Chapter 23: Vision Time

It was boiling outside, Koro-sensei made his students walk in the woods to reveal a surprise he had for them.

"Hey, Nagisa. I heard you were a real badass the other day. Sorry I wasn't around, I would've loved to see the guy's face." Karma said to Nagisa after hearing what happened from Shiniko.

"I have it on video," Shiniko mentioned.

"Cool. Lemme see," Karma said.

"Ritsu, bring up the camera footage of the day me and Nagisa fought Takaoka." Shiniko requested.

"Sure thing!" Ritsu answered and started from when Nagisa and Shiniko were warming up.

Shiniko gave her phone to Karma. After he was finished, he handed her phone to her, but before she could take it, Karma raised his hand up and teased Shiniko.

"Give it back!" Shiniko exclaimed, trying to get her phone back, "You damn bastard!"

Shiniko kept trying to grab her phone back, but to no avail. So, she though of the next best thing. She grabbed Karma's arm and managed to strike a pressure point. He passed out. Letting the phone drop to the ground, but thankfully there were no damages.

"Nagisa, help me carry this sack of meat." She said.

"Uh, okay?" He grabbed one of his arms and threw it over his shoulder, "So, what did you do to him?" He asked.

"I just knocked him out. Don't worry though, he'll wake up very soon." Shiniko answered and like magic he woke up a few seconds later.

"What happened?" Karma asked, still a bit hazed.

"Nothing." Shiniko answered, letting go of him and they continued walking to who knows where.

Koro-sensei stopped and turned around, then he started giggling. "Alright class, feast your eyes on this!" The students moved the bushes out of they way and they gasped. "Your very own swimming hole, compliments of moi!" Koro-sensei presented. The students took of their sleeveless hoodies off and jumped in.

Shiniko and Hazama sat on the two white, chaise lounge chairs in the shade. Hazama was reading a book and Shiniko was eating ice cream.

Koro-sensei started blowing his whistle from his lifeguard chair, "Kimura! Absolutely no running around the edge of the pool, that's how accidents happen!" He warned using his megaphone.

"What do you think you two are doing?!" Koro-sensei exclaimed as Nakamura and Hara came up for air, "Absolutely no holding your breath underwater! How am I supposed to know the difference between horseplay and drowning?!"

"Absolutely no sneaking pictures!" Koro-sensei took away Okajima's camera.

"Put down the book and enjoy the water for heaven sake! And stop eating ice cream! If you decide to get in the pool later, you'll get cramps!" Koro-sensei scolded, as he continued blowing his whistle.

Koro-sensei started to chuckle, "I've gone through a great deal of trouble making sure this pool is in harmony with its natural surroundings. Proper enjoyment of it must be disciplined and orderly!" He explained, scanning the area.

"Aw, c'mon, don't be such a stick in the mud. You gotta loosen up!" Kurahashi cheered and splashed water at him, earning a high pitched squeal.

All the student's faces went blank when they heard it.

"Did he just scream like a chick?" Nakamura questioned.

"Chicken's more like it." Shiniko added.

Then Karma started shaking Koro-sensei's chair, "Karma! What are you doing?! Stop it! I'll fall in! Are you listening to me?! I said stop! Pleeaaase!" He pleaded. The class stared at him.

When Karma stopped, Koro-sensei was hyperventilating slightly.

"Don't read too much into it. I just didn't feel like taking a dip at the moment, that's all. Certainly not as though, water causes my tentacles to swell up or anything." Koro-sensei whistled looking away.

In class, Koro-sensei made a motorbike out of wood and was sitting on it with the suit and everything. Then, Terasaka came in and got mad at Yoshida about being all buddy-buddy with Koro-sensei.

"Are you kidding? You can get this puppy to Mach 20 without pumping the gas," Yoshida said and the class started laughing, but Terasaka only got angrier. He walked in front of the bike and kicked it down. Koro-sensei turned light blue and screamed.

"Apologize immediately! Koro-sensei worked very hard on that to showcase his manliness, and you just reduced him to tears!" Nakamura scolded and the rest of the class agreed.

"You're talking to me an' all I heard is a swarm of freakin' locusts." He stated and took a canister out of his desk. "It's time for some pest control!" He shouted, but before he could throw it on the ground, Shiniko made a break for the window and got way just in the nick of time as the canister exploded, filling the classroom with its contents.

Everyone was screaming and coughing, Koro-sensei went up to Terasaka all red with anger.

"That does it. I enjoy a good prank as much as the ne-" Koro-sensei was cut off by Terasaka as he swatted his tentacle off his shoulder.

As the contents from the canister cleared, Shiniko made her way back into the room.

"Get those disgusting things hell off. You're a monster, you hear me? A freak of nature. Anyone who falls for your nice guy act is stupid. That's right." He stated, looking at the class.

