Silly Antics

A/N: Yeah, just remembered I meant to write this story for more lighthearted shit.
But fuck, this now just feels like a pointless chapter- and I have no more time trying to fix that.
Damn, this is late and not even fucking beta'd, because I can't get my shit together.
Bit of an important announcement at the bottom, I'm really not happy about this chapter and how I handle my stories in general.
Enjoy for now, but remember to read what's down there, alright?


"I told you it wouldn't work." Phone Guy crossed his arms, displeased.
"And I told you, your attitude is the biggest issue!" Old Sport scoffed, frustration evident on his face.
"Those are an incredible amount of fairy lights. An inhuman amount! Those are more fairy lights than a sane man ever should be seeing in his lifetime! This is so much, people could go insane just by LOOKING at it!" The man gave his best, but there was no way to convince his boss. "There is no way you can store it all in-"
Molten Freddy snickered. "I- It is a-all gOOD! We- WE lOOOOOOvE! ChrissstMAS! L-LIGHTS! BLINKING! BLINKING! R-RIght FooooXY?"
For a moment they all paused in confusion, until Freddy laughed. "A-AHAHAAAA-A! P-Party POOPER!"
Typical Freddy. And actually everyone who spend too long at this wretched place. If you don't at least have one invisible friend, you wouldn't survive this place.
With that conclusion in mind, Old Sport continued to stuff the endless cables into the broken bear. "We have to leave it somewhere, don't we?"
"If you w-wouldn't have BOUGHT so much-!" It was hard to argue with someone who always reacted to responsibility by shoving two fingers down his ears and screamed LALALALALA.
Not even in some sort of melody, just those words.
Thankfully this time around, he didn't bother even doing that.
Instead he only scoffed and kept stuffing. "We needed every single light. We made a good profit over the holidays, right?!"
"S-sure we did! TOO BAD WE USED MOST OF IT TO PAY OFF THESE F-FAIRY LIGHTS!" Flailing his arms, the poor manager tried to express the issue with the whole damn situation, but sadly he was interrupted before he could give it another attempt- or thankfully, seeing as his attempts were pathetic.
A grumpy, moldy bunny entered and directly walked towards the Orange Guy, who froze up lightly and grew instantly flustered without even any words being exchanged.
Ever since Christmas, they had been... very sensitive to each other's presence. A bit jumpy. Not in a particularly bad way, but it was notable to everyone in the building.
Nobody cared too much though.
Nobody except Phoney, who had to cover up for every little mess up they did in their absent-mindedness.
The bunny walked over and picked up Old Sport, like some sort of overly-loved stuffed toy. "The fuck are ya guys on about today?"
Phoney sighed, the hell would freeze over before. "Just, uh... clean-up. Nothing major."
Proud Funtime Fraghetti showed Davetrap his teeth. "I- I h-hah-aa-help!"
With a nervous laugh, Old Sport petted the head of the sentient pile of scrap metal. "This bad boy can fit so many lights inside of him!"
Not pleased with the pets, the big pile of wires slowly shuffled away.
With a hint of wariness Davetrap eyed the noodly animatronic, not pleased with the fact that apparently he had been of use and made Old Sport happy. Lately everything within seven feet of his friend got that treatment, it seemed. "Nifty. Imma suppose that means you ain't planning for the restaurant to be standin' next year, so we could reuse these? Good choice, we've been in here for far too long, we've gotta get to Vegas."
Looking slightly puzzled the Orange Guy attempted to look behind himself at the bunny. "... what?"
The Phone Guy was even more puzzled though. "Dave? Did you, uh- did you just think of the future? Wasn't aware you- uh- were capable of that."
"I'm a grown ass adult! 'course I can think of the fuckin' future!" Insulted he snarled. "Quit treatin' me like some sort of joke or idiot!"
"Ah- I- I d-didn't- n-never said that!" Distressed the man stepped back, despite Dave obviously being unable to do anything while he held his buddy.
"You didn't never say that, eh? Ya fucked up! This is a confession!" NOW Phoney was in trouble, as Dave put his guy down and turned towards him.
Deeply scared Phone Guy froze up. "I- no! I didn't- m-mean that! No d-doubts that you're an- an adult!"
