Hello, hello?
A/N: I probably WANTED to make some kind of note and ask something, but... I guess I forgot.
When Phone Guy had left the restaurant, he didn't know where to go and what to do. Would someone come to get him? Shaky he made a few steps further, scared of what the future would bring.
Was there even a future for him?
Probably not, honestly.
Regret flooded his veins. He wanted to see his family again. He wanted to talk to his slightly ungrateful, but still loveable children again. This wasn't a nice end for his story.
Now it was too late, of course, it had been too late when he exited the restaurant.
Silently he cried to himself, without the tears that would give him at least some sort of relief and stared at the dirty wall in front of him. The sounds of people walking and carefree chattering next to him were strangely distorted through the distance... or maybe he was starting to malfunction? The cold was seeping into his bones and once more he asked himself if this was all his life had led to.
A fake, broken existence he never managed to escape.
No, NO, he loved his family, he... h-he...
Shakely he took a breath, his body shivering out of pure unhappiness. At least... the bright side was... he... stood up for himself...?
Yeah... That wasn't something many Phone Guys could say about themselves!
Wait, many Phone Guys?!?
God, he felt like puking. He wanted to go home.
But he didn't have a home.
Almost dying out of shock, Phone Guy accepted the call, not thinking for a second. "H-hello? Hello, hello, Phone Guy here?"
"Hello! Here's Peter speaking, a friend of yours!"
"Yes! Your friends are my friends and so you are my friend!"
"U-uhm... makes sense?"
"Once more, properly this time. I'm Peter, a Phone Guy and Ja- your boss begged me to talk to you."
"H-he did?"
"He feared you would never come back and get yourself hurt... which is something that WILL happen if you don't return."
"A-are you threatening me?!"
"No, I'm not. You know the rules of the factory just as well as I do."
"Yes... that's why I know it's far too late anyway. They're coming for me."
"The factory isn't all knowing after all and... your boss hasn't complained in any way. He's quite the ni- u-uh... open guy. If you need a break it's perfectly fine, but promise him to come back..."
"... Please... reconsider..."
"I-I... Everyone is making fun of me! No one respects what I stand for! My boss is getting closer and closer to a psychopath, the machines are FLIRTING with me as a mean to compete with each other a-and no one cares when dangerous stuff happens! THEY GET HURT AND THEN I'M AT FAULT, EVEN THOUGH I WARNED THEM SO MANY TIMES! I FEEL... I... f-feel... terrible... there's something... off..."
"Well... we could figure something out together. I agree with you, especially with the psychopath part... he never knew how to deal with others properly."
"Your boss. We've known each other for an eternity by now, but he never really changed. Anyway, what do you think will happen if you stay away? Some other Phone Guy will take your place, nothing more, nothing less."
"Y-yes, but..."
"No buts. There is no actually choice here and you know that. I'd like to pretend that there was one as much as you, but that wouldn't help either of us... there's still a upside to this!"
"Okay? That would be?" The voice sounded almost begging, pleading, he WANTED to see a bright side about this.
"We might don't have a choice in being or not being with Freddy's... that doesn't mean we can't change anything."
"What is there to change?"
"First off, Ja- your boss will most certainly listen to you if you have a proposition, so you can start there. Against the robots... get yourself a Taser if you're hardcore and if not you might want to simply ignore them. Animatronics get quickly bored... at least the ones at my old place."
"Y-your old place?"
"I will explain it later, just hear me out! You aren't responsible for everything, you know? Don't worry, no one thinks that anyway.... the only thing you might can make a real difference to is Dave."
"The giraffe neck?"
"Exactly that one. You know, Dave is a crazy man that has exactly two interests: destroying the lives of everyone associated with Freddy and... claiming... Orange Guy for himself."
"Old Sport is in danger!?"
"Did you just call him Old Sport?!"
"Why... yes? That's the way he introduced himself to me..."
"Oh dear he...ck..."
"What's wrong?"
"It's just... worse than I thought. Alright, I'll cut to the chase. Dave has taken to follow your boss for a few years... decades at this point. Now, between you and me, I don't really think he's cut out to resist this kind of... u-uh... "Courting"... if I even dare call it that... He isn't a bad guy, but he's... prone to chaos, you know what I mean?"
"Ha, you can say that again."
