Getting things back in order
A nice little calm chapter, before the holiday cheer starts- I'm excited for christmas! :D
The day after Halloween was a messy one and they actually had to be closed down for a day to clean up all the destroyed orange- or, pumpkins. Some madman had apparently made it to their one and only mission to find out where everywhere could be placed wax. There was some on the tables, sure enough, that stuff happens when you move objects next to hot way candles. Then there was stuff on the chairs, which was odd, but maybe someone picked the thing up and played with it? There was some on the floor... oh, and on the walls, SOMEHOW, on the curtains of the show stage, on the crumbs of Pizza lying around, on some random doggo somebody had apparently smuggled into the place slumbering peacefully in a corner, tastefully sprayed on the arcades, on the balls in the ballpit, on the robots themselves- and just when you thought you had found all the wax... THERE WAS MORE.
Thankfully it was sunday now, where even FREDDY'S could legally close down, so... nobody noticed.
"Actually, why is this place closed on Sunday?" Confused Old Sport looked at Phone Guy, who was on his knees, mumbling something.
"I- I swear to whatever YOU believe in, if you open this place on Sundays, I will end this once and f-for all."
"Holy hell, calm down! I was just wondering..." Stepping a bit closer, he touched his shoulder. "Are you alright?"
"-instead say; went missing, out of town, on holiday-" Snapping out of it, Phoney looked up at him and there was an incredible amount of being disappointed in the lack of a face. "What do you think!? You threw away money for the- t-the DAMN confetti, you held a sudden Halloween party we didn't have any ingredients for and YOU GAVE AWAY TWO INCREDIBLY DANGEROU ANIMATRONICS!"
"I didn't give them away! They... they left on their own."
"That doesn't make it better, sir, no offense!" Sitting down and shaking his head, Phone Guy took a pause from cleaning to talk about the situation. "What are you even planning on doing about it?!"
For a moment Old Sport stared him down, then shrugged, resulting in the Phone Guy screeching.
"We have levels for the breaches?" Interested Old Sport leaned closer, only frustrating the Phone more.
"Y-you know what? It's alright! I'll just- uh... I'll just do it myself! Like everything else!" There wasn't really any sort of accusation in his voice, despite the words he picked. "O-okay. Do you know anything about the kids? Where they live, or similar?"
"What kind of creep do you take me for?!" Personally offended Old Sport stared him down.
"U-Uh, no- I mean-somewhat, but that doesn't matter, I don't think-"
Out from the back of the restaurant a snicker sounded as Dave emerged. "That's your fuckin' problem! You ain't thinkin' Phoney!"
"Can you blame me?!" Desperate Phone Guy held his head. "There is so much to d-do! I need to clean up, try to cheer up Freddy because he's still insulted about not getting a costume a-and now I have to worry a-about the lives of children!"
"Carin' for the kiddens, eh? Or at least pretendin' to! They'll be alright as long as they don't go into a dark alley on their own with them. And even those three ain't stupid enough to go off with 'em like that. If they were they probably SHOULD die like that, before they take anybody else with 'em."
"How can you SAY something like that?!"
"Because I mean it?" Innocently Dave looked at him, seemingly seriously not knowing what the set the Phone-headed man off this strongly. But oh well, his interest was lost within the next three seconds and he crept towards Old Sport, with the clear intent to do... something.
Probably jump on him and crush his fragile inner organs in the process.
Usually Old Sport was on the lookout for everything shifty Dave did, but for once he had let his attention slip and instantly regretted as Dave suddenly rushed towards him and flung himself on top of him, resulting in an extreme pained noise from the side of the orange.
"DAVE! GETDOWN! YOUCAN'TDOSHITLIKETHIS!" Helpless he flailed around, quietly whining, while the oversized Zombie-bunny snuggled into him.
"Not doin' what, Sportsy? Just doin' some healthy human bondin'! Phoney always talks about me needin' to get some to become normal or somethin'!"
"Phoneguyliedtoyou-" The poor manager couldn't breathe while he was being squished. "Godinheavenjustgetoff!"
