2. Neighbours
Jessica groaned as a ray of sunshine hit her face. She turned around and buried her face in her pillow.
"Stupid sun" She groaned. After a couple of minutes of aimlessly turning, she groaned and sat up, glaring at the sun. She rubbed her eyes and stretched before stepping out of her warm bed. After opening the curtains she stepped into her bathroom and quickly took a shower. When she was done she stepped out and wrapped herself into a large towel and dried herself. She opened the door and walked towards her wardrobe. Picking out a nice outfit Jess walked back to the bathroom to dress herself.
After a while, Jess walked into the bathroom fully dressed in some skinny jeans, black hoodie and some fuzzy socks on her feet. She quickly brushed her hair before she walked downstairs.
"Good morning Miss" JARVIS spoke as Jess entered the kitchen. She opened the fridge and poked her head inside.
"Morning JARVIS" After Jess had arrived yesterday, she had taken it upon herself to explore the house some more. It was a relatively large home, not as big as her last one had been but it was still pretty big. There were at least 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms (Hers and two guest rooms), a kitchen and living room (Duh), a garage and some more rooms. "JARVIS?" Jess asked, taking her head out of the cold fridge.
"Yes Miss" She smiled as she reached up to open the cabinet above her. Opening it she silently cheered, seeing her favorite cereal box next to an empty bowl. Captain crunch!!! Jess grabbed them both and placed them on the counter. After making her favorite breakfast, she took a large bite.
"I wu uss wondu if anugh hanh iheans uh mahe wome goohies?" She asked JARVIS, while her face was full with cereal.
"Excuse me Miss but can you repeat your question after you swallowed" Jess rolled her eyes but swallowed her food.
"I said, I was wondering if we had enough ingredients to make some cookies?"
"Yes Miss Stark, if my calculations are correct you should have enough to make 16 cookies. Do you want me to display the recipe?"
"Yes please" Jess answered before she drank the last drop of milk from the bowl and placed it in the sink. Whipping her face with her sleeve she clapped her hands. "Let's do some baking"
After pulling her hair in a ponytail, putting on her apron, turning on some music, washing her hands and grabbing the ingredients, Jess walked to the counter and began baking. It was an relative easy recipe. Just mix some flower, chocolate chips, two eggs, a teaspoon of baking powder and a cup of milk. She whisked it all until it had a nice consistency before placing small amounts on the pre heated baking tray. She washed her hands again and took of her apron. After setting a timer for 30 minutes she walked into the living room and plopped herself on the couch.
Trying to pass the time, Jess took out her laptop and turned it on. A small message appeared on the screen.
B: 'Hey Pinky'
A large smile appeared on her face. No he wasn't her boyfriend. When she was about ten years old she didn't have any friends. She went to private schools and most people thought she was a freak because of her grey hair. So she did what any other billionaire kid would do, she googled it. She quickly found a site where she could apply for a pen friend. In desperate need of friends she applied and very quickly she found her friend. Bobby Drake. He didn't have many friends either so they hit it of very quickly.
J: 'Hey Icicle, how's school going? ;P'
B: 'HAHAHA very funny Jess, wait till you have to go'
J: 'They can't make me and before you ask no I haven't seen any superhero's yet'
B: 'Really not even superman?! Can you at least get me a T-Shirt?'
J: 'I'll see what I can do, have to go now cookies are done'
Jess pressed the sent button, just before the timer went off. She ran into the kitchen and took the now baked cookies out of the over. After placing it on the counter to cool, she crouched down and took a light pink box out of the cupboard. Pink just like her hair. She had gotten used to it after 14 years. She decided to paint it a pink color, not liking the grayish color it used to be.
Jess carefully placed the cookies in the box and tied it up with a white ribbon. "I'm going outside, don't tell Pepper that I'm kidnapped because I'm not!" She shouted at JARVIS while grabbing her black beanie and silver shoes.
"I won't Miss. Have a nice day." JARVIS called as Jess grabbed her keys, cookie box and walked out of the door.
As she walked out of her front garden she glanced at her neighbours houses. Starting at the left one, Jess quickly noticed that it was newly painted and well cared for. Jess took a deep breath before knocking on the door while balancing the pink box in her right hand. The door opened to reveal an older woman. She had brown hair with grey steaks and sparkling green eyes. Small lines formed around the woman's eyes as she smiled at Jess.
"Hello sweetie, can I help you??" The woman smiled at the pink haired girl.
