Halloweenish Clusterfuck
You wouldn't believe me if I'd tell you how long I had this sitting there, without working on it. I hope it still is an okay chapter, though fair warning, it's all over the place.
It had been a restless night for Old Sport, though he couldn't put his finger on why. The days had passed fairly peacefully, despite their new... addition. Oddly enough, he hadn't even noticed him beyond some laughs.
Sure, it could be counted as lucky, but... it still was unsettling.
Or, it COULD be the constant scratching inside of the vents.
Nah, that was probably not it.
Maybe it was the way Dave acted lately.
The guy was getting more and more easily distracted and began constantly spacing out, grinning into nothing.
It was creepy.
Sure, Dave had always been unsettling, that was out of question. You might called him at times disturbing.
You may call him disturbing all the time, but THESE days it was even worse.
And whenever he asked Dave what was going on he only said "Oh... you know, semicolon Parenthesis." which was even more terrifying, because nobody should say parenthesis. Nobody should say it. No.
What could be coming up that affects him on such a deep level?
The anniversary of his first murder?
Of some sort of horrible event in his past that he has committed?
His birthday?
You can't really ask the person you think will tomorrow have their birthday for their birthday, can you?
Wouldn't it be better than completely forgetting it?
Could he play it off as saying that child murderer don't deserve birthdays?
In any way he should probably act, shouldn't he?
Uhhhh... what to do, what to do...
Looking out and around, he noticed that the restaurant was barren for now. Which was incredibly suspicious, since usually Dave was hanging around closely, pretending to have NOT watched him sleep all night.
But where could he have went?
Slowly he began moving around, searching around for his most likely most dangerous "animatronic". Saying most likely, seeing as he now had a pile of wires and a skatergirl with a claw in his... possession? Calling them his possession would be a bit, uh... dammit, he was running a Freddy's, not a child-traffic thing!
... he was pretty sure that it not really went hand in hand. Not... generally.
He hoped.
Anyways, they were in his care and probably all dangerous, but Dave was, for sure, the most dangerous of the group.
And at this moment he was... nowhere to be seen.
Oh, GREAT. Where could he be?
A heavy sinking feeling was settling in his stomach. Has this been the big reason? The big surprise?
Dave ran away?
There was an odd feeling about it.
If Dave ran away...
... shouldn't he be grateful?
At that point Dave wouldn't be his responsibility anymore.
That would surely make things more uncomplicated. While he would be still dangerous, he was too much of a mess to do much damage anyways.
Where could he have gone to?
What could be out there that Dave would run away for?
Especially without telling him.
... why was he so... restless?
... Dave would get himself in trouble.
No. He wasn't-
There was no worry in his mind. No, the guy was IMMORTAL. Not only that, but Dave was pretty much impossible to harm too. Someone who could unhinge his jaw, swallow twenty kebabs at once and then proceed puke out the sticks in a perfect ball that somehow appeared partially WOOLEN... such a man will not go down easily.
His innards were just as resilient as his outer shell.
Yes, Dave would be fine and unable to harm anyone out of sheer idiocy.
Somewhat stressed he grabbed a bag of confetti and began to just... throw it around. The confetti had rotted away, or maybe someone was eating it on regular, neither would surprise him. What WOULD surprise him was that Phone Guy quickly approached him in panic. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, BOSS?!"
"Decorating?" A tad annoyed he stopped throwing the colored paper around for a moment.
"THOSE ARE WORTH 2000 DOLLAR!" Obviously the man was beyond distressed as he stared at the dots on the ground, as if it was his first born son OS just dropped.
Giving up, he lowered the bag and rubbed his face. "... sure, but what else would I use this for?"
"You have connection to the black market?"
"U-uh..." Awkward the man scratched his arms. "Y-you know... you can't really uh... work here and NOT know the... uh... the basics..."
"So, you're implying we can use confetti as payment on the black market?"
"T-to be fair, confetti is a bit... exclusive to the, uh... Freddy's portion of the black market."
"How big can the Freddy's market even still be? How many places are even open and participating?"
"Uh... well, there is us... here in the west... uh... there is a place open, a bit further away, in uh... texas? A-anyways, it's run by some... weirdo, but obviously a weirdo with money. I've heard he wears sunglasses indoors, I wouldn't mess with him." For a moment his rotary clicked. "Then there's some... uh, some place in Ohio, SOME f-freaking madman decided to build a place that resembles ALL the old locations... I am not sure if it still stands. It SHOULDN'T. It scares me. IT HAS OVER FORTY ROBOTS. AND ONLY FIVE PHONES. A PLACE WITH FORTY ROBOTS THAT FIVE PHONES HAVE TO HANDLE! NOT TO MENTION THEY PROBABLY HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE LAWSUITS AND- please, do not ever send me there."
