Salvage me!
A/N: Uh... okay, this starts out weird... You know, Dave is still quite insane. Just to warn you, I was listening to the song above (especially 2:40, which is the most awesome part)... My sister advised me to give out a small warning, for all you easily disturbed people, but said in the same breath that if you like FNAF, you're probably hard enough to take it ;3
Dave watched Old Sport slowly tearing through the broken suit and the equally broken flesh, creating an opening large enough.
Laughing softly, the Orange Man put the knife away, smiling at him. "This is what you want."
"There's nowhere that I'd rather be."
Orange fingers running through his guts, ripping and pulling on whatever they found.
Carefully he tugged out silver strings of lametta, memories of events filled with smiles, he tugged and tugged a lot, laughing at the amount that he could get out of him, before lovingly placing it next to his weapon.
Continuing on his search.
Bits and pieces of candy, sweet sins, all removed out of his bowels and placed alongside the lametta with a hungry stare. One especially colorful was carefully inspected before the Orange Guy bit into it with poorly hidden pleasure. The sweet jam that had hidden inside, stuck now to his lips and was indulgently licked away.
Playful the fingertips wandered along his ears, before crushing inside his skull.
Diamonds, showing off much brilliance, were pressed against the soft lips, before being placed in a soft net of lametta, keeping it from the scratches of the ground.
Small balls out of light quickly followed, placed inside of and connected with the magnificent jewels, making each of them shine even brighter.
Now energized the hands kept on ripping open his ribcage, feverishly searching.
All of a sudden, pain.
Orange Guy laughed.
Kept tearing on the sore wound.
Breathing heavily, the pain turned into a sensation he couldn't really describe. It burnt, but it wasn't painful anymore. It felt like jumping into icy water on a burning hot day. It felt like breathing poisonous air, after almost suffocating.
Bad, but good.
He hadn't see the Orange Guy ever smile like that before.
"Look what I found."
A purple heart clutched in orange hands.
It was beating rapidly, not used to be able to do that.
A helpless newborn only protected by those hands, the grip it was caged in.
Unable to talk or even think, he stared at the organ that had calmed by the safety of that grip, putting its fragile existence at the possibility to become nothing but pain. By trusting that seemingly so protective guardian.
A heart.
Why would he have that?
Suddenly the realization hit.
He looked up.
Straight into Old Sport's soul.
Shivering Dave woke up, desperately clawing to reality as the nausea in his stomach settled down again. Old Sport whimpered, but kept dreaming peacefully.
Careful as to keep it that way, Purple Guy changed position, sitting up a little straighter, to get the buzzing out of his head.
Subconscious his fingers reached for his Old Sport, stroking him affectional.
In his haze he wanted to tear him open as well.
Old Sport's tummy was probably filled with butterflies...
Ahahaha! What was he thinking? If he would rip Old Sport apart, he would be mad at him...
Maybe one day... he would understand.
Shaking his head more violently this time, he fully escaped the urges slumbering inside of him. Old Sport was here and that was all that counted. It was of course fairly disappointing that they hadn't gotten to midnight race, but Old Sport just appeared far too worn out this day.
Well, the Orange Guy was hardly to blame after having to deal with Rockstar Freddy, who not only was branded that way, but also behaved that way.
Took them about five hours to get enough cocaine to satisfy that robot.
Two more to get him that weird pet monkey.
And since they didn't ask Dave for any help, he had conveniently forgotten to tell them that his AI could have been adjusted manually. Not out of spite, obviously, it was just nice to see the telephone-head run around trying to shut up the heavy animatronic.
That the show ended at about four AM was also a shame, since it kept Orange Guy from coming outside, but at least the music had been good.
If Old Sport wasn't careful, he might turn this place into a nightclub and that had could lead to some... complications. Adults were annoying, even if they had more money.
He should talk with him about that.
Surely he would understand.
Birds were chirping in the distance, making him close his eyes for a while, enjoying the peaceful setting. Today was the day he would break in, he just KNEW it!
"Argh... why do birds exist..." Old Sport yawned and rose, rubbing his still tired eyes.
"Should I go and shoot 'em?"
"Meh, I have to stand up... use up my Tokens, buy some new attractions, make sure Freddy isn't going haywire..."
"Can I come in? Just one hour!"
Orange Guy couldn't say no, even if he knew that it would be the right decision. "... Fine. As long as you make yourself useful! Take a look at Freddy while I take care of the games."