"I see, you experienced it already. Which means you can see where I'm going? No matter what he says, he has actually no idea what's happening and I would go as far as saying that he somewhat enjoys being blind. On the other hand, who at Freddy's doesn't, right?" Fairly sarcastic he uttered that sentence. "I don't. I managed to escape and for a while it felt as if we actually set an end to this place."
"How did you do it?"
"... We killed Dave. I was the one suggesting we seal him off, as he just wouldn't die no matter what I tried before. Really, it's weird how Dave seems to be the soul of this whole hecking place. One doesn't go without the other, haha!" Shortly the man paused, trying to get the bitterness out of his words. "Anyway, now this is where I have to ask you a favor. The lives of a good few of children, as well as of J- Orange Guy is in danger, so please..."
"I- I don't even know what I'm supposed to do!"
"Stay in contact with me. Call me if possible every evening and tell me what happened, so I can help you to decide what to do next."
Insecure Phoney watched his hands, which he helplessly clenched to fists. "Okay. I will try my best!"
A sigh of relief followed that and his words sounded warm. "Thank you. I wouldn't know what I would have done if you had said no... I promise you, you made the right choice."
"Now... to "your old place"...?"
"Your boss... he was the one who got me out of there. I don't know how he did it... maybe it was that we finally managed to get rid of Dave, but they simply let me go. I found my home and... stayed."
A while they paused.
"There's hope for all of us. Except Dave, because Dave is a... bad- bad- thing."
PG, the PG currently still sitting around in the back alley, chuckled without any real emotion behind it and stood up. "I'm ready for the mission, sir!"
"I'm counting on you, partner! Until this evening."
"I'll make sure to call!"
The Guard left towards his restaurant again, actually feeling determination to change the place for the better. They were not alone and they weren't helpless.
Taking a deep breath he opened the door to his place and immediately wanted to kill himself again. For heaven's sake!
Truly triggered he ran up to them, almost slipping on the money everywhere. How did that even get here, the guest have already left-
"Oho~ There goes the sexy Phone~" Chica basically purred those words, twirling around and showing off her hips.
Freddy wasn't ready to let the attention be pulled away from him and posed revealingly. "Great, then you can finally get proven that I have FAR more sex-appeal! Right, Phoney~?"
The Guard was close to scream from the top of his lungs, but before he could collect the needed breath to do so, another contender entered the arena.
"Aren't you forgetting someone?!"
He even found a purple bow tie, making the fact he was technically naked even more apparent. Or maybe it was the fact that he had actually some fluffy fur that gave him a far more humanoid appearance... or that there was a real human in there. A rotting psychopath to be fair, but a humanoid nonetheless.
Nope, it was the bow tie.
The bunny creature jumped elegantly onto the stage, yet before he even could TOUCH that pole-
"ENOUGH! E—enough!" Old Sport had finally found his words again and was now running onto the stage himself. With a small smile towards his returned employee, he pretended to be a responsible manager.
Dave though seemed disappointed. "Sportsy! You haven't seen ANY of my moves..."
Between sarcastic and flirtatious he answered, even going as far as to giving him a small wink. "For me there's no contest anyway~ I've got my favorite already picked~! Which is not you."
All of a sudden Old Sport dropped that conversation though and skipped towards PG. "Glad you're back! Right when I woke back up from my nap too... great timing! Also, do you want to choose a few new attractions for this place?"
"I... U-uh... uhm... you... you don't have to be this nice to me... you know that's kind of creepy, sir?"
"Damn, you're quick to pick up on this. Anyway, it's past midnight at this point, so what else would you want to do?"
Dave interrupted. "I'd say we deactivate the robots, send Phoney home and have our private time, like you promised me we would have?"
"Wasn't that before you broke into my place?"
"Noooo....? Why are you suddenly so mean to me?!"
As intended, Purple Guy was whining at his unfair treatment, making Old Sport feeling slightly smug. He was still in control and the bunny-man knew that perfectly well. Great! In that case he should...
... should what?
Paranoid Orange Guy turned towards Lefty, fearing that it was the puppet who had read his mind... even if he never managed that before... but... better safe than sorry, right?
