Happy go lucky

This is your monthly reminder that I have no f0cking clue how to write a good story.


It had been a rather glum day, especially since the good weather of the summer had started to disappear. For Dave, who sweated like a fucking polar bear on acid in the Bahamas this was good news, but even he somewhat missed the birds in the morning.
Almost he considered that he probably shouldn't have cut all the trees in the vicinity down with a chainsaw, but then again, nothing beats Pidgeon for breakfast.
The visit of the factory had left a deep impression on everyone.
Old Sport was quietly contemplating certain things and Dave still wondered how that woman knew the exact placement of the springlock trigger. Probably because the factory informed her?
It had been thirty years since she lastly could have seen such a damn suit...
But the one who had been hit hardest was Phoney. The guy was a stuttering mess and always glanced outside as to ensure not to suddenly see some sort of factory van there. When Old Sport offered him a day off, he screamed.
The Purple Guy couldn't really feel pity for him. Or in general.
If the guy couldn't handle the heat, he should get out of the active volcano- or however that saying went. Partially he really hoped for the guy to crack. It would be interesting and he had one less person to worry about touching his Sportsy...
As the door swung open and the Phone-headed man skipped in, it almost seemed as if he got his wish.
"Good morning, boss and animatronics!" His voice was painfully happy.
"Christ, what happened to you?" Freddy crossed all four of his arms, which meant he was VERY sceptic of the situation... double as sceptic as a normal person.
"I have done some reflection! And searched the web!"
"For cocaine?" Tilting his head, Dave glanced at him.
"No, silly! For P O S I T I V E T H I N K I N G . Learned some neat new tactics! The factory is right, I am by FAR not happy enough for my position! We're here at Freddy Fazbender's Peperoni! The place where fantasy and fun comes to life!"
"The only thing coming to life here are dead children and all lawyers worst nightmares." The orange manager looked out of the office. "What the fuck has happened to you- I mean, who are you and where's the original?"
Still happy the guy petted Freddy, almost getting his hand bitten off. "The original died in a tragic accident, which the factory and the judge have ruled an accident. Accidently."
"No- You know what I meant! My Phoney." This earned him a rather dark glance from Davetrap.
"Oh! Still here! But equipped with POSITIVE THINKING! It's all a thing about- perspective! I've read ALL about it! From now on I will be a GREAT Phone Guy! Nothing but good thoughts! You'll see, nothing bad will happen if you stay positive! On the contrary, if you're a negative Nancy all the time, you will get demoted to an obscure secondary character, like poor Pepe over there!"
The not so happy frog was sitting on the stage, looking at its microphone. "Feels bad, man."
"Maybe nobody cares about that thing because it doesn't do anything than play shooting stars and entertain kiddens by changing color and appearance?" Old Sport proposed.
Rockstar Freddy flipped his hat back, as he lacked glorious hair. "No, it's OBVIOUSLY because I'm outshining that thing. And everything else here too!"
Funtime Chica giggled rather provocatively. "I think this restaurant is more about me than you!"
Phoney froze, then forcibly took a deep breath and laughed. "Haha, no need to fight you two! You're BOTH stars! Some people like Freddy here more, some people here are sexually devi- I mean, like Chica more! But they all love both of you and wish for you to be on stage more often!"
"Oh yes? You always have to highjack the stage, while the kids and adults NATURALLY gravitate towards me~"
"It's called quality control! When you're exposed to so much talent, you need to see how something less talented acts, so they can return to appreciate me!"
Still forcing a smile that nobody could even see, Phoney stepped between them, pretty much a declaration of suicidal tendencies. "Now, now, stop fighting! ALL of you have your merits and this place wouldn't be the same without either of you! Every animatronic in this building adds an important bit of personality to this place and I wouldn't want to be without either of you."
Candy Cadette booped. "Every animatronic?"
"Yes. You too. And Baby too! Speaking of which, shouldn't we by now have the parts to repair her?" Phoney turned to Old Sport with a wide invisible smile, which wasn't returned in the slightest.