Raising an eyebrow, OS wondered why his employee would think he'd ever do that. "I don't think that is a location, I think that is the gate to hell. So, uh... that's all?"
"Well, there IS a place, but I'm, uh... not sure if it is ACTUALLY still standing... it, uh... some idiot wanted to challenge the last Candy's... last thing I heard the area has been closed down and is a no-go zone... uh... I don't count that really as... open..."
A bit interested Old Sport crossed his arms. "Too bad these places are far away, huh..."
"I am certain if they were any closer, we would summon something evil."
A smirk was sneaking on Old Sport's face. "Phoney, we need to open a new location."
"NO. NO, SIR." Terrified the Phone hugged himself. "I BEG OF YOU. WE CAN BARELY HANDLE THIS PLACE ANYWAYS!"
That reminded the other man, who's mood instantly plummeted. "... you may be right... have you seen Davetrap somewhere?"
"You don't know where he, uh- is?" Worried he tilted his head.
"Not exactly..."
"He's outside, rolling around in the mud..."
"What? WHY?"
The Orange Guy combed with his hands through his hair and blew some air out of his nose. "Who could ever know ANYTHING about what and why Dave is doing something?"
"F-fair enough." Uncertain Phoney moved along, heading towards the office, before his boss called him back.
"Actually- what are you doing already here? Isn't it a bit early?" A glance on the clock confirmed- two hours early.
"Old habits die hard." Offhand he said that, shrugging in the process.
Harder than you did. "Old... habits?"
Stopping fully, he paused and once more Old Sport realized how damn SMALL the man was under that Phone head. "... I guess I got used to it at some older location... uh... my mind is a bit foggy though... sorry."
"No need to say sorry..." ... it is the furthest thing from being your fault after all.
He watched the phone leave, a tad melancholic , lost in thoughts and memories of the other places he worked at. He never had a fellow performer, not one of those "teens" that he heard were mostly hired on normal occasions.
... thankfully those times were now over!
There was no way something would-
The doors slammed open and Dave stood there, all muddy, but glowing with excitement. "SPORT! OLD! OLD SPORT!"
As he spotted him in a distance, he began rush towards him. Too many pounds of fur and metal were currently on the way to him and for half a second Old Sport was certain he would have to do a last second dodge, but thankfully somehow the beast of a person managed to grind to a screeching halt before they could collide and blow up in a billion zombie pieces. "SPORTO! SPORTIOUS! SPORTS!"
"What?!" Utterly filled with primal fear the manager stared at him. But nothing could have prepared him for the next words.
"You GOTTA springlock me!"
"Why?" The utter confusion in Old Sport's expression alone would warrant ten pages of exposition, but thankfully Dave was good at making things short.
"Cost- what?"
"Hallo- OH, RIGHT-" It was Halloween. "I forgot!"
"Leave?" Instantly the alarms were back up, but the golden bunny only broke out in loud laughing.
"Ain't goin' to leave ya behind, don't cha worry! We'll be goin' together!"
"Going where?!" At this point the man has lost the plot.
"Dave, what are you saying? We can't go out and trick or treating!"
"Why not?!" Hurt and disappointed he was looked down at.
"Because I have a restaurant to run!"
"That is a bold faced lie! Ya got the phone to do that! You only legally have to show up about once a month, or, if you are especially smart, you can put up a cardboard cutout of yourself to fool 'em! Most people going into Freddy's ain't more interesting than cardboard anyways!"
"And where do I get a cardboard cutout from me?" Helpless he threw his hands in the air.
"No problem, I know how to easily do that." There was no hint of any joke in his words.
If this implied what he think he it was implying then this whole situation was a whole lot more uncomfortable. "... Dave...?"
But without any hint of noticing Old Sport's discomfort he continued. "But ya don't even need that! The cameras proved you were ONCE in the last few months back here, which is more than just great to them!"
"Dave this isn't really-"
"Halloween will be amazing! You and me! Making the town unsafe for the whole night, gathering all the candy! Imagine of all the money you could save by doing that!" Now THIS was a good case. Almost an ARGUMENT.
