Chapter 6
Had she just agreed to be Adrien's fake girlfriend? What was she thinking? Obviously her brain didn't take in the 'fake' part of this deal.
He's not actually dating you Marinette. He probably never would. But in the circumstances he was right, it would really help them both out. She wanted to get one up on Agreste senior badly and this had became the perfect opportunity to hash her revenge. She knew she was good, she knew she had the talent and having Adrien by her side would give her the seriousness she wanted and needed from the fashion industry. Adrien was still a big name in magazines and in the tabloids.
She was staring at him waiting for some sort of answer. He looked thoughtful. Perhaps he'd regretted the idea and wanted to take it back. She couldn't deny that he'd been insane to come up with it. Like anyone would believe it anyway, I mean Adrien Agreste dating an unknown designer. What a joke!
"You need to cancel your date with Luka!" Adrien suddenly broke the silence with a request that should have been simple. She's his 'girlfriend' so dating Luka would go against the family friendly view they were trying to put out there.
"Done." She looked him in his incredibly green eyes hoping to give him the clarification he needed. "You need to keep your hands off other women whilst we're doing this. One foot out of place Adrien and the deal is over." She placed her cards all out on the table next to his.
He looked her over. Could he handle pretending to be with this one woman for the next month? Hell yeah! She's all he'd been thinking about for the past two weeks. Knowing that she would so willingly accept the offer and pretty much dump Luka on the spot gave him a slight thrill, but also sent a few alarm bells.
Did Marinette still have feelings for him? It was no secret in lycée that she had a crush on him. He looked over to her again. She was texting someone on her phone. He thought that someone was probably Luka.
If she did have feelings for him this could get messy. He needed to make sure she knew it wouldn't be more than pretend. Nothing would happen unless they had planned it too.
"I've just cancelled with Luka."
"What did you tell him?"
"I just said that I'm fake dating you so he'll have to wait a couple of months for me." Adrien stared over at her. A knot pitched in his lower stomach.
"Oh wow, Agreste. You should see your face." She started to laugh as she stood up.
"What did you actually tell him then?"
"That I didn't feel like going on a date at the moment would be a good idea. He's only split from his girlfriend for a few months and with his daughter too. It's all too much." She started to walk towards his door. Where was she heading off too?
"I thought you loved kids? I always imagined you in the bakery with four or five little nippers round your feet." He stood up slowly, careful to not place too much weight on his bad leg.
"You're right I do want kids, but I want them to be mine. I know that's selfish and not fair on guys like Luka, who are amazing, but have kids. When I have kids I want them to look like me and their father. I sound like such an awful person right now." She buried her face in her hands, the overwhelming feeling of selfishness clouding over her. She never saw herself as a horrible person, but maybe she'd been fooling herself.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, and pulled her hands away from her face. She looked into Adrien's eyes and was blown away by the look of seriousness peering down at her. Adrien Agreste had never been serious in his life. For a moment she thought he might have actually cared how she feels.
"Don't say things like that about yourself Mari. You're one of the most selfless people I know, you shouldn't feel bad for having your own desires and dreams. Just like what you're doing to help me. You're incredible. Just look what you've done for me." The last words sent a lightning bolt through her body. She couldn't help the tightening in her stomach.
They stood facing each other, not daring to look away or blink. This moment was unusual yet felt right. Marinette was first to blink and looked away. His emerald gaze was so intense she felt like he was searching her soul for answers, yet at no point was she asked the questions.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she prepared herself to leave. Perhaps this wasn't her greatest idea. A soft, warm hand touched her cheek sending an electric current pulsating through her body.
"Why do you think so negative about yourself?" His hand slid down to her chin and tilted it towards his face. "Marinette, where has this came from?" Sure she'd always had insecurities but this was nothing like he'd ever experienced with her.
As her head turned she kept her eyes tightly closed.
"Mari," she didn't react to him. "Mari, please open your eyes for me."
As the blue of her iris' unveiled themselves he could see the pooling of water sitting along her lower eyelashes.
"I'm such a disappointment to everyone. This was not how I was meant to be." As she spoke slowly and quietly she blinked sending a trail of water cascading down her face. His heart ached. He actually had a heartfelt reaction to her, for the first time since his mother left he was concerned for someone more than himself.
He couldn't stand it any longer. He couldn't leave her standing there. Reaching out he took her into his arms and cradled her head against his chest. Her ear pressed to his pounding heart and he stroked the back of head. Her hair felt silky as he trailed his fingers imto it's depths. Something kicked inside him and he bent down to place a gentle kiss on her head. He lingered there as he took in her smell. Her very Marinette smell.
"Stay for a while. You're not in the state to drive at the moment." He spoke over her head.
"I've got pitches the next couple of days so need to make sure I've got everything prepared." He let go of her and allowed to her to step back.
"Oh! Ok then. I'll speak to you soon and we can continue with Alya and Nino's pre-wedding adventure. I hope you don't mind sharing a room with me, girlfriend." She smiled a little at his comment.
"As long as you don't snore, boyfriend." He laughed with her, and before he knew it he'd stepped forward and kissed her on the lips.
Placing one hand to her mouth her uncovered eyes showed complete shock by his action. He placed one hand on the back of his neck before muttering out an apology to Marinette.
"It's ok, but I really must be going now." She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. Giving Adrien one last look she closed the door and made her way to her car and, ultimately, home.
What was that? She thought.
The same reaction was running through Adrien's brain. Why had he done that? What was he expecting? That she'd jump into bed with him and relieve him of pent up tensions he's been feeling for the past two weeks.
He sighed and rubbed both his hands down his face. What was wrong with him? No girl had ever made him feel like Marinette does? She's literally making him consider the whole point of his life, and seeing her so sad and broken today - well, he reacted on impulse. An impulse to keep her happy whatever it took.
Hobbling over to the sofa Adrien dropped back and groaned. Not only was he now frustrated with himself, but other parts of him were frustrated too. Her body was so toned and tiny. She'd pieced perfectly into his arms and against his body.
He turned on the television trying to shake himself out of it. He thought back to what she said about wanting a family, children, to be with their father. Everything he couldn't give her. The distraction of a Big Bang Theory re-run wasn't enough to keep Adrien from picking up his phone and looking at it.
Would she message him? Or would she wait for him first? Is it too soon to message? Perhaps he could just check she got home ok, nothing wrong with that?
Letting out a huffed laugh he put it back down. Adrien Agreste wanting to message a woman? Not possible. He tried to concentrate on the television again.
After five minutes he was finally settled and getting into the episode. He hadn't picked up his phone in about three minutes, before that he only picked up up to check it wasn't on silent. Someone might need to get in contact with him about something important.
A sound erupted through the room and Adrien dived off his seat, much to the discomfort of his knee. He hissed in pain as he picked himself back up and sat on the sofa.
He'd been invited to a WhatsApp group with some of the other guys.
Kim's twenty-fifth birthday bonanza
Adrien, Nino, Luka, Max, Ivan and Nathaniel have been added to the group.
Kim: Hey guys! I'm the big two-five this Saturday and was thinking of checking out the new bar and club near to the Louvre. Other halves are invited too so just let me know if you can make it so I can book a table.
Adrien read the message again. Other halves? He opened up a new message to send to Marinette.
Hi Princess, I hope you made it home safely. Btw are you free Saturday night? x
He placed his phone down. A little buzz of excitement running through him. A group outing with other halves. That's one thing he has definitely never done. His phone signalled a reply from Marinette.
Of course I did kitty 👍🏻 yes free on Saturday. Why?
No kisses. That's all that registered with him. No kisses. He went to type back then had a thought. Did he really want their first "date" to be with everyone else? Opening his phone from sleep mode he began to type.
Kim's having a birthday night out and other halves can come. Perfect opportunity for press. Are you free Friday night? x
He sent the message and hoped she'd respond with a kiss back. She didn't take long.
Yes free Friday night too, and Saturday sounds like it could be fun x
She'd sent a kiss back. His whole body seemed to have relaxed through the tension he had no idea he was holding.
I want to take you out for our first official date x
He went to place his phone down but looked back at the chat with Kim and his friends.
Kim's twenty-fifth birthday bonanza
Nino: Me and Alya will be there.
Luka: Unfortunately I'm out of the city for the weekend, have a great night though guys.
Adrien did a silent fist pump. At least that was Luka out the way for the evening. The guys continued to type away about the evening, when suddenly Adrien was pulled into the conversation.
Kim: Adrien? You coming to join us peasants or have you got more important places to be? 🤪
Adrien: I'll be there. The girl I'm dating will be coming too.
Nino: Dating? Mr one night stand? You've got to be kidding.
Adrien: Nope, my eyes have been opened and I've found someone amazing.
Looking back at his last message he wondered if he was over doing it.
Kim: I will only believe it when I see it! No girl would willingly date two sabres knowing his reputation.
And there it was. The thought of him being anything but serious. No one could believe he'd change, this was going to be harder than expected.
Adrien: I am now a one woman man.
A one woman man ... could he actually do that? The thought of being with Marinette gave him a warm fuzzy feeling inside. He was starting to think he'd turned into a thirteen year old girl.
Adrien: I know you're all going to like her.
He smiled thinking about how they'd all react seeing him with Marinette. If Friday went to plan everyone would know by Saturday who had 'tamed' him.
His phone bleeped again, Marinette.
A date it is. I'll be ready for 7pm x
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