
A/N: C r i p p l i n g I n s e c u r i t y doesn't stop me from wanting you to smile! Enjoy the chapter!


Phone Guy reentered the establishment again, three days after he was scared by his boss sleeping next to this monstrous thing and once more he had to admit; he wasn't expecting what he saw.
The Orange Guy and the bunny sat in front of each other.
The bunny was wearing a tie and said manager was reading from a piece of paper.
"Dave Miller, formerly known as William Afton, correct?"
"Oh man, you know about that...?"
"So, you want to become part of Fazbear entertainment again?"
"You think you have changed enough to work with children again?"
"Alright, I will have you take some test, to see how you react to audio stimuli. Are you ready?"
"More than I ever were before!"
"Very well, let us begin!" Energetic the young man placed a cassette player onto the table and pressed play.
Crying and screaming echoed all over the place.
Five minutes passed and while Dave had gripped the edge of his chair tight, he hadn't moved. With a small smile Old Sport nodded and paused the tape to scribble something down.
"Are you ready for the next?"
"I guess... it wasn't that bad."
Once more the Orange Guy activated the tape, you could hear about voices talking excited, drowning each other out into a complete mess. Dave twitched when it got even louder, but kept calm. Five minutes more and it was over, more scribbles for the paper.
"Okay, LAST ONE! If you get through this, you'll be fine!"
"Like I said, a changed man!"
With a press of the button, a laughter was audible and the bunny irritated tilted his head.
"Is that Balloon Boy?"
"INDEED! One of the most annoying sounds a kid can produce is repetitive, dumb laughter!"
Thirty seconds later, the cyborg had crushed the player in his hand, screeching from the top of his lungs. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT, HOW IS THIS SUPPOSED TO SHOW IF I'M ABLE TO DEAL WITH STRESS, THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT! EVERYONE HATES THAT PIECE OF SHIT!"
Old Sport threw his pen away and notes away, revealing that he was actually just drawing a Foxy in lingerie. "Yeah, I agree, but you still failed the test."
"I'll throw you out now, if you don't want to get tased."
The big animatronic grabbed him by the collar and pulled him towards his maw, his eyes brightly burning out of the holes of the suit.
Phone Guy wanted to step in, saving Old Sport from getting chomped, but before he even made more than a step forward, he noticed the weird tension in the air.
The Orange Guy was hanging limp, his own eyes transfixed with the one of his horrifying partner, but his face stayed calm. Golden finger, which had burrowed themselves into his arms, slowly loosened again, but kept him only an inch away from their face touching.
Neither of them blinked and Phoney feared stepping in and escalating something.
Softly Old Sport put his own hand onto Dave's, his voice equally as gentle. "We'll met at three anyway. Mary and Isaac surely won't leave you alone and that means I'll be there too."
"At four o'clock."
"Yes. Not even four hours from now on."
"'ll better be on time."
"I promise. Believe me when I say that I do everything that it takes to keep a promise."
Now the grip wasn't threatening anymore, but rather appearing desperate.
"Promises are made to be broken. Give me your oath."
"Wow... okay, I swear to be with you at four."
Obviously unwilling, Dave let go of him and turned for the exit of the backroom. "I will come in here, one way or another."
"And if you actually do that, I won't be able to throw you out again, I know."
A pair of glowing eyes met another one.
"I swear to you, Old Sport."
"I swear."
Frowning, Old Sport tilted his head, apparently actually made somewhat nervous. But already Purple Guy had left.
"Sir...?" This was enough to make his boss snap out of it and laugh again.
"Already here, Phoney? Good! We have a lot to do today! I made some improvements and placed a few new objects... what do you think?"
Surprised Phone Guy turned to check his surroundings. "Oh! More candy and actually something to clean the hecking floor! I was already expecting to find an excuse to force you to buy that..."
"What? Forcing me to something? Aren't you the employee here?"
"Well, I'm a represent for Fazbear entertainment, I have some authority of my own!"
"I guess phone beats paper aka legal documents, but scissors and stone would beat a phone!" Grinning the Orange Guy jumped into the main area, before looking back and noticing his friend's worried face. "Oh... that came out a bit threatening... sorry, it was meant to be a joke... don't be mad!"
"I'm... I'm not mad. But I would like to know who the heck the bunny man is!"
"An old co-worker of mine, which I trapped inside of a death-suit, because he regularly kills kids."