"Of course you take the fun part..."
"You don't have to come in, you know?"
"Urgh, I hate you..."
"Welp, going in now! Here, let's make a deal: If you manage to find a way to get Freddy to act like a bit more... to not do what the heck he wants anymore, I'll let you play the rest of the rounds."
"So... if I solve it quickly, I'll get more rounds?"
"Yep! So give your best!"
Smug Dave entered the establishment and bolted over to the deactivated animatronic that had decided to deactivate itself for about twenty hours after his debut. Knowing exactly what to do, the Purple Guy reached for three hidden buttons and as the chest opened he used the lever inside to turn the setting down from ROCKSTAR to DIVA. After all, he didn't wanted to be too nice.
Laughing Dave shoved him to the side. "Well, best technician in existence, next to the fact that I basically either build or designed them almost exclusively myself!"
Grumpy Orange Guy pouted and watched him play. "I should have known better... what did you do?"
"Less Rockstar, more Diva! You're gonna have fun!"
"I doubt it..."
"You're lying."
"Yeah, but for a minute you bought it, right?" Smirking he began to adjust Spring-Bonnie's head, obscuring Dave's vision, making him loose.
"H-hey! That's unfair!"
Their banter was interrupted by Freddy suddenly playing loud, weird music, apparently a remix of a classical piece. What the hell?
The bear sashayed down the stage, posing with every step. "Where is my fan mail? I CAN'T start my day without my fan mail!"
Old Sport and Dave exchanged a look. Freddy was getting impatient.
"Move your lazy asses, before my morning is ruined! And IF my morning is ruined, I WON'T sing today! No matter how much they beg!"
Giving his best not to burst out laughing, Old Sport bowed. "I will bring you it to you this instant."
"Wouldn't be satisfied with any less... now MOVE!"
Quickly the manager gathered all pictures left by children that had Freddy in it and handed it to the machine that had begun polishing himself with his two extra hands, while two kept the most stereotypical displeased pose. Skeptically Freddy sorted them.
"Ugly- Stupid- Urgh, they didn't caught my charm at ALL!"
"Jeez, Freddy, chill! They are children, they can't do it any better!"
Freddy stared intensely at his fanart. "Pff... probably. But I DESERVE better!"
"Sure, sure, but hey, you only did one show, so you'll probably attract more talented friends over time."
"PROBABLY? Most CERTAINLY! I WILL TAKE THE BROADWAY BY STORM! Now if you'd EXCUSE me, I'll take a bath in the sun. My luscious brown fur doesn't take care of itself!"
And so, the animatronic was gone. He sure was a piece of art.
"Dave, who MADE this...?" While turning around he noticed that the Purple Guy was gone. "Dave?! Come on, where are you?! This isn't funny, if you're hiding somewhere I will... tickle... you."
"You mean sprinlock, you phoney-impersonator!" His bunny ears were dangling out of the office, before the rest of the man followed. "I was just getting you some new stuff!"
"What did you order...?"
"Prize King! Marked down, so it probably gives out weapons, dildos and anthrax, but hey, there can also be some really awesome things in there! You could playtest it first, to make sure!"
Slightly sarcastic Orange Guy snickered. "Why did you count dildos with all those negative stuff? I'm sure some of those preteens would-"
The door slammed open and Phone Guy entered, already crossing his arms. "What did I just hear?"
"Nothing!" Both colorful man talked in synch.
"Well... Davetrap! To your information I bought some things as well! Security doors, so you'll never get in! A security puppet to keep an eye on you! And of course a medical station for... o-okay, that's because of the food poisoning not because of you, but IF you'd ever manage to hurt someone, we'd patch them right back up!"
Old Sport whined. "Why do you guys get to spend my money?"
"Because of my authority as assistant!"
"Because I'm trying to manipulate you into subconsciously thinking we're married!"
Groaning, Orange Guy chose to ignore his foe-friend and turned towards the Phone. "If we go into debt again, you WILL fake the numbers, or I'll drive you to the factory myself!"
"What are you talking about, sir? We have far too much money anyway, after you did this shady scam."
"Wait... what scam?"
"Well, I checked our balance and saw a huge influx of revenue for something that was labeled "confetti". Naturally I wasn't stupid enough to believe that about 10.000 dollar come from selling stamped out colored circles! But... I guess since I don't technically know ANYTHING, I'll keep my eyes closed."