But still doubtful, he stared at his partner. "And your costume is... a muddy Springbonnie costume with your own real corpse inside?"
"EXACTLY. Plan's FOOLPROOF, Sportsy! We'll be getting ALL the candy!"
"I don't think that's how the candy distribution works."
"There is nowhere I am willing to call you "costume" high quality. You're literally stuck in it! You never worked on it!"
"I did! Granted, with Henry, but I made the thing! And I designed it!"
"You designed it after Henry designed Fredbear, didn't you...?"
"Yeah! How'd you know?" Innocently Dave tilted his head, his ears flopping over a bit.
"... it was a hunch."
For another while Dave seemingly tried to figure out what Old Sport was referring to, then he moved on. "Please, Old Sport! I always wanted to go trick and treating with ya! Please, please, please! If ya don't come by with me, Imma go alone! And then I'll get myself a gun, the last time that got me a SHITTON of candy for some reason! People really like their guns I guess!"
Phoney was popping out. "D-did somebody say guns?! We- u-uh can't have guns in here?!"
Davetrap grinned at him. "Phoney! Why isn't there any decorations up?!"
"U-uh- decorations?! O-our boss didn't- uh-"
"Who caaares, we KNOW Old Sport LOVES Halloween! Everybody does!"
"W-well, I haven't really... I wasn't- I- I need to, uh- I NEED to ask the boss first before- uh- you know- And... and now we don't have any- decoration or something..."
"We may don't have decoration, but..." Thinking the Orange Guy turned away. "... why not let Baby perform today? And maybe the Spagh-"
"As suprisin' as it is, I agree with the Phoney. Those two ain't-" Hesitant the Purple Guy adjusted his mask to better look at the two. "Ya know... all robots ain't too docile, though usually they're unstable enough to not goin' on a rampage without fallin' apart..."
"It's Halloween! If we get a rampage, now would be the best day!" Awfully nonchalant Old Sport smiled.
Worried the Phone checked into the nearest vent. "B-be careful! I think they can hear us through the vents..."
"So?" Uncertain Old Sport looked outside, which also wasn't really spooky yet, with the gray sky. "You know what, I want to do this. We're doing Halloween in here!"
"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!" Dancing around Dave cheered, before abruptly stopping. "Wait though. I wanted to go out for Halloween! I've been stuck inside these places for long enough!"
"We can do both, don't worry!"
"S-Sir! Where are w-we supposed to get all the stuff we need for Halloween?!"
"I think our place looks horrifying enough already. Maybe a few pumpkins and dimming the lights that are flickering all the times and we have it! We could put up some letters so it spells up shit like uh... "d e a t h t o m e m e s" and other terrifying messages. Shouldn't be hard, we have some... chalk, right?"
"Uh- are you-"
"We'll be off then, getting the pumpkins! See you in a short while!"
At the term "we", Davetrap perked up. "I get to come along!? You ain't gonna regret that, Sportsy! I'll find the best pumpkins in town! I'll help ya pick, I know a shitton about pumpkins! Did you know, you only need one pumpkin to kill a grown man?"
For a moment Old Sport just stared at him, before shrugging that off too and heading outside, Davetrap close on his heels.
The outside was still grey and smelled heavy of rain, but thankfully there wasn't any actual rain out here, because Old Sport would have a lot to explain if some springlocks went lose, Halloween or not.
The place was quiet, seemingly everybody was enjoying their free day, having all the items for the holiday that they deemed necessary already bought.
Those few souls wandering outside only gave them passing, curious glances instead of their usually relentless staring, making the walk feel a lot more relaxed. Old Sport at some point even decided to start whistling, one of the most incriminating activities you could do, because he felt so comfortable on this day.
Dave was skipping along and at some point attempted to imitate his melody, but always stumbled over the tones Old Sport picked. Admittedly, partially his Sport was doing it on purpose.
The air was heavy, cold and felt refreshing on Old Sport's skin.
"There's a store, Sportsy! They'll have pumpkins! C'mon Sportsy! I'll get' em!" And with that Davetrap was already away and gone inside of the store, looking around curiously. Most of the shelves were well stocked, until it came to the spot pumpkins were advertised.
It was completely barren.
"S'cuse me, were the fucketh are the pumpkins!?" The worker who passed him shrugged and muttered something about headless horseman coming by and taking the last few in town.
"What are ya talkin' about?!" Distraught Dave looked around. "I need some fuckin' pumpkins for my Sportsy!"