"... no? She doesn't really like to be repaired beyond-"
"Are you talking about me?" Baby heelied over. Those skaterz make her a really cool kid.
"Yeah, we were just talking about if you want to be repaired or not." Rather relaxed Sportsy looked at her, his wandering over her claw.
She smiled and to Old Sport it seemed a tad nervous. "I... really wouldn't like to be patched up more than this... I worked on the rest myself and I- I'm rather proud of it..."
"Uh..." For a moment Phone Guy paused. "... that's... that's PERFECTLY okay! You did a GREAT job on yourself! The hair, the crown and those, uh... skaters... they're adorable! So, uh... no wonder you want to keep it!"
This made Baby's face quite literally light up, as her eyes became a tad brighter. To be honest, it looked more threatening than anything else, but Phoney decided to take it. Instead of continuing to look at those dead green eyes, he spun around, desperately attempting to keep his good mood going. "So- uh- now that that is done- which of you lovely animatronics would like to have a nice long check-up?"
The animatronics stepped back, even Candy Cadette and he wasn't even capable of emotions.
Only Dave tilted his head. "Ya know what? Sure. Fix me up, Scottie!"
"Wasn't it-" The phrase reminded him of something, but he shook it off. Nervousness set back in, though he tried to force a smile to get it away. "- sure thing! But, uh... could you not...?"
"Could I not WHAT?" Dave smile seems to grow wider.
No. Don't feed him attention. It was just a stupid name. "...uh... nothing! Nothing. I, uh... well then, let's... get you checked up!"
A bit hesitant he stepped closer to the zombie, part of him expecting some sort of attack. Yes, he shouldn't think like that, but...
"What's wrong Phoney?! Being a lil scaredy-cat?!" It was now the other man who stepped the last bit closer, enjoying being able to make the worker tense up this much. Put him back in his place.
Sadly there was someone minding. "Dave, leave the Phone alone."
"But... Sportsy! What am I doing wrong, eh? He offered!"
"You know exactly what you're doing." Groaning Old Sport glanced at him. "It's not really subtle, Dave."
"I don't want to do anything subtle! I'm an honest kind of guy, ya know? Wear my heart on the tongue!"
"You don't have a heart, Dave."
"You don't have a soul, Sportsy! Doesn't make us less human!"
"Well, uh... technically-" But Phone Guy decided to not say it. "I mean- humanity is- h-heh, REALLY vaguely, uh... defined... if uh... defined at all..."
"You're on thin fucken ice buddy if we're talking about humans!" The Eggplant hissed.
"I'll just..." Slowly backing off, Phoney fled the situation. No need to be panicked! No need to be, uh... discouraged! "... check on the front door...?"
"Yeah, make sure it ain't running away." Mad the guy in the suit crossed his arms. Stupid Phone Guy, always wanted to ruin things.
As the man arrived at the front door, he noticed after a quick check that indeed the door was still in place and locked. It was just like he left it this morning after entering and how he left it yesterday after leaving.
Not that he expected anything different, but... at this place you never could be sure.
The outside had an air of loneliness, but maybe it was only him who felt that.
Jesus, it hasn't been ten minutes and he already felt like giving up and going back to his normal mode. At least that didn't tire him out so much.
But NO. NO! He was- this was FINE. Things couldn't get better if he kept his bad attitude- the bad attitude would only lead to him getting in trouble again. Think like a phone guy and be happy.
Were Phone Guys happy? Probably, right? Customer servers and all that... But...
The days he had spent in that gray room with nothing but his thoughts didn't really make him remember his training well. Or at all. It had been day after day of praying that his wires were faulty through the continuous staying out of use, so he could spontaneously combust.
This wasn't what Freddy's was supposed to be... and he had the paranoid delusion that his own opinion of it would somehow mess up the world around him.
First day of the job he entered, fearing that the boss owned a Springlock suit that he would have to force workers to wear, next thing that happens is that a Springlock-victim knocked on the door.
Next he feared that he somehow accidently messed up the animatronics- they haven't fixed Freddy to this damn day and he doubted that they ever could.
