Chapter Ten: He Lives!

"Follow the light," Ratchet commanded Optimus, "Good, good, I wouldn't advise anything strenuous, Optimus, but it appears that your systems have fully recovered from the Cybertonic Plague," Ratchet said during one of Optimus' check-ups. "Thanks to your medical expertise old friend," Optimus said standing up. "It was your scout who braved unknown territory to locate the cure," Ratchet said looking at Bumblebee who protested ::But it was Sandy who had it! I was just the messenger!::, "Lucky for us Megatron was still alive," Arcee said making Bumblebee look at her, ::Did you really just say that?:: Bumblebee asked tilting his helm.

"Yeah, I actually said that," Arcee said putting her hand on her hip. "What matters is that you are on the mend, Optimus. While Megatron-," Ratchet said, ::Arcee Shot at him and took out one of the life supports, he's got to be gone now:: Bumblebee beeped. "Bee's right, I did my best to finish Megatron's story, just could stick around enough to see how it ended," Arcee said. "And what of GoldenSands?" Optimus asked, ::She would've gotten out before Megatron faded, I'm sure of it!:: Bumblebee beeped confidently before he froze up. Bumblebee then walked away from the three.

"It is a matter of time before Optimus discovers all is not right with you scout. I must reclaim my body, which means taking complete and total control of yours." Megatron said from deep inside Bumblebee's head.

(Time skip)

"Basketball by the way of Cybertron. Let the games begin." Miko said from the staircase before she blew a whistle. Today Hope was sitting next to the boys, on the air vent. Sunny was on her shoulder as Hope was sketching something in her sketch pad. Bumblebee spun the ball on his digit the attempted to throw the ball into the makeshift basketball hoop but Bulkhead jumped up and caught it then threw it at the hoop and scored.

"Yeah! Go, Bulk!" Miko shouted, cheering for her bot. "Come on. Best two out of three," Bulkhead said picking up the ball and turning to Bumblebee. Bulkhead then passed the ball to Bumblebee who ran up to bulkhead then side-stepped him. Making his way to the hoop Raf cheered him on, "Bee, you're in the clear!" He called out as Bumblebee paused, "Dunk it, Bee!" Raf said as Bumblebee looked at the hoop before freezing. Hope looked on with concern. "Dam it, άρχοντας του πολέμου," She muttered.

"Bumblebee quit hogging the ball," Bulkhead said to the bot who then turned around and threw the ball at Bulkhead, "Whoa!" Bulkhead said as he dodged it. Miko blew the whistle, "Eh, flagrant foul!" She said as she climbed down a ladder. "Dodgeball by way of Cybertron," Jack joked earning a light punch on the arm from Hope. "Hey!" She smiled innocently. "Bee hoop's over there,"Bulkhead said. ::Whoops sorry:: Bumblebee buzzed. "You okay bee?" Raf asked. ::As always:: Bumblebee buzzed showing the young boy a thumbs up then three fingers, ::Three out of Five?:: Bumblebee asked, "Yeah. Uh, three out of five," Raf said as the bots played a bit more before taking the humans home.

(Time skip to Hope's House, Before school.)

"Hey Optimus," Hope said getting into his cab. "Oh, schist," Hope facepalmed as she got her phone out, {Raf! Hey, do you need a ride?} She said int the phone confusing Optimus. {Yeah, Bumblebee hasn't arrived yet and school starts soon} Raf said over the phone. {Okay! I'll get Optimus to swing by as we go past.} Hope said, {Thanks so much, Hope. You're a lifesaver!} Raf said before hanging up. "Is that okay with you, Optimus?" Hope asked putting her phone away.

"Of course, Hope. But how did you know?" Optimus asked as he changed his course. "I saw Bumblebee yesterday and he seemed out of it so I thought I would check in with Raf so he wouldn't be late for school," Hope explained telling a little white lie in the progress. "Hey, Raf," Hope said as Optimus pulled over and he opened the passenger door for the young human.