A bit embarrassed Phoney looked at them. "I- I meant expressing your f-feelings in a more normal way! Not forcing yourself onto people. Dave, for h-heck's sake!"
"This's normal! Right, Sportsy?" With that he got more comfortable on the man, pressing down on the back of his somewhat-friend and by extension on the chest of him, pressing out the last bit of air in his lungs.
"AURGH-" Ahhhh, famous last words. Wonder why they're so often used though.
"See? He doesn't mind!" Dave wiggled around, feeling rather comfortable on the warm body under him. So THAT was what a hug felt like! "Actually this is fuckin' awesome, thanks for the advice, Phoney!"
"P-Please get off of our boss, Dave." A bit lost the other guy looked at them. "How about you- r-rather try to help me come up with a way to catch the robots?"
"Told ya already, I don't really care!" Messing up Old Sport's hair, his eyes lit up in delight as it stayed in the mess he made out of it.
"If the robots do s-something bad, we'll have to shut down!" His voice almost broke at that with fear. This was too much and it wasn't even past 9 AM yet.
But now the Bunny perked up a bit, looking at least SOMEWHAT invested. "... right." Finally he moved upwards, stretching himself. "They can't be far anyways. They came a fuckin' LOOOOONG way to get here, so they ain't about to drop it all for like... murderin' three kids. Maybe five, but not three."
"There's uh- is literally nothing reassuring about that! A-at least give m-me some words on how statistically improbable it is for them to go after a smaller g-group than usual! T-tell me something about h-how easy they are distracted!" Phone Guy winced in pain.
"Why would I do that?" Irritated Dave raised an eyebrow, a gesture so utterly invisible inside of the suit, that he accomplished nothing but wasting the exact energy it took to raise an eyebrow. Then again, the man had plenty of spare energy, so nothing was really lost.
"... I've read too much in the Phone Guide-" With a pained sigh he managed to continue talking before Old Sport had the chance to be distracted by what he had said. "Alright then. I believe what you said. B-But you still will help, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, wouldn't want to get Sportsy in trouble. The guy can't take care of himself, lemme tell ya Phoney!" Snickering Dave shook his head.
"I'm right here!" Old Sport protested, then scoffed. "You know what, you aren't even worth being mad about. You're not worth to be thought about!"
"A-Ay, Sportsty, that was a joke, right?! Ya wouldn't do that, right? I was just foolin' around Old Sport, you know that!" Panicked Davetrap attempted to nudge him, but the guy stepped aside, ignoring him.
"Good Phone Guy! We're on our own against two crazy machines!" Despite trying to stay neutral, a small smile creeped onto his lips, as he listened to the freakout.
"That ain't fair! Please! C'mon! You two need my fuckin' help! Don't do that! For the kidden's sake!" The desperate cries coming from Dave were music to Old Sport's ears and his grin widened a bit more. "A-Alright Sportsy, I have a plan!"
Now. That as a surprise. Not that he really expected much from a plan coming from Dave, but... maybe he shouldn't push this all too much. "You do?"
Relieved ZombieMcBunster breathed out and adjusted his posture again. "I- of course Sportsy! What are ya takin' me for? We just- they're robots!"
"Amazing, I didn't know that!" Ah... he shouldn't be so snappy at Dave, but he deserved a bit of pushing from time to time. He'd still slaughtered a shitton of toddlers.
... Haven't thought about that one in a while.
"Got'cha boss, ya want me to hurry. We've got the Funtime Duck, don't we? She's still able to deactivate 'em!" With a wide smile, visible through the glow shining through maw and eye sockets, Purple Guy looked at the other two. "Though they probably gonna fuckin' hate that. Ain't really pleasant gettin' forcefully knocked out, especially by someone ya trust." Another moment he paused. "... yeah. It sucks. Makes ya angry."
The pause stretched a bit longer between them, until Phone Guy coughed and rubbed his arm. "... how angry are we speaking?"
"And how do we even find them? Just... disable all electronics in the area all five minutes? Wouldn't that damage Chica too a bit?"
In the background the pinkish Chica curiously approached, since she heard her name fall a few times.