"Yeah, he wasn't very popular."
Aghast the man rubbed his dial. "Aren't there those two kids that visit him regularly?!"
"As a matter of fact, YES!"
"You... what HECK is wrong with you!?"
"What do you mean?" Innocently Old Sport smiled at him, seemingly not understanding anything, or maybe just not wanting to understand anything.
"I told you not to call me that. I'm not a sir, I'm a sport!"
"There are just SO many things I don't understand!" Desperation echoed through his words. Poor kid.
"Likewise! But at Freddy's it's not about answers, it's about your way there and making friends and snorting cocaine!"
"...for heaven's sake, Old Sport..."
Friendly the boss laid his arm around him. "Time to open for the day! I'll order some more material, now that we aren't on the verge of being prostituted for our crimes. Namely the crime of not having money."
"You mean persecuted?"
"Believe me, I know what I said."
"God have mercy on my soul."
"I'll keep ya safe, Phone-face! I'm the hero this city needs!"
Together they opened the store, letting curious kids and their slightly annoyed parents enter. Some children even entered on their own, probably ran away from home to get into the only place where they can feel happy in this dark and lonely world.
BUT for that was no time. As soon as all the orders were in, he excused himself into the office and began to scour the internet for more of Freddy's relics. Especially for a certain suit...
It was senseless nostalgia, but hey, for something he would HAVE to give out his money! And what was better than finally having the possibility to kill co-workers in a horrible way again!
Everyone loved Spring-Freddy!
Quietly he put up an advertisement. Maybe someone would find him and bring him here. It would make him less lonely to play someone else.
Don't think about it.
He peeked into the catalogues that Phoney regularly updated. Most things he wanted was way out of his prize range (even the confetti on the floor. Why was confetti so freaking expensive?!), so he'd be better off if he saved money for a renovation.
Which didn't mean he couldn't spend his day productive!
Colorful paper!
Three hours to be filled!
After quite some time, Phone Guy entered to check that his boss didn't die and found him sitting on the dirty office floor, covered in colorful dots, seemingly made out of paper. Around him were bags filled with that nonsense. Once his superior noticed him standing there, he beamed.
"Did you spend that whole time cutting out circles with a scissor?"
Phone Guy decided to close the door again. Old Sport would be fine and he wasn't paid enough to deal with delusions.
"I am Candy Cadette! Come get your candy here! I have candy all day! Everyday! Candy. Candy. Candy."
Disturbed the unfortunate man turned to look at the machine. "What... what do you want...?"
"I desire to feel emotion."
"The children laugh when I say things, but I do not understand. They tell me about "liking" me. What is that?"
"Christ, listen, I don't have the time for this..."
"Why not? Do you feel? Are you a robot like me?"
"Well, I do in fact feel, but... you can't teach emotions. When someone say they like you, it means they enjoy their time with you..."
"What is that? Enjoying?"
"It makes you want to repeat things... very often..."
"So, do I "enjoy" giving out candy?"
"M-maybe...? Do you desire it more than telling stories?"
"I... I never give people candy who don't ask for it, yet I often tell the people stories, even if they don't expressively desire one."
"So, you enjoy that!"
"I enjoy stories."
"I am Candy Cadette. You can get your candy here! Also I like telling stories! That is me."
Even if Phoney didn't really felt comfortable with the prospect of Candy Cadette gaining even more self-awareness, he still appreciated the thought of having helped the creature.
Everyone deserved help after all.
Even creepy robots which probably were planning on murdering you in the not-so-distant future.
Maybe he should reconsider his values and morality.
As he stepped back into the main area, he noticed the freaky animatronic staring through the windows.
Its glowing eyes always made him shiver.
His glowing eyes.
There was a human in there.
Don't be a scaredy-cat, there is nothing bad that could happen to him, as long as he was stern and CONFIDENT!
Yeah! Right!
Suddenly struck with determination, he decided to go and teach that oversized bunny beast a lesson! Scaring customers and threatening his boss like that... it's time to STOP!
Out of excitement a bit of smoke exited out of his receiver, complementing the locomotive appearance that the man had taken on while plowing through the hall towards the employees-only exit.
With an almost violent movement, he opened said door and stepped next to the abomination called Dave.
O-okay, that was a little harsh to call him an abomination, good thing he hadn't said it out loud.
"D-dave, right?!"