"Says the dumbest person in class." Shiniko insulted, making him angrier.

"If he's such a monster, why not man up and kill him." Karma stated, "I mean last I checked that is what we're s'posed to do here."

"You aimin' to started something with me, tough guy?" He questioned. " 'Cause I'd wanna bash your stupid head into-" Terasaka was cut off by Karma clenching his lower face with a single hand making him shut up.

"A little advice; you've got this backwards. You gotta bash my head before you can run your mouth." Karma informed and Terasaka swatted his hand away.

"Actions speak louder than words." Shiniko added.

"You're all a bunch of freaks." Terasaka blurted out and slammed the door closed as he stormed out.

"What's with him and the stuff that exploded?" Shiniko thought as Koro-sensei was probably analyzing what just happened.

Later that night, before Shiniko went to sleep she watched some of the footage on her laptop to see if there was anything fishy going on.

"Terasaka never acts like that, someone or something must be behind it," Shiniko hypothesized.

As she watched, she saw Terasaka pouring some sort of liquid into a stream. Then, she saw Itona in a tree with a bit of blue in his hair, Shiro approached behind him.

"Nicely done. Here you've earned it." Shiro said handed Terasaka a load of cash. "Phase one of my plan is complete. The octopus has an excellent sense of smell. Hence, why we dare not lay the ground work for Itona's return ourselves. Had he picked up even a trace of our scent, the game would've been spoiled." He explained. "The freak of nature will be dead and E Class restored to its former insignificance." Shiro said, then Itona jumped down from his branch.

"I know you. You're weaker than the redheaded one by far. Your physiques says otherwise, but I see. Those eyes are a dead giveaway. You have sight, but no vision. The only thing you see is the path of least resistance. The wolf has eyes for prey. The cow has eyes for hay. One of them's a killer. The other his buffet." Itona recited.

"What the hell's that s'posed to mean?!" Terasaka asked angrily, as Shiro tried to calm him.

"So, I was right. Shiro's behind this, well this can't be good." Shiniko had a bad feeling about what was instore for tomorrow before going to bed.

During lunch, there was yellow slime pouring out of Koro-sensei. It looked like he was crying, but he said that his nose was running. Then, Terasaka walked in.

"So that's what the stuff in that can does," Shiniko recalled the incident that took place yesterday in her mind.

"Terasaka! Thank heaven! I had this aweful feeling you abandoned our class for good!" Koro-sensei shouted as the mucus from his nose spattered all over Terasaka's face as he was talking.

Terasaka used his necktie to wipe off the mucus off his face, "So, octopus. I think we stop messin' around and killed you for real. Come by the pool after class. We all know you biggest weakness is water, don't we now? Hey, it's alright! You guys can come too. You can watch while I shove him in. You can even help me out!" He offered.

Maehara stood up, "Where's this coming from? You always make fun of our attempts and now you expect us to be onboard with yours? Dude, you pried yourself on having the worst attitude in this class. Give me one good reason why anyone of us should help you."

"Whatever, suit yourself man. I didn't want to wash the cash with you deadasses anyway." Terasaka scoffed before walking out. Shiniko noticed that Koro-senei was running double the mucus out, so she sat on her desk.

"The hell's his deal all of a sudden?" Yoshida questioned.

"The guy's mood swings are too much for me." Muramatsu commented.

"Take about a man period am I right?" Shiniko added.

"Exactly. Count me out." Kurahashi said.

"Yeah, me too." Okano added.

"Let's all go. It'll be fun." The students finally noticed the ground was covered in mucus and they got stuck in it. "Terasaka's finilly showing some initiatve we have to be supportive." His voice started to become unaudiable, then, his whole head was covered in mucus.

After class as planned and because Koro-sensei practically forced his students to, they were spead out in the pool. Takebayashi was still standing on the rock, until Terasaka pushed him in and Karma didn't even bother to show up.

Terasaka held the gun Shiro gave him and pointed it to Koro-sensei. When Terasaka pulled the trigger, it blew up the contraption that stopped the river's flow that created the pool. All the students started screaming since they were getting sucked away with the strong current. Koro-sensei noticed immediately and blasted towards the direction of his students.

Shiniko couldn't let their classmates and friends die, so she let he wings unfold, which was quite difficult, and got out of the water as quick as possible. She started picking up the students who were furthest down the river to safey. As she did, many of the students were shocked to see her with wings, but didn't question her, yet.

Koro-sensei's tentacles were swollen red, the last person he caught was Yoshida before Itona grabbed him down into the water at the bottom of the waterfall.

Shiniko started making strong, but makeshift rectangular nets and ropes out of the surrounding materials quickly. When the rest of the students arrived at the edge of the waterfall, they fired questions at Shiniko, but she didn't say a word. Karma thought up of a plan, but before they could put it in action, Shiniko finished making the nets.