"Yes, I think. I am your new neighbour" Jess began with a small smile before she remembered her cookies "I made cookies" She told the woman, holding up her box.
The woman smiled at Jess and opened the door wider. "Well then come in. I am May Parker" Jess smiled, already liking Miss Parker. She just seemed so friendly but you never know, maybe she kidnaps small kids and keeps them in her basement to feed of later.
"I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess if you like" Jess said with a smile as she cautiously stepped into the warm house. Miss Parker shut the door behind Jess and motioned her to the kitchen. Everything was so small and homey. Pictures on the wall. Ornaments across countertop. It just made the whole room warm and cosy unlike Jess's cold and plain home.
"Ben, Peter, come over here for a minute we have a guest! " Miss Parker shouted up the stairs, pulling Jess out of her train of thoughts. She carefully placed the box on the dining table and turned her attention back to Miss Parker.
"I already told you if that cat is here again I wi-" An elderly man said as he walked into the kitchen. He had grey hair and glasses. Currently he had an hammer in his hand. As soon as he saw Jess his frown turned into a smile. "Umm sorry. I'm Ben, Ben Parker." Mister Parker said while sticking his free hand out. Jess shook it with a smile.
"I'm Jess. Your new neighbour " Mister Parkers eyes scanned over Jess's face making her a little uncomfortable but suddenly it was like a light bulb went on above his head and realization spread across his face.
"You're that girl, the girl on Peter's computer" He said, while pointing at Jess. Miss Parker quickly swatted his finger away.
"Aunt May what happen-" Another voice asked. Jess looked away from Mister Parker to see a guy walk into the already crowded kitchen. He had brown hair, like his eyes that were hidden behind a pair of glasses. He was taller than Jess and about her age.
"Peter!" Miss Parker scolded. Jess's thoughts snapped back to reality, which caused her to look away from Peter.
"Peter meet our new neighbour" Mister Parker said to him, while smiling at Jess. She gave him a small smile and held out her hand.
"I'm Je-"
"Jessica Stark, I know. I saw you on the cover of a magazine" Peter said while rubbing his neck with one hand and shaking Jess's with the other.
"And you have her photo on your computer" Mister Parker pointed out with a smile.
Jess's cheeks turned crimson before she slowly let go of Peters hand. Unknown to her, his face was as red as an tomato. Jessica Stark, the girl he admired for years, was standing inside his house, becoming his new neighbour, shaking his hand!
Trying to avoid looking at Peter, Jess turned her attention to the cookies.
"I made these, if you want one" She said undoing the bow and opening the lid. They were greeted by a heavenly smell.
"That smells delicious honey, you really made these?" Miss Parker asked, smiling at Jessica.
"Yes I did Miss Parker" Jess said while turning back to the family. To be honest , she was kinda jealous of them. She never had family like that. Her dad was always away. He even dumped her in New York to get rid of her.
"You can call me Aunt May if you like honey." Aunt May laughed while taking a cookie out of the box, like Peter and Mister Parker had done already
"And you can call me Uncle Ben" Uncle Ben said taking a bite out of his cookie. Peter took a bite before his eyes widen in amazement.
"These are delicious" Uncle Ben and Aunt May moaned in agreement. Jess blushed and took one herself.
"So I assume you live with your dad." Aunt May asked. Jess slowed her chewing and swallowed.
"No, my dad is still in Malibu. He was in the middle of a huge break trough and couldn't come." Jess lied smoothly. She was already feeling the guilt of lying to them.
"Are you going to school here?" Uncle Ben asked changing the subject. Jess smiled and nodded
"Yes Midtown High"
"Peter goes there. He can show you around" Uncle Ben said, with a smile. Jess smiled and looked at Peter. He saw this and nodded.
"Yeah of course I... I mean, I will" Peter said looking at the ground. He was actually pretty cute.
After a couple of minutes of talking Jessica had to go back home. She gave Uncle Ben and Aunt May a hug and swapped numbers with Peter so she could ask some more questions if she needed too. With her cookie box and a warm feeling inside, Jess set out to the next house.
"JARVIS I'm home" Jess called as she used her butt to close the door. After she had left the Parkers she went to the next house only to get the door slammed in her face. That was one short visit.
"Miss, I must inform you that Miss Pots called. I told her that you were out so she will call again later."
"Thank you JARVIS. Did my stuff make the moving?" Jess asked as she placed the nearly empty box on the table.
"Yes Miss." A smirk found a way on her face.
"Let's get going then"
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