"Heya, Phoney. What do ya want?" Obviously bored, the bunny didn't even turn his head away from the window.
"I-I'm here to tell you, that-"
"Where is Old Sport?"
"I haven't seen him the last two hours. He didn't run away, did he?!"
"Why should he-"
"Exactly! Old Sport is so goddamn unreasonable! What HAPPENED to him? I should just break in there and-"
"You won't do anything like that!"
"Interrupting me? How rude!"
"And now screaming? Geez, the Phone Guy's declined in quality..."
"I- you- Listen here! Stop looking through our windows! Stop pestering my boss!"
"Wow, didn't know Phoneys protect their bosses."
"Of course I will protect him! Everyone deserve to be protected!"
"What about me?"
"Well, if someone would threaten you, I'd be on your side, but right now you're the only one who is threatening!"
"Aww... aren't you a cutie! Next you're going to tell me that you're still working and getting back together with your wife!"
"As a matter of fact, YES!"
"Maybe you should ask Santa to help you with that!" Sarcasm dripped poisonous out of the words. "Fuck off, I want to see Old Sport."
"NO! Leave him! And the kids! I KNOW you're a killer and I won't stand for it! You won't hurt ANYONE!"
Finally Dave turned away from the window and focused solely on him. His bright eyes made him feel sick.
Slowly he walked towards the Phone, smirking as said man lost all confidence. "So, you won't STAND for it, huh? Planning to keep me away from MY Old Sport, yes? Do you know what I can't stand? YOU. You in all your fucking incarnations. You're a lying piece of shit pretending to be "a good guy" while lying to the police, to your co-workers and to the children. Nothing but your own well-being and money is important to you, but you dare to call me a monster. That's why I fucking hate you. Do you still remember me? I killed you whenever I could before leaving. I framed you. I even send animatronics to your house to terrorize your kid. But there is one thing I never had the time to do... Phoney, can I call people from your head..." Now he reached for his metal receiver. "...after I ripped it off your fucking body?"
Terrified Phone Guy noticed the cold bricks in his back, as there was no more room to escape this grinning beast. It clutched into the metal and began pulling.
Abruptly he stopped as the door swung open and Old Sport ran out. "What are you doing?! Leave the Phone alone, Dave!"
"LEaVE tHE pHOnE ALonE, DAvE!" Mockingly he imitated the words, but stepped back. "Why do you even still have one of those? Didn't some try to frame you? And kill you?"
"Not all Phone Guys are like that... you're narrow minded."
"I bet he will betray you when he first gets into trouble."
"I bet against that!"
Less aggressive than before Dave stepped back and growled. "He was a condescending asshole. All I did was trying to sneak a glance at you, but he began freaking out!"
Phone Guy wished he had never began this. What had he been thinking?! Now his boss was in even more trouble than before... but apparently he took it with a smile.
"Aw, so can't even take a Phone Guy complaining about you anymore? Poor little thing."
"That's- for fuck's sake, I just don't like him. You're putting your trust into the wrong person."
"Yeah, I see, I should rather work with insane children-killer, that's a lot safer!"
"IT IS! BECAUSE I WON'T SACRIFICE YOU FOR ANY CAUSE! Phone Guys are made to be selfish!"
"Maybe, but they can fight it and in my opinion it wasn't even remotely selfish to try to stop you from creeping out the customers."
"So you're taking his side again... I see." Those words were low and sounded dangerous.
Worried Old Sport signed Phoney to leave, in hopes that being alone with him would help calming the insane man down. After the Phone got out of the danger-zone, the Orange Guy grabbed his old nemesis's shoulder.
"Dave... don't take this the wrong way..."
"I often wonder what would happen if I try to eat you."
"Don't take it the wrong way!" Cheeky he tilted his head, his eyes glow growing even more intense than before.
"Okay, I get it. I'll make it up to you, what do you want? How can I prove that you mean just as much to me as he does?" Maybe that was an even worse idea than letting it escalate, but somehow he couldn't help but to be curious.
"Let me in."
"That isn't just about me, it's about the kids."
"Spend your nights with me. I don't care if you come outside or you let me in for the night, as long as you're there."
"Wow, I kinda expected this to become more spicy, but that sounds good!"
Their dispute was solved as suddenly Mary and Isaac came around the corner, Oliver sneaking along.
"What are you talking about? I like spicy food!" Mary jumped energetic as ever towards them hugging both carefree.