"Wait! Don't start the plan yet." She exclaimed getting everyone's attention.

She tightened a loop on each foot from the short sides of the net and threaded a rope through the other two loops on the other end, holding onto the ends of each rope in each hand. Then, she flew off to where Hara was, and went to the edge of the branch. Shiniko slowly moved closer to Hara with the net just under a metre under her. When the net was directly under her, she flew upwards letting Hara rest in the net.

Shiniko carefully threaded one end of the rope in one of her hands into the loop that was around her foot and held onto the end that was just threaded. She did the same on the other side as well. She slipped her feet out of the two loops they were in and took the end of the ropes, that were now holding the net up with Hara in it, to the closest tree and had the ropes rest over a branch.

"Get over here," She shouted at her classmates, but not in an angry tone and everyone rushed over. "Hold onto these ropes like your life is on the line." She held onto the ropes, as everyone else grabbed on.

Once they were all holding on, Shiniko flew back over to Hara and secured another net under her for extra support. She went over to the cracking part of the branch, "Hold on tight you guys," She called out and broke the branch, causing Hara to squealed a little. She flew over to Hara and grabbed onto the ends of the second net, pulling it so that she wouldn't risk Hara smashing into the cliff or the ground above it.

After Hara was safe on the ground, Shiniko took one of her blades and cut Hara out of the nets, and Karma's plan was put into action.

"Oh, by the way, Hara. Terasaka called you a Fatty, just to let you know." Shiniko whispered to her after Terasaka jumped.

Terasaka was behind Itona, he took his shirt off and challenged him. Itona smacked his tentacle into Terasaka's stomach, Terasaka gripped onto it with his shirt while he was knocked back and Itona started sneezing.

"Yesterday's shirt,"Shiniko remembered. She was watching up close, standing on the rock across from Shiro.

Being distracted for a while, Koro-sensei got a break from the fight and Karma signaled everyone to jump down, making big splashed aound Itona. Karma jumped beside Shiniko on the rock. Soon, his tentacles became swollen too, but they weren't red.

Koro-sensei still offered Itona to join the class, but he chose to go with Shiro instead. The students were glad that they were gone, seeing as they were such a hindrance.

"Hey, Terasaka." Hara was behind him. "In case you're wondering, I heard your cracks about my weight. We fatties prefer the term full figured." She stated.

"Didn't mean to be a dick. Just sizin' up the situation..." Terasaka said, totally regretting what he said earlier.

"Sizing it up! I may be on the hefty side, but I can still kick your ass!" Hara shouted at him, backing him up against the rock Karma and Shiniko were on.

"Wow, awkward. A little tact goes a long way man, you should try it next time," Karma suggested with a smug look on his face. "Kinda hard to run from the wolves with your foot in your mouth, just sayin'." He muttered.

"Why don't you get down off your perch and say that to my face, you little turd bucket!" Terasaka shouted before grabbing Karma by the collar and throwing him into the water. "How 'bout that?!"

Karma quickly got back to his feet, "Hey! I'm s'posed to be your puppet master, remember?!" He exclaimed.

"Don't even go there! That was a temporary arrangement and you're not the one who took a tentacle to the gut! That's right, I was down here taking all the hits, 'cause you don't have the balls to do your own dirty work!" He exclaimed.

"As much as I hate to say this, but he's right. You kept your distance." Shiniko stated, "Don't like doin' your dirty work? We can help you with that." Shiniko smirked mischievously and jumped next to Karma, splashing him with the water. Soon, Maehara, Nakamura, and Terasaka joined in.

After things settled down, the inevitable question was asked.

"Shiniko, your wings are real, huh?" Hara asked, everyone looked at Shiniko, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, they are." Shiniko answered.

"How did you get them?"

Everyone anticipated for the answer, "When Ritsu first came to our classroom and started shootin' up the place, I ditched class and found a quiet place to study. I fell asleep and when I woke up, I went to get a drink from the vending machines on the main campus. When I was walking back, there was a bit of pain in my back, but I ignored it, thinking it was because I slept on the ground. When I got back, I felt real tired and passed out. When I woke up these were on my back." She finished and fluttered her wings.

"So, long story short. I fell asleep, someone probably used me as a test subject and injected something in me, then I woke up, felt pain in my back, passed out, and woke up with wings." She shortened her story. "I assume that's all you need to know." She added.

That students stared at her in silence, until the redhead asked another question.

"Does your brother and uncle know?"

"My brother found out, but not my uncle. Now that I've spilled the beans, you are not allowed to say a word about this to anyone else, except for Irina and Karasuma. They don't know about this." She started to walk back to class to get her things. The others stayed for awhile and ran after her. They didn't treat her like she was different on their way back. Everyone talked with her like usual.

That ends their second encounter with Shiro and Itona.

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