"Hey, Hope. Thanks for the ride Optimus. Bumblebee normally picks me up earlier." Raf said as he put his bag in the middle of himself and Hope. "I will speak to Bumblebee when I return to base later, Rafael," Optimus said as they arrived at school. "Thank you again, Optimus," Raf said before walking inside. Hope turned to Optimus. "You might want to get Ratchet to check him out. Thanks, Optimus, see you after school!" Hope said before chasing after Raf.

Optimus smiled to himself as he pulled away from the school. Hope was really starting to make him feel like Orion again, 'Why did you leave Goldensands?' Optimus asked himself as he drove back to base.


"Bumblebee's complaining of intermittent visions, waking nightmares, if you will," Ratchet said to Raf, Hope and Optimus, as Bumblebee powered down. "But you said Bee was fine when you checked him over," Raf said looking up at Ratchet as Hope put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Physically, but the experience he endured seems to be having a temporary effect on his psyche. This induced power-down should force Bumblebee's mind to rest and recover," Ratchet said before the computer went off.

"Prime," Agent Fowler called from the screen, "You spot any Decepticons wearing hula skirts lately?" He asked. "No, Special Agent Fowler. Why?" Optimus asked. "'Cause I was hoping you'd have a lead on the 'cons that busted into the Kauai Naval Observatory. The place looked like it was hit by an army of wrecking balls," Fowler said. "Why would 'Cons break into an observatory?" Arcee asked.

"Does the Hoit-Nikogosian ring any bells?" Fowler asked. "The space telescope," Hop and Raf said together. "As of last night, missing its primary lens," Fowler expanded. "It's difficult to guess Starscream's intent without knowing where the lens has been taken," Optimus said. "Good thing the lens has a tracking device," Fowler said as the corianders came up on screen.

"The Arctic?" Arcee asked, "Great. Another chance to freeze our spark plugs off," Arcee said. "That's an ND-7 class. Biggest unmineable energon deposit there is," Bulkhead said after whitling. "Unmineable until Starscream melts his way down to it," Optimus said, "With the help of the lens," Arcee added. "Meling a glacier that size would cause sea levels to rise and demolish coastal cities," Agent Fowler said before cutting off. Ratchet got a ground bridge ready for the others. Hope was sitting down with Raf by Bumblebee as the others left.

"So, I blow past the finish line. Then my other sister Pilar asked how I got so good at racing games. And I told her I know a guy who knows cars," Raf said to the powered down scout as Hope watched smiling. Ratchet came walking past, "Rafael, I'm afraid that bumblebee can't hear you in power down mode. It's getting late. Why don't I bridge you home to your family?" Ratchet offered. 

"Dude, right here," Hope said making the medic jump slightly and glare at her. "Because I told Bee I'd stay, he's family too," Raf said. "Don't be ridicul-" Ratchet started to say but stopped when he saw Hope with Sunny and her slightly glowing katana in her hand, glaring at him. "I dare you to finish that sentence, Hatchet," She said scowling at the medic. Ratchet raised his servo's in defence before leaving. "Thanks, Hope," Raf said before he started to talk to Bumblebee again.


Raf was typing on this laptop while Hope was playing with Sunny. "Rafael, Hope, I' going to the supply vault to see if I can find parts to repair this," Ratchet said, "You know what that means?" he asked the humans. "Don't touch anything," They chorused as Ratchet nodded and left. "Three, two, one," Hope muttered watching Bumblebee who came on-line when she reached one.

"Wait till you see this laptop I'm saving up for, Bee," Raf said as Hope moved over to the boy who was typing on his laptop. "Bee?" Raf asked as the pistons came undone and he started to walk away. "Bumblebee wait!" Raf said running after the bot as Hope followed closely behind him, watching as 'Bumblebee' opened up the ground bridge and started to walk through. "Bumblebee!" Raf called, "Raf wait!" Hope cried chasing after the boy who stopped at the entrance.