Thankfully, this was the point Old Sport stepped in again. "Dave, quit scaring the Phone, he might fall over again."
The answer was a grumble.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it. Ain't touching your phone, just plannin' on huntin' him around a little! That's pretty much work-out, ain't it? Ya gotta give your phones a bit of exercise! Keep 'em healthy!"
"I- uh- I am right here, you know that, right...?" Awkward the man shifted around. Why was he in this situation.
"No ya can't, shut up."
"O-oh... okay."
Shaking his head, Orange Guy watch them both. What was WRONG with them? "Okay, you two, I better give you some sort of task for today, before you rip each other's head off."
"Sir! I don't think I a-am physical able to-"
Before the man could finish the defense, a "Shhhhhhh" from the side made him jump and instantly stop talking.
Lefty had approached them, the atmosphere became in one beat more somber and serious. Quietly Old Sport examined the bear, looking back into his eyes.
The Puppet used to carry an air of danger and righteous anger around with him. Now all that seemed to have been left was sadness.
His voice was quiet, he had asked Dave to change it again as he grew more and more bothered with the voice he had before. "Orange Guy. We have to talk."
Well, that would explain the melancholic feeling the Marionette radiated.
It was time to start the circle anew.
For a moment everybody paused, unsure of what to do.
With a questioning look, the man signed at his two companions.
The bear shook his head, yet before they could be send away, he sighed and spoke up. "I presume it does not make that much of a difference..." His eyes stuck to Dave at that point.
"I- uh- I d-don't mind being send away...!" With a vague hope the Phone Guy exclaimed, hoping to not be wrapped up in something dangerous or illegal again. Or rather, something MORE illegal and dangerous than he already was stuck in.
But the Puppet didn't really understand that. "No, it is acceptable. Maybe you can help."
Feeling rather excited, Old Sport leaned closer, he had a hunch already. "What is it, Marionette?"
When Dave had deactivated the music box again, everybody expected some sort of fit of rage- surprisingly none ever came.
Or it was that long surprising until Dave finally admitted that he had not REALLY deactivated it, but rather made it a lot quieter.
Since everybody present wanted to keep their testicles, nobody bothered to fully get rid of the music. As long as the Puppet was able to walk and talk, all was good, right?
And the Puppet never complained. Can't be all that bad to be slightly sedated at all moments.
Slowly the animatronic gathered itself. "We have still souls present in this building. We need to free them. We HAVE to."
"Obviously." Orange Guy answered.
"The issue is- they refuse to talk to me. I cannot reach out to them. The spirit of the girl is akin to steel, she has... found ways to keep her mind closed off tightly. Some children are like that. The animatronic on the other hand, wants to be on stage again. She wants to sing and dance. She wants to give out ice cream. There is something else, but... I cannot... she is making it difficult. The spirit infects the animatronic and the other way around. I don't know if we can trust her, if I have to be honest." Taking a break from the exhausting speech, he continued, trying to keep the speed of his talking to normal level, fighting against slowing down. A shiver had added itself into the words "And the bear... if I can even call it that... it is a mess. A horrible, nightmarish abomination of a creature- there are so many souls in there, it is a loud, dark mess with every thought seemingly coming from ten different places- there are at least four souls in there. Perhaps more. There is no way I can reach out. The metal of the animatronic refuses to answer as well- parts, seemingly at random demand the most different things, none of which the body seems to be capable of. I have no idea how this monster was created and I have no idea for what reason. I have no idea what to do to help them."
"Which means...?" Admittedly the guy was somewhat intimidated by the speech. It was rare the puppet was without a plan.
"You will have to do the work. Get to know them. Try to get answers out of them." He hesitated, then shook himself. "This is even more crucial since there might be a creator out there, someone who had been inspired by Henry's work. Judging by these gruesome experiments that have been committed on them, whoever it is tries to be even worse."
Finally, a cough came from Davetrap's side. "Sure that couldn't have somewhat happened... ya know... on its own...?"
Three eyes and one rotary was aimed at him. "Okay, okay, just wanted to know!"
Returning to the conversation at hand, Marionette almost pleadingly looked at his human partner in... saving. "I know I promised you it was the last time, all those years ago. I'm sorry for that mistake. You will have to do what you do best one more time."