"I really only sold confetti..."
"You're right, the police might be listening... uh... CONFETTI IS VERY VALUABLE!" Waiting a second to ensure it was safe, he moved on. "Also, your animatronic, you know, the other Freddy seemingly has arrived. I put the box in the backroom, since I didn't want to check it on my own. Honestly, what were you thinking while buying that? It's HORRIFYING!"
"For god's sake... Let's just get over with it. We have to make sure it's working before we let it roam around the establishment."
Curious Dave tilted his head. "Five bucks for an animatronic?"
"Yeah, right? Best offer EVER!"
Apparently Old Sport didn't realize that there could be bad... okay, all animatronics were pretty bad, so for five bucks it was fucking worth it.
In the short silence that ensued, Phone Guy perked up. "Wait... do you... hear that?"
Ninety years without slumbering
His life seconds numbering
It stopped, short never to go again
When the old man...
The song ended.
Old Sport rushed towards the backroom, more out of instinct since his brain had frozen, but it opened on its own accord already.
"HEEEEY KIIIIIIIIIIIIDS!" Lefty stumbled forward a goofy grin on his face. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!"
It cracked his neck backwards and rolled it around, staring at Old Sport, fixated on him. "H-H-HI! IT'S ME! YOUR BEST FRIEND!"
Orange Guy! It's me! Get me out of here! IT TRANSLATES MY CRIES FOR HELP INTO DUMB TALKING!
Yes! Now get me out! I'm in pain, it shocks me when I move too much! Actually it shocks me all the time!
"Wait, that is the fucking Puppet? I thought he left after I was destroyed! That was the only thing making me fucking happy! Throw him out, Old Sport, this piece of shit shouldn't be allowed in here!" Dave crossed his arms.
Lefty laughed maniacally and turned to him. "YOU WANT TO PLAY TOO?! THAT IS GREAT!"
Purple Guy?! I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T DIE! What is he doing in here, Orange Guy?
Awkward Old Sport stood between the two expectantly waiting creatures. "Uh... Puppet-boi! Let me help you out of there..."
"HEY! If he gets out of the suit, I want to get out of mine too! And before you say "BUT U KILL!" he kills too! May I point you to about five hundred Nightguards?"
William Afton, I went out of my way to atone for my crimes! See, Old Sport was a killed Nightguard, but he forgave me.
"Well, I have three kids who like me too! So, do I get out of the suit or not?"
"Dave, for heck's sake! Okay, okay, puppet, you'll stay inside the suit, if Dave adjusts your voice box, because it annoys me."
"No problem, I'd LOVE to help my old FRIEND!"
Don't you DARE to touch me, you psychopath!
But Dave was too quick and had already taken care of the first few cables. "I'll even get rid of the electricity, as long as you don't try to break out."
Why would you do that...?
The Purple Guy stayed silent, but knew that Old Sport was looking at him, smiling. Suddenly he noticed a small engraving at the inside of the small plate and jumped half a meter back and just avoided a claw snapping forward, trying to gut him.
"Fucking hell puppet! Why didn't you tell me that this is one of Henry's machines!?"
"Fine, I get it!" Once more Dave began to operate the small panel on its side, slower and more concentrated. Five minutes passed. "Okay, I connected your main- Ah, who am I kidding, you don't care. Now you can decide to use its voice, as well as the shocks only happening if you try to take the head off... that's fair, right Sportsy?"
"Yup! Same rules for everyone!"
Phone Guy shyly came closer. "You... you keep calling him puppet... is it... is there a Puppet animatronic inside of it?"
Yes, I am... okay, I possess a Puppet.
"Really?! C-can I see? You were always my favori-" A loud noise broke out of his head and he fell back, holding his sides. "A-ah, what was that?! Uh... uhm... I-I don't feel good... sorry..."
They watched him run off, each with at a different grade of pity.
Orange Guy was the first to move on. "Okay, Puppet. If I'm honest with you, Dave probably expects me to kick you out, but if you work here and entertain kids, I'll let you stay, how about it?"
Sounds... fine. But I developed quite the short fuse.
"Tell me someone who hasn't in this restaurant."
I sometimes scare children.
"Nothing out of the ordinary."
... Sometimes I can't help it, but hurt them.
Dave growled. "I want to be in here too then! This is so unfair!"