"What did you do?" Ratchet asked from behind the two humans. "N-nothing! Bumblebee just got up and-" Raf said getting cut of Ratchet, "He was in power-down. Where does he think he's off to?" Ratchet asked. "Grr, it wasn't us, Hatchet," Hope growled out, not liking that she wasn't able to tell them what was going on. Ratchet quickly went to the computer, "These are the coordinates for the site of our previous battle with Megatron's undead," Ratchet exclaimed shocked.

"M-maybe we should call Optimus," Raf said nervously. "Optimus is busy preventing a polar ice cap from melting. We need to handle this on our own," Ratchet said as he turned on the ground bridge. He was about to go through when 'Bumblebee' came through. "Bumblebee? What have you been doing?" Ratchet asked grabbing 'Bumblebee ' 's servo, "Dark energon?" Ratchet asked before Bumblebee punched him knocking the medic into the platform where the two humans were standing.

"Bee, what are you doing?" Raf asked as Hope go her katana back out as Bumblebee picked up Raf then tried to pick her up as well. "No. I'm fine by myself, thank you, άρχοντας του πολέμου," Hope said raising an eyebrow at 'Bumblebee' 's shocked faceplates from hearing the name and quickly jumped on herself. "Bumblebee, Please! I know you're in there!" Raf said squirming in 'Bumblebee' 's servo as he walked away from Hope. "You have to fight whatever's making you do this!" Raf continued as 'Bumblebee' put the two of them on the air vent. Raf and Hope watched as 'Bumblebee' ran through the ground bridge once more.

Ratchet groaned. "Ratchet, are you okay?" The humans asked together. "I'm fine. More importantly, is Bumblebee?" He asked walking over to the two humans that were on the air vent. "I fear the time spent in Megatron's mindscape is causing him to think like a Decepticon," Ratchet said making Hope laugh, "Bee's not a Con," Raf and Hope said together. "Agreed. But we need to find out exactly what bumblebee intends to do with that shard," Ratchet said as they hopped on his servo. "The only one who knew of the dark energon was Megatron," Ratchet said. "Bumblebee has Megatron's memories?" Raf asked.

"Worse," Ratchet said gravely, "Megatron is occupying Bumblebee's mind," He finished. "What?" Raf asked shocked. "But how could I have been such a fool?" Ratchet asked himself as he placed the humans on a platform, "The cortical psychic patch acted as a two-way conduit. When Bumblebee returned to his own mind, Megatron followed. And now Bumblebee, Megatron, has bridged to nearly the same coordinates Optimus used," He said as he turned on the ground bridge. "Stay here," He said. "No!" Raf and Hope said. "Bumblebee needs me," Raf said. "Of course he does," Ratchet said "I can help protect Raf," Hope added as she joined Raf on Ratchet's shoulder. And they left base through the ground bridge.

They arrived at the "The Decepticon warship." Ratchet said before he ran to a corridor with 'Cons lying dead on the ground. "Did Bumblebee do this?" Raf asked, "Unfortunately his body did," Hope said shaking her head. "I fear Megatron's mind is dominant, and clearly he came here for one purpose, to use the dark energon to resurrect his own body," Ratchet said.

"No! Bumblebee won't let him like he didn't let Megatron hurt me back at base," Raf said. "Sorry, Buddy," Hope said shaking her head. "I hope you're right, Rafael," Ratchet said before placing the two of them on the ground and moving slowly towards the Decepticon med bay. Bumblebee was hooked up to Megatron via a cortical psychic patch. "Ratchet, don't hurt Bumblebee!" Raf said making Hope grab him to stop him from going too far into the room.

"That's not Bumblebee!" Ratchet cried out as he tried to attack him but ended up getting thrown into the wall. "Bumblebee, no!" Raf cried out as Bumblebee went to put the dark energy in Megatron, causing 'Bumblebee' to look at Raf who had escaped Hope's hold. "Dam it, Raf. Just let him do it, it has to happen anyway," Hope muttered as she chased after the young boy, "Remember who you are! Remember me! I know you always listen to me, no matter what, " Raf said. ::Raf?:: Bumblebee buzzed as Hope caught up to him. "That's right, Bee. It's me," Raf said smiling.