Already, before the animatronic had started talking in the beginning, he felt his neck prickle. Now it had evolved into a full on warm feeling in his stomach and he held the wrist of his other hand in order to keep himself from moving too much.
Lightly he bit his lip, knowing better than to smile. "Of course I will, you can rely on me! What does one more time make for a difference?"
Relived the machine moved back, almost appearing slumped down into itself. "Thank you."
"So... all I need to do is to befriend the robots, right? And if possible have them tell me who made them? Piece of cake. At least this time I don't have to constantly fear getting springlocked by some phone." He snickered and patted his Phoney on the shoulder, who radiated guilt.
Tired out the Puppet retreated slowly. "Don't take this lightly."
"Until now I always got it done, right?" There was a hint of smugness in these words. Obviously, he didn't doubt that he would be able to finish this off.
Great! Confidence is the first step to... something!
He turned to the two others, they stared back. "Do you two know what this means?!"
Dave leaned forward the exact same amount Phone Guy leaned backward. "No...?"
"Nothing better to bond than some GOOD OLE DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY!" Excited Old Sport raised his fist, making Phoney wince.
"Please no, the building already started to eat the surrounding areas, it's a-already hard enough to stay on top of all th-those lawsuits-"
"The building is doing what now?" Confused he lowered his fist again.
"Wh-what do you THINK the building is doing?" Feeling bad about his stessed tone, the Phone rubbed his arm. "U-uh... I mean... I- well- Freddy's locations have the habit of, uh- growing and just... absorbing everything in its way. That leads to a few... issues. Mainly with the evacuation and uh- property laws. Nobody can PROVE we expand that way, as most people seem to forget it ever looked different, but, uh- there are still problems with accused theft and uh- similar things. The o-objects end up inside our location after all... uh.."
"What you are saying is that we are pretty much standing in a living being that has nothing but expansion on its primitive mind?"
"P-Pretty much...?"
"Wow. That sure is convenient!" Chipper Orange Guy stored that fact in the 'things I will NEVER talk about again' drawer. The conversation was with that technically deleted. "Anyways, who is up for befriending some murderous monsters?"
Surprisingly Phoney slightly raised his hand. "But uh- we would have to stay in the restaurant, I have a bit of paperwork to do- i-if you don't want to, uh- take that over?"
"Oh fuck no. You're going to do JUST FINE. We'll be taking care of the situation, no worries!" Before he could grab Davetrap dash off there was a small, hectic knock on the door.
Ah, now that was familiar.
Candy Cadet got it for them and the three kids dashed in, instantly running to the two colorful dudes.
They went to hug them, surprising both. "Ah! Mary! Oliver! Isaac! Finally back around I see!"
Happy Mary smiled. "Yeah, it was a bit busy on Christmas and stuff... but now we're back! We missed you!"
"Missing is a BIG word..." Oliver rolled his eyes.
"... and it fits." Isaac smiled as well, stepping closer. "You all look a bit... ready to go? Is something going on...?"
Proudly the bunny-man declared; "Me 'n Sportsy are on a secret mission to free- ouch!"
Old Sport had shoved his elbow into him. "We are going to play with the- messy animatronics. Have them get more used to us and people."
"Aw heck yeah, we can help!" Excited the young girl jumped around.
Dave nodded. "Great idea! Surely the kiddens would help 'em come out of their shells!"
There was a moment of natural hesitation. Children and animatronics together? What kind of messed up person would do that?!
But... until now nothing bad had happened... and this time they were at least supervised by them.
... which actually put them at probably more risk.
O h w e l l !
It didn't FEEL like they were putting them at more risk!
Also, what were they supposed to do, let them just stay here on their own?
So, Old Sport simply shrugged and nodded, giving his go ahead.
All three of them turned to walk towards the backroom.
It is hard to convey the amount of cursed energy this family from hell radiated, while on their mission. They stood all next to each other, effectively creating a wall of flesh, which was the thing greeting Baby as the door slowly swung open.
Not going to lie, despite being a monstrous spooky animatronic, Baby wasn't really feeling safe.
Despite- or rather because that- she smiled at the newcomers. "... hello..?"