Nobody reacted. Frustrated Dave stopped by the alcohol and simply began cramming into his suit.
Then he had an idea.
When he returned outside Old Sport was waiting there, watching the place as if he was just counting the seconds until the whole store blew up. As he saw Dave approaching, he raised an eyebrow. "Did you get it?"
He wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if Dave simply forget about what he was supposed to buy.
But alas, the man smiled and got out...
"Lookie here, Sportsy! I got you special MINI-PUMPKINS!"
"That's... that's an orange."
"Still an orange."
"We can't hollow them out and put a candle-"
"... well... why didn't you bring... "Normal" pumpkins?"
"... they didn't have any..." A bit sad Dave sighed. "... we're a bit fuckin' late I guess..."
"There is always a next year!"
"That there is, that there is Sportsy!" Completely happy once more, Dave returned the oranges to their place inside his suit (disgusting) and grabbed him. "WE ONLY HAVE ONE AND A HALF HOUR LEFT, SPORT! COME ON, WE GOTTA GET CARVIN'! AND YOU'LL BE NEEDIN' A COSTUME! OH, OH, WE COULD DRESS UP IN PARTNER LOOK, SPORTSY! YOU COULD PUT ON THE OLE FREDBEAR!"
"I don't have the SpringFreddy suit..."
"What?" Confused the bunny stared at him, bewildered. A place without a springlock suit? Madness! Slowly he tried to come to terms with that fact, until a new worry popped up in his head. "Wait! So you ain't got a costume?"
Rolling his eyes Old Sport snarked. "I have tattooed a bear-face onto my chest, it's pretty much a costume."
"... can I see it?" Curiously Dave leaned closer as if to peek down his shirt, resulting in him being shoved away.
"That was a joke! I don't have any costume..." Just by saying it, dread was settling into him. "Don't... have any bad ideas."
"So... neither of us dresses up this Halloween?" A bit sarcastic the guy raised an eyebrow.
"I thought Halloween is about being something else!"
"It is! Except for guys like us... but we can be OURSELVES FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR!"
Shortly they looked at each other and there was something incredibly sincere in the way he was stared at, so he decided to not ruin it. "Well then, I need to get some..."
Blood? His nametag? A hat?
"I'll be getting' ya what ya need! Don't cha worry!" Rushing Dave ran off, screaming back on last thing he remembered. "GO ON, OLD SPORT! I'LL BE FINE! CARVE THE PUMPKINS WHILE I'M GONE!"
"OH SHIT!" Grabbing all the oranges he began to hurl them into Old Sport's general direction, who somehow managed to catch them... at least most of them. But the one guy who got an orange against their face, stumbling into traffic would be FINE, for sure!
When he had returned into the restaurant, Phone Guy was not happy about having to make to with oranges, but agreed it was better than skulls of any of the sorts.
It wasn't really easy to empty out the thing, but somehow they managed to create the most depressing and defeated looking... jack-o-oranges? Oranges-o-lanterns? Anyways, they could hold a small candle in themselves and in a way they looked somewhat scary.
They placed them on the tables, there was NO WAY IN HELL that children would play with fire when it was readily available, RIGHT? Not to mention, a few little burn scars are helping with the Halloween aesthetic!
The other animatronics had finally booted up and were roaming around, neither of them really having anything to do, so they began ripping up cloth and putting it around. Careful not to knock down the cobwebs though!
Old Sport was sitting back after all the oranges has been lighted up, curiously watching the place. There was a weird sense of tension in the air. As if someone filled the air with electricity.
He was certain everyone could feel it.
Even the robots.
Lefty approached him, through the eyehole he could spot the animatronic move around. "Happy Halloween, Old Sport."
"Likewise! Haven't celebrated in ages..."
"Me neither, but Halloween is always a high point in the year. For one day and night... I feel free. Only for a few precious hours, but... It is still fulfilling."
"I never feel much for holidays. But since all of you are so happy... and it's always a good excuse to do something stupid!"
"Good way to see it... but please don't actually do anything stupid." For a moment they sat in rather comfortable silence, before the puppet continued. "Have you seen the creature out in the vents today?"
"No, but I've heard him."
"Them. It's more than one."
"... enough of your cryptic shit. Spill the beans."