"Dunno!" First Dave considered, then he jumped a bit. "BETTER IDEA! If we can't find THEM, THEY will find us!"
"They didn't bring back the animatronics after Halloween, I don't think they WANT to find us." Phone Guy shook his head.
"Then you gotta make 'em want to!" Happily Dave snapped his fingers, something that was impossible with the fur surrounding it. "I'm an expert in that, buddy!"
Both of the other one instinctively stepped back, their fight and flight instincts getting triggered instantly at the tone Dave chose to use. This wouldn't end well.
There was only one other person in the conversation who completely lacked any survival instincts, for understandable reason and she was more than willing to go along with a good show. Chica grinned widely. "That sounds like such a wonderful idea! What do you have in mind, handsome~?"
"Glad to see yer up to it! I'll be needin' ya and the others for it! FREDDY!" Rushing off backstage to get out the probably still pouting animatronic bear.
Fearful, Phoney turned towards his boss. "You w-won't let him do too much, right?"
"Define too much." Snickering Old Sport looked after them, before softly patting his worker's back. "We're always at his side and he's just trying to get help to find a group of robots. How much can he really do?"
"It's DAVE." It didn't manage to calm him in the slightest. "He'll find a way!"
"Maybe. But he'll also manage to find them the easiest and fastest way, won't he?" At the end he began to sound a tad uncertain, yet he shook it off. "Let him at least try his idea."
At that point a loud beeping sounded in the background and Dave stuck his ears out of the backstage. "HAVE YA SEEN THE FILE AND THE BOLT CUTTERS?!"
"What do you need those for? I don't- I don't think I ever bought any-"
"You don't?"
"YOU'RE A FUCKIN' PHONEY, SPORTSY! YA BETTER GET THOSE THINGS ASAP, OR IMMA IMPROVISE!" There was a small hint of a laugh in his words for some reason, but Old Sport didn't feel too worried. He'd be careful. Somewhat. Probably.
"Now tell me why do you need them...?" Finally he started to move towards the backroom, planning on catching him red-handed with whatever he was messing with.
Rockstar Freddy's rather hurt and disrespected voice sounded from behind there too. "He's TEARING me APART! MY GLORIOUS CIRCUITS! MY SMOOTH EXTERIOR! I WILL NOT BE TAINTED LIKE THAT BY SOME FILTHY, DECADES OLD ROTTEN BUNNY THAT IS EVEN MORE APPALLING THAN THE USUALLY ANIMATRONICS I AM FORCED TO INTERACT WITH! Make him stop! I am POUTING! I will not help you at your rescue mission!"
"Ah, shut the fuckin' hell up, ya big plastic bear. You'll be helping, if ya like or not."
"We need your incredibly unique abilities here!" In hopes that flattering would help, Old Sport joined them in the backroom, where the animatronic bear was already opened.
It was trying to wrestle the bunny away with one arm at his ear, one at his arm, one at his stomach and one at his leg- yet to no avail, Dave just stretched around the obstacles. Currently he was inserting a cable, using only his teeth and adjusting it with his tongue. What a miracle this man was.
Remind him to never touch Rockstar Freddy again.
The bear huffed. "So NOW you need me. NOW you pay attention to me. Now sir, I don't care anymore. You decided to ignore me. Now I will ignore YOUR helpless pleading for assistance! Your begging at my feet will bring you NOWHERE!"
"... pretty please...?" Softly he tried to nudge the machine.
"No. You pathetic creature! Solve your own problems!" Freddy stepped aside with a growl, while Dave looked at him about ready to break the bot.
"... I'll make a... Freddy's themed event, just to praise you?" Please Dave, don't break my machine, I don't know where the hell to get the spare parts if you do.
Interested Freddy glanced at him, then finally put down his arms, giving Dave free reign to continue his work properly. "... fine. But what are you even doing?"
"Good question. Dave? What's the plan?" If he even has one.
"You know, I always find people by driving through the city screaming their names. One way or another I find 'em. Now, kiddens need a bit more to be impressed though! So- wait- Sportsy, do we still have some oil?"