Lefty was simply sitting on a chair, staring at some papers, which were probably drawings and that meant that Puppet was probably traumatized enough to be out of the loop for a while. Chica and Freddy were still having a discussion, with Candy Cadette idling next to them.
Slowly a thought crept up in his mind and he turned back towards Dave. "Hey, how about we give Candy Cadette a sexy transformation?"
The way the costume head turned towards him, told the Manager everything he needed to know about Purple Guy's opinion. "So, Sportsy... you actually want to make a strip club out of this...?"
Embarrassed he turned away. "It was a joke..."
Nope, the eggplant didn't buy it. A shame.
"Alrighty Dave, your suggestion is great, let's do it! Deactivate the robots, while I'll go and order some parts we still need and then we have the whole night for ourselves!"
At this point Old Sport had to seriously ask himself if he was using Dave a tad too much.
But... Dave basically asked for it, didn't he?
Slightly distracted Orange Guy finished up the last remaining tasks before returning to the main hall, out of which he could already hear the arguing.
I refuse to be deactivated!
"Sportsy said the animatronics gotta go, so you gotta go!"
He did not refer to me in that regard!
"I don't CARE. I don't want you to bother us!"
Bothering you how exactly?
"How?! None of your business! I just can't stand... I WANT YOU TO STAY AWAY. The night is MY time."
It used to be the other way around...
"Getting all nostalgic, eh? Whatever, come over here so I can get to your buttons."
I'd prefer to stay in the backroom, if that is an option.
"If you make noise, I'll go there and tear you apart."
The machine stuck inside another machine, participating in the first step of machine-ception, titled his head at that threat.
You DO remember I am able to springtrap you again?
"You do remember that it won't really change shit?"
Old Sport had enough. "Both of you, calm down! Of course you can sleep in the backroom if you prefer that over being turned off... and Dave stop threatening everyone around me, alright?" The Puppet shortly glanced at him before walking into the back. Old Sport knew that the Puppet had some thoughts about this situation and was thankful that the animatronic chose to be silent.
Dave stepped closer to him, his demeanor sweet and calm all of a sudden. "Now that is solved! Let's do something! The midnight racer challenge is still up!"
"Don't I have to hire a Nightguard or something before I leave?"
"Who in their right mind would break into a Freddy's?! There's still A LOT of rumors going around... stop being such a pussy! You could even activate the Security Marionette to alarm us about intruders!"
"I'm sold! Last, but not least, we gotta find two good cars! FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!"
Together they dashed out, more than quick enough finding and breaking into two suitable cars and calmly driving towards the highway.
They shortly stopped next to each other, ignoring the angry noises of the cars behind them.
Dave wasted no time to change lanes and drove into the oncoming traffic, avoiding them swimmingly and having a far easier time apparently, compared to Old Sport who was struggling with getting around the cars driving into the same direction... I guess having everyone else avoid you in panic was making things pretty unfair in a race.
Without any regard he pressed on forward, pushing one car aside and listened to crashes in the back. Oh boi, he would go to hell if he had a soul.
Time to rip apart a few more families!
Who knows how long they were driving forward, head to head as Dave was more experienced but Old Sport was more daring and so they continued to overtake each other, trying to jump over obstacles and to find shortcuts, but suddenly NEW PLAYERS JOINED!
P O L I C E T I M E !
Dave scrolled down his window and screamed as loudly as possible. "LEAVE, I CAN TAKE CARE OF IT! WOUDLN'T BE THE FIRST TIME!"
"OKAY DOKI!" With that Dave kicked the door open, breaking it off and making it fall back, taking out three police cars in one swoop.
Suddenly the sirens drove off, leaving both psychos aghast. They slowed down to better talk with each other.
"What was that?!"
"I'd be fucked if I know, that hadn't happened to me before."
"You think it's a trick?"
Old Sport frowned. "I have a bad feeling about this. Let's... go back and check on our place."
Even if Dave thought his friend was overreacting, he followed him without any further complains.
They returned to pure chaos. Most of their neighborhood had been sat on fire and apparently exploded. Their restaurant was the only thing remotely fine around-
If you ignored the giant claw marks on, no IN the security doors.
Slightly shocked, Orange Guy took a closer look at them. They seemed to have cut through the metal like it was nothing but hard soap. "Jesus... I'm glad Phoney bought these. What WAS this?!"
