Kissing and Getting Caught! (Revamped)

~Raven's POV~
Cassdi and I went to the mall to get us some bikinis for the beach party tomorrow. "Oooo Rachel, what about this one?" She held up a laced black bikini. "That's cute Cass I like it!" "Good, but do you think Skylar will like it?" She ask nervously. "Skylar? Awe! I always knew there was something there between you! If you're wearing it, he'll love it!" She started to blush "Thanks Rachel. Oh and by the way Jason's favorite color is red" she wink at me. I rolled my eyes and then started looking for a red bikini. What can I say, I just want to see the look on his face when I wear a sexy red bikini. It will definitely make my day. After I finally found a red bikini, we paid for it and left. I lied to Cassdi, saying that I was having another friend of mine pick me up, but instead I just teleported to the tower. I've been with them for a couple of weeks now and none of them haven't drop me off home to the Tower, if they did they would figure everything out. When I got to the tower, everyone was in the living room. "Good, you're here!" Robin said. "Okay?" I said confused "What is this about?" I ask. "We just need to make sure that everyone knows what they need to do for tomorrow. Make sure no one messes this up, because this is a very important mission to finally put Red X were he belongs! IN PRISON!" Robin said. I clench my hand when he said that. I just kept on hoping Jason wasn't Red X. After Robin got finish talk about were everyone was suppose to be tomorrow, I hurried to my room. Because he was still talking about Red X. I just couldn't stand it! The more they talk about the more I regret to ever agreeing to doing this damn mission. I wanted to cry, because I do suspect he is Red X. If he is and we catch him, I don't think I will ever forgive my self. And I know for sure he won't forgive me after I betrayed him in the worst way possible. I finally decided to go to sleep, after worry about Jason for a couple of hours.

THE NEXT DAY (still Raven's POV) -

  I woke up, only getting four hours of sleep last night, because I was deep in my thoughts. "I need to stop overreacting!!!! I just need to stop thinking about it and get this mission over with. Once this is over, everything will go back to normal" I said to myself. I sighed then wash and got dress. I put on my bikini and then put some tights and a black t-shirt over it, I also put on some sandals. I grab my book bag and went downstairs. And of course when I got down, Robin was there on his laptop. I rolled my eyes. "Morning Raven!" He said, not moving his eyes from the screen. "Hi. What are you looking up this time?" I ask. "I'm not looking up Red X this time, because Cyborg said I'm starting to get obsess with him" he said. "You kinda of are Robin, just saying. I mean you have been talking about him 24/7 for a while" "Well excuse me for just looking for leads about the guy you are going undercover to take down!" He yelled. "Whatever. I'm going to go to the university bye". I rolled my eyes and teleported away to Jump City University. I went inside and saw Cassdi, Dylan, Skylar, and Jason in the hallway. I walk over to them "Hi guys!" I said. "Hi Rachel!" Cassdi, Dylan, and Skylar said at the same time. "Hi Beautiful!" Jason says as he wraps one of his arms around my waist and then kiss me on my forehead. "Okay get a room you two!" Dylan said laughing. "Yeah, PDA isn't allowed on school grounds!" Skylar said. Jason and I rolled our eyes. "I thought you knew that I don't can about the damn school rules!" Jason said. "That is true.... Rachel, did you bring your bikini!?" When Cassdi said that last part she winked at me. I laugh "yes I got it. Matter of fact, I'm wearing it right now under this!" "Oooo, let me see" Jason said as he tugged on the bottom of my shirt, trying to pull it off but I stop him. "Nope! Plus it's surprise, because I know you'll love it!" I wink at him. He smirk "Okay now I really want to see right now!" He said. I laugh. The bell ring, so it was time to go to class. "See you guys later!" Jason said as him and I left to go to our first class.