"Yeah, no problem, Imma get it myself! You're right, I'm a big boi!" With that he suddenly dashed off towards the kitchen.
And you know what.
Old Sport let him.
He was ready for this.
Today was a good day for something horrible to happen.
All he needed to do is taking care of Phoney, so he wouldn't freak out and get into the way... at least not until it's too late!
God, now he tormented both of his employees. Oh well, at least nobody could accuse him of picking sides!
"Phoney!" Catching him right before the pitiable guy managed to follow Dave into the kitchen, Old Sport smiled widely, resulting in a worried noise from the other guy. "Good news! We'll be having the animatronics back in no time!"
"U-Uh- those are indeed good news, but, uhhhh... why are you so sure about that?" Not really buying the cheerful way OS approached him, he tried to shake him off.
"Oh, because Dave told me- I mean, he said-" Before he could be called out for his dirty lie, Dave looked out of the kitchen again.
"We are a pizza place."
"But we don't have a car, do we?" Impatient the Zombiebunny twitched with his head. "We'll be needin' a car, Sportsy. A big car! C'mon we'll be damagin' the competition too!"
After hearing that, the Orange Guy took off Phone Guy's receiver with no further hesitation. "You're a genius."
"Doin' my best for my boss, as always!" Grinning Purple Guy showered in the praise, but naturally Phone Guy had to ruin it again.
"W-we can't do that! Wh- what even-?! J-just stealing- things... no!"
"Calm down, you ole rotary. It's called bein' business savvy! Not to mention, there are FAR worse we could be doin' to get back at the competition." The way he said that made neither of the two want to ask any further questions. "Nobody's getting' hurt! Sit back, relax!"
Muttering something under his breath, finally Phoney broke down. "... fine." His voice sounded slightly cracked. "But. Nobody gets hur- uh... physically inconvenienced, right?"
While being distracted by the loud scream, Phoney's receiver was taken off and a number was put in.
Only ten minutes later, they all were ready and standing in front of the Pizzeria, waiting for the delivery truck, quietly chattering about unimportant manners.
Well, quietly for Dave's and Freddy's standards.
That was until the car drove up, at which point all hell broke loose.
With a loud scream Freddy lead the charge, with all of them following swiftly, except, of course, Phone Guy who just looked away. He couldn't be held accountable for things he didn't see, right?!
Purple Guy was going all out, jumping up and into the windshield, shattering in an instance and burrowing the screaming man under his fursuit. It knocked the driver out luckily, but they were still in a moving vehicle, on the road, with an unconscious body in the driver's seat.
"DAVE! CAN YOU GET IT UNDER CONTROL!?"Worried the Orange Guy paused and watched the car drive forwards.
"AIN'T DOIN' THAT, SPORTSY! WE NEED THAT DAMN FUCKIN' TRUCK!" Crawling down into the front of the car, harshly pressing down every pedal he found down there, resulting in the car an ear-piercingly loud screech, that wouldn't quiet down, instead even swell on, until the people outside had to cover their ears.
Sliding to the side, the car jumped at it got off the road and began to rip away parts of the sidewalk and innocent shields in the way, approaching the nearest buildings-
Until it finally slowed down- well, came to a screeching halt and went silent.
A moment passed in silence, then Dave stuck out his hand, doing a thumbs-up and the crowd CHEERED.
Crowd meaning Funtime Chica and Old Sport.
But even if you wouldn't manage to get them to admit it, even the Phone Guy and bear were a bit relieved. To overplay that, at least the bear pretended to be not impressed at all. "Are we're going to get moving now?! I don't have ALL day. My time is VALUABLE! Usually I charge a FORTUNE, more than you ever saw in your life! I have been so utterly CHARITABLE-"
"What would you do with the money if you would charge it?" Honestly curious Phone Guy joined the conversation and began to lead them towards the somewhat damaged car and helped them get in.
"I... I would..." At a loss, Freddy sat down beside Dave still sprawled out over the unconscious body, which he tossed out with a disgusted snort. No Freddy would ever sit next to a puny human that didn't even work for him. "... buy... more polish?"