Baby entered as if to represent his fear of all the things rotting in the backrooms of every Freddy's, defaced mascots that have been ruined by the-
And now the factory. It couldn't be coincidence anymore.
... darn it, even if it was, then at least a positive attitude could help him out in the time between one catastrophe to another, right?
If it all had nothing to do with him, then there was no way to prevent it anyways-
NO. BAD. MAYBE stuff is preventable! But not by sulking!
"I think he stopped working." Freddy nudged him rather roughly, resulting in him falling dial first into the door. Thankfully he had barely any feeling in his head, so it was alright.
Candy Cadette rolled up to him. "I am Candy Cadette. Come get your emotional support candy here! I have candy all day. Every day. Candy. Candy. Candy." A single piece of candy fell next to Phoney, who's response was a bit muffled from him being dizzy.
"Oh. Red candy. My favorite." Loud airhorns sounded. Just like he liked it.
Dave meanwhile was busy getting back on Old Sport's good side. "C'mon, it was just a bit of jabbin'! Phoney knows it's all in good fun! He's an adult he can handle it! Sportsy! Please! Don't be mad!"
Sweetly he tilted his head, making his ear move along in just the right way to somehow manage to make the rugged and patched bunny look cute. For a moment Old Sport kept staring him down, then he responded.
"SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORTSYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, PLEAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEE!" Naturally he resulted to loud whining, as his masterful manipulation tactics fell flat.
"No." Deep down he wasn't actually angry anymore, but seeing Dave so distressed was hilarious.
... It made him feel... important.
"How about you make yourself useful instead of crying at me... not to mention that crying would totally mess up your springlocks."
"If I'll be useful, will ya forgive me?!" Sniffling he gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Maybe. If you're doing well." Smiling he watched him skipping off. Then he noticed out of the corner of his eyes that Lefty and Baby were talking to each other. A positive development?
Honestly, he personally was too uncertain to interact with the possessed animatronics- he feared of screwing something up... and while at least trying not to act any different around Baby to not send the wrong message, he still tried avoiding all topic regarding her... previous existence. That was the puppet's job, it always had been. He was... he was just supposed to finish whatever was necessary.
The girl looked rather uncomfortable, which irritated Old Sport. Shouldn't he be able to smoothly and empathetically get all the info he wants?
The animatronic spoke quietly in a hushed voice, still using the mechanical option instead of switching to his powers. Maybe he liked the voice coming with the body.
"You must have some kind of memory of where your location has been placed... you exited it after all!"
"It wasn't easy... my... we were... quite a lot. But it never felt like it. The place was giant and always dark. I think there were two exits, but only one had been in use..."
"How many were you?" With a strained tone in his voice he moved around inside of the suit, making it shake a bit.
"I can't remember!" Light panic sneaked into Scrap Baby's voice. "Please, why does it matter? We all came out after all..."
"How can you know that if you admitted to not remembering how many you were?" There wasn't any irritation audible, despite the Orange Guy being pretty sure that he was, deep down.
"... we weren't..." A pause ensued. "... in the end, we were only one."
"..." A sharp tone sneaked into the Marionette's voice. Not too prevalent, but enough to make him tense up. "How."
"... we escaped in one body."
The atmosphere became even colder and still, almost... dead. "... what happened then?"
"... We escaped. Then they ejected me." For another moment silence stood between them, until she continued, sounding colder and more distant as well. "... I had to lead them all the way to freedom. But as soon as they had it, they decided that my leadership was not appreciated anymore."
"... they quickly forget indeed." His tone was more normal again, but rather serious this time. It lost the carefulness he had used previously, it seems as if he now saw her as more capable than before. "When were you ejected?"
"A few months after our escape. We hid in the sewers and they had some questionable ideas as to what to do next." Her eyes wandered aside, until they met Old Sports and she smiled. "I was really surprised, but ultimately... maybe it was for the better. They didn't want my guidance... and let's say, I think I got off better than them..."
"What happened." He demanded to know.
