with your homework when you where 10" Uncle Ban knuckled as he sat down on Peters bed.
"What I'm trying to say is... I know it's been rough for you without your dad. And I know we don't talk much about them."
"Yeah that's alright"
"no it is not, I wish I could change it but I can't. Curt Conners, that's the guy in the picture with your dad. The other one is Howard Stark. They worked together for years and they were close. But after that night we never saw them again. They both never called. Not even once." Peter just nodded.
"Go figure" Uncle Ben finally noticed Peters desk top picture.
"She's pretty" Peter smiled. Yeah she was but she was far out of his league. Gwen maybe but Jess not a chance. Uncle Ben got up and walked to the door.
"Hey uncle Ben, you a pretty good father" Uncle Ben smiled and nodded before leaving.
Peter started doing research about his dad, Howard Stark and Curt Conners. He figured out that they worked together on cross species. Then there was the plane crash but nothing more about Howard stark. He figured to just ask Ali about him. He found more about dr. Curt Conners. He was still alive and working in oscorp. Time to pay him a visit.
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