"I polish you every day!" Shocked and hurt the man looked at him. "Are you implying I'm not doing a good job?!"
"You-" Shortly he actually hesitated. "—you are... adequate..." The bear pouted. "... but I could buy MORE! Or I will... just employ more like you. You aren't TOTALLY incompetent..."
Chica in the back snickered and leaned forward. "The GREAT Freddy? Giving someone a compliment~? My, my, are you growing soft, you old bear?"
"I AM- NOT! I CAN APPRECIATE QUALITY, THAT IS ALL!" Turning to Dave, who had finally managed to wriggle into position and activate the car. "Y-YOU! BUNNY! ISN'T THERE MORE TO YOU- FOOLISH PLANS!? SOMETHING YOU CAN MAKE HER DO!?"
"Now ya mentioned' it, both of ya got to get onto the back of the truck and rip that bothersome roof off! We ain't about to be muffled!" Nodding at the immediate action from sides of the machines, he left it at that.
"Actually-" Old Sport moved to the side to avoid getting metal feet into his face "- where's the Puppet?"
"Lefty?" A tad guilty Dave moved around. He looked awfully sweaty in that suit now. Not because you could see any sweat, because that would imply the suit itself was sweating, which would be just silly, but because he moved around exactly like a person who was sweating. Oh, and the way his suit slid around on his skin.
"Dave, what did you do to the Puppet?!" Phone Guy was actually reacting faster than his boss could with exact the question he would have asked too.
Defensive the guy put up his hands. "I only repaired the suit and it fuckin' started to play soothin' music! Then the bastard fell asleep... so I didn't wanna wake him!"
"Oh shit. He's going to beat both of our asses for that one." Orange Guy sat back in horror, ignoring the rumbling and crashing in the ba-
"DAVE PUT YOUR HANDS BACK ON THE WHEEL!" Interrupted by that scream, both of them jumped and the guy did as told, just barely avoiding something. The noise that it made left only the mental image of a cat that at a duck and now proceeded to un-eat the still living duck that made an insulted noise.
You know what, I wouldn't be surprised if that was EXACTLY what it was.
But alas, we will never find out, will we?
Meanwhile the works in the back were finished, with nobody bothering to think about the parts now lying on the road. "Ready for the show~!"
"Grandé!" This word carried a horrible mixture of French and New Yorker accent. "Okay, then START THE SHIT!"
One hand still at the wheel, he pulled out a megaphone from under the seat and coughed shortly. "Chica, DO WHAT YOUR GENES TELL YOU TO DO!"
"AREN'T CHICKEN RELATED TO DRAGONS?" At this point, Davetrap was holding the megaphone in a way that every word was incredibly loud, which made the phone-headed man finally realize how pointless all of this was and proceed to curl up on the backseat. Stop thinking about this, or taking part in any of the happenings anymore. It's going to be fine.
Taking this sign of defeat as agreement, Dave, now unchallenged, leaned out of the broken window and began to scream against all the wind crashing into his face.
"D-don't just admit to them escaping-!" Frantically Phoney looked back and forth between Dave and the bear standing on the back, echoing all what was said into the megaphone, somehow even louder than what came out of the previous mentioned
"NEW ROBOTS! EXCITIN' MACHINES! YOUR MACHINES TO BE EXACT! GIVE US YOUR MACHINE! HAND 'EM OVER! WE'LL BE NEEDIN' THEM!" For a man that without a shadow of a doubt had his lungs pierced multiple times, he had an impressive lung volume. Or maybe his pierced lungs were actually the reason...? Nobody knew. "YA KNOW WHAT HAPPEN TO BAD CHILDREN THAT TAKE ROBOTS THAT BELONG INTO THE RESTAURANT AND JUST... NOT COME BACK?!"
Their voice was definitely ringing through the whole city.
And if that wasn't enough, Freddy had proceeded to put on some music as well and dance accordingly to it, while Chica made ever more risky tricks with her newfound flamethrower option. Currently she had made Freddy lift her onto his shoulders and held her up with one hand, striking a dramatic pose. People from the window CHEERED.
... better than screams of horror like usually...?