"Probably a monster!" Dave smirked, he wasn't too scared.
"Not funny! You think it might was an attack by something from Candy's?"
"If that would be the case, then Candy has kicked up a notch!"
Without another word, they unlocked the door and entered, to find that everything inside was still good as new.
"Ya see? No worries! We all-"
Something threw itself against the entrance, screeching loudly.
Metal clashed against metal, again and again, the monstrous noises not subsiding.
They looked at each other.
The lights began flickering, as the whole damn building was shaking due to the force of the thing on the entrance.
As sudden as the attack had started, it stopped, leaving the Guards slightly worried. What WAS that?!
Orange Guy decided that enough was enough. "I'll take a look."
"Are you fucking insane?!"
"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine."
"I'm not really in a position to die, you know?"
"Doesn't matter! What if you get hurt?! I won't allow that!"
"Dave, for Foxy's sake-"
The bunny launched forward and pinned his manager on the ground, growling slightly. "No. You'll stay right here and be safe."
"PLEASE! There's a MONSTER out there! We need to find out what it is!"
"It already left! Sportsy, just stay put."
"I could springtrap you if you don't move!"
"Go ahead, as long as it stops you from getting your frontal lobe bitten off..."
"Dave..." Now the manager was whining. "I can't stand not knowing what that was!"
"Should I go and look?"
"... as if you're not in far more danger to get hurt..."
"Listen: Either I go, or no one goes."
"Fine, if that is what you want! Go and take a look."
Finally Dave left, giving him one last thumps-up, before opening the door and stepping outside. It wasn't too cold, but the constant noises of the sirens made him flash back to a few bad trips to and in Vegas.
It tasted like crime.
Rustling came from the building closest to him and a pair of glowing eyes was staring at him.
"So you-you-you actually c-c-came out! But you a-a-a-aren't a human? A f-f-fairy? I am-am-am a fairy t-t-too!"
Dave stepped closer, catching the sound of mechanical clicking.
"I-I-I can do ma—a-a-agic! Turn children into-o-o animals! If I don't-don't-don't eat 'em! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Can you-you-you do that too?"
"I've done it quite a few times! What's your name?"
"I'm-m-m-m-mmmm a lot! Many, many p-p-people! Ate them allallall! Right?!"
Another pair of weaker glowing eyes showed itself, it's voice broken apart. "YyYEeEeSssSS"
"And what names do you have?"
Loud sirens passed them.
"I'm-m-m-m hungry—y-y! Father never-never-never fed meeeee! Goatta g-g-go! L-l-leave the doordoordoor open f-for me, will-will ya?!"
Before he could step even closer, a giant mess of cables and eyes bolted up the building and vanished into the darkness.
Dave considered to follow the machine, but... Old Sport wouldn't be safe on his own.
Not if that machine was around.
He recognized the stuttering.
It was meant as a joke and supposed to be fixed once he had the time.
Never got to that.
How did that thing come out?!
Did Old Sport set it free?
Shouldn't he have... freed the souls?
The puppet?
Did they not know?
Old Sport might didn't, but the Marionette should- Never mind.
With shaking knees he stared into the dark, his suit weighing heavily on him.
But he had to get back into the establishment. Old Sport was probably already getting himself into trouble.
He was right in that regard.
Naturally Old Sport had sneaked out of the employee's only entrance as soon as his partner left. He NEEDED to see it for himself and he knew there was no problem if anything would attack him.
He still had a favor open after all.
Quietly he pushed open the equally as heavy door of the back and stepped into the isolated darkness. It was... silent. As if something was keeping all sound, all noise to itself.
Was... he... here?
"Shadow doggo...?" It was a stupid name for a somewhat horrifying entity. "Is... something the matter?"
A few steps more he dared to walk forward, into the nothingness and beyond. Darkness and taken ahold of his body, making him feel as if he was suffocating. Of course, it was just the panic that made him hyperventilate... but...
"I haven't seen you in years! And now you come to spook me? You're not really nice, you know?" Nervously he chuckled, feeling the cold sweat on his forehead. "Did... I do something wrong? Is there something that I'm missing?"
Suddenly he stepped onto something weird, it felt smooth and round...
Maybe he should have listened to Dave.
There was something in front of him in the dark and he leaned in to try to make it out. Was it... a body...?