"Baby! How about you come out for today?"
The way Old Sport said it to her made her even more wary. "That would be nice...? What is the occasion though...?"
Nobody had any explanation. "... boredom?"
"Sitting here all day can't be all that healthy!"
Unsure she looked at all the faces directed at her, she wasn't sure what to expect.
Alas, she stood up anyways.
"Is that really okay? Wouldn't I scare the customers?" Uncertain she slowly rolled up to the door and was let out, to see nobody was there yet, it was too early.
But she had a point, the kids were discussing- seeing as the """""adults"""" would probably not waste a single thought about it.
"I say who cares." Oliver went first. "They shouldn't be scared. What are they, babies?!"
Isaac coughed. "Some of them...?"
A bit torn Mary decided to take her friends side. "Really, we shouldn't get the place in trouble."
"The Orange Man gets the place all the time in trouble! And I think the Bunny guy is MUCH scarier than her!"
Oh no, he shouldn't have said that, his sister grinned. "So you DO think Mr. Bunny is scary!"
"That- no!" Insulted he recoiled. "I just- I think she is even LESS scary than him and he isn't scary already!"
"Can we get back to the point? Maybe we should ask the Phone Guy about things we could do outside? If we even can go out and what to be careful about..."
Red in the face Oliver nodded. "Yeah, we should do that."
Quickly they all rushed towards the worker and surrounded him.
"Phone Guy?"
"Can you help us?"
Surprised he looked at the small gaggle. "Uh- I- maybe? I will try? What is the problem?"
"We wanted to play with Baby today! We were just thinking- can we play in here, or can we take her outside...?"
For a while Phone Guy just stared down at them. What was wrong with these kids?
Eventually though, he snapped out of it. "Y-yeah, uh- I- I think you MIGHT want to rather play outside with her... if you really want to, uh- do me a favor. It would make- uh- keep an eye on things easier."
Isaac nodded a bit. "Okay sir."
"But uh- don't take them away too far, before we have to go out and search them again- okay?" The nodding heads reassured him. "Don't scare people, alright? Don't attack them either!"
"We would never, mister!" Mary cheerfully agreed.
"That- that doesn't sound all that, uh... I... o-okay, you know what, out of sight, out of mind." He shook his head and turned away. Those little bastards have managed to survive the weirdest of situations, why start worry now?
They ran off back to the slightly lost-looking Baby, while Phoney returned to the storage room, trying to get their supplies back in order.
Davetrap and Old Sport who had been busy trying to find the chaotic noodle bear again after he had fucked off in the morning, were finally coming over, somehow carrying the mess. Happily it chirped. "H-Hey KIIIIIIDS! I- I've h-heard WE'RE GOING T-T-TO PlllLAAAy!"
Before they could answer Baby clacked with her claw. "We're NOT taking him out again!"
"A-AWWW som-eone isn't ha-happy!"
"Of COURSE not! You actually annoy me on purpose, all the time, why would I ever be happy having you out with me?" She scoffed and looked around. "Do we have to take him along...?"
Friendly Davetrap petted her shoulder. "Lighten up, bby! If he does somethin' stupid, we hang him into the trees for and come back in an hour. Deal?"
Hurt Fraghetti whine. "Wwwhaaat--? C-Can't do THaT! U-UnFAIR! Kids! D-Defend MEEE!" It pretty much wrapped one wire around each of them, only Oliver was struggling against it.
The smaller boy petted the machine reassuringly though. "We won't leave you behind, don't worry..."
"RRrrIGHT! We WILL l-leave HER behind! LIIIIIKE L-LAsst time- HAHAHHHAAAA!" It shook himself under its own laughter, while Mary frowned, feeling a bit uncomfortable in the grip.
"But we didn't do that last time..."
"N-Not you, Buuut U-HUS! HAAAAAAHHAHAHAHA!" Fraghetti kept snickering, but thankfully he allowed the children to move away from him.
Baby already seemed angry.
Oh boy, this would be a GREAT time. Old Sport was more than just ready to embrace death. BUT HOW WOULD HE DIE?