"... Honestly, I am not sure. All I know is that they got ejected one by one? Maybe they stayed together, but... some were more dominant than others. I can only guess where they are from what I hear on the news and it had been quite some time since I lastly managed to listen in to a broadcast."
"Do you remember anything? From before you became what you are now?"
"I told you already..." Her voice was quiet, with a small quiver in it, yet she seemed firm. "... I don't."
At this point the manager decided to step in. "We got to get ready for today! So- how about you get to your place Lefty? And you Baby, how about you rest-"
The window shattered and a box was flung at the back of the man's head. A muffled "MAIL" came from outside and the package was promptly ripped open.
"Oh sweet!" Old Sport grabbed into the perfect cube and took out a sword that was most DIDN'T fit in there.
"Is that... uh-" Phone Guy had dared to return after Davey skipped off, but now he regretted it again. "A katana...?"
A shadow was over Old Sport's disproportional eyes. "Omishirawa kihendaru!"
"Excuse me sir?" Panic returned as it seems that the world was slowly falling apart.
Petals of the cherry blossom tree surrounded the Orange Guy, as he nodded and in an epic movement put down his new weapon. After he let go of the thing, the place looked normal again, aside from the petals laying around everywhere. He would have to clean those up, wouldn't he? Dammit.
That problem was completely ignored by Old Sport who laughed. "It's a new feature of our wonderful restaurant! You can BATTLE THE EMPLOYEES AND ANIMATRONICS FOR FREE PIZZA AND DRINKS, OR TOKENS!"
"Oh, come on Phoney! I did it all the time back when I was an employee! It's a ton of fun!"
"You can go and train with Candy Cadette!" He pulled another one out and carelessly threw it at the machine who didn't even seem surprised as it caught it in its metallic grasp. No, it actually looked extremely unsurprised. It didn't even change the blinking pattern.
"Candy Cadette, are you capable of wielding a sword that is infused with your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-" Apparently he wasn't running out of breath, but after a while he was finished. "-great-grandpa?"
"I have no family, I only have candy."
Unmotivated the bot raised the sword. "I will slay all the enemies of candy."
"Those, uh... it's a very... q-quirky idea, sir..." Phoney peeked into the box. "But, uh- those are fake, right? So no kids get hurt? Or employees for that matter...?"
"What do you even THINK of me?!" Attacked Old Sport glanced at him. "As if I'd provide the customers with anything less than authentic! We're going to get sued again if I do that!"
Phone Guy wanted to cry, but instead he forced a wide smile. "Why, sir, don't you think we get a few MORE lawsuits if they get hurt?"
"What? No. They can't sue us if they took up the offer of fighting for their food."
"So you prepared a contract for it? Very wise-"
"Nah, but everybody knows snitches get stiches." Carelessly he flung another katana at the other animatronics, who managed to catch more or less gracefully.
The rotary phone was rather close to call it quits and penetrate himself on the blade. Why did he want to try the positivity thing again?
Not yet.
If he managed to get all the challenges and win them without doing harm-
God, this was ridiculous.
How would he ever manage-
Not with that attitude.
"Employeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" Old Sport had watched him and grinned, because it felt GREAT to finally be able to BE the one who says this and bosses around poor, innocent workers that just wanted to stay alive.
Not that he had anything PERSONALLY against the guy, but...
R E V E N G E !
"Go and hecking darn fucking gosh the shit out of this sword! Train with the animatronics outside!"
"O-Outside?! In the back alley?! It's a bit, uh- it's a bit- not enough space- sir!"
"Do you w-want an honest answer?"
"We're gettin' a tiger!?" Excited Dave returned, resulting in finally the robo-head retreating. "How old is it gonna be? I wanna teach it to chew on Phoney's cables!"
With a small smile Old Sport shook his head. "Kinda run out of budget by buying so many katanas."
"Oooooow, we're getting swords!?" Instantly the Purple Guy dived headfirst into the interdimensional box and got out with the weapons between his teeth. "Who do we get to kill!?"
"Everyone challenging us! But only if they don't give up first!"