Softly he touched the thing before him, realizing it was metal. In front of him was an animatronic.
Who brought it here?
It must be an empty creature, after all he had freed them ALL.
But who would bring an animatronic back here? Why not sell it, rather than just dump it?
Now, he had to make a responsible decision.
Leave the robot back here, outside where it couldn't hurt anyone?
Or take it in, see where it would lead to?
Well, he already knew what he wanted. There was no responsibility on his shoulders, except for himself, so... yeah! He wanted to do this!
Carefully he grabbed the machine and dragged it inside, planning on storing it inside of the saferoom. No one ever entered the saferoom, so no one should catch up on him.
When he first caught a glance at the machine in the light, he almost let it fall down. It... was human. So very human.
She had cables for hair, was broken down beyond belief and HAD A FUCKING CLAW AND CROWN.
Hastily he brought her into the closed off room and stared at her, deeply impressed. Her face was carefully crafted, even if it was showing its age. Her green eyes were deactivated, but creepily detailed and it somehow still managed to stare into his soul.
Softly he reached over to some sort of power core and pushed softly against it. It lightened up slightly, but nothing else changed.
Old Sport stood up and went backwards, taking a good, long last look at this strange machine. She appeared...
"I don't know how you're doing it, but you somehow manage to be beautiful."
She... appeared graceful. The same way Marion has always been elegant. The same dangerous, fragile, horrifying beauty.
Turning around, he frowned at himself. Maybe he should talk to a professional about this...
"Thank you."
Screaming he jumped around, trying to get away from the animatronic that seemingly was able to talk and-
She hadn't moved, had she?
Were... were her eyes in that position before?
Or did they follow him?
"Did... do you talk?"
There was no answer and no movement.
Oh shit!
Quickly he left the saferoom and locked the door behind him, before skipping as carefree as possible into the main hall. "Davey! My man! What did you find?"
"Some weird... thing. A monster." For a moment he paused. "You freed all the children, right? Went from place to place, fix the broken, do good stuff?"
"Yes and the puppet himself said I was done!"
"I'm not attacking you, friend, I'm just... worrying. Ya know, it became harder and harder to differentiate between soulless machine and possessed robot. Candy Cadette for example acts pretty weird, but doesn't seem to be a child."
"Maybe... maybe this is like what happened to Fredbear? People's love for this place and franchise powers them to become what the children want to see? Giving them life?"
"How about we ask the puppet-boi!" Dave smiled friendly, for whatever reason.
"I thought you wanted to have private time without him?"
"I..." Shifting his weight from one side to another, another laugh followed. "Well... I was a bit unfair to him and want to make it up!"
No, it was obvious to Orange Guy that he didn't.
Whatever he saw out there had disturbed him in some way.
"Hm? Oh, I was just thinking about something! It's almost morning again anyway... I need some sort of routine! Something to keep me from strangle kiddens on accident... yesterday, I almost did something horrible with a shaped balloon... old habits die hard. I'd much rather perform on stage!"
Before he could even consider calling his friend out, Old Sport was interrupted by his phone. It was Phoney!
"H-hello? Hello, hello? B-boss? Are you okay? Are you in the restaurant?"
"Huh? Yeah, why?"
"Oh, right... that one... wasn't my fault, I swear!"
"Wait- It wasn't you?!"
"No! I promise!"
"I... will come over right now, alright? Please don't break anything anymore..."
"Fine, fine, sorry for implying that. Still, you better not move! AND DON'T LET DAVE TOUCH ANYTHING."
"Geez, fine daddy, I'll be a good boy!" And before he could even finish, he could feel Dave breath down his neck. "I mean... uh... alright, my reliable manager, I will count on you to come over very quickly."
Suddenly, a pair of arms were wrapped around him and the person in the suit snuggled against him. It was KINDA uncomfortable to have something this heavy pressed against him, but it also was kinda nice to have him this close... but that was his secret.
"You're smothering me, Dave!"
"Stop complaining! I'm caught 24/7 in a fucking bunny suit, I deserve something nice!"
"Fine, fine..." Sighing he reached to the head on his shoulder and petted him. Somehow he felt guilty about sneaking the robot into the saferoom. He shouldn't. Dave wasn't someone he... he had to be honest to and he didn't have to do whatever Dave told him to.
