~Ciel pov.~
"How long is this bloody hell is gonna take!"
My yelling echo in response to this stupid path! Ever since I was pulled into this dark place, I ended up being awake by an unfamiliar warm light that suddenly disappeared once my eyes was completed open.
I can still hear my footstep each time I step the cold ground. I can still see my skin turning pale while my vain had suddenly turned blue once I walk into an unknown place.
"Keep it together, Ciel...", my soft whisper made a small; fated cloud—passing away from me. My skin has gonna worse than before. I try to get myself warm, but it ends up losing my body heat quickly.
'why me...'
~Maka pov.~
My thoughts had wandered off about him.
It's been three days since that incident happened.
A couple of screams we heard once we open that door. Lizzy hadn't taken that well while other felt pity as their hearts began to swell.
We haven't heard Stein and my dad after that. I'm worried what happens to them, but Lord Death just told me to stay calm and focus on my friends; letting Azure and the others take care of it.
I just don't understand what's going on as my mind had landed on Soul. Soul...I just don't know what's going on with his mind.
"Lady Maka, I must check with my young master, if you excuse me."
Once I heard the door shut, I finally let myself out and let my eyes wander out.
'what's wrong with you, Ciel?'
~This is brought to by Author-chan who is sick and tired of homework~ "I glad to be here, and now, Ciel pov.~!"
~Ciel pov.~
"When the bloody hell is this going to end!?"
Yelling just got worse for me than before. I wouldn't stop myself sneezing while these stairs keep getting smoother and smoother; each time I walk through them.
A small 'tsk' escape when I felt a hard solid—crushing my whole body.
If only Sebastian had to take care of this, then this wouldn't be a problem with it. A red liquid traveling through my snow white skin—leaving a dry stain as a part of my skin.
My black eye patch slowly falls as it reviews my purple eye.
I move quickly as I scream a little. Leaving me hurt and hopeless.
...that's a funny word to say...
Especially me coming from my own mouth.
~Medusa pov.~
"Why did you let him live!?"
I scream replying as he screams some more. I was disappointed when this was a spontaneous plan.
'How can this be? This should have work'
"Oh, my dear poor sister. Does not know how to raise her 'pet' right?"
My teeth crushed between–my sister laugh a little.
She starts walking toward the machine with her smirk face.
My eyes were nothing, but darkness as I continue hearing my useless son screams.
~Alois pov.~ (oh~didn't see that coming didn't you?)
"Ugh! I was so close, Claude!", pulling my hair back, "I was so close to getting Ciel all to myself!"
My head starts heating up. Hearing some gasp and some ridiculous noises...
"Your Highness, I believe that you'll get him next time, but for now", my spider walk over to those freaks, "let's take care our guest."
I thought about it first before I smirk happily.
"We shall..."
(A/n: I know. I know. You all we're waiting for this update, and I know that this was too long (not really) for Author-chan to update. Well, then I'm sorry for you all to wait. I know I'll still have time once school is over and summer is about to begin. So I hope that you all enjoy it and I hope for myself that I'm still writing my stories. Until then, see ya~)
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