For a moment the heavy animatronic moved around and sighed. "I am not trying to be cryptic. But it is hard to explain. I can only tell you this. Inside of the robot are at LEAST five souls. Maybe more. I cannot say I have seen it before, not to this degree. Not this evolved. Whatever the... thing used to be that now makes up their main personality, it is... insane. Completely demented. Maybe it has started out like that, or maybe it went insane. I... I am not sure what to do about it. We will have to separate the souls again without a doubt. How? At that point I am stumped for now. First order is to make sure no more souls will enter that twisted cage. Then we should attempt to contact the ones stuck inside. I fear they may be aware."
They hadn't noticed, but from the vent above the Fraghetti had slowly lowered himself, listening in. At that point he began laughing loudly, even louder when the other two jumped and turned towards him. "O-OF COURSE! ThEy- ThEY ARE V-VERY a-AWARE! AlL-L-L MY F-FRIEnDS ARE- ARE- ARE hE-HERE! A-ALlLllL l-liSTeNING!"
"JESUS CHRIST." Old Sport looked at the bear, who's many eyes were mostly focused on him. "Don't sneak up on people!"
Without guilt the bear giggled and retreated, mainly shooed away by Dave punching open the door. "OLD SPORT! I'VE GOT YOUR COSTUME!"
Rushing over, the bunny looked rather proud... he should be, somehow he managed to find a golden badge saying "Old Sport". How he managed to do that was a mystery, but it was most certainly earning him the right to carefully pin it on his partner's chest.
It was an oddly tender gesture.
Afterwards the bunny looked at him with an expecting eyes. "Ready to get goin'?!"
"Not really, I just-"
"GREAT!" Dragging him off, paining the man a little by doing so, he headed for the exist, but was stopped by a bunch of cables.
"W-WAiAiT! I h-haven't pr-prePARED my cos-tu-tume!" Fraghetti complained.
"Who said we're goin' to take ya along?" A tad annoyed the cyborg moved around, trying to avoid the tentacles that were determined on being in the way and sucking him in.
"It's H-h-Ha-ha-HALLOWEEN! Y-yOu hav-e to!" The creature slowly lowered itself on the ground, before proudly presenting some plushy from the prize corner... in horrible condition. It apparently was a Toy Bonnie. "N-Now I hAVe BONBON b—back!"
The cables inside the rabbit moved to make it turn its head weirdly fluidly, then it waved and seemed to be speaking in a high-pitched voice. "Hello there my friends! It feels so good to have my own body back!"
For some reason it send Fraghetti into a fit of laughter. "N-Now I- to- g-got to- make t-them f-for the others! B-BALL-Ora! f-FoXY!"
"Yeah, do that, me and Sportsy'll are going to get the candy."
"nnNNnOooOOooOOOO!" The animatronic whined. "I- I'll be- a-angry!"
"Great." Pissed off Dave growled, unhappy that his precious private time has been cut short.
And Old Sport knew JUST what to do to make it worse. "Then we should take Baby with us too."
"Noooooo, why?!" Both Fraghetti as well as Davetrap were complaining now.
Adding to the fuel, Molten Freddy added "S-she is SuCH a- a PARTY POOPER!"
"Either both of the monstrosities get out or none of them." Firm Old Sport nodded. "We could still put her on stage and take cable-salad with us."
"No! No, no- ain't the greatest idea, Sportsy!" There was again the nervous energy he always had when it came to the animatronic.
"Then we'll take her along. Nobody will know the difference between robot and child anyways."
"Probably, but it still..." Unhappy he crossed his arms. "... fine. We'll figure somethin' out. But if she's learnin' something dangerous, it's your fault."
"Something more dangerous than skating around with a claw?"
"Lotta things more fuckin' dangerous! Kidnappin' children would be more dangerous!"
"You KNOW kidnapping children is bad? Haven't expected that!"
"Why are ya so sarcastic today...?!" Whining Dave hugged himself. "It's s'posed to be a good day, Old Sport! Did somebody piss ya off?"
"Not particularly..." For a moment the guy hesitated. Actually... yeah, why was he so... weird...? "... it's Halloween... maybe it's just the spirits in the air that make me want to be a bit meaner!"
"You need to get out of this stinkin' restaurant, then it'll be fine!" Now he returned to pushing his friend like the impatient child he never stopped being.
After calling out for Baby, she joined, a bit uncertain, but happy. Especially once she glanced at her bear foe and got the most dirty, annoyed expression the mechanical face was capable of.
Those two wouldn't get along.
Oh boy!
"Where are we going, Mr. Orange Guy?" Pleasant she asked and pushed her hair out of her face with her claw.