Old Sport shortly concentrated and smiled again. "What, you think you won't make it in by yourself?"
"Of course I will come in by myself, I'm perfectly capable of-"
"Great! Then it's time to go!" In one solid movement, an automatic response as the puppet surprised noticed, he shoved his friend-foe outside and closed the doors.
Phone Guy came back in, slowly and shyly as if fearing to get hurt. "Are we... ready to go? Is Freddy- wait, where is Freddy?"
"He's outside, sunbathing."
The door was literally smashed into powder, as Freddy stepped in and posed in the glittering light. He probably destroyed the door by intention, just to get that effect.
"Did I heard my beautiful name ring through the air~? Never fear honey, Freddy is back in the building!"
Candy Cadette rolled over. "I am Candy Cadette. You could get Candy here! I have Candy all day, every day. But you destroyed something that I considered part of my home. You regret it. Right?"
"Move aside, snack dispenser, the star of the show has arrived and better things to do than listen to the complaints of nothing but a building asset."
"Whoever threatens my home, threatens my candy and stories. And I do dislike that. I dislike. Take it back, or prepare to be annihilated."
Marionette was getting a headache.
Both of you, step back! Your senseless bickering would probably create even worse destruction than everything you could do by yourself.
Nothing happened and he realized he should probably use his audible voice, since neither of the machines had a soul to reach for. Curiously he softly coughed and listened to the programmed voice speaking out.
"Both of you, step back! Your senseless bickering would probably create even worse destruction than everything you could do by yourself."
Shocked he noticed that his voice was pitch shifted, away from the goofy, towards something he could almost identify with.
Why did William do that?
Old Sport was appearing thrilled, yet someone was quicker than him.
"Who are you calling a copy? You are the thousand iteration of the main mascot, if someone IS a copy, then it's you!"
"I'm not even a Freddy, so calm yourself!"
Candy Cadette surprisingly agreed. "You appear similar in most things except color. This does not mean you aren't different, after all every colored candy does taste different. It is still the same kind of candy though."
Puppet turned towards his Orange friend, feeling annoyed.
Whatever made you want to open your own-
Old Sport jumped around, smiling terrified and guilty, after having stared at the window for too long. "I u-uh... I think it's lots of fun!"
Suspicious Marionette looked at the window as well, yet no one was to be seen, making the panic of the orange manager even stranger. Trying to find the root of his weirdness he made some jabs into the dark.
You and Dave really... are effecting each other.
"WE'RE NOT. I- I'M... I'm not, NOT spending any time with him. J-Just as much as I have to! I MEAN, KEEPING THE KIDS SAVE IS REASONABLE, RIGHT? And if I have to play along with Dave, I- I can't..."
Now everyone was staring at him, the previous disagreement completely forgotten over this almost hysterical fit. Embarrassed he turned towards the entrance.
"Phoney, open the place and let the kids in. Freddy, Candy Cadette and "Lefty", you'll need to be cheery for the kids, I'm counting on all of you. I will meanwhile take care of the buildings systems and take a look at things that we probably have to order. Don't interrupt me if it isn't important."
Red in the face he clutched his fists. "And YES, Dave's shenanigans count as important!"
No one said anything, making the poor guy freak out even more, without any reason.
Flailing his arms in full unreasonable panic, his eyes lit brightly in contrast to his dark red cheeks. "KILLING KIDS IS NO JOKE EVERYONE! IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT TO KEEP AN EYE ON PEOPLE WHO WOULD DO THAT! WHO WANTS A DEAD KID HERE, HUH? RIGHT, NOBODY! SO STOP LOOKING AT ME WEIRDLY!"
As he ran out everyone exchanged a worried glance, even Candy Cadette blinked slightly faster than before. Simultaneously everyone began doing as they were tasked, deciding better not to mess with the stressed out version of their boss.
It almost went smoothly, the kids were fairly stunned by Freddy's acting (but who could blame them) and Lefty was mostly left alone due to his weird movements and missing eye, but a few brave souls were running over and touching him, before shrieking and running away again.
Puppet was so close to just bite the next bitch touching his shell, since it always activated a slight controlled shock.
Thankfully Old Sport sneaked back out after a few hours and he caught him on his way out.
Orange Guy! Get me out of here! They keep touching me!
"Where did the demonic toddlers touch you? Should I get a puppet where you can show it on?"
You aren't- ah, this is hell. Where are you going?