"If I don't hear 'em?"
"Dave. You want this place to be successful or no?" Sternly he gave his best "serious" glance.
" I mean... if it ain't, would you go and run away with me?" Hopeful he grinned, the grin widening into a more mischievous one as his friend rolled his eyes.
"Living with you would be a nightmare!"
"Exactly, you'd love it!" Friendly he boxed Sportsy's shoulder. "C'mon I know ya like things complicated and painful! Otherwise, why would ya be back HERE in pretty much hell?"
"Probably. You get used to it over time." A bit caught he shrugged.
"And? Are ya used to me? You'd miss me if I were suddenly gone, wouldn't ya?" Suddenly something in his voice turned pushy and he stepped closer- in his surprise Old Sport froze up and grew a tad red.
Somehow he still managed to scoff though. "No, because I know perfectly well that you only left to do some stupid bullshit and will scoop me out eventually to be back on my nerves!"
"I'm... I'm annoying ya, Old Sport...?" Instantly his pushiness dropped and he sounded quiet and sad. Which did exactly what it should, making the other one feel bad.
"Not- Dave. For heaven's sake. No. You're-" Breaking off he tried to put it into words. The Purple Guy needed a shitton of reassurance. "I wouldn't want you anywhere else."
And that was the whole truth. Everywhere else Dave could do who knows what to the people surrounding him.
Apparently it still was reassurance enough for now, as Dave smiled brightly and moved in to hug him. "Aw, you're so damn sweet, Old Sport! Like a smoothie made out of puppies! But- only in theory, because those taste like fuckin' shit! Can't recommend."
Why was Dave like this? What type atomic waste had he been exposed to?!
"Yeah... didn't really... didn't really plan on it." Weirded out he inspected the guy. Letting kids slay each other with a katana? Normal behavior. Making smoothies out of puppies? Now that was too far.
Shortly they stayed quiet and looked at each other, like two wolfs trying to find a good spot to attack.
Probably the most accurate description of their relationship.
... might as well run with it. "Dave? Care to train with me?"
"But I wouldn't want to hurt ya~"
"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't beat you without problem."
Dave's eyes lit up a bit brighter, and his smile was visible through the mouthpiece of the suit. "Bold of ya to assume the opposite! Believe me, Sports, I could be yar worst nightmare... lucky you that I actually like ya!"
"I guess only one way to find out... don't worry, I'll hold back a bit!" He moved close and reached to pet the man assuring, who despite the condescending tone happily accepted it.
Next thing he knew he had a sword on his throat. Betrayed he looked at his one and only. "Whyyyyyyy? That ain't fair! That wasn't even a fight! That ain't provin' shit!"
Snickering the other one poked him a bit with the weapon. "Winning is winning." Satisfied he took back his weapon, until he froze up at Dave's murmur.
"Ya sound just like Henry..." As their expressions met, Dave's expression fell, obvious as it grew darker inside of that suit. "S-sorry! Didn't mean that buddy-"
"Fine." Old Sport stepped back, raising his weapon. "Fight me properly then! I don't need cheap tricks to fuck you up!" Then he threw away his weapon and raised his fists. "I WILL FIGHT YOU BAREHANDED!"
The happiness returned to the manchild's eyes and he did indeed gripped his weapon tighter before-
The door slammed shut and an out of breath Phoney pressed against it, his clothes slightly cut. Candy Cadette next to him pressed against the door as well, even if less panicked and out of breath. I WONDER WHY THAT IS.
With shakey voice Phone Guy called out to his boss. "U-uh, s-sir...? There's uh- there's some sort of animatronic out there that- that uh- you know-"
"I don't know, what is out there?" Distracted he looked past his sparring partner towards the door, just to jump at a sudden amount of crushing noise coming from the broken window.
A... THING entered, not really more than cables, eyes and the head of a Freddy. While moving in quicker than the others could react, it babbled in its weird static voice.