"Trick n' treating! We'll be gettin' candy for the restaurant! I may or may not test-lick them tho. But you can't!"
This left Baby and Old Sport equally as confused and worried, but before any of them could put their thoughts into words, they were dragged along by Dave, with Fraghetti shuffling behind them, eager to get unleashed to on the public.
For some reason it appeared darker than it logically should be, but who dared complaining about THAT? At least it was still dry.
It probably was late enough to start going around.
So they did!
Sadly enough nobody seemed too impressed.
The first door they came to, they were looked at shortly and got a bit of candy each.
At the odd silence of it all they all felt too awkward to say anything, but when the door closed down, Dave scoffed. "Cheap bastard. Let's fuck up his car."
"I- I- C-CaAN go InNN a-anD eAT tHEM!"
"Nah. Not worth it. How about..." Old Sport considered.
Baby chimed in. "Let's just take it out on his car!"
"Good ideas, we gotta combine them! Fragotti, go eat the car!"
"W-WiTH PLEA-PLEA-PLEASURE!" Excited the bear shuffled towards the car and it turned into an incredibly sight. The long cables surrounded the parts and without making a sound and only small cr0nches were audible as he absorbed it bit by bit. It ended up seemingly completely disappearing, except for the wheels, which the creature was now happily using to move around.
It looked... scary.
Freddy on wheels.
"You are such a copy cat!"
While they were quarreling, Old Sport began eating the candy. It wasn't very good, maybe he should leave it for the costumers. "You two done soon? We need to go to a few more houses!"
In his typical slightly muffled fashion, Dave added. "We should get a gun. I swear, they LOVE guns in costumes!"
"If that N00dle can get quick on these heels, I doubt anyone will refuse us candy."
"Sure about it? I'm still hidin' a shotgun behind one of the old restaurants!"
For now the idea was refused and they kept going.
Their costumes were called cheap, Dave's was called "tasteless" because it was based on the one attraction burning down, they were chased by dogs, who seemed to like OS- or hate him, depending on view, they chased around the dogs, they earned and stole a lot of candy, but seeing as the two "humans" were constantly trying it made it sparse.
At one point or another, they spotted someone familiar in the distance.
"Stop that, Oliver!"
"I told you I don't step on it on purpose! You shouldn't have taken such a long sheet!"
"L-Look over there, isn't that-?"
The three children rushed over, much to the dismay of the young woman at their side.
"Mr. Bunnyman!"
"Mr. Dave!"
A bit hurt Old Sport watched them rush towards Davetrap, being completely ignored. Sure. No problem. "Hey, Mary, Isaac and Oliver! On candy-hunt too?"
"Yup!" Mary was not really recognizable, beyond her voice and eyes looking from the cut holes in her sheet. "Isaac's older sister took us!"
"Are ya successful?"
"Really!" Proud Oliver presented his bag, which was rather full. Apparently his pirate costume earned him a lot. Or maybe he had been at it for six hours, both equally possible.
Only the as sickly prince dressed up Isaac finally gave the animatronics a good confused look. "Uh...? Are you...?"
"O-OO-H-HoO! I R-recognize YOUuU! Th-THE BoY! F-FROmmm TheE ALlEY!"
"H-Hello..." Surprised and intimidated he stepped back.
"DoN- DoN-TTT be Shy! W-WE arE FRiENDs!" The animatronic followed him swiftly, before Oliver poked him into one of the eyes with his plastic sword, snickering. At the gesture Baby had to laugh too, which resulted in a giant grin on Oliver's side.
"Step back, you kraken! You scare my friend!"
"F-FIEND! bONBon, PROtECC-T m-E!" Picking up the plush he had hidden in his body he put it in front of him and made it talk in the high pitched voice. "Poking people in the eyes is VERY rude! You better say sorry! Otherwise we'll be in trouble!"
Oliver poked its nose too, resulting in a squeak.
Watching this, Dave's eyes slowly lightened up. "... ya know what? Can I give ya a little challenge?"
Mary rose her arms to push the sheet behind her a bit, puffing out her chest. "Sure! But be careful, we will win!"
"Great!" Dave's expression was now glowing and Old Sport was wondering what he was planning. "How 'bout we'll make a challenge on who gets more candy?"
"Sure thing!" Oliver agreed, very certain about himself. "We will beat you down!"
"Good! But we're adults, ya see? We can move faster around 'n' shit... so how about we give you an advantage?"