Am I making you nervous? I might not understand why you chose to keep him around, but I don't have any reason to judge you... yet.
"YET. Leave if you don't like the way I run my establishment! By the way you might as well stay inside, or come along, whatever chills you most in this."
When I think about it, you ARE acting odd...
Intimidated Marionette stepped back, never having seen the man in such distress.
Fine, don't worry... I would like to come along, if you don't mind.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, why would I MIND? It's not like there are any SECRETS, or as if we want to be PRIVATE, which would be very WEIRD, no, come along, but BE nice! N-not because I'm trying to protect him from you, he wouldn't d-deserve that of course, but I wouldn't like if the kids get uncomfortable, you know...ahahaha, I really should sleep, right?"
All of a sudden he bolted over to the exit and jump at Dave who had been lazily lying in his open place.
"Ah, Sportsy~ Good you're here I was getting bored... and you know, when I'm bored, I tend to get... naughty~" While Dave was winking at him, Old Sport asked himself if it was a cheesy flirt with an accidently threat, or a cheesy threat with an accidently flirt.
"Dave!" Not caring what the real meaning behind the words were, he snuggled and hid behind his foe. "The Puppet is judging me!"
"What? Should I get his suit to shock him again?"
"No... but he annoys me..."
Lefty exited the building, shortly looking around, before spotting them and walking over, Old Sport slightly finding some guilty pride in seeing Dave's immediate change in posture, from a relaxed to an aggressive one.
"Heyo Poppet! What are you DOING here? Didn't remember inviting you..."
Orange Guy was not too opposed!
"Maybe he's just a bit too nice to you fucking asshat, but I'm not! Fuck off, before I turn the power back up!"
Orange Guy! Back me up here!
Before his little... indecisiveness could be exposed, the children came along. Well, it was only Oliver and Mary this time, but it was interrupting enough.
"HEY, MARY! OLIVER! How are you doing? Where's Isaac?"
"At the hospital. Again." Mary was obviously displeased, her usually cheery and energetic body language was replaced by the behavior akin to a deflated balloon. Curiously Dave turned around.
"Hospital? Why?"
"Dunno, his bones don't work right or something." Oliver shrugged dismissively.
"His bones don't have the white anymore!" Mary took pride in being able to give more information than her brother.
That sounds dangerous...
Both kids were shocked and jerked up as they saw the new companion. The girl immediately came closer, fascinated. "You only have one eye! Who are you? I've heard your voice in my head! That's so cool!"
I'm... the Marionette.
"No you fricking aren't, you're obviously a Freddy!" Her brother wasn't buying it.
Oh, we have a wise guy over here! You shouldn't judge a being by its shell!
Old Sport snickered. "Wouldn't that mean you need to say your human name, since that is what you're really inside?"
Oliver on the other hand seemed to have a worrying thought that he couldn't fully comprehend, so he frowned deeply.
Dave was attempting to answer the question truthfully, but his partner shortly took his hand and shook his head. Smiling brightly first at him, then at the kids he began distracting.
"If poor Isaac has to spend so much time in hospital, we should make something for him!"
"But we already made him some things! You two should do something!"
"Hm... any idea? Does he already have many pictures? Hey Dave, we could record something for him!"
"Old Sport, what are you talking about? What kind of recording could someone like he enjoy?"
"I HAVE AN EVEN BETTER IDEA! WAIT A SECOND!" Bolting back in, he left Dave and the Puppet silently insulting each other, until he stepped back out with a package of balloons. "We're going to make him a WHOLE LOT OF DOGGO SHAPED BALLOONS!"
But wouldn't they...
The puppet paused shortly, deciding not to ruin the fun by reminding everyone that nothing was sadder to look at than a dying balloon. Instead he watched the Orange Guy and his excited child-friend preparing to shape it. Even Dave was taking off his mascot hands to make some alongside them.
"And then you twist it like this, careful not to pop it accidently and then you have just do this..."
Proudly he held up a perfectly shaped balloon.
"IT BARKED!" Mary's eyes almost fell out. "I HEARD IT!"
"Of course it barks, it's a doggo after all, goddammit."
Excited the dog wagged its tail.
"THIS IS SO COOL!" Franticly the girl tried to also make a shaped balloon, but it popped. Disappointed she looked at the sad remains in her hands. "Oh..."