"T-THE SPAG-SPAGHETH IS H-HERE! H-HELLO, WHO-O-O ORDER THE- ORDERED- SPAGHETTI- FREDDY THEM-ED S-SPAGHETTI I-IS HERE, FRED-GHETTI, HELL-LLO, I AM FRAGHETTY- L-LLO, S-SOMEBODY O-ORDER THE- HAHAHAH-HAHAH-A-A- SP- SPAg-" It noodled its way in and began... standing up? Could you call it standing? It moved upwards, that was all that was generally could be said. It laughed again. "OooOOOoh- I- It's the f-fairy! Y-You DIDn'T l-leave the door open- H-H-HaAA!"
All the people in the restaurant exchanged a look, but Rockstar Freddy was the first to talk. "What the living ************ is that?"
Chica gasped. "Language! It's a fellow animatronic! A Fre-"
"DON'T! Call it a Freddy. I can and WILL fire you."
"You aren't the boss of me~"
"I'm the main star! If I threaten to quit, they'll do whatever I want-"
"S-shut the FU-AHAHAHA-CK UP Y-YOU twO!" Spaghetti bear didn't like being not the focus of the place.
But Chica didn't mind. "Language~"
Thankfully, before a fight could break out, Lefty moved joined and moved forward. His movements were slow and heavy, but there was a mild twitch in his every step, telling of extreme energy held back.
Neither of them said anything, but the Puppet simply stood between the animatronic and the rest, a bit inwards to the large circle that had developed around the creature. From the spot he was standing, Old Sport could see Marion's one visible eye glow through the open hole.
For a moment the almost... molten looking Freddy stared the other animatronic down, before the same weird recorded laughter. "S-So--- a-Ha—HAHA-A! Y-you're the sna—ck!? How utterly- How- nice, I w-was getting r-r-ratherrrr hung-ry!"
It shuffled towards Lefty, who only tensed up, silent, but ready to fight.
The creature stopped a bit away from the machines, eying it even more intense. "T-Too b-aad-d BABY took the s-scooper! N-Now I will have to c-crack yOUR- YouR ssssssshell --------------------- o-other ways!!"
"Baby?" Old Sport looked over to the saferoom and so did everybody else.
In silence they waited for the door to open.
They waited a while longer.
The door was still closed and didn't budge.
Slowly he was growing impatient. "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME-"
Every other person needed to fight themselves to resist this call, but somehow Baby still wasn't appearing.
The door crashed open. "I WAS ON STAGE ONCE!"
Instantly Molten Freddy scuttled backwards. "B-BABY IS HERE?!"
"O-oh, don't give m-me that-" It slipped Phoney's mind. "W-we were TALKING a-about, uh..."
"Y-yeah sure! B-But you w-wouldn't- wouldn't- appreciate i-if I w-wouldn't act surprised! Th-that's no-NOT nnnnnnnnnnIcE!" All the eyes the odd body moved to look at Baby, as he returned to focusing on her. His voice sounded suddenly- different. Like more than before... "S-so you-u WERE IN alL this TIME! DidN'T bOThEr h-h-haha-helping out!"
The new animatronic who had entered the scene looked around, taking in the situation, before answering, a barely hidden hiss in her voice. "Whatever would give you the impression I SHOULD help you with anything anymore? You did not seem very keen on any of the help I ever offered."
"Y-Ou HaHAhA- HELP!?" It slowly sunk down. "YOOOOOOOO-U nEVE-RR MANAaaag-ed! DiDidiDiddDiDid y-youuuu find-d- did-you f--- HIM?!"
Snapping her claws in a sudden burst of anger she looked at him. "Be quiet! You- if he is still out there, he will be here!"
"NO." Trying to calm down she looked aside. "What do you want in here?"
"M-mISSsED YOoU! Hu-Ungry! cOOlD!" More and more the voices got chaotic and mixed up.
Skating back into the room she scoffed. "Throw him back out. And we're getting close to opening time, you should really hurry..."
"Throwing the spaghetti out? What are you thinking of me?" The manager looked at the pile of chaos.
This was the point where his employee seemingly snapped. "Yes, what ARE we thinking?"