This day was too confusing and exhausting for Isaac. "... what kind of advantage? I think we already-"
But as soon as he looked up again, Dave was pretty much five feet away carrying Old Sport. "YA TAKE BABY AND FREDDY, WE'LL MEET YOU SOMEWHERE AGAIN, JUST BRING THEM BACK TO OUR PLACE AT ONE POINT OR ANOTHER, BYE!"
Leaving behind the horrified sitter as well as the children who were stuck in a varying stages of confusion.
Old Sport meanwhile was just... baffled. "Did you just leave our murderbots behind?"
"Ah, they're in a group, Sportsy! They'll be fine!"
"Wouldn't that just mean easy pickings for the murderbots?"
"Nah. Don't think so? Doesn't matter, they'd NEVER do somethin' bad!"
They were now out of sight, almost out of the city. Lights became scares in the environment and it turned quieter. Finally, he was put down and Dave looked at him, with some sort of happiness.
"Sp00ky! Now the world is open to us, Sportsy!"
"All for the low, low price of whoever will be eaten by Fraghet."
"Nobody will be!" He now seemed to calm down and with a soft smile he reached out to touch the golden badge on his chest. "Ah... jus' like in ole times, ain't it, Old Sport!? Me in a suit, you're standin' there, lookin' at me weirdly... we've done so much shit together, didn't we? Meanin' I did shit and your stood there lookin' mildly horrified. To this day, I can't understand why ya... just fuckin' left me..."
"You don't?" Despite his words supposed to be obvious, his voice betrayed his words with its quiet tone. "Maybe the fact that you MURDERED children?"
"... ya never even complained to me. Always went just "nah, not today". You... weren't... mad at me. You never seemed mad."
Old Sport wanted to cover his ears. "Is this really the right time to talk about this...?"
"What would be spookier than the shadows of our past, eh?" He paused. "But I hear ya, I hear ya... so you never went trick and treating before?"
"Why and with who. I never really had... the time."
"Should have put more effort into this year's Halloween... sorry... Thought you'd knew! Next year will be going far more excitin'! I'll take care of it next time, promise! You'll be havin' a mind-blowing Halloween!"
"Why even do you like Halloween so much?"
"It's been the only time of year an eggplant can walk around without getting' weird glances. I got even complimented for my eyes!"
"You're..." ... lonely, aren't you?
Welp that much was obvious.
"Imma Halloween spirit!" Happy Dave laughed. "I'll share all the joy! Dig up a handful of skeletons, get those ole bones some good rattling, people LOVE seein' their relatives on holidays, screamin' with joy! There's so much to do on this holiday!"
"More than just gathering candy?"
Shocked the man stopped to stare him down. "Don't ya have fun with it?!"
"It isn't- it isn't that bad to be fair." Shrugging he admitted, then he smiled. "But for our standards a bit tame, isn't it?"
David's eyes lit up. "You're right! Sportsy! We gotta- gotta do one last coup! ONE REALLY BIG THING!"
Now, this was a promise! He leaned. "Okay, what's the plan?"
About half an hour later Phone Guy arrived at the police station.
"Did I understand it correctly? You broke into multiple women's homes." He was the furthest thing from pleased.
"Correct." Both of them talked at the same time, leaving their heads hanging.
"Stealing their underwear."
"To wear it over your heads."
"Staging a robbery."
"So you two could get into the deeper regions, so you could steal an ancient amulet meant for the museum."
"To install a small microphone and pretend it was haunted?"
"Pretty much."
Phone Guy clutched his cable. "What is WRONG with you two?!"
"It's Halloween! You wouldn't understand!" Hurt Davetrap crossed his arms.
"We'll be fine, right?" Hopeful Old Sport looked at his employee.
"Sir, I MUST say, I am NOT sure about it." Tired he sat down. "... for now though, we're fine... I think... come on, let's go back..."
Seeing as they knew they messed up, they were pretty quiet until they arrived at the restaurant.
But, as soon as they were through the doors, Dave casually looked around. "Have the kids brought the animatronics back?"
"Nevermind, they'll be fine." Dave climbed on top of the arcade to fall asleep.
Seeing as Old Sport didn't want to deal with an angry Phoney either, he climbed into the vents "Going to make sure they REALLY aren't here!"
And with that Phone Guy was alone with his utter terror.
He hated his job and he wasn't fond of Halloween.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Happy Halloween!
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