If Old Sport thought about it, he realized that in actuality, these people didn't even GROW UP with a Freddy's around... no wonder they lacked proper fight-or-flight responses! Poor them.
The broken lights of the car made it look even more like an odd attraction in itself, so people began to come out, attempting to catch a look- plenty of time for that, seeing as they were driving in an acceptable tempo. After all, how else would the kids catch them to return what's theirs if they were driving like maniacs?
"OLIVER! YA FUCKIN' SACK OF RATSHIT! MARY! THOUGHT BETTER OF YOU, NOT GONNA LIE! ISAAC, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!? THERE AIN'T NO HIDING! GIVE UP THE ROBOS AND NOBODY WILL GET HURT!" People around were laughing- at this point they must be willfully ignorant... or didn't understand them over the loud music in the back.
But, a few of the kids following along as well were softly pushing each other, screaming about something, but it was inaudible to the people sitting in the car, for obvious reasons. They could only guess the kids were planning something, since two of them ran off and away.
Or maybe THEY actually had a bit of intuition and knew this was bad news.
Both pretty likely.
Slowly crawling into the front seat, Old Sport looked around at the crowd. "So, we're just driving around until they show up? What if they don't?"
"Oh, they're kiddens! They'll be comin' to us like moths to a flame! They always did that back in the day I- uh." Awkwardly pausing he distracted masterfully from the topic. "HEY SPORTSY- What do you think we can do to keep them from runnin' off like that again?"
For a moment his friend hesitated, then went along with it. "Probably first try to find out why the hell they even thought it was a good idea in the first place. Maybe they didn't mean to run off and just..."
Okay, he had no explanation. But something would come up.
They had driven through the city like that for a whole while, under Dave's constant screeching about everybody handing over all the robots they owned and slowly Old Sport considered changing tactics. It was getting annoying dammit, to always have to shoo away kids from the front of the car and seemingly the three kids weren't actually willing to give up on-
"M- MISTER BUNNY MAN!" Finally Mary's voice sounded from the crowd, where she stood, hasting along, waving. Her cheeks were a healthy red, but it wasn't obvious if from embarrassment, the screaming or the running. "S-SORRY, CAN YOU PLEASE STOP!?"
In an instant everything came to a halt and the two colorful men jumped out to greet her.
"Mary!" Sporsty began, "Good to see you finally got to us! We're just trying to get Baby and Fraghetti back, don't worry!"
"Y-yes, because of that-" The poor girl seemed close to tears. "W-we wanted to bring them back, but then it was so l-late and we couldn't anymore because you were closed and- w-we tried to bring them back this morning, but you were gone and then suddenly o-our mom called and said you were- driving around- I'm sorry-!"
Picking her up he gave her a hug, which was probably a less comforting gesture than it was supposed to be, seeing as he was still a walking corpse. Yet... it didn't seem to bother her.
"It's okay, don't worry! This actually makes a lot of sense. Where are they now?" With that he put her back down, so she could explain with no problem.
"They- w-we- so-" Taking a deep breath, Mary managed to talk normally again. "O-okay. So, when we heard about you searching for us- I came running to find you."
"Good job! So-"
"Wait- is the boy alone with the machines?!" Two voices said this at once, Dave and Phoney both sounded rather worried.
"W-well- in case you would come back... Baby and- the other one were okay with it-"
Swooping her up, ignoring all of her confusion, Dave gathered all of them and threw them into the car. Thankfully the crowds had already thinned, so they could drive off, which they did rather hastily.
"Dave." Old Sport felt his stomach drop. "Dave. There IS something you aren't telling me, isn't there?"
"Oh, SPORSTY! H-Haha! However did ya get THAT idea?!" The car sped up even more- to the maximum the car could do. Quietly he cursed. "- would ya want ANY animatronic alone around a kid?! They're all a bit... moody, ain't they?"
But the answer that he was given he didn't even listen to anymore.
This was horrible.
How would he cover that up?
How would he cover it up?!
It wasn't as if he was worried about them in general.
It was more what he did to them.
First three.
Then two.
Then four.
Then five.