"Unbelievable!" Megatron yelled from inside Bumblebee's mind, "Raf, all you did was make him angrier," Hope said looking at the bot with caution. Bumblebee held his helm before falling over near the humans. " Raf gasped and put his hands on Bumblebee who then pushed him away with his arm. 

"Raf!" Hope shouted as she ran after the flying boy. "Uhn! Huh!" Raf grunted as he hit the wall. "Farewell, Megatron," Ratchet said as he pulled out the life support and Bumblebee started to attack him then threw the medic over to where the humans were, "You okay Raf?" Hope asked helping him up.

"Bumblebee!" Raf shouted making 'Bumblebee' look at him. Hope sighed, Hope had just given up hope that the two males would listen to her by now. "Bumblebee can't hear you anymore!" Megatron said. "As much as I want you to leave Bumblebee's body, I can't let you go back to your own!" Raf cried as he started to run at the bot. Hope sighed and facepalmed getting a look from 'Bumblebee' as Raf tried to take the cord out of the bot before he fell back down.

Bumblebee walked up to Megatron and put the dark energon in his body before stepping back as Megatron opened his eyes. Bumblebee shook his head then started to take steps back with Raf and Ratchet as Megatron stood up. Hope just stood there staring at the 'con blankly.

"Decepticons, your rightful lord and master has returned," Megatron bellowed. Megatron walked past the two Autobot and two humans and looked at them, "Finish these pests!" He commanded before walking away, "I have my own extermination to perform," Megatron said making Hope snicker slightly before Ratchet grabbed her and Raf and ran away from the 'cons.

::Let's go!:: Bumblebee said as he ran after the three. "Schist! That burns you fragging idiot!" Hope hissed out suddenly, while Ratchet was carrying her making both Raf and Ratchet give her a look. "You okay, Hope?" Raf called as Bumblebee scouted ahead of them for any more cons. "Me? I'm perfectly fine in the long run. Him? Not so much," Hope grumbled out. ::Come on, Let's go:: Bumblebee said before they got off the ship.

"Ratchet, we need a ground bridge," Optimus said as he tried to comm base. "You are not the only ones," Ratchet said as they came around the corner. Raf was now on Bumblebee's shoulder and Hope was on Ratchets. Raf gave the three Autobots a wave while Hope just gave a small glare to Optimus who had small burn marks on his plating before giving them all a smile.

(Timeskip to base)

Ratchet had finished scanning Bumblebee, "Everything's back to normal," Ratchet sighed as Bumblebee walked out of the scanner. ::Define normal:: Bumblebee beeped. "Well, for bumblebee," Ratchet added. ::Sorry for before, Raf:: Bumblebee said as he went down on his knees to the boy. "It's okay," Raf said. ::Thanks Raf. I'm sorry again:: Bumblebee buzzed as he held a digit out which Raf placed his hand on, "I know," Raf said smiling up to his bot. "What did he say?" Miko asked the younger boy. "He said thanks," Raf told her.

"And you, Prime! I swear, you better start fragging taking better care of yourself!" A very angry and upset female voice said ruining the moment. Everyone looked over to see Hope glaring at Optimus who was taking care of his burns and had a ghost of a smile on his face-plates. "Of course, Hope," Optimus said amused slightly. 

Everyone watched as Hope gave him a small hug to one of his digits before storming off to find her bag and sending one last glare (That made everyone feel like they were going to die and they weren't even on the receiving end of it. How the pit was Optimus able to withstand it?) to the Prime before she left. 


(2789 words)

Sorry for not updating this book. I have had a lack of creativity lately and I had this sitting in the drafts. So. Yay! You guys get an update. 

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