Your head was spinning, that was a hard decision indeed. Hm... which one we- I guess you're thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open. In stepped a new Sans, he definitely looked way differently dressed than the rest of them. He was dressed pretty fancy, that was about the only difference he had from the rest aside from the Sans' with cracked skulls. Like most Sans, he seemed pretty chill. "I'm back from the chess tournament~" He jeered as he closed the door, of course, locking it. "SIncE WheN dId wE hAVe THoSe hEre?" Possessed said in an annoyed tone. "For a long time."

Classic introduced him as Chess, his personality and aura was slightly, easily figured out by that name. But still, should you choose to sleep with him? That was hard to answer, you barely talked with him and you're guess could be wrong about him. You looked around the living room of Sans', brainstorming which one to pick. Then, your (E/C) eyes spotted G; Why should you pick him? You honestly didn't know, guess curiosity got the better of you. "Um.... Can I sleep with G?" All the Sans' attentions turned to you, they all seemed pretty surprised by your answer. G's smile seemed to grow a bit wider, as he huffed in approval. "Sleep with him? Ha! Must be a joke." "Pretty sure no one would joke about that." "Aw, come on guys.~ I'm not that perverted." G coed as he did an in innocent pose. "AnD LuSt IsN'T a StrIpER." Do you feel regret? Who knows.

     Chess, Ink, and Blueberry were the first ones to go to their rooms and call it a day. Possessed fell asleep right next to you on the couch. You scotted into the exact middle, since Horror was sleeping on one side and Possessed sleeping on the opposite. Edge was sleeping infront of the door, obviously expecting you to attempt and escape during night. Which was now impossible thanks to that. Lust sent you a warning glare as he was the next to go to his room. You had no idea where Classic was, so you were oblivious on if he was asleep or not. You definitely weren't oblivious to the fact is G was asleep. In surprise you jumped when a boney hand rested on your shoulder, snapping you out your thoughts. When you looked up, you could tell it was G. "Let's go, I'm tired." He said, the tiredness in his voice confirmed that answer true. You gulped as you got up and followed him to his room. It was in the middle between clean and not clean. The bed didn't look dirty at least.

      You courage plummeted to even more as you heard G lock the bedroom door as soon as you entered. Great, now you were stuck with him till the morning and you most likely couldn't leave if he tried something. G, yawned as he collapsed on the bed, slight relief flooded through you as he instantly fell asleep. But the doesn't mean you weren't hesitant as you got on the bed. It was kinda natural for you to lay down on the far opposite side of him. As you drifted off to sleep, you heard one last thing from G. "Oh, (Y/N), try to escape, and I'll chain ya down to the bed." WHAT A SWEET LULLABY :D

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