It didn't matter what he thought of them as themselves. Even if he wouldn't really trust any Freddy to be around kids without traumatizing them.
He wasn't sure if they had any choice.
If they freed themselves.
Somewhat he doubted it.
First two.
Then six.
Then four.
Then two.
Then three.
... then one.
Oliver idled next to the machines, growing bored.
He didn't really pay attention to the machines behind him.
Shame, because he would probably be a bit more weary of the situation.
Baby was running through a series of glitches.
While nothing was happening, she grew more and more lively, moving around, almost twitching-
Until suddenly an adult walked by and she calmed back down again, watching them pass quietly.
"Are you okay, Baby?" With a sideglance Oliver spoke to the machine, but no more visible worry. He himself was swaying on the spot and stretching his arms, really bored by the task of waiting next to the animatronics.
A bit he wondered why he was forced to wait with them in the first place... what could happen to them? Someone stealing them? Psht, yeah, good luck with THAT. Honestly, he KNEW he was much more likely to get in trouble like this than the robots ever were.
"Baby? Is there a way you could get hurt? You're like... a big metal bot! You're invincible!" She reminded him so much of the shows he used to watch while breakfasting- if his mom was in a good mood and didn't mind the noise that early. It was... just cool.
At that she looked away from the nearest passerby, surprised, followed by a soft, embarrassed giggle. "I am not fully invincible-"
"But you are darn strong, right?! That claw can break things- right?!" Fully turning to Baby, Oliver looked up at her, excitement in his eyes.
"Yes- that is correct-" She couldn't help but laugh a bit more. "My claw really is useful, but-"
"B-BUT IF S-SOMEBODY G-G-GOES ZAPPY ZAPPY- HhAahahAHhaahAahAA!" Finally Freddy too seemed interested in the conversation.
"Zappy-?" Skeptical Oliver tilted his head.
The amount of sadness coming from Baby gave him instant pause. "I think nobody likes to be shocked over and over again..."
"O-of course not." Pausing he moved from one leg to another. "But... can't you make... a shell or something?"
"All metal is weak to shocks- at least when it is so thin like it would have to be to be my shell... I- I think?" She didn't sound too sure anymore.
"But... uh... wait, we heard about... can you just... wear rubber? Rubber doesn't mind shocks! We've learned that one in school." The last part sounded almost a bit boastful.
Curious she leaned closer, having her twitching almost fully under control now. "But where would I get so much rubber?"
"My mom has a lot of... those rubber gloves for cleaning... I could try to bring them to you!"
"But... how do we fit that onto me?" Worried the animatronic looked up, realizing nobody was there- which instantly triggered a certain part deep inside of her.
If she thought back, she didn't know why she repaired THAT part of her. Maybe out of guilt.
She ran away. Left behind her old home without even as much as a note.
... her father must be horribly worried.
... if he ever came back, that is.
Maybe he didn't.
She had been forgotten about.
But IF she ever met him again- she could show him how loyal she stayed to his plan of her!
The scooping claw tensed up, as the kid was saying something about her not supposed to be so negative, having a little faith and try things out.
It took a bit longer to boot it up, especially since the plates on her chest and stomach needed more force to be able to slide open-
Then three.
Two adults were walking alongside each other, chatting and snickering. Both shortly looked at the machines and kids, but seeing as it was only the day after Halloween, they weren't too weirded out by the machines- thought they obviously commented and laughed about these cheesy creatures.
Instantly her scooper deactivated again, leaving her with nothing but the mild feeling of sickness in the stomach. Oliver would be fine.
"Baby?" Said boy frowned as his friend was acting weird. "Are you okay?"
Snickering Fraghetti came closer, wrapping parts around the human, who despite not being intimidated, was rather uncomfortable with it and tried to shake him off. The eyes felt weird on his skin, even if they were only glass and plastic... or something like that... "B-BAbY-y i-is ha-ha-HahAHa-having a bit of t-trouble, hm-m-hm-m?"
"As if you don't." As she said that she realized more of her anger at him seeped through... which only made her more annoyed. "I am more than fine."