~ Skylar's POV~
We all went to our first period classes, the twins and I had math together, when the lovebirds left I smiled "Hey guys, I think there's something wrong with Rachel" I said the twins look at each other then at me "What?" they both said "I don't trust her, she look just like one of those hero kids you know the titans" "Yeah she does kinda look like that raven chick" said Dylan "But she's so different black hair, blue eyes, a very different personality and she even knows how to have fun!" Said Cass "That is true l, I just have this feeling that she's hiding something" We finish our conversation and went inside the classroom.

At the Titans' Tower -

Everyone was getting ready to go to the beach and see what redx/Jason was up to "Ready team?"ask robin "oh yes friend robin we are the ready to go to this so called beach" said Starfire "you know it dude" said Beastboy fist bumping cyborg "let's get in" said Cyborg, he started the T-car, and they all got in. When they got to the beach there wasn't that many people there "Yo where is everyone"said Cyborg "Yeah dude I thought there was going to be a lot of people here! I mean it is the beach". said Beastboy "Everyone is at school, we just came a hour early" said Robin.

Back at Jump City University -
~Jason's POV~
The last bell ring, which means school was over. I went outside to meet up with everyone, all of them was already out there, near my car. "Time to party!!!!!"said Dylan, we all cheered. We got into my car, Rachel and I was in the front while Skylar  and the twins were in the back. "Let's go to the beach!" I said. The beach was only fifteen minutes away from the school, which was great! After fifteen minutes of listening to some of our favorite songs, we finally got there! I park next to the beach house "Finally! We haven't been here in weeks!" Cass said "Woah! It's huge!" Rachel said. I laugh at how shock and amazed she was by the beach house. "Not only that, it's great for partying and getting drunk!"said Dylan. We went inside and got dress into our swim suits.

Back with the Titans-
"Dude, I just saw Raven!" Said Beastboy "Where at friend Beastboy?" Starfire ask. "She went inside this huge beach house" Starfire  jump up and down "let's go tell friend robin" They went over to where Robin and Cyborg were "dudes! We saw raven"said Beastboy "Where?" "At that house of the beach" said Starfire "let's go!" said Robin.

~Raven's POV~
I was in the bathroom taking off my clothes to reveal my bikini. Before I got out, I looked at the mirror examining myself. "I really hope he likes this" I said to myself. I got out and went into the kitchen. Where everyone else was at. Dylan and Jason was getting up the beer, Skylar was getting the food out, while Cass was putting on sunscreen. I cleared my throat, so I could catch their attention. All of them look at me. "Woah......." Jason said. I blush and he did too. I walked next to him. "So do you like it?" I ask him. "Love it! Also let me guess Cass told you my favorite color is red?" He said. I laugh "Yeah, she did". "Okay enough chit chat! It's time to PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dylan screamed as he threw us a beer. "On the count of three everyone starts drinking!" Cass said. "one....two....THREE!!!!!!" We started drinking "Wow, That was strong! But it taste surprising good" I said "yeah it does!" Dylan said. Skylar turned on some music, we all started dancing. I had two beers, Jason, Cass and Skylar had three beers and Dylan had seven! "DamnDylan! New record! Last time you had five!" said Jason "What can I say? I'm the life of the party!!! Let's have some fun!!" Dylan said "Yes!!!! Let's go outside"yelled Cass. All of us ran to the shore, I was the first one there then Jason grab my hand and jump in which made me jump in with him "Jason! What the hell?!" I said, he laugh "mad beautiful?" I splash him with water "hey!"he said, he splash me back. Then Skylar came and sprayed us with his water gun, Jason and I look at each other, then smiled we ran after him.

                                 ~Jason's POV~
     After we were finish running after Skylar, Rachel and I went to the porch "that was fun!" She said "yeah it was" I said "what should we do now?" She said I smirk "I know what we can do beautiful". "Okay, what is it?" She ask. I got closer to her and kiss her. She quickly kiss me back. I put my arms around her waist while she puts her arms around my neck. I stop the kiss and whispered in her ear "I know you're not miss Rachel Roth, Raven......" I smirk. She gasