Chapter 4: Too Calm

"Hey, Stripes, you okay?" Kludd looked at me, concerned.

I blinked. "Yeah. Just fine."

"M'kay. Lemme know if anything's botherin' you," Kludd concluded.

Odd, I thought, Kludd isn't usually like that. I shrugged it off and flew to another area.


It had been a few days since the escape, as I called it. Aaron had became much more odd than he had been when he popped out from the bushes. He was becoming extremely clingy to me and practically followed me where ever I went.

I rolled my eyes-- now dull from hunger-- and turned to Aaron. "Aaron, please stop following me. It's starting to get very annoying."

"Oh... I-I'm sorry..." Aaron blushed furiously. He tapped his index fingers together, shuffling from side to side.

"As in leave now."

"Oh. Oh... S-sorry..." Aaron scooted away.

Jynx came over. "I'm thinking someone has a crush on you," she jeered in a musical tone.

"What? No. Who would like me? I'm a bee," My antennae twitched, sensing my own flustered face.

"Aw, come on. Who wouldn't like a little bee like you? If you've got any of the traits that I read about, you are just about as loyal as Lookie."

"So? I'm a bug. Nobody likes bugs."

"Oh stop it. You like him too, you're just too afraid to ask."

I blushed a deep red. "Heh... No... I don't like Aaron... There's someone else in mind..." I quickly glanced toward Lookie and turned even redder.

"Oh...." Jynx held out the "oh" for as long as possible. Right at the end, it was quick, but I could have sworn I saw her emerald eyes glint in a jealous and evil way; I shrugged it off.

"So," Jynx continued, "How has your day been going?"

I sighed, "I just want to be back home with Mr. Dewson and reading a good book... Like one from the times of King Arthur."

"Don't worry, it'll be okay. Maybe Mr. Dewson will find you again."

"I don't think so... The men that broke down the door beat him up pretty badly..."

Jynx rolled her eyes and decided to leave my blubbering sadness. Lookie, however, came over to comfort me. Even Kludd fluttered over.

Before Lookie could open his mouth, Kludd shoved him over. "Stripes doesn't need you, Dogface. She needs a real man,"

"You're more bird than man!" Lookie snarled, "And her name isn't Stripes! It's Juju!"

"Whatevs, I don't think she needs someone to slobber over her anyway. Go back to what you're supposed to be doing."

"Tell that to yourself, Beady Eyes."

Kludd growled. "Now listen here, runt, I'm the leader of this little group here; and what I say, goes. And I say that you leave Juju alone and do what I told you to do. I will help her with what's going on."

I started to get annoyed. "Can you guys please shut up? I'm tired of your arguing!"

"But..." they both whined.

"No buts. If you two want to comfort me-- which, by the way, I'm doing fine now-- then arguing with each other and starting a boxing match between the two of you is not going to help. Now stop the whining and do your jobs! Kludd, you go get food; we're running low. Lookie, you keep a watch for suspicious people and any unfriendly animals. I've got nothing better to do, so I'll go keep an aerial watch. I may only be sixteen, but I know a thing or two about leadership. And neither of you are doing a good job of it. Now go!"

Lookie whimpered away. Kludd, on the other hand, tried to keep his authority and stood on the tips of his talons, towering over me. I flew up to his eye level.

"Go," I snarled.

Kludd fluttered off. "I'm going on my own accord," he sniffed.

I flew to the tree tops. After making a decent little spot for me to sit in, I watched the skies. Nothing much happened. A mockingbird glided past, bellowing out the deep laugh of a pelican; most likely heard recently. Huh, there must be an ocean nearby, I mused. Fluffy white clouds floated to and fro and a single, lone airplane motored away; the driver intent on his or her destination.

Lazy winds curled and swirled around the tree tops as if in a dance. I felt I was being lifted by a strong gust that had traveled up into the air. I buzzed my wings to get me in an upright position, then slowly glided down to the ground below, seeing nothing to be cautious about.

As I landed, I saw Lookie pacing around the clearing, attacking anything that moved. Kludd was nowhere to be found, but I guessed he was still hunting. My antennae twitched and I noticed Aaron slinking away into the bushes.

"What is that turtle doing?" I muttered.

Careful not to give away my presence, I slowly followed after him. Aaron had wandered through the forest about 20 yards before finally stopping. He glanced around and I quickly hid in a nearby bush. I held back a scream as I landed in the bush's sharp thorns. Not a wise choice, Juju, I silently scolded.

"Probably just a squirrel," Aaron assured himself. "Now, what was I doing again? Oh, yeah,"

Aaron withdrew into his shell, his thick arms and legs practically shrinking before my eyes. Okay, I don't wanna see what's next... I thought and quickly scrambled away.

I shuffled through the dappled undergrowth while trees swayed back and forth. I would occasionally get my clothes snagged on a branch or bramble bush-- I tugged away some burrs with difficulty-- but otherwise made my way back as easy as a walk in the park. I had been singing one of my favorite songs I had found in an old lyric book.

I finally reached the clearing to find Lookie tackling me to the ground, his tail wagging. "Juju! Thank goodness! I was starting to get worried! I thought you got snatched by an elephant!"

"An elephant?"

"Yeah! Those things are huge and can crush a car in seconds!"

"We aren't even in Africa. We're in North America."

"Okay, then a whale!"


"A fox?"

"Not really."

"A bear?"

"There you go."

"Well I'm glad you're safe anyway! Have you seen Aaron lately?"

"Uh, no. Don't think so. Why?" I lied. It struck me odd when I lied. Mr. Dewson always said lies would come back to bite you in the butt.

"I just need a roll check. Make sure everyone is safe and happy. It's starting to worry me that Aaron's been gone longer than you. And with that mysterious singing too."

"Well, actual--"

"Shh! I hear something!" Lookie's ears pointed toward the direction of the sound. Bushes rustled and shook furiously and little starlings flew off, screeching. Then the creature popping from behind the bushes waved.

"Hi," Aaron greeted. "I hope I wasn't gone too long."

"Oh!" Lookie smiled. "Nope! Not at all! You came back just in time! In fact, Drago, the Komodo Dragon boy, was thinking of telling a story! He makes some great stories!"

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