Hiccup opened his eyes to find the face of a beautiful stranger staring at him. Her eyes were light silver and lidded, lined by thick dark lashes. He could've sworn he was still dreaming, until she moved away and his friends all gathered around him.
Right away everything started coming back to him; the song, the exhaustion, the fall. He looked around until his eyes rested yet again on the new face. "What's going on? Who are you?" He asked.
Astrid looked just as confused as Hiccup. "Don't you recognize her?" Ruffnut said, as if they should know, "it's Nutty!"
"That's not my name," she finally spoke her first words.
Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins gasped dramatically in unison. "She can talk.." Tuff observed in quiet awe.
"Are you all nuts?!" Astrid asked in confusion.
"Well, we are," Tuffnut agreed, gesturing to himself and his sister.
"Here us out," Fishlegs insisted, pausing before exlaining, "..she's a siren, like in the legends."
Hiccup looked from Fishlegs, to Astrid, to the girl. She gave him a bright smile, and he couldn't help but relax a bit. "Well..welcome to Dragon's Edge, um.."
"Aldru," the girl introduced with an innocent voice.
Astrid smiled crookedly. This was beyond weird, but not even she could deny her excitement over this discovery. "Welcome to Dragon's Edge, Aldru."
• • •
After filling Astrid and Hiccup in on what they'd missed, everyone was able to return to their duties. And with the extra pair of wings/hands, they were able to make up for lost time.
Aldru flew wood up to Hiccup, one board at a time. She wasn't strong or big enough to take up loads at a time like the other dragons, but her little bit of help was greatly appreciated.
Hiccup turned to see Aldru fly back up to his platform. As she landed, he watched her body morph into that of a human. She was short and delicate looking, wearing a set of clothes that Fishlegs had put together for her. "This is the last one," she told him, dragging the plank over to him with both hands.
"Wow, hey, thanks for the help today," Hiccup thanked as he took the wood from her and lifted it with ease onto his shoulder.
Aldru smiled and answered shyly, "it's the least I could do." She watched Hiccup fly up to the top of his new home and nail in the last piece of his roof with Toothless.
"There," Hiccup spoke with satiafation as he and Toothless landed again. He scratched the night Fury under his neck and praised, "good job, bud."
Aldru smiled. "It's nice to see humans and dragons living together in peace," she admired.
"Yeah, that must've been hard for you, seeing both of your sides at war for so long," Hiccup sympathized.
But Aldru only shrugged, "a little. I've never left the island, so I haven't seen any war myself. But the stories make it sound awful."
Hiccup led Toothless and Aldru into the his new hut as he confirmed, "oh it was. And still is; not everyone has made peace with the dragons."
Stormfly then landed outside, allowing Astrid to hop off of her back and enter. "Woah, someone's been working hard," the rider complimented with a smirk.
"Astrid," Hiccup greeted, "how is yours going?"
"Just finished up," Astrid answered proudly. After that, everyone gathered into the club house around a table that Fishlegs had built for eating meals. Everyone but Aldru.
• • •
Everyone was settling down to get some rest when Aldru began her song that night. Still too curious about the siren girl, Hiccup couldn't help but go out to find her. Unsurprisingly, she was laying in her dragon form with the other dragons outside. Upon the sight of Hiccup, she changed, knowing he must want to talk to her. "Hi," she greeted.
"Hey," Hiccup responded, "Aldru, you know, you don't have to sleep outside."
Aldru smiled and replied, "I'm aware." She stood and walked over to the sleeping Hookfang. "But, I hatched as a dragon, I've grown up around dragons," she reminded as she pet the monstrous nightmare's snout, "I guess I'm just not used to having two legs yet."
"Have you never..changed, before?" Hiccup asked in shock.
"That's right," Aldru answered, "I stayed young as long as I could, small is convenient after all. But only a full grown song wing can perform the transformation."
"Amazing," Hiccup admired. Then he furrowed his eyebrows and repeated, "wait, 'song wing'?"
Aldru nodded. "That's our proper name, anyway," she explained, "I'm not surprised you only know us as sirens; we got that title from being cruel and nasty in the past."
Hiccup nodded in awkward understanding. "Yeah, I think that's how we Vikings named all the dragons..don't take it personally."
Then for the first time, he heard a laugh escape Aldru's throat. He looked at her, her head tilted back letting the moon reflect in her eyes. A question popped into his mind, "and by the way, how old are you really?"
Aldru continued to stare at the sky as she frowned, "I don't know, actually." She then turned to Hiccup and asked, "how old would you say I am?"
"Uh..seventeen, maybe," Hiccup guessed.
"Alright, then I'm seventeen," Aldru answered with a laugh.
Finally Hiccup remembered why he came there that night in the first place. "Your song was different tonight," he stated, hoping she would tell him more.
Aldru sat down beside Toothless. The dragon opened his eyes and turned to rest his head in her lap. Aldru grinned and answered, "it was. A song for soothing." Hiccup chuckled at the sight of Toothless being so friendly. "I've never had humans hear my songs before, so I didn't realize a dragon's sleep song would be too powerful for you guys."
"Hah, don't worry about it," Hiccup assured with a laugh, "lesson learned, right?"
Aldru smiled shyly, "yeah."
Just then, Toothless lifted his head and regurgitated a whole fish into Aldru's lap. He then smiled up at her. Aldru returned the smile and set the fish aside. "They do know you're not a baby still, right?" Hiccup asked in amusement.
"They've known the whole time, actually," Aldru told him, "that's not why they were feeding me. The dragons know what I am. I protect them with my songs, and in turn they take care of me where I'm incapable."
"That's why you don't need a way to defend yourself," Hiccup realized in fascination.
Aldru nodded and looked out to the ocean. "It's an easy life for a song wing," she said with a smile, "at least, for me and my sister."
"You have a sister?" Hiccup asked, eyes wide.
"Not here, but somewhere, yes," Adlru explained, "song wings never stay together; one is enough for a whole island. And we aren't blood, really; all song wings are considered sisters."
Hiccup frowned and took a seat next to Aldru. "But, don't you miss her?"
At this, Aldru's face hardened. "We're the last two in existance, as far as I know. We have a duty to this world," she explained, "one that personal bonds can't get in the way of."
Looking down, Hiccup wished he'd worded himself better. Deciding that was enough for one night, he bid Aldru and the dragons a goodnight before going back to his hut to sleep.
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