Oliver rolled his eyes. "Don't beat yourself up, Mary, who cares anyway? Let them make those stupid balloons."
"But I wanna learn how to make doggos! Because then I can make them for my friends whenever they feel down!" Determined she grabbed another balloon and began blowing it up. "Orange Guy! Please show me again!"
Dave had made already another one. His didn't bark and move, but he hasn't made a soul-contract with the king of dogs, space and time, so it was understandable.
Hours passed and the whole backspace was filled with barking and non-barking dogs. Mary had finally gotten the hang of it and even if they were a little disproportional, they were pretty dog like.
Oliver sat angry next to the Puppet, who was also a simple onlooker. Feeling pity for the angry boy, he tried to be friendly to him.
Oliver, right?
"Leave me alone, you're creepy."
That's fairly rude...
"I know about robots like you biting kids like me! This whole place is creepy and if I wouldn't HAVE to keep an eye on Mary, I'd spend my time with the fun stuff inside!"
Well, honestly, I might not like it here either, but inside it's just as dangerous.
"Maybe yeah, but the cool animatronic is in there!"
Wait, what does that mean? I'm black and... uh... red, I'm cooler than that bear inside!
"He could beat someone up twice as good as you, so he's cooler."
He looks like a mutant!
"That's pretty awesome as well! He's a Rockstar at day and a superhero at night!"
Marionette sighed, taking solace in the fact that Oliver was sounding at least somewhat more energetic. Seeing as the whole ground was now covered in doggos, he decided to interrupted the others.
Aren't those enough? Shouldn't we go now, so the hospital is still allowing visitors when we arrive?
Old Sport laughed. "What? What are you talking about? First of all, there are NEVER enough Balloon-doggos, secondly, the hospital would probably never allow any of us in. If Dave and I want to get in, we're going to break in!"
The young boy jumped up. "We're going to break into a hospital?"
"Only the adults of course! You're too young to break the law!"
Dave wheezed from all of his laughter. "Sportsy, do you know anything? When I first broke the law, I was about five years old!"
"Wait, what did you do?"
"In kindergarten I was stealing and burning people's underwear while they were swimming."
"But... why?"
"I guess I just wanted to watch everyone being embarrassed and confused."
"Dave, is there a chance you never wore any underwear as a kid?"
"Who says I'm wearing some now?"
Sincerely shocked Old Sport made a step back. "...Christ..."
Mary crossed her arms and nodded. "I agree with him, underwear is annoying!"
Dave and Mary exchanged a glance and began laughing like mad. "You should see your faces!"
They high-fived and enjoyed the groans around them.
But for a split second, Orange Guy was seeing a weird expression on Dave's face. Something frozen. Even through the mask it was visible, it was in the way his eyes glowed.
Or was he simply imagining it?
(Or was he so used to studying Dave's face that he could easily pick up on oddities? It couldn't be...)
"H-hello? Hello, hello? Is someone here?" Phone Guy peeked out of the employee's only door.
"Yeah, Phoney? What's up?"
"Just checking in... to ensure that no one had died yet, I guess... are those doggo shaped balloons?"
"Indeed, my friend!"
"Should I... worry about this?"
Puppet paused, noticing something.
If you are out here right now... as well as Orange Guy, Purple Guy and me, than who is taking care of the customers?
"U-uh... Freddy...?"
They gathered around the windows and as a matter of fact, Freddy was walking around, pizza and soda in his abundance of hands.
That wasn't the reason why they (alright, only the adults) stared though.
Freddy was swaying his hips in a fashionable way and whenever he stopped to place the pizza onto a table, he clearly was flirting with the adults, regardless of gender.
Once noticing them, he winked at the peepers outside giving them an especially risky swing around, showing off his mechanical butt.
"We're going to get sued." Rubbing away some drool, Old Sport was in awe. "Was Freddy always this charismatic? Goddamn, I'm going in there!"
Before anyone could do anything, the man had sprinted in, taking away a few of the plates and obviously flirting with the machine, wiggling his hips.
Three seconds they stood in silence, the children having already gotten bored and left, while Phone Guy was holding his breath, counting down while watching the bunny. Lefty was also getting ready.
"I'm going to break that fucking over-sized, robotic dildo."
Quickly the machine and the cyborg grabbed onto Dave, keeping him from breaking open the windows and wreak havoc over the peaceful customers.
"Calm down, he's probably just making a joke!"
