Chapter 14- To Fight
Women and children moved quickly into the caves under Helm's Deep. Many were crying, saying goodbye to fathers, brothers, and sons.
"Move back! Move to the caves!"
"Come on, people! Quickly, now!"
Aragorn, Legolas, and Amara walked along the halls.
"We'll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate." Aragorn explained.
"Aragorn, you must rest. You're no use to us half alive." Legolas pressed.
"Aragorn!" The three turn to see Eowyn running toward them. "I'm to be sent with the women into the caves."
"That is an honorable charge." Aragorn stated.
"To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return. What renown is there in that?"
'My lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defense?"
"Let me stand at your side." Eowyn begged.
"lt is not in my power to command it." Aragorn turns away.
"You do not command the others to stay!" Eowyn called back. Aragorn turns around.
"They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you. Because they love you." Eowyn said. They stared at one another before Eowyn looked away.
"I'm sorry." She murmured before walking away. Aragorn turned to Amara.
"You will join her in the caves." He stated. Amara's eyes widened.
"No! I will not cower in fear as others fight for me. You will not force me to." Amara snapped.
"Amara, you are still injured and weak. We cannot-"
"And so are you! I am able and I'm willing to lay down my life for the good of Rohan." Amara argued.
"I have to agree with Aragorn. You are not fully healed and with your wound reopening, it's not safe for you out there." Legolas cut in quietly. Amara glared at the two before turning and marching down the hall in a fury.
"That was easier than I thought." Aragorn murmured.
"Oh the anger of dwarves runs deep. Trust me, we have not heard the last of this." Legolas said.
In the armoury weapons are being handed out. Aragorn takes hold of a sword and puts it down again. He walks through the men towards Gimli who is sitting down.
"Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers."
"Most have seen too many winters." Gimli said.
"Or too few." Legolas added. They look around at the men and boys.
"Look at them. They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes." Legolas said.
Everyone stops and turns to look at him, Aragorn included.
"Boe a hyn: neled herain dan caer menig!" {And they should be... Three hundred against ten thousand!}
"Si beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras." {They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras.}
"Aragorn, nedin dagor hen -'erir... ortheri. Natha daged dhaer!" {Aragorn, they cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!}
"Then I shall die as one of them!" Aragorn spat back. He glares at Legolas who glares back, and then walks off. Legolas goes to follow him.
"Let him go, lad. Let him be." Gimli said.
Amara pulled a coat of chainmail over her head before grabbing her belt and tightening it around her waist. Then she secured her sword at her hip and tied her armored corset over her torso. Eowyn walked in.
"Will you walk with me to the caves?" She asked. Amara turned as she pulled on her cloak.
"I am not joining you." She said simply.
"Lord Aragorn said you were." Eowyn stated.
"I don't give a damn what Aragorn said. I am fighting whether he likes it or not." Amara snapped, picking up her quiver and swinging it over her shoulder.
"I am glad to know you, Amara." Eowyn murmured.
"I am glad to know you as well, Eowyn." Amara placed a hand on the maidens shoulder and smiled. "We may yet see each other again."
"I hope so." Eowyn said sorrowfully. She then turned and left the room. Amara grabbed her bow and sat down, waiting for the call to battle.
Suddenly, her ears were filled with a very familiar sound of a horn. She jumped up, knowing the sound and ran outside, remaining hidden in the shadows.
"Send for the king. Open the gate!"
"Open up the gate!"
A large elven army march through the gates, passing the men who smile happily. Theoden walks down the steps towards them, and sees that Haldir is leading them in bright golden armour.
"How is this possible?" The King asked.
"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together." He noticed Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli running down the steps towards them and smiled. "We come to honor that allegiance." Aragorn runs down and hugs Haldir.
"You are most welcome."
As Legolas hugs Haldir the elves swiftly turn towards him and stand to attention.
"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more."
Men stand ready and armed on the battlements of Helms Deep and along the top of the Deeping Wall elves are lined up. They watch as the Uruk-hai armies advance with lit torches. Legolas and Gimli stand next to each other on the Deeping Wall.
"You could have picked a better spot." Gimli grumbled, unable to see over the wall.
Aragorn walks through the elves and stops behind Legolas and Gimli.
"Well, lad, whatever luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night." Gimli stated.
"Your friends are with you, Aragorn." Legolas said.
"Let's hope they last the night." Gimli added.
"We will." A voice spoke behind them. The three turned to see Amara standing there, fully equipped to fight.
"Amara! What are you doing out here?" Aragorn exclaimed.
"Get to the caves." Legolas said. Amara shook her head as Gimli chuckled slightly.
"She's not going anywhere." Gimli declared.
"Have You learned nothing of the stubbornness of dwarves?" Amara asked with a smile. Aragorn shook his head and smiled.
"You'll have to tie me up and string me from a tree to keep me from fighting in this battle." Amara added. Legolas chuckled.
"Alright. Since there are no trees nearby, I guess you'll have to join us." The elf said. Amara smiled and took her place between Gimli and Legolas.
Aragorn walked away. Lighting flashes and thunder rumbles through the skies. Rain starts to fall, the drops falling on the metal armour of Theoden and his soldiers.
The Uruk-hai armies draw closer. As the Uruk-hai reach Helms Deep, and Uruk captain stands on a rock and raises his hand.
"A Eruchön, -dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas!" {Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none!} Aragorn shouted to the elves.
The Captain Uruk raises his hand and signals for the Uruk to stop moving forward. The Uruks grunt and growl. Gimli jumps up and down trying to see over the wall.
"What's happening out there?" Gimli asked.
"Shall I describe it to you?" He paused and looked at the dwarf. "Or would you like me to find you a box?" Gimli laughs.
The Uruk-hai begin stamping their spears on the ground in unison and beating their chests. Aragorn takes out his sword and holds it in front of him.
The men load their bows and draw them back ready to fire. An old man loses his grip on his arrow and it shoots an Uruk in the neck. Aragorn holds his hand up.
"Dartho!" {Hold}
The Uruk falls to the ground dead. The others growl ferociously. The captain Uruk thrusts forward his scimitar and shouts and the uruk-hai advance upon Helm's Deep at a run.
"Tangado a chadad!" {Prepare to fire!}
The elves load and aim their bows. Legolas and Amara aimed their bows at the Uruks below.
"Faeg i-varv dön na lanc a nu ranc." {Their armor is weak at the neck and beneath the arm.} Legolas said.
"Leithio i philinn!" {Release the arrows!}
Arrows rain down on the Uruks and many fall dead.
"Did they hit anything?" Gimli asked. Amara nodded before loading her bow again and sending an arrow flying.
More arrows hit the uruks killing many. Aragorn raises his sword to the elves on the ground behind the Deeping Wall.
"Ribed bant!" {Full volley!}
More Uruks fall from the enslaught of arrows, but more come.
"Send them to me! Come on!" Gimli growled
The Uruks begin to fire at the elves with their cross-bows killing some. Other Uruks set ladders against the Deeping Wall.
"Pendraith!" {Ladders!}
"Good!" Gimli shouted. Amara nudged the dwarf and shook her head with a laugh.
The bezerker Uruks are raised on the ends of the ladders as they are pushed to the top of the Wall
"Swords! Swords!" Aragorn shouted.
Amara put her bow away and pulled out her sword, swinging it at the closest Uruk.
"Legolas! Two already!" Gimli shouted as he embedded his axe into an Uruk.
"I'm on 17!" The elf called back happily.
"I'll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!" Gimli turns round and kills a bezerker just as it reaches the top of the wall. Amara drove her sword into the stomach of an Uruk.
"29!" Amara shouted. Both the elf and dwarf turned to look at her as she pulled a dagger out and threw it into the head of another Uruk.
"30!" She called. Legolas fires two more arrows.
"19!" He said.
They continued to fight, slicing down every Uruk they faced. Aragorn grabbed hold of a ladder and pushed it down into the sea of Uruks, killing a good portion of them.
Gimli stood on top of the Deeping Wall swinging his axe and killing Uruks with each sweep as they climb up the ladders to the top of the wall
"Seventeen! Eighteen! Nineteen! Twenty! Twenty-one!" He growled.
A pack of Uruk-hai are advancing up the causeway towards the Main Gates, shielded by their shields on their backs and at the front of the group.
Aragorn suddenly notices them and rushes through the elves pointing to them.
The elves turn to fire arrows at them, and the ones at the side of the group fall away dead.
A huge metal spikied ball is carried roughly by two Uruk-hai and placed under the wall next to the sluice gates. Another pair carry another ball. The way is cleared and a bezerker comes running through holding a lit torch. Aragorn suddenly notices him and shouts to Legolas and Amara.
"Togo hon dad, Legolas, Amara!" {Bring him down, Legolas, Amara!}
Legolas takes aim with his arrow and shoots the bezerker in the shoulder, but does not stop him. Amara pulled out her bow and fired an arrow into the shoulder of the Uruk. He still doesn't slow.
"Dago hon! Dago hon!" {Kill him! Kill him!}
Legolas shoots another arrow into his other shoulder, but the bezerker dives into the sluice. Amara looks up at Legolas, directily ovet top of the sluice. The bombs explode, demolshing the wall, masonry flies everywhere.
"Amara!" The elf screamed as she went flying towards the army of Uruks. She hit the ground hard, her eyes slipping closed.
Aragorn fell to the ground. Gimli is hit by the masonry and lies unconscious. Aragorn lies unconscious too as Theoden looks on astonished. As the Uruk-hai run through the gap in the wall, water rushes through it.
The pack of Uruk-hai advancing on the Gate have grown and are close to the Gate.
"Brace the gate!" Theoden shouted.