Everything they touched would turn into a catastrophe, so it was key to try and find the most obscure option-
Distracted by his passing worker, he looked up and paused his circling thought, watching him carry a list towards him. To his slight disappointment though, Phoney hadn't aimed for him, but for the office, muttering under his breath.
"... w-who the HECK ate all the cheese- I swear to god, we also had way more bleach yesterday, b-but who would-"
"Everything alright, employee?" Curiously he interrupted him.
Absent-mindedly, he shook his head. "U-uh- well, nothing major. We just ran out of cheese, I- I think somebody sneaked into the kitchen to just- uh- eat it all at once? Apparently? Well, I just... going to order more... there is no problem, we just have to use a little less for now..."
"Oh, we could pick up some cheese, no problem! If we're out anyways..." To his own credit, he at least TRIED to sound innocent.
For a second it almost looked like he would get away with it. "I, uh- suppose, if you would get some bleach while- wait, NO. Nononono, you- uh- no need- don't you DARE going-"
"We'll be getting what you need! ONWARDS KIDDOS! TO VICTORY!" They all cheered and ran out, Phone Guy's cries were ignored.
The rest went unheard.
While rushing towards the nearest giant supermarket, the Orange Guy began prepping his group.
"Okay, EVERYONE! Thiy is our first mission as a TEAM. I know, some of us have disagreements with each other. That is okay. But RIGHT NOW, RIGHT IN THIS MOMENT, we ALL need to WORK with each other, because only as a TEAM, only as ONE UNIT, we will manage to get in there and GET THIS BREAD-"
"Wasn't it cheese?"
"WE GET WHATEVER WE WANT IF WE WORK TOGETHER! ARE YOU GOD DAMN R E A D Y!?" To his satisfaction, confused, but enthused cheering was the answer.
The supermarket wouldn't even know what hit it!
They kicked open the doors, an act made slightly less impressive by the fact that the doors automatically slid open and thus escaped the kicks, and entered the store, looking around for their targets and potential enemies.
While the town had SEVERE issues with their fight or flight instincts regarding most things coming out of Freddy's, THIS view managed to break the apathy and ignorance of the people.
They crouched or scattered, even if it hadn't escalated into a full-on panic.
"LET'S GO!" They all ran forward, Fraghetti instantly climbed onto the nearest shelf, knocking off whatever was in the way, while Baby skated forward, quickly having a bigger head start than any of them.
Olive and Mary ran off to not lose this unspoken challenge, while Old Sport, Davetrap and Isaac stayed behind, the boy only shook his head.
"It's just a bit of cheese..."
"Ah, let them have their fun, boy!" Old Sport snickered. "I love watching people do my bidding."
With a curious glance at the kid, he decided to dig a bit. "Why are you actually so serious all the time?"
"I'm... I'm not THAT serious...!" Weakly the kid protested. "I just know that they could get in trouble if they run like that- they could get hurt!"
"You're not the right age to worry about getting hurt!" Encouraging he petted his head. "We pay attention, you go and have a good time!"
Dave agreed. "At your age I wasn't worryin' about ANYTHIN'! Maybe about the old owl comin' after me, but otherwise? Climbed on high trees! Petted stray dogs! Played on busy roads! I had the time of my life!"
Both Old Sport and Isaac gave him a look. They both had a similar question on mind.
"Did nobody stop you from doing that?"
The golden bunny shrugged. "Nah."
And that was all he said.
A moment all three of them paused in the aisle, unsure if they should dig deeper or leave it at that.
Thankfully, screaming and hysterical laughter from the other side of a shelf made the decision rather easy.
As they ran around, they faced the equally as disturbing as funny view of Funtime Fraghetti mistreating a poor guy like some puppet, using his cables like strings.
Obviously, the person was displeased. "G-GET IT OFF ME!"
"H-HE TALKED ABOUT CHEEEEEEEEESE! BUT HE R-REFUUUUUUSES T-TO TELL ME WHERE IT IIIIIIIIS!" In utter betrayal he screeched out, this was obvious a personal offense to him, an obvious attempt on sabotage.
"I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS ANYMORE." It was only pleading at this point.
There was no pity, but the vague worry about retribution motivating Old Sport calling the machine back. "Fraghetti, please let him go, maybe he can lead us to the cheese when he stopped screaming."