Maybe that was the problem!
He was too used to do what he was told to!
Wait, right. He didn't even have a Foxy.
Before he could continue those lines of thoughts though, he was picked up and lost the connection to the ground, his kicking around proving itself useless.
"Ya thinking about something stupid, Sportsy, and I won't let you get away with it."
"I'm not!"
Dave began twirling him around like a small child, making him squeal involuntarily. "For every lie you dare to tell me, Imma spin you faster!"
"Okay, okay, I was thinking about being a manager!"
"Aha and what did that entail?"
"I just remembered that I couldn't yiff the fox, cause we have no fox! Could you now let me go, I'm getting dizzy!"
"Swear to me that you'll never yiff anyone except me?"
"Swear on your body that you ain't cheating on me!"
Dave laughed and sped up, snickering. "Swear it or I won't stop!"
Finally Old Sport could feel the ground again, but almost fell over and had to hold onto his friend, who was immediately going into a smug pose. Maybe he should scold him again for something. "Don't worry, you can hold onto me for as long as you need~"
"Dave, you're going to die in that suit, no matter how long it will take to get there."
"Wait, Sportsy, you gonna tell me that you WON'T free me for our wedding?!"
"You're cute when you're embarrassed!"
"When Phoney gets here, I'll spend the whole day with him and ignore you."
"Don't you dare."
"If you don't want that, then better shut your hecking mouth..."
Insulted the bunny man crossed his arms. "I'm just trying to have fun! I risked my life out there for you and you don't even care!"
"First, I wanted to go myself, second, what kind of monster was it? You basically told me nothing! How could it wreck the whole place? WAS IT A DRAGON?"
"It was... a machine. Like I said. A big pile of parts and eyes... that was why I asked you in the first place. If that thing isn't possessed, then there's someone controlling it to break in here, which is pretty fucking creepy if you ask me."
"Parts and eyes?"
"Yeah, cables and shit. It fucking climbed up the side of a building like a fucking spider."
"You know all the animatronics, don't you-"
"I don't even know if it WAS an animatronic. It was dark as shit, I just saw that thing going away when I came out and it sounded mechanical." Those words spouted out of him a tad too quickly.
But maybe Old Sport was just paranoid...
There was knocking on the door, distracting both of them. "Fuck, I hoped that thing would go and eat Phoney... not all dreams come true I guess."
Quickly the manager opened up, letting the scared Metal-head inside the safety.
"Now, before I say anything, Phone-man, thank you for buying these doors. I'm pretty sure we would've all gotten eaten if you hadn't."
Surprised the Phone turned towards his boss, before laughing shyly. "Ah... you know... safety first!"
Out of sheer good mood (not to get back at Dave or something), he shortly squeezed his Phone-friend and gave him a powerful thumps-up. "I don't know! And that's why we need you here, right Dave?!"
"Right..." The bunny crossed his arms and glared at them. "We gotta reactivate the robots now. Sportsy, you'll help me, won't you?"
"Eh... if you ask NICELY..."
"I'm so close to picking you up and kidnapping you."
"Fine, fine, be a killjoy then!" Old Sport showed his tongue, before wandering towards the sleeping machines. "Wake up my sexy attractions, we gotta break a lot of hearts today, gurls!"
Shortly Phoney frowned. "Isn't he... scared?"
"He thinks he's invincible... but I could fix that."
"Eh?! I thought you liked him!"
"If he continues with that attitude... he might... I might lose him to someone."
While the Guard knew he shouldn't feel pity, he still could reason with himself that it would keep both his boss and Dave safe. "Hey... I think he likes you a lot! He always thinks of you and makes sure you're... feeling okay, so I wouldn't react like this. There's no way Old Sport would leave you behind!"
Dave growled slightly, but not threating. "I... we'll talk later."
Phoney watched them walk off, deeply worried about this situation. This evening, he should talk to Peter and ask him about this... he probably could tell him more.
Can I come back out now?
"Oh! Lefty- I meant, Puppet! Yes, we're starting the day right now. Were you back there all night?"
Yes, but that is okay. I've hear quite a bit of noise out here...
"Something attacked this place."
The machine was frowning now as well, but stayed silent. Together they watched the restaurant come back to life.
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