Isaac slightly frowned. "I... I don't think that was the topic... it may was a euphemism for-"
"Argh, who cares!" Olive wasn't happy to be here, obviously, so the curious Old Sport asked him about it.
"What are you even doing here? Aren't you mad at us anymore?"
The kid spit on the ground in an attempt to look cool. "I don't trust you two! So I'm here to protect those two idiots who keep coming here!"
"COMMON SENSE! HERE?! Astounding!" Truly impressed the manager gave a thumbs up. "Keep it close to your heart!"
Giggling Mary took a paper out of her little bag. "These are for you! Since Oliver was so mean to you, we decided he could draw something for you, so you wouldn't send him away. But Oliver didn't knew what, so I said he could draw you two! In the end we ALL wanted to draw you two and how we see you!"
Her drawing was pretty cute, as they looked like children themselves in the picture. It was obvious that the girl didn't really was used to drawing humans, as Dave's costume looked a lot better than Old Sport's face, but she put a lot of time into it. Smiling up at them, she watched Dave carefully putting it into his little sleeping place.
"Old Sport, we're going to need some glue."
"I agree! Thank you Mary, it's cute!"
"But Isaac's is so much better! Show it to them!"
Shyly the small boy almost dropped the paper out of nervousness. "I- I didn't r-really caught your... fascinating r-relationship and p-personality, but I gave my best..."
Impressed they stared for a while. It was detailed, almost portrait-like and showed Dave standing behind Old Sport, gripping onto his shoulders, while Orange Guy himself was posing with some finger guns, grinning just as bright as the guy behind him.
"How are you so fucking good?! I don't believe you drew this." When even Purple Guy was amazed by a kid, you could be sure that it really was a masterpiece.
Sheepish the boy hid his face, everything glowing red. "I can't really play outside and sometimes can't even leave my bed... so I read and draw all the time. I like drawing because it's... something other people can keep with them. A little piece of me they can carry around forever..."
Smiling somewhat forced, he stayed limp in the grip. "I doubt that will ever happen..."
"No! Don't talk yourself down! You can DO IT! MAKE! YOUR DREAMS! COME TRUE!"
"I'll try... u-uh... Oliver drew something too..." Helpless he looked towards his friend, who carelessly took out a paper that was already crumbled.
"Here it is, I didn't even wanted to fucking do it..."
"Language!" Mary slightly slapped him onto the wrist.
It would have been a lie, if any of the colorful duo would have said that they weren't interested about the content of the picture.
Five minutes they stayed silent, until Dave reloaded his brain. "Why do my ears look like dicks...?"
"Oh, you're seeing it too? I thought I should get my brain checked again... I also like the... uh... stripper-socks I'm wearing..."
"Yeah it's... creative..."
"The money everywhere is... a nice touch..."
"The fact that everything is on fire is... uhm..."
Both stayed silent for another solid minute, before Old Sport began laugh out loud. "I like it! It's fitting for Freddy's! Thank you, Oliver!"
Surprised the brown-haired boy began to blush, not expecting to get a pat on the back for what he did. Isaac's and Mary's snickering didn't help either. "I- I didn't want you to like it!"
"Tough luck, kiddo~" Happy the man put the two other pictures into Dave's place. "I'll get the glue later, let's play first!"
The make-believe tough boy again chimed in to ruin everything. "How are we even supposed to play here?! It's dirty and gross!"
His sister rolled her eyes. "Did you hear that? DIRTY and GROSS! Wouldn't want to stain his pretty clothes now, would we?"
Embarrassed Oliver clutched his fists and turned towards the cyborg. "Since you made me cry they won't stop TEASING me! I HATE you!" Now, fully enraged he rolled up his sleeves and raised his fists. "FIGHT ME! I WILL BE RESPECTED AGAIN!"
Friendly Isaac softly pushed the fists of his friend back down. "You can earn respect in other ways, you know...?"
"Then I want to be the royal guard!" Mary posed proudly. "My weapon is a lance that can shoot lightning! But not like a wizard's wand, it's still to stab people!"
"OW, OW, what can I be!?" Old Sport excitedly squeaked.
"You may be..." Oliver frowned, but was saved by the idea of his shy friend.
"He could be the legendary beast master!"
"Yeah and the bunny-man is his beast!"
Dave wanted to protest, yet was interrupted by Old Sport. "And what are you, Isaac?"