"I DON'T EVEN WORK HERE!" Nope, this person just wanted to run off and did so swiftly as soon as he was freed.
Almost the bear hunted after him, but thankfully his owner stopped him before he could shred him into little cubes on accident. "Fraghetti! Let him go! We're going to find an employee in here. Every place has its enslaved souls!"
"ShsSSHh-- f-fine! BuuuuTT THAAt was Rude!" Unhappy the machine climbed onto Orange Guy, almost squishing him.
It took a bit of consideration, but then he gently nudged him. "Don't you think you've been a bit rude too?"
"WWWWWWWWWWWWWHAAAAAAAT? BBOnBON! W-WAS I RuuuuDE!?" Shocked he shook himself, then a high pitched voice answered him from the same source. "Oh, Freddy! You were a LITTLE rude don't you think? You didn't even ask the birthday boy for his name!"
It was unnerving Old Sport to hear that other voice.
Even Dave looked uncomfortable, only Isaac seemed unaffected.
Unhappy the machine answered itself again. "BBuuT BONBON! That w-wasn't A BIRTHHHDay boy..."
"Did you ask, Freddy?"
"NnnOOoooooO." Grumpy the robot had fully gotten off Old Sport and was slurring besides the three, staying quiet.
There was a kid in there.
Sometimes it was hard to remember with these robots.
But there was a kid in there.
Multiple, according to the Puppet.
And it made sense, seeing how the creature behaved.
How are you supposed to get through to such a kind?
How are you supposed to make a gaggle of souls- of children happy, all at on-
Ah, he was an idiot, wasn't he?
"Hey, Fraghetti. You like birthday parties, right?" He leaned closer, ignoring the slightly confused and alarmed expressions of his companions, as they watched the equivalent of someone giving a child with ADHD a glass filled with liquid sugar.
"But, have you ever had your own party, Fraghetti?"
Time slowed down as Davetrap grabbed the child and run into the other direction, those precious seconds until the machine would realize that indeed he never had a party, but COULD BE the BIRTHDAY BOY too!
And the explosion came.
"I C-COUUUUULD BE-BE THEEEEEEE BIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIRTHD-DAY BOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIII!" The windows in the distance shattered due to the noise and a few fruits exploded.
Thankfully nothing was close enough to be vaporized, but the damage is still considerable.
Why, Orange Guy, you knew this would happen.
The screaming wouldn't stop, now people were running towards the exits or hiding behind shelves.
Jesus, that took long enough.
The place was getting wrecked, his wires exploded into every direction, knocking things off and just dragging them towards his main body, just eating it up for no apparent reason.
Orange Guy just watched, the hell he created.
Sometimes he was a scary man.
Mildly distressed Isaac looked at Dave, as the chaos was ensuing. "Sh-Should we help?!"
"I dunno, can we?!" Freaked out Dave held the kid close. "God, Sportsy is a fuckin' madman!"
"Is there SOMETHING that can calm the machine down?! Where are Oliver and Mary-?"
"Where I wanna be, far away from this hell!" The guy peeked out of their hiding spot, just to quickly crouch again. "Usually Bonbon is the one calmin' that crazy bastard down, but I fuckin' doubt he's able to right now."
"I- I will go out and try to talk to h-"
"NAH, FUCK THAT. YOU STAY HERE WITH ME, IMMA NOT DEAL WITH SPORTSY BLAMIN' ME FOR ANOTHER DEAD KIDDEN." He refused to let go of the boy, as they kept catching glimpse at the tornado of items and noise in the middle of the place. If his instincts were right, which they almost always were, the police was already on their way and would come around in a bit over seven minutes.
They needed to bail.
"Okiedokie, ya know what, buddy, we leave this to Sportsy to figure out, he's a fine business man, I bet he will-"
To Dave's horror, he was interrupted before he could even think about finishing his words by Baby's loud voice.
"FUNTIME FREDDY! STOP THIS NONSENSE!" Like a superhero she skated in, Oliver and Mary hanging onto her, sharply coming to a stop in front of the monster.
"BIRTHDAYS ARE MORE THAN JUST A YEAR GOING BY AND YOU KNOW THAT!" She hissed, gently putting the kids down, before raising her claw at him. "You are the reason we had to hide in the sewers! Look around! This is chaos! We will be in trouble! Big man with Tasers will come to try and catch us."
