
Author's Notes: Welcome to part two! I don't have much to say so just enjoy the rest of the story!

(I do not own Wreck-It Ralph. Disney does.)

        The couple travel through the cable wires to Fix-It Felix Jr. They go from a complex, sharp-edged hostile world to a simple, 8-bit central park. The two enter the apartment building and board the elevator to the tenth floor. Tamora walks down a hall, followed by Felix, and she stops to admit, "I always forget what number your apartment is." Felix blinks a few times.

        "Oh," he says and lays a gloved hand on a door knob. "It's this one." He opens the door for Tamora and they walk into Felix's apartment. Felix closes the door behind him and flips a light switch. The lights instantly flash on filling the room with dim, relaxing lighting. Tamora already takes a seat in a wooden chair she snatched from a nearby table. She seats herself in front of the couch and begins giving him orders.

        "Lie down," she commands. Felix slowly makes his way over to the couch. It takes him a second or two to obey the odd command, but he obediently lies down across the couch facing up. He has his hands placed on his stomach with his fingers folded over. Tamora adds, "Take off your hat. I like to draw hair." Felix detangles his fingers and lifts a hand to his head, removing his blue cap and tossing it to the side. "Now turn your face towards me, look sort of to your upper left, and bend your left knee." Felix does just that.

        "I'm allowed to blink, right?" Felix jokes, lying still and still looking to his upper left.

        "Yeah, and you can breath, too, you know," Tamora jokes back. "Now this may take a while. That's why I allowed you to lie down and not stand, so thank me."

        "Thank you."

        Tamora chuckles and readies her pencil. She takes a moment before she begins to draw to really focus on Felix's visible features. After a moment to familiarize herself with the details about him, she gets to work. Tamora sketches out the outlines. First, she sketches Felix's head and the features on it, then his middle, followed by his arms, hands, legs, and shoes. Just drawing that much took about forty minutes. She makes sure everything is accurate and exactly the way it looks in reality by erasing some things and re-drawing it, just adjusting the sketch a tad until it looks just right. Next, Tamora works on the shading. She focusses on the places on Felix where the light shines the most and where the shadows are located. She tilts her pencil a tad to get the shading just right. This takes up another half hour or so. Felix stays absolutely still. He only breathes and blinks. He doesn't mind how long he has to model. He just hates how he has to look up the entire time. He wants to look at Tamora, his dynamite gal. He wants to see her beautiful face while she draws-focusing on her paper, glancing up every five seconds to look at a feature on him, and flipping her bangs out of her face every so often only to have them fall back in front of her face again later. Felix can't look at her no matter what because Tamora wants everything about him to be accurate. It's silent the entire time. Neither one of the two talk. Tamora's too focused and Felix isn't allowed to move his mouth.

        "Give me a 'mmhm' if you're okay," Tamora says several minutes later while sketching short little lines which represent the stitching on Felix's jeans.

        "Mmmhmm..." Felix moans through his closed mouth. He's not okay anymore. He's dozing off! Felix is trying so hard to keep his leg bent and his eyes looking up, but his eyelids become heavy and the couch is just way too comfy. He tries to fight his sleepiness despite the fact that it's almost 10:50 pm, but eventually his eyes fall shut and his bent left leg leans out to rest against the couch cushioning. He's out.

        Early in the morning, Felix wakes up still on the couch. His eyes flutter open and he notices that the chair Tamora was sitting in the previous night is pushed back in at the table it was borrowed from. Felix sits up and something falls off his chest and into his lap that he didn't notice until now. It's takes a moment for his eyes to focus while he picks up the object with a gloved hand. It's Tamora's sketch book. Felix yawns unintentionally and opens the sketch book, admiring the same art he looked at the night before. He eventually flips to a page that causes his eyes to widen. He sees a new drawing shaded and sketched with graphite pencils. It's gorgeous. It's accurate. It's him. Tamora drew Felix exactly the way he looks. Felix can't help but feel his toothy smile growing bigger the more he looks at it. No arcade-game character has the drawing skills like his girlfriend does. In the bottom right corner of the page, a tiny sketched arrow points to the right for Felix to turn the page. He does and reads a letter on the back of the Felix drawing. It reads:


        You fell asleep last night, so I just left my book here for you to see the complete drawing of yourself. Thanks for modeling and actually staying still. We should do it again sometime if you don't mind. Now I want you to rip this page out and keep the sketch of you because I know you like it and it's my little reward to you for modeling so nicely the night before ( up until you fell asleep on me ). Thanks for being interested in my art. It means a lot to me.

Your dynamite gal,


P.S. I'll be waiting outside of your game for my sketch book when the arcade closes today.

If you don't return it, I will send my soldiers out to hunt you down and it will not be pleasant.

Love you!

Felix chuckles a bit at the brief message after Tamora's signature. Her drill sergeant instincts never go away. It's a programmed habit in her. Felix neatly tears out the drawing of himself like the letter said and he closes the sketch book.

"She sure is something," Felix sighs to himself. He loves Tamora, a sergeant that sketches.

The End

Author's Notes: I bet you're thinking, "Ehh~ It's kind of short, ya know." Yes, I know it's a pretty short story, but still, it's a good one. And I also bet you're thinking, "Wreck-It Ralph was so five years ago." Well, I LOVE the movie-everything about it, and I'm super duper hyped up for the sequel coming in 2018. You should be hyped, too! :D Okay, I gotta go brainstorm another story to post. Some of my stories will be fanfictions, others will be about my original characters. It depends on what mood I'm in. Thank you so much for reading! Bye!

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