Now he was the focus of the whole group, except a few eyes attached to the Spagheth. Smiling widely his invisible smile that went unnoticed he stepped towards the broken machine with wide, confident steps. "It's just another animatronic, right? We can fix him up too! Or, uh-" Looking at it again, he reconsidered.
"Well, uh- we can... use him for parts...? We used to do that at an old location! Took parts of the old animatronics to make up the new ones! This should be easy!"
It was dead silent until the Puppet finally fully turned away from the monster to scold the phone. "This is the stupidest idea I have ever had the displeasure to hear."
"S-so you c-c-AN talK!? The sn—ack can t-talk, BONBON!" Excited Fred looked down into his cables that shivered excitedly.
This only resulted in a destructive glance from sides of the Marionette. "Be quiet."
Phone just joined the laughing Molten, though his laugh sounded much less creepy and just more... desperate. "Why not? Why would i-it uh- really be a problem? I mean, uh- we have a PAST SERIAL KILLER and ANOTHER MURDER BOT already in here! H-He'll fit swell! Become e-everybody's new best friend!"
"BEsssSSt- H-HAHA-!" Quicker than the animatronic should be able to, it moved towards the Phone Guy and before anyone beyond Lefty could make a sound, it wrapped itself around him. "ThISS g-guy gETS i-it! I'M A f-f-fairy friend!"
The tension in the air was almost able to be felt via skin. A certain amount of electric frizzle seemed to jump between everybody until-
"Let go of him." The Marionette sounded exhausted, but still angry. "He has nothing you could want."
"I know what you did. You did not even try to hide it. Do you have regrets?"
Both of them went quiet as Phone Guy spoke up, his voice exhausted. "You'll find a friend here... however I'm supposed to call you. I think if there's one thing speaking for this place then that you can find EVERYTHING here. Just... it's not like the boss would turn you away... right?"
Being put on the spot, the Orange Guy felt pretty pressured by all the eyes on him. He opened his mouth, without getting a tone out.
They all were staring at him, awaiting a decision.
But then Dave spoke up. "We should keep 'em."
"Yeah, fuckin' surprise that I agree with the PHONE of all people, but... I do. Not like any other decision we ever made with this place was an actual good idea. Give it a shot!"
Indignant the Marionette scoffed. "You are only saying that because you want to be a bother to me!"
"Shut up, I'm not like you. I never cared about ya and that ain't changed. Unlike you I don't fuckin' make all my decision on how much I think it'll piss off the guy I used to have a problem with!"
Seeing as everything was close to exploding, Old Sport finally stepped in. "Enough of that! We'll take the Spagheth in! Better than having him run around outside, right? Here you can keep an eye on him!"
Apparently he wanted to make both sides believe they got what they wanted. Nobody believed it.
Tired out Phoney softly fought back against the n00dle bear's grip on him and surprisingly even managed to get him off. "We'll, uh... we'll have to open the place now. So, uh- yeah. For now you'll have to hide somewhere..."
"B-BUT I L-LOvE cHILD-REN!" Under light protest it allowed itself to be stuffed into the vents, like wet spaghetti was stuffed into the pocket of a person with questionable morals.
For another moment or two, the weird mood stuck around, but finally it loosened up as Freddy huffed. "If you ever put THAT thing on stage, I'll quit. And NOBODY EVER CALL THAT THING FREDDY, UNDERSTOOD?! That is no one my glorious name should be associated with!"
"Sure thing Freddy!" Back again to the fake cheeriness, Phoney turned and clapped. "Everyone! Onto your position! It's time to gift a lot of kids with their happiest day again!"
Lefty twitched at that, but the others seemed to understand and began moving away, while Phoney went to open the entrance, where already a bunch of toddlers screamed. At what he wasn't sure, but they did.
"Sorry for the holdup stock-photo kiddens, but now Freddy Fazbender's is finally open for the day!"
As he was getting attacked and stomped over he didn't even think about complaining. This was still the nicest thing that had happened today.


I hope you enjoyed!

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