Purple Guy, get yourself together! Orange Guy will not hesitate to react accordingly!
"THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW? OLD SPORT W I L L EVENTUALLY AGREE WITH ME! I'LL MAKE HIM!" But after that he calmed down for some reason and slummed back to the wall. Angrily he stared at the Phone head. "Go and get him out here, you have one minute."
Sighing between relieved and distressed he rushed inside and left the old foes on their own.
Yet, Dave didn't even pay any attention to his nemesis, instead staring at the wall in an untypical rage.
Silently Marionette watched him, feeling a slight sense of dread creeping up his artificial spine. Both of the colorful "humans" have become quite...
... unstable?
Something was going on in their synergy and it wasn't as harmless as he first assumed.
Finally the door reopened and both Guards stepped back out, Old Sport smiling embarrassed. Whatever he was told, it worked.
Dave was up immediately, stepping close enough to Old Sport to clearly breaking the personal space. Despite that, the man didn't flinch and even went as far as softly touching the cheek of the mask.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it." His words were almost a mumble, but it visibly relaxed the Purple Guy, as he backed off after a few seconds.
Phone Guy exchanged a look with Marionette and slightly calmed as well. "I guess I should close the restaurant now, shouldn't I? While at it, where are the kids?"
They... uh...
Old Sport snapped back to reality and turned around. "You're right! MARY? OLIVER? ARE YOU HERE?"
Guilty the children ran around a corner, Oliver glancing at Mary again and again.
"Where have you two been?"
"We talked about how to get you to take us to the hospital when you break in!"
Mary bit her lip, obviously something was off, but she kept quiet.
Both remaining adults couldn't even pretend to care though and Dave stretched his arms. "Come at eleven o'clock to the side of this building and we take you with us!"
"Alright! Eleven o'clock!"
"No!" Mary finally spoke up again. "Mom is going to KILL us! We can't just sneak away from home!"
"Shut up, if you're a chicken just stay at home!"
"MAYBE I'LL DO THAT!" Crossing her arms, she turned away. "You're far too reckless! This is dangerous!"
"Bwaaaak, bock, bock, bock!" Showing his tongue, Oliver began to flap his arms around.
"I'm going home now."
"See you later, Rabbit man and Orange Guy!"
They left, leaving Old Sport and Dave on their own to pick up the doggo-balloons and carrying them into a safe box. Orange Guy grabbed more unshaped, unblown balloons and pocketed them.
"We'll need those if we wanna get in... nothing too complicated..." Now he was checking out Dave's body, before shaking his head. "I'll have to get creative with you..."
"Pff, you know I LOVE when you get creative with me!" Grinning brightly through the mask, Orange Guy knew his eyebrows were rapidly going up and down. It made him smile as well.
"I'll be off stealing some things, we'll meet at the hospital!"
Truthfully, a few hours later Dave stood in front of the hospital, getting impatient.
It was already twenty seconds after elven PM and his friend was NOWHERE to be seen!
Oliver was on time though. The boy was wearing all black and even had a giant black scarf around his head, looking like a terrorist in the making, especially since he didn't knew that black was NOT the right color to hide in the dark.
But the effort was appreciated and so Dave simply greeted him silently, watching him trying to sneak around and roll around as if it wasn't drawing ten times more attention to him than anything else.
Excited he sprinted the last ten meter and twitched around. "I'm here! How we're getting in there?"
"First we wait for Old Sport... I have no idea where he is."
"Why do you call him Old Sport all the time? What's his real name?"
"Old Sport is his real name."
"That can't be! That would be pretty stupid!"
"Be careful, or I might have to pick you up again."
Surprised Oliver made a step back, insulted. "Geez, you're freaking out too much..."
Screaming loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood, Orange Guy came up to them, skipping happily. "Good that you're here Oliver, you'll have to go first!"
With that he somehow managed to take a helium tank out of his pocket and began to blow up more balloons and turned them into floating doggos, tying them together with a thin string. "Oliver, come here! You'll have to float up to the second floor window and break it open with this!"
A crowbar was also taken out of his pockets and handed over, while Old Sport was tying the string around his chest and shoulders. Slowly but surely the boy was taking of, giggling nervously.
"Remember you can pop some balloons, so you don't have to float into space if you don't want to. Ah, right, here's a rope, when you're in there, tie it somewhere and throw the rest down, so I can get up."