"Oh... I'm not a hero..."
"Nonsense! HEROISM COMES IN ALL FORMS! You're my skillful and brave illustrator and scientist, studying and making pictures of all the creatures my beast master brings!" Confidently Oliver smiled at him.
"Haha, then I guess I did his first already, huh...?"
"I'M NOT A BEAST!" Dave felt too prideful to let it slide.
Old Sport though suddenly began wiggling his eyebrows violently at him. "Not even in bed?"
Confused the children watched the orange adult laugh while the other one choked and coughed like mad.
Suddenly Mary's eyes lit up. "I get it! Like a werewolf! Or a werebunny...? That's cool and makes sense!"
Neither Isaac nor Oliver had a better idea, so they just shrugged, making Mary decide to interrupt the men. "FIGHT ME, WEREBUNNY! LET US SEE WHICH POWERS ARE GREATER!"
And as such they played for the main part of the afternoon, until Phone Guy once more showed his not-existing face.
"Uh... Boss, what are you doing?"
"Just playing with three kids in a dark back alley, like every respectable adult would do! Why ya asking?"
"I really don't think... I mean, I need your help in here... keeping the customers happy, you know...?"
Disappointed everyone pouted, as they knew that it would be the end of their little play. "I don't wanna!"
"Please, Old Sport, you are a grown man that opened his own restaurant, so take responsibility!"
"Fine, fine, pizza-break everyone! My treat!"
They all rushed towards the entrance, but just before Dave could step in, Old Sport blocked the door with arms. "Where do you think you're going?"
"That's not fair, Sportsy! I want some pizza too!"
"I'll bring you what you want."
Unhappy Dave stepped back and stayed silent. It hurt Old Sport to see him like that, so he softly squeezed his hand. "I'll be right back."
Their glowing eyes burned into each other. "Hurry."
And truthfully, it didn't even took fifteen minutes until came back.
Cheese, anchovies and no sauce.
"How did you...?"
"Well, you aren't the only stalker- I mean, what?"
They sat down together onto the blankets, peacefully nibbling their food away. "You're a stalker, Old Sport?"
"I'd call it curious..."
"Yeah, I regularly get curious about you as well!"
"You watch me sleep, don't you?"
"Goddammit Dave."
"And you?! What did you do to find out what pizza I like, huh?!"
For a while Old Sport munched on his piece, swallowed and paused. "Well... I... ahaha... funny actually, I bribed whoever knew your passwords or simply guessed it and read everything you had on your accounts in every establishment I could find."
Dave stopped, but in his word was a hint of laughter. "My diaries were on there! You creepy son of a bitch..."
"Maybe you should just use a better password than AUBERGINE. Shut your pie-hole!" Grumbling Orange Guy stuffed his face with the rest of his pizza.
"Pizza-hole." Dave corrected almost automatically.
"I swear to god, Dave!"
"What? Keep the brand going!"
"Urgh, why am I even here with you..."
"Because you can't be without me~?"
"Wait, let me remove your bunny-head, so I can punch your hecking face!"
Suddenly Dave stopped laughing and kept his partners hands away. "N-no!"
"What. Why?"
"Uh... I'm... I'm probably not really... looking "fly" right now..."
Baffled Orange Guy stared at his nemesis. "What? You're literally give up your chance to escape, or to at least feel air on your face for the first time in thirty to forty years, BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU LOOK BAD?!"
"G-give me until tomorrow..."
"Never took you of all people to be vain...!"
"I'm not! I just don't want to scare you..."
"Screw you!" Old Sport sneak attacked him and spread the mouth of the mask enough to peek inside. "What are you even bitching about, you look fine!"
"Really?" Purple Guy raised his hands as if to touch his own face, but stopped as he reminded himself of the suit still covering the skin. "Okay, in that case, take it off."
"You freaking WISH. Not unleashing the serial killer on the world again, ain't that stupid!"
"Damn it." There wasn't any hint of resentment in those words, it almost felt warmly. "One day I'll get out here and then I'll break into your computer account for a change!"
"STOP. Why do you still hold me... ACCOUNTable for that!?"
"Your puns are worse than burning alive and I KNOW what I'm talking about."
"It's a joke!" Teasingly Dave leaned closer to him. "Why would YOU even care so much what I think~?"
"Screw you..." Red in the face Old Sport showed his tongue. "One day I'll just run away with a bag full of money and become a cult-leader. You'll be my variant of the devil."
