What are we?

"James keeps texting me, I told him that I'm fine! He needs to just enjoy himself. If he's gonna worry about someone, he better worry about Samuel with my Grayson!" Jessica chuckles.

"Hah!  Poor kid, he called in such a panic."

"He was worried about his mommy!" Jessica speaks in a baby voice.

"I know.  The other two are as well."

"I know.  Wanting to hop on a plane right now!  Where is their minds?!"

"Haha, they're good boys."

"The best!" Jessica smiles.

"Yep! And we're gonna have the best little girl ever as well! Right, honey?" Danny smiles.

"Oh yes, definitely!
Hey babe, I was thinking and I really want to take Grayson to some sibling birth classes. I didn't do that with the twins when I was carrying Michael, but I've been reading, and I think it might me helpful. They'll show him how to hold a baby, he'll be able to meet new little friends that also have a siblings on the way. They'll just help him understand a little more of what's going. I know he understands that there's a baby in mommy's belly, and he likes feeling his little sister move, but when she comes out it'll be totally different!"

"Well you know best, I only had Zach. I think he'd have fun. If you think it'll benefit him, then I'm all for it."

"Good. *Smiles* I think they have some classes starting pretty soon...
Speaking of my baby, I better call Sam and make sure Grayson's in bed."



"Hey Sam, how are things going?"

"Good, mom. Great!"

"Really? Hey, is that Grayson in the background? He should be in bed!"

"I know, but see.. There was a little accident."

"An accident? What happened?"

"He tripped and accidentally bumped his head."

"How did he fall?"

"Um.. He was.."

"He was what?"

"He was running to his room and tripped."

"Oh no!"

"Is that mommy? Let me talk to her!"

"No Gray-"

"My baby wants to talk to me? Put him on, Sam!"


Sam holds the phone down and whispers, "You ran from me and fell. That's the story, don't screw this up, little guy."

"Okay." Grayson smiles and nods.

"Hello, mommy." Grayson smirks.

"Hi baby! How's your head?"

"Okay. But Sam is lying."

"Grayson!" Sam shouts.

"He is? What happened, baby?"

"He pretended to be a monster in the hall while I was in the tub, and he scared me, so I jumped out and hit my head and cut my leg open!"

"You hit your head and cut your leg open? Oh poor baby!"

"Yeah, it bleeded real bad!"

"Awe my baby boy! Mommy will be there in the morning to kiss all your boo boos and make them alllll better!"

"Thank you, mommy."

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too!"

"Let me talk to your brother, please."

"Okay. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight, cutie."

Grayson hands the phone over to Sam and smiles.

"Mommy wants to talk to you, Sam."

"You little turd!"

"Hey that's gross!" He makes a face.

"Hi mommy.." Sam says innocently.

"Hi baby!" Jessica says in a cute voice.

"Can you tell mommy why you didn't tell me that you're torturing my child?" She says calmly.

"Mom, I'm so sorry!  But.. Grayson is not as easy to handle as I thought."

"Well he's five.. He's at that age of developing his own little attitude.  You've just gotta speak sweetly to him.
Kids bump their heads and have little accidents all the time, so I'm not mad that he hurt himself while in your care. I'm upset at the fact that you scared your little brother out of the bath tub. Did you think it would end pleasantly, Samuel?"

"I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry.
I've bandaged him up, and kept him awake for a while. He seems to be okay. I'll keep him in the bed with me tonight."

"AND FRED TOO!" Grayson shouts.

"And Fred too." Sam looks at him and chuckles.

"Alright. Thank you.
Call us if you need anything.. and don't break my child, please."

"Heh, I'll try."

Jessica hangs up and chuckles as she grabs handfuls of her hair and lays her head back on the pillow.

"What's going on?"

"Heh... While we're signing Grayson up for sibling classes, we better sign Sam up for Parenting for dummies."


The next morning the doctor came in to check Jessica. Everything was fine, so they were free to go.

The last thing they were doing was an ultrasound.

"Alright, let's see what this little girl is doing." The doctor says moving the scanner around her stomach.

"Look at her!" Jessica chuckles.

"She's so cute! She looks big too, doesn't she?" Danny smiles.

"She's definitely growing very well. I'll measure your stomach in just a second to see what you're measuring."

Oh gosh, she's such a wiggle worm!" Jessica smiles to the screen.


"Alright, Jessica, you're measuring twenty six weeks. She's definitely growing!"

"Twenty six weeks? Wow!" Jessica laughs.

"She looks good, you're good. Take it easy for a while, maybe take a few days off and try your best to relax. Call me if anything seems off, no matter the day or time, alright?"

"Alright. Thank you so much."

"No problem. *Smiles* Take care."

He walks out and Danny looks to Jessica with a smile.

"She's okay!"

Jessica nods her head and smiles softly.

"Are those tears? Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm just happy. I'm glad she's okay."

"Me too." Danny hugs her.

"She's like her mommy.. A little bit stubborn, a little sassy, but so so strong... and beautiful. You can't forget beautifully."

Jessica smiles and Danny kisses her nose.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Danny."


"Grayson, mommy and daddy are here!" James says.

"Yay!!" Grayson shouts as he jumps off of Sam and runs to the door.

"Oh thank God!" Sam says sounding like he could just cry.

"Hi my baby boy! Oh, mommy missed you!" Jessica gets down to his level and hugs and kisses him.

"I missed you too, mommy! Is my sissy here? Did you have her, mommy?!"