"B-B-Bad K-KiD! Alw-way-s DoINg- NoOt g-goooood-!" Mocking his former leader, he picked up on her anger. "C-can't even- h-hahaha---"
"You sound worse than yesterday." If Oliver was honest, he didn't like this Freddy too much either. Sure, he was kinda cool? And he liked how many voices the bear could do... but... when he did the other voices, he didn't stutter... so... why was he stuttering right now? It was funny at first, but after spending the night around him, the fun wore off. And now he worried about having accidently broken the machine by not letting it inside at night.
It had made him feel guilty.
But he couldn't risk scaring his mom like that.
All night, he could listen to the scratching, begging and laughing of the machine and just hoped that his sister couldn't hear them as good as he could. Sure, it was... Halloween-y. Spooky.
Thankfully, from time to time they stopped and began bickering- just like he and his friends would at school. It was reassuring. They weren't monsters.
They were just... wearing costumes.
He wasn't a scaredy cat. After the embarrassment of freaking about a guy wearing a bunny costume, Mary had poked fun at him relentlessly, chugging her bunny plushies at him and making comments on the way to and back from school.
Nobody would catch him being scared at a bunch of masks ever again.
But no matter what, he still didn't trust the bunny-guy.
There WAS a person in there, no matter what Mary said.
Fraghetti ripped him out of his thoughts again. "I- A-aaaa-m fiiiine! H-Haha! Fee-feeling GREAT! Ac-actually YOOouUUu LOOK m-mighty odd-! N-Not happy aaAt all! Sh-ShouLD I t-TelL you s-som--- funnnny!?"
"I'm fine- I just get cold out here..." Rubbing his arms, he realized he actually had goose flesh. Dammit, why did it take them so long?
The streets were barren again. Oliver felt uneasy about that. Then again, who would want to be out in this freezing cold?
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Baby shivering too and wondered if she was able to feel the cold too. "Maybe we should-"
He paused as she stepped closer and-
A loud honk blared, as the owners of the place rolled up. "OLIVER! BOI! STOOD HERE LONG, DIDN'T CHA?"
Of course it was Dave leaning out to wave at him, grinning widely.
Old Sport next to him shortly looked relieved, then grinned too. "We really should get you inside and let you warm up... it's on us, promised!"
"S-Sorry that we, uh-" Phone Guy finally came from his hiding place under the seats. "- we kinda a-assumed you were criminals... uh... y-yeah, should have... thought about that... longer... to be honest, I didn't REALLY think you would, uh... but that you actually got... gotten into... t-technical troubles."
Scoffing Oliver stood up straighter. "If I wanted to steal them, you wouldn't have caught me!"
"Sure we wouldn't have." Nonchalant the Orange Guy brushed over that, not mentioning the about twenty ways they could have probably found the kid and the robots... mainly because he could get sued for traumatizing the kids with describing it. "Now get in all of you! I'm sure we have some hot chocolate!"
"S-sir? I don't think we have... really the stuff for hot chocolate... n-no powder and uh..."
"But we have chocolate, right? We're just gonna improvise!"
Chica, who had climbed off the car with her animatronic pal Freddy, clapped her hands. "My flamethrowers aren't only for show, you know~? Let's do it! Who wants some hot chocolate!"
"Actually we were supposed to stay longer than we have to..." uncertain Mary started, but then smiled. "... but I mean... mom always said it's not polite to say no to people offering you tea- and a hot chocolate counts too, right?"
"Correcto!" Patting her head, Davetrap led them inside and to a few tables, where they sat down and began to chatter and explain what they did yesterday and how much candy they got, demanding to compare their pile with Dave's, because of the bet they made.
Meanwhile Phone Guy supervised Chica and helped making the chocolate, together with Old Sport, who seemed rather happy.
"Y-you know, sir?" Phone Guy started. "... I'll start planning for Christmas right now. I- I deeply apologize, but I don't trust you with this."
The Orange Guy smiled.
It looked almost human.
"You're the best, buddy."
Aaaaaand, next time I post on here will already be Christmas- or maybe Sylvester... I wish everybody until then a lovely december!
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