Soldiers rush to the back of the Gate and brace themselves as the Uruks ram the gate. Other men lift up their barricades and throw rocks and spears at the Uruks.
"Hold them! Stand firm!"
As the Uruks stream through the gap in the wall, Aragorn comes round and shakes his head. Gimli, sitting up, still on the top of the wall, notices him, as Uruks are running towards him.
"Aragorn!" The dwarf shouted.
Gimli runs and leaps into the pack of spear laden Uruks from the top of the wall.
Gimli survives the jump and stands in the pool of water in the gap of the wall and begins to kill Uruks as they advance, but is thrown backwards by one and lands under the water. The Uruk-hai runs over him. Aragorn raises his sword gesturing to the elves still behind him.
"Hado i philinn" {Release arrows!}
They fire their arrows killing many Uruk-hai.
"Herio!" {Charge!}
He holds his sword in front of him and races towards the advancing Uruk-hai as hundreds of elves follow him. As they fight the Uruks, Legolas from on top of the Deeping Wall, grabs a Uruk shield and throws it in front of him, using it to slide down the steps, firing arrows as he slides, and releasing the shield straight into the body of an Uruk as he reaches the bottom.
"Aragorn! Amara was thrown by the explosion!" The elf shouted over the commotion. Aragorn looked at the crumbling wall in worry.
"Find her!" He commanded.
Gimli meanwhile, surfaces from underneath the water. Aragorn grabbed him and dragged him away as the Uruks flow through the gap in the wall, fought by the elves.
Legolas ran through the gap, pushing passed Uruks, his eyes searching for the elf dwarf.
Amara's eyes flickered open and she let out a groan in pain. Uruks surrounded her, running through the gap and into Helm's Deep. They stepped and kicked at her as they ran, pushing her around, scrapping her against the rubble of the explosion.
"Amara!" A voice shouted. The elf dwarf lifted her head slightly, trying to not alert any Uruks to her being alive.
"Legolas!" She shouted back, choking on the dust that coated the air. Amara began to crawl towards the elf's voice, slowly but surely. But her movement caught the attention of several Uruks around her.
Amara rolled out of the way of a spear then a axe. Uruks stabbed at her left and right as she dodged each blow.
"Amara!" Legolas shouted again and she caught sight of his blond hair as he pushed through the sea of Uruks looking for her. Amara jumped up, drew her sword and began fighting her way to the elf.
"Legolas!" She shouted, the elf looked in her direction. He spotted her and began moving towards her. Amara tossed another dagger into the head of an Uruk before spinning around and killing the Uruks that surrounded her.
But it seemed like with every Uruk she killed, five more replaced it. They closed in around her. She backed up, her back hitting an Uruk. She turned around in a circle, trying to find a way out when a hand suddenly grabbed hers and pulled her out of harms way.
"Are you okay?" Legolas asked once they were out of the frenzie. Amara nodded, gasping for breath as the elf hugged her close to his chest. Legolas tried to calm his own frantic breathing when he felt Amara pull away.
"You're hurt." She stated, looking at the elf's shoulder. Legolas looked to see broken arrow sticking from his left shoulder. Through all the adrenaline of fighting, he hadn't even felt it. But now pain coursed though him and he let out a groan.
"Here, I got it." Amara said, wrapping her fingers around the broken shaft. Legolas tensed and she ripped it out quickly before placing a hand over the open wound to stop the blood.
"It's not too bad. Nothing we can't handle." She said. Legolas smiled slightly.
"Thank you." He murmured, his breath tickling Amara's lips.
"No problem." Amara whispered, her hand falling away from his shoulder. They stood frozen in time for a moment, stares locked on eachother. Amara felt herself rise onto her toes and Legolas bent his head down slightly.
Amara felt Legolas' lips brush slightly against hers but they never quite touched. Her heart beat out of her chest, almost hurting. She was frozen in place, not wanting to move away from the elf.
But the battle broke through their trance. The shouts of Uruks and Men and Elves surrounded them and they pulled apart quickly. The two joined the battle with ease. Amara ran up the stairs and shot arrows into the Uruk army below. She spotted Aragorn and Gimli at the gate, holding their own against the oncoming Uruks. Legolas appeared next to her with a rope.
"Aragron!" He shouted before tossing one side own. Aragorn grabs hold of it, and with his other arm holds onto Gimli. Legolas and Amara pull up the rope. More ladders are being launched against the wall. They drag them over the wall.
"Pull everybody back. Pull them back."
"Fall back! Fall back!" All around them, soldiers began running towards the keep.
"They have broken through! The castle is breached. Retreat!"
The Uruk-hai finally break through the Gate.
"Fall back!"
"Hurry! Inside. Get them inside!" Aragorn shouted as he pushed Amara towards the keep. She turned and shot two arrows towards the invading Uruks.
"Into the Keep!"
They run inside. Legolas leaves a departing shot of two arrows before turning and running inside with Amara, his arm leading her to safety.
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