The happiness switched to anger as it screamed. "PARTYPOOPERPARTYPOOPERPARTYPOOPERPARTY-"
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! BONBON! BALLORA! ANYONE, DO SOMETHING!" She held her ears, even for her it was hard to bear.
Hah. Bear.
Yeah, no, I'm sorry.
"IDON'TWANNA,IWANTACAKE,IHAVEBIRTHDAYS,I'MAREALBOYIHAVEBIRTHDAYSANDIWANTMYCAKE-" An electric shudder went through him, his glowing orange eye deactivated. A smooth, calm, female voice replaced it. "... what has happened?"
"Oh, you KNOW what happened. What ALWAYS happens. So much to you guys handling yourself." A bit satisfied the female animatronic huffed and shook her head, her hand stemmed into her hip.
"... who set him off like that? I am still... not fully..." The machine moved, or more so dragged itself backward and looked around. "... give him a doll. Then get us out of here quickly."
"Oh NOW I am supposed to lead you again, hm?"
"Baby. Please. Stop being childish. We are all in trouble here." This resulted in a downright scoff from the other machine, but the voice had already left again, the eyes lit up once more. "WH- WHaaAAA? I- BIRTHDAY! D-DO I GET MY BIIIIRTh-"
"Freddy, you can have your birthday when we get out of here!" Urgent she looked around to the exit.
Brave Oliver stepped forward. "And if you don't come with us willingly, we will use force!"
But that resulted just in laughter from the machine. "YoooUUU? WhhhAAAA-HAHAHAHAA-!"
Meanwhile Mary had searched through her pockets, finally getting out a small key with a white polar bear attached to it. Not technically a plush, but...
She walked over and held it out to the ranting robot. Not knowing what to say, she just awkwardly stood there with his outstretched arm.
Please calm down.
The robot looked at it. "F-FOR ME...?"
"W-we need to go back home, dear Freddy... quickly!" She pleaded quietly.
As the wire touched her hand she winced shortly, but nothing bad happened- he just took the keychain and squealed. "W--WWWWoOooW! It- It's SO CUTE! Th-THANK YOU!"
Baby shook her head. "You're enabling him. Freddy, now COME ALONG. Or we will leave you alone in here!"
Insulted he absorbed the plush and hid it inside his chest, before quickly scuttering after them, as the whole group finally ran off and hid within a bigger distance.
With scorn Dave shoved Old Sport on his way into the hiding spot. "Great job back there, buddy. Ya handled it like a boss."
"Thank you, I think I did great too." Genuinely satisfied he smiled. "Next up is holding an actual party for him."
"Why do ya want to die so badly? Is there somethin' ya need to talk about with me?" Worried he eyed his buddy.
"What? No!" The Orange Guy was making sure they still had all of their kiddens.
To his own surprise, they actually were all together right now. Nobody went missing.
Time to head home!
They trusted the Purple Guy's instinct when he said that the police was distracted enough to make a dash for it and managed to get into the restaurant without further incident.
Phoney waited for them, his foot tapping on the ground. "Employ- you guys? Did you wreck that super market down the street?"
His voice cracked as he asked.
They all shuffled their feet a bit, all looking into different directions, but somehow all away from the Phone Guy.
Except Isaac, who just shrugged and nodded. "... nobody got hurt."
"OH! Great! Wonderful! Uh- nobody got hurt. Really? NOBODY? Or just, uh- none of you?!" The amount of sarcasm in his voice could be weaponized and they all winced a bit. Seeing the pain he put them in he ended up feeling bad and sighed. "... do you at least have the cheese?"
Old Sport laughed nervously. "Ha! Funny story actually, so we entered the store and then a giant moth attacked-"
"YYYYE-eep! GOoot Cheese, a-alright!" Happy the bear shot a boatload of cheese at the surprised Phone Guy.
Checking the label he was even more surprised to see that it was the RIGHT type of cheese. "Oh. Uh. Well. Bleach too?"
"BbbbllEAch cominGGG up!" That too was shot at him.
Grumbling the man admitted defeat to himself, but wanted to find SOMETHING to be annoyed about. "... peperoni?"