"And what is your religion about?"
"It's about the... judgment day, where the real Fredbear come down to earth again, but this time he has glorious golden, curly hair, long enough to cover his butt, which, when touched, grants the power to anthropomorphize all animals around you with your new laser-shooting eyes!"
"I'm interested. Sign me up!"
"But you're the devil!"
"If I pray at your feet, do I get absolution~?"
"SHUT IT!" Now fully flushed, Old Sport stood up. "I'm going now, doing TOTALLY IMPORTANT management stuff!"
"If you're not here at twelve, I'll break every window."
"I'll be there, don't worry. I keep my promises!"
Feeling embarrassed, but confident in himself and his position in the world, Orange Guy returned to the office, to ensure that he hadn't forgotten anything. The orders were all in place, maybe he should get some more items though...
More animatronics, would be nice! Pepe and Pan Stan were loved by many, but there was almost an incident with a customer trying to shove Pan Stan up their own-
Yeah, he should get himself one of the ROCKSTARS!
He should get ALL of the ROCKSTARS!
But that would be a bit... expensive...
And he wouldn't get the Fox. That was just BEGGING for problems aka yiffs and Old Sport wasn't irresponsible-
And hey, who cares about money, get those hot ass stereos and something to press more DOLLAR$ out of those ungrateful kiddens! Maybe he should replace the candy in Candy Cadette with something addictive, so they'd buy more of it...
But... the money...
And the lawsuits?! Who was supposed to take care of it if anyone ever found out?
Creaking the door behind him opened, interrupting his planning session on how to get rid of nosy customers. It was his Phone Guy.
"Old Sport...? I, uhm... wanted to say sorry for messing with the bunny..."
"Why? I think it was brave! But right now I actually have a problem..."
"Can I help?"
"I sure darning hope so! I'm planning on investing in a new Animatronic... should I get Rockstar Freddy or Rockstar Chica?"
"I mean, I'd say Freddy, he is pretty solid without getting sexualized too much..."
"Ha!" Sarcastic Old Sport laughed, but his smile was rather kind. "Yeah, you have a point. I'll get the Fredd!"
"Did you kept an eye on the balance? If we're going into debt AGAIN, I won't fake the numbers this time."
"Uh... pretty please?"
"Okay, okay, chill, we aren't in debt!"
"Yet. Did you do the taxes?"
"Yes, Old Sport, taxes. You know...?"
"Tomorrow your taxes are done, or I'll take away those catalogues!"
Completely stressed out Phone Guy clenched his fists and shook his head. "I'll be going to lock the store now. TAKE CARE OF THIS, OR I'LL PUNCH YOU. I mean- uh... not punch... that would be pretty evil... but SHAKE you! A LOT!"
"You're a sweetheart." Sighing he sat back down on the chair and picked out the papers he should check over.
Determined he stared down at them.
Five minutes passed and he picked up his pen.
Ten minutes passed and he put it back down.
The papers were still untouched.
"Urgh... this is booooring..." Silently he sneaked into the main area, where no one was left.
Especially no nagging Phone who could criticize him for taking a deserved break!
Not even a break, he just did another task! Quickly he grabbed the glue and his keys, to step outside.
Davetrap was leaning onto the wall, pulling around on some dirty patches of his fur, but jerking up as he heard the door open. His smile glowed through the dark.
"Why hello there, Old Sport! You're early!"
"Couldn't wait any longer! I also brought the glue!"
"Finally!" Lively he came closer, satisfied watching him decorating his small home with the pictures. It was almost symbolic. Old Sport was making a room for him. There was room in Old Sport's life for him.
Ha, he should calm down. "Sportsy! Is there something you wanna do now?"
"Hm... since you haven't seen it yet, I'll show you the restaurant! But keep in my mind what we agreed on."
"Who do you think I am?! If you allow me in, I'll leave when you say so. But, if I manage to sneak in..."
"Which won't happen, since I'm careful!"
"... there is no way in hell you'll get rid of me, except you want some dead children in front of your place."
"I was literally the one to suggest that, why are you repeating it?"
"To remind myself what waits for me if I'm patient enough..."
Between worry and amusement, Old Sport signed him to follow into the building. "WELCOME! TO! FREDDY'S! NUMBER 6969! OLD SPORT EDITION!"