Both watched him flying up, smashing the window in as silently as possible and disappearing inside of the building. Five minutes passed and a rope was catapulted down.
Old Sport smiled confident. "Dave, just wait a little longer, I'll get you right after I climb up there!"
Dave decided to not answer and simply watched him walking up the wall like a spy out of a bad movie.
It took only two minutes until the zombie-bunny-hybrid felt something pulling on him. All of a sudden he lost contact with the ground and was flung upwards, panicking and trashing around. With a loud thump he crashed into the wall, sliding upwards. Thankfully his springlock didn't snap, but he was still not very happy about the situation.
"Oh damn, that was a bit too much! How do I lower the strength...?"
"That button maybe?"
Dave abruptly fell down again, screeching. "OLD SPORT FOR FUCKS SAKE, I'LL DIE!"
"Sorry, sorry!"
The pull upwards began anew, only a few centimeter before he would have crashed into the ground. Finally he was sucked into the window, seeing Old Sport operating a giant magnet, akin to those one could find in a dump for metal. Magnets that were activated with electricity were quite common there.
If he remembered correctly.
"Sportsy... where the fuck did you get that thing and why didn't you warn me?!"
"I wanted to surprise you... I thought it would be a lot of fun..."
Oliver only grinned smugly. "Isn't all that much fun to be helpless in the air, right?"
"Fuck yourself you failed abortion."
They turned around and saw basically half of the hospital staff gathered around in the hallway, looking at them.
Shortly all three of them paused. "Someone just ordered about a million doggo-balloons with Sport's delivery service? Guaranteed in under ten minutes!"
Silence greeted them.
"No one? Okay, we'll just go looking for the customer, no need to worry about us!"
They still didn't moved and so Old Sport went to his last resort. "DOGGOS! ATTACK!"
Hundreds of small rubber-doggos began barking and whining loudly, jumping onto the staff and creating so much static that small shocks were lighting up the hallway everywhere.
"RUN FOR IT!" All three of them fled into the next hallway, where conveniently Isaac's room was located and stormed into it.
The boy that had hidden fearful under his blankets, was shocked to recognize them. "Oliver! What are you doing here?"
"We made you some balloons!"
Slowly the room filled up with barking and borfing creatures, floating and not floating, moving and unmoving. If the second bed wouldn't have been unoccupied, they'd probably killed a person with their sheer amount. Outside they probably already had killed a person or two.
Isaac was obviously impressed... in a way you could be impressed by the work of a serial killer. "These... are a lot... I don't know if I'm allowed to keep them..."
"Of course you are! And if not, tell them to attack!"
Orange Guy winked at him. "They are still dogs after all, they'll cuddle them into submission."
"Uh... thank you..."
Alarm bells began to ring through all halls. "Oh-oh, we have to go I think! Get better soon Isaac!"
"Yeah, Mary is even more annoying without you! Next time you'll go along with us breaking in somewhere, right?" Oliver grinned from one ear to the other.
"I... Maybe...? Let's see if I get better first..."
"Of course you will! See you tomorrow!"
Shots, or popping balloons came from the other side of the building and Old Sport, as the responsible adult that he was, grabbed the kid and ran out. "Come on Dave! We'll meet at the restaurant!"
Dave actually waited for a second and stared down at Isaac. "You... you have something serious, right?"
He didn't answer and simply tugged himself into the blankets. "I see you tomorrow..."
"How many operation do you already had?"
"They say it will soon be better. And I can still go outside, so..."
Shortly Purple Guy pondered, but footsteps came closer and signaled him to hurry out before he got caught. "Will I see you tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow! I promise."
And just as quickly the bunny man was gone, leaving Isaac to sigh. A dog noticed his distress and jumped onto his lap, wagging its tail.
"You're right... no need to worry." He petted the friendly artificial being and laid back, trying to catch a few hours of sleep.
When I first brought this out, DSaF 3 wasn't even announced yet and despite all the encouragment I've gotten, I know this story won't hold up to whatever Lord D0gg0 is planning...
But hey: Wouldn't make sense not to write for fun! The setting gets canon, but my plot gets dumb.
You'll never know if you don't go! (hey)
You'll never improve if you don't show!
So, what YouTuber are you most excited for to play it? Mine must be Razzbowski and 8-bitRyan... Don't expect it on GTLive, since they haven't even finished the second part QuQ (I'm so heartbroken about it)
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