"No sweetie, she won't be here for another few months."

"She's still in your tummy?"


"Oh okay.  That's okay, that means I'm still the baby!"

Jessica laughs and asks, "Are you excited to be a big brother though?"

"Yeah!  I'm gonna have so much fun playing toys with her!"

"I bet you two will be best friends."

"Mhm! *Nods* Like you and uncle George!"

"Awe!  Baby, that's so sweet that you want to be like me and your uncle George!"

"Yes, now get off the ground, momma!" Grayson says trying to stand her up.

"Here, I'll help you, bud." Danny chuckles and helps Jessica to her feet.

"Fred, mommy's home!" Grayson shouts.

Fred runs over and Grayson lifts him up.

"He missed you too, mommy."

"Awe!  It's nice to be back, Fred, I missed your cute little furry face!" Jessica chuckles.


Valentine's Day.

In the past couple weeks, Sam has gotten a job, and is trying really hard to make everyone proud.


"Mommy, you're gonna get to come to my school for Valentine's Day!"

"I know, baby!  I'm so excited!"

"Daddy, you're coming too, right?"

"Yes!  I might be a little late, but you bet I'll be there!"


Jessica took Grayson to school, then treated herself to a manicure and pedicure before she had to go back for the party.

"Mommy, you're at my school!" Grayson runs over to hug her.

"I am, baby!"

"Guys! My mommy's here! Say hi!"

All of Grayson's friends smile and wave at Jessica.

"Haha, hi guys!" She waves.

"You have to say hi to my sister too! Hers in her tummy. Show them, momma!" Grayson grabs her over sized blouse at lifts it up."

"Hey baby, don't do that! *Laughs* They can see my belly without me having to undress."

Grayson giggles and wraps his arm her leg.

"Is daddy not coming?" He asks looking up to her with his sweet innocent little face.

"He said he might be a little late coming from work, but he'll be here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah baby, he wouldn't miss it for the world."


"Here mommy, do you want my cookie?"

"No baby, I had some. Thank you though. You eat it."

"Nah, mommy, it's yucky!" Grayson makes a face.

"Shh!" Jessica laughs.

"Grayson, my mommy made those." A little boy beside him pouts.

"I'm sorry she makes makes nasty cookies."

"Stooop it!" Jessica wraps her arm around him and covers his mouth.

Grayson looks at his mother and she can't help but laugh.
She kisses his cheek and says, "We don't say mean things out loud."

"But mommy, they're gro-"


"You have some." He holds the cookie up to her face.

"No, they're yucky." She says making Grayson laugh.

"Mama, call daddy and make sure he's coming!"

"I'll send him a text, but he should be on his way, baby."

*Where are you?  Grayson wanted me to text and ask you.*

Jessica hits send and Grayson gasps.
"Look! There's daddy!"

"Oh thank God!"

"Daddy!" Grayson runs and jumps into Danny's arms.

"Hey buddy!"

"You made it!"

"Of course!  I told you I'd be here, son." He kisses his cheek.

*Smiles* "Come sit!"

Danny sits down and bends over to kiss Jessica.
"Hi beautiful."

"Hi baby.  We saved you some cookies." Jessica smiles and hands him a small plate of the cookies neither one of them liked.

"Oh thanks!" Danny grabs it and sticks the whole thing in his mouth.

Jessica and Grayson watch him with a smile on their faces.

Danny freezes and mumbles, "What the hell did I just put in my mouth?"

Jessica starts laughing and Grayson giggles.
"I said they're yucky, mommy said they're yucky, even sissy says they yucky."

"You fed that to my princess?" Danny asks Jessica.

"Yeah and she didn't like it." Jessica makes a face and rubs her stomach.

"Mommy, you got a tummy ache?"

"A little one." Jessica nods.

"I kiss it and make it all better!" Grayson slides away from Danny and holds her bump in his hands as he places a kiss on it.

"Awe, that's very sweet! I feel better already, sweet boy!" Jessica smiles and cups his cute little face.


Sam's POV.

"Hey James, you wanna go out and get some drinks?"

"I have a romantic evening planned with my wife, dude."

"Oh right, you're married now. Alright, well.. I guess I'm alone tonight."

"Why don't you ask Tiffany to have dinner."

"Wouldn't that be like a date?"

"Well no, not necessarily. I mean, it's just doing something nice for the mother of your child."

"Hm, something nice?"

"Oh my gosh. *Rolls eyes* Just call her and take her out for a burger. It's not a big deal."

"Yeah, okay. I'll call her."


"Thanks for bringing me to dinner, Sam. It's a much nicer evening than sitting at home babysitting."

"It's tough, huh?"

"Yeah. It's getting harder the further along I get. I just can't chase after Aiden like I used to."

"If you ever need help just call me. If I'm not working, I'll come over and help you."

"Really? Oh I'd really appreciate that, Sam!"

"No problem." He smiles.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure!" He smiles.

"What are we?"

"What are we? Well I'm a man, and you're a woman.. That's why this little guy is on his way." He chuckles.

"No, I mean.. What are we?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean.. *Sighs* I really don't know.. You're my friend.. My baby mama.. What do you think we are? What do you want us to be?"

"I don't know." She shrugs.

"I wish I knew, but I don't."

I don't even know what they are to be honest. I have an idea of what I MIGHT do, but you guys let me know what you want them to be.

I'm hoping this all makes sense 😬

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