"You didn't say anything about-" Old Sport started, but was instantly interrupted.
"If you would have stayed and listened-" Yet, Phone Guy was interrupted too.
"YuUUUp! Peperoni's-s! Hereee!" Another shot.
Baffled he looked at the items. "Mushrooms? Flour? Olives?"
Everything was shot at him.
"D-Did you just take the whole supermarket along!?"
With that outcry, Fraghetti just unloaded all the items he had stored in his euphoric outbreak, shrinking to half his previous size. "N-NNOoT TECHN-TECHNICALLY! HAHA!"
Depressed and beaten, he began picking the stuff up and carrying it away. "Well then. Uh. Thanks, you d-did good."
"IIIi Was PROMISED! B-BIRTHDAY!" Happy the machine jumped up and down... somehow.
"You were promised what now?" Phone Guy froze and turned to Dave and Old Sport, who both just kinda shrugged.
But, because customers still were there, he couldn't make another scene. "Uh- uhm- yeah! G-good idea. But, we uh- got to prepare that, right? H-how about you come with me, we need to, uh- plan for that."
His non-existent eyes could have probably killed his boss at this moment. They disappeared into the kitchen, leaving the six others behind.
Guests curious looked over to the odd group, but nobody approached them.
Oliver spoke up first. "Sooooo... we go back out to play?"
"As long as we stay away from the main streets, we should be fine." Old Sport shrugged, completely unworried about having the police searching for him again. "You know what, maybe it's actually a good idea to not be in here when the police comes."
Mary chimed in. "We could probably got to our schoolyard and play there, usually there isn't anyone around this time!"
Davetrap seemed pleased. "Oh hell yeah! It's been waaaaay too long since I last've seen a schoolyard! Maybe a decade!"
"That's creepy Dave." The thought of the rotting bunny hanging around in the background while children were out screaming and running was really unnerving to Old Sport. Decade implied that he had already been a bunny back then- right? Wait- yes, right?
... both scenarios were equally horrifying anyways, it didn't matter so much.
"Aw, c'mon Sportsy! Better than gettin' picked up by the police in that dirty alley!"
That was true though.
So, together they made their way towards the school, to spend their afternoon there.
And dutifully Phone Guy explained that he hadn't seen or spoken to any one of them in the last few months to the police.


Might be really short, but argh
Having a difficult time
Not really emotionally, don't worry but... gotta be real with you. I think I will put this onto an hiatus.
No, not forever.
Maybe until I finished "A Guard's life".
You see, the main issue is the constant switching. I lose story threats while working like this, I need to catch up on my own characters because I have to switch between them and the other cast all the time and it feels like the story is worse for it.
Shit, if I had known DSAF 3 came out, I would have never started this, seeing as DSAF now has an actual, proper finish.
Anyways, besides that I just... having trouble getting the chapters out, planning them properly, having them have a good flow. For both my stories.
Yeah, it sucks and I'm sorry. Again, I promise to return to this. Maybe we will just miss out on... three or so chapters, until I have my life back in order and find a good rhythm. Not gonna lie, two fully fledged stories was a bit much, I bit of more than I could chew.
To be honest, the main problem is the planning.
I really hope you guys understand and aren't too heartbroken about it. But I need some brainspace freed.
On a better note, to make up for the chapter you will be missing out on, I will try to go back into my One-shots! Shorter chapters over there, usually already come with some sort of premise. I doubt you will see "less" from me.
I hope you understand and aren't feeling too bad about it!
Thank you to everyone who follows the story. If this makes you want to forget about this and move on, that's totally cool. I'm already more than excited enough that people bothered reading this far. You can take the Dave/Old Sport smooch and just make up your own mind how they confessed their undying love to each other and lived a pretty much immortal life with Fraghetti and Baby as their monstrous children! Or something.
And to those who decide that they still will check back every couple of months to see if there will be a new chapter, THANKS! I promise I'm trying my best.
Check out my (rather cursed, not gonna lie) One-shots if you want to get your fix, feel free to request something over there! I doubt the amount of request will really change the amount of time I need to come back here.
Goodbye for now!
And remember: Don't eat soul-spaghetti

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