
Pictures of characters: (up')

Me talking to the character: " ? "


Hello readers! I glad I can be of service to be apart of this book for you all! This is a picture of me if you didn't know:

I'm 22 but somehow out of everyone around my age I am the shortest. My role in the book is to be a Police officer - "umm- Player, you're a detective." Oh, as I was saying but correctly. My role in the story is to be a Detective (working for the police) helping two people- "player, you can't tell them yet!" Why not? "Because they can tell the readers in their letters." Oh yeah, sorry about that readers. But yeah! I'm Player, I'm 22 and I'm a detective. I'm going to let you all go over to see my two friends. Well- two new friends. Farewell!

- Detective Player


Hi people who are gonna watch my every move! "What?-" Shush. Anyways! I am Riley and I'm pretty sure Player put a picture of themself so imma do that too!

I am 21 and guess what? I'm taller than player! "The Audience knows that already" wait, really? "Yes, Player mentioned that he was shorter than everyone else already" Awe, I was hoping a reaction. Continuing on! In this story I am one of the Main three! One of the best! One of the greatest trios IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!
Me and my other friend are different from the rest, and no, not because we are weird. I am not gonna tell you all because the author wants to make it a surprise. "It's more fun that way!" Yeah, sure it is "IT IS!!!!!!" Just gonna ignore that. So im Riley, im 21, and I'm a main character. Go see the other one of the bunch ya readers.



Hello readers. I am Tyler and that's basically it. "No, Tyler. I know you're tired, so am I, but you need to give the audience more information about what you are like!" Fine. Here's a pic of me:

Don't ask why my skin is green. It will make more sense when we reveal the what was it again? "The thing? *hands him a lil note that says the secret* " Oh, alright then. I am 24, the oldest and tallest of the Trio. The author said my attitude would change from this bored and tired personality to a different one to 'fit the story' whatever they meant. "Well yeah, you stand out. Who out of everyone in piggy is usually Bored and tired?" The player? Having to deal with all the loss and trauma they've been through? "Player: why you taking about me?" "Player k told you not to talk during someone else's!" "Player: sorry. I'll go now." "I- it's okay bud. Don't feel bad for yourself." "Player: alright" Talk about favouritism. "..."

- A tired and bored man "Tyler"


Hope you liked learning about the characters! And now it's time for, drum roll please!!!

Player, Riley, and Tyler all do drum roll

The secret is-

They still do drum roll

Guys it's time to stop now!

They all stop but except for Riley as she is drumming like a drummer on tour


"Riley: AH! WHAT!"

Stop drumming

"Riley: Oh- okay"

Anyways. The secret is that Riley and Tyler aren't from piggy, they are from the real world. Yes, the world where you are, Probably reading this during classes or in your bed like where I am writing this.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next part!

WORDS: 600 (minus this)

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