Prideful he opened his arms to show it all off and encouraged by Dave's amazed silence began to walk from part to part and explained what was inside of it.
"Since we finally have a real ballpit, I decided to repurpose this room, as kind of a kid's cove! It's lacking the trash pile made out of dildo material, but well, this is a small business. Over there is the duck pond! IT'S FILLED WITH RUBBER-DUCKS, WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE?! And it's fun to watch them push each other into it." Skipping he strolled over to a corner were a balloon barrel and an arcade game was located. "This will be the game-corner, as soon as I have more money for more games!"
Before they knew it they were on round ten, had no Tokens left and the clock said that sunrise was close. Shocked they looked at each other, not sure how that happened.
"Maybe the game is haunted?" Shrugging Dave stretched his body.
"Did you ever accidently stuff A KID INTO IT?"
"Then I doubt it. It's probably the black magic called "designed to extract money out of kids". Whatever, no more Tokens, no more games... and now you have to admit I'm the TRUE midnight racer! I beat you LIKE THE LIL BITCH YOU ARE!"
"Pah, to BE the TRUE midnight racer, you have to play the TRUE midnight racer! Get us each a car and we will see who wins!"
Old Sport was close to leave and find unwatched cars, but remembered he didn't had much time left for the night. "Tomorrow! And I'm serious about that, I WILL beat you!"
Dave snickered. "Not even Henry could beat me, so you will eat those words up tomorrow! But, well, we get to that when you cry your salty tears of failure!"
"Oh, I won't go down without a figth!"
"Would be boring otherwise!" He smiled and began to wander around the small restaurant. "You did a wonderful job... it really evokes nostalgia in me to see this place. I can't imagine ANYONE not loving it here!"
"What about those traumatized young souls who had seen Breadbear?"
"... I can't see MANY not loving it here!"
They began to discuss reason why people wouldn't like it here, but were quickly interrupted.
"I am Candy Cadette! Come get your Candy here! I have candy all day, every day! Candy. Candy. Candy. I can also tell you a story, if you'd like. And also if you don't like."
Purple Guy paused. "Stories...?"
"Well, he shouldn't tell stories in the first place! I think... I mean, it might be another model, but..."
The machine booped and beeped. "Today I will tell you the story of a snake and a mongoose. The snake was feared by many people, but since they couldn't touch the poisonous creature they lured and caught a mongoose instead. A mongoose surely would be able to beat the snake, yet not be able to fight a human, they said. They carried it away from its home and kept it in a cage, always brining it wherever they saw the snake last. The mongoose behaved and one day killed the tired and lonely snake, while the snake tried to get it out of its cage, because it pitied the caged mongoose and thought it could help fight the humans.
The humans were very proud, petted the mongoose and left it forever."
Old Sport hugged himself, his expression really unpleasant. "Candy Cadette, you creepy son of a beach. I would tell a better story without even trying!"
Dave on the other side was enchanted. "Don't listen to him, I liked it! Tell us another one!"
Growling Orange Guy walked off. "Have fun, I just remembered I still have something to do..."
"What is it?" Curious the killer followed him into the backroom.
"I KNOW! But Phoney won't allow me to buy stuff if I don't finish that today..."
"I can help you! I know how to evade taxes!"
"Would you do that for me...?" Hopeful the Orange looked up to him, making his heart quicken.
"Yeah, no problem, I'm big dick Davey after all, there ain't nothing I can do!"
"It's more about not wanting than not being able..."
"Why wouldn't I want to make you smile~?"
"You're cute, when you're flustered!"
"Didn't you say I'm ALWAYS cute?"
Now it was Dave's turn to be embarrassed, but instead of continuing to argue he leaned over, began scanning the documents and told his friend what to put down.
Old Sport stayed silent and simply focused on Dave's voice. It was... peculiar.
He shouldn't feel this comfortable.
He shouldn't want to ask Dave to just stay in here for the day, screw all the danger and common sense.
He shouldn't enjoy Dave's presence, not even remotely.
Slightly grinding his teeth, he thought back of the poisonous excitement he felt as he read in Phoney's employee-logs and found out about Dave's obsession. He wanted to believe it, he wanted to know what Dave did that made Phoney write that down, he wanted...
Was it really that wrong for someone like him to crave companionship?
Almost hypnotized he did what Purple Guy instructed him to, without the commands even passing by his busy brain.
Nervously he noticed how close Dave was and thanked god for the protective layer of fur between them, blocking any body heat radiating from both of them. It would have made concentrating even harder...
When he decided to keep Dave around and even making him a small bed, he was convinced to be able to control him through emotional means, at least to some degree. Using the mentioned obsession against the psychopath. However, now he began to slowly fear that it was the Purple Guy who would take over control like that.
They both got more and more entangled in one of the weirdest relationship that existed and Old Sport wasn't sure if he was strong enough to handle it on his own, without any reason to fight back.
Maybe he should be the one calling Peter this time and ask him for advice...
"Done and DONE!" Dave reached over him to make his last to checks and smiled brightly. "Only sign down there and you should be perfectly fine!"
"How come you are actually able to do this?"
"C'mon, sportsy, what do you think? I was long enough the business side of Fredbear's!"
"I didn't really expected... I mean you're... uh... REALLY talented with animatronics, so I thought that it was the only thing..."
"Well, when I first met you I thought you were nothing but a helpless guy, who had no idea what he'd gotten himself into. Never judge a book by its cover!"
"Wew, now you're spouting the real deep wisdom!" Bemused he stood up, trying not to shake too much because of his beating heart.
Candy Cadette began beeping and spinning. Apparently it had waited at the door for the last half an hour and watched them in silence. "I am Candy Cadettte! Come get your Candy here! Are you finished? Do you want another to hear the continuing of the story?"
"There is a continuation?!"
The machine adjusted its height a little. "I would call it a work in progress."
"So, as the mongoose was now-"
"One more word and I'll throw you out! Do you WANT that?"
Once more Candy Cadette adjusted its height, but kept growing and growing upwards until a full-grown transformer was standing in front of them, almost breaking through ceiling. It raised the somewhat stunned manager into the air and held him upside down, its voice making the ground shake.
Dave laughed his ass off, rolling on the ground and sounding almost as if he was about to cry. "Get his Candy Ass!"
"DAVE! I NEED HELP!" Orange Guy shrieked and flayed his arms around.
"I get set down again and some of your wonderful candy, pretty please?"
"VERY WELL." It began to fold into itself and set the poor owner back down onto the ground, before fully transform back into the normal sized robot. With a click a piece of red candy fell out of its slot onto the lying Old Sport.
"I am Candy Cadette. I like telling stories and will protect this place from people who don't appreciate good stories." And so Candy Cadette peacefully rolled away.
Groaning Orange Guy rose from the ground, his sweet still in his hand and rubbed his paining head. Muffled some birds sung their morning song outside, making Old Sport realize that Phoney would be here soon.
Thoughtful he unwrapped his treat and munched on it. "WOW! This is REALLY good! I should request candy more often!"
Dave was still lazily hanging over the chair, completely relaxed. "Be careful or you'll get sick."
"Bleh, you wanna be the next one play my dad?"
"Not really, but if you feel the need to call me daddy, I won't complain~"
Old Sport didn't even felt like responding to it and instead walked towards the exit. "It's time for you to leave, I have to ensure everything is in working order."
"I can help!"
"You just want to hide somewhere so you can say you managed to get inside during business hours."
The accused only pouted and left, not denying his plans. "We meet at three, right?"
"If Mary gets to decide, they'll be here at two."
"I like Mary! She reminds me of a kid I took for a special project..."
"Well, that doesn't sound terrifying at all... Always remember: Kill a kid, get fucked over by a ten foot Candy-bot."
"Don't be so cocky, he'd probably side with me!"
"Not if I pay him in Tokens!"
"Worked for you, I guess..."
With that last kick in the rib, Purple Guy made a kissy noise and strolled out of the building, right as Phone Guy entered.
Worried said man looked back and forth between the bunny-monster and his employer. "Why was he in here?"
"We played midnight racer!" Old Sport didn't really felt like explaining the situation. "Come here, I need some help with the balloons! Did the requested animatronics arrive?"
"Not yet... I mean Freddy is here and in good condition, but the other... "Lefty"... haven't got any message about that one."
"Ah, I'm sure he'll be here soon! Let's take care of our Rockstar!"
It took a while, but after the third attempt they managed to place the pieces into a somewhat humanoid form, making them decide that it was good enough for the stupid toddlers and open for the day.
"I don't think he should have four arms..."
They greeted the excited kids.


A/N: So... how are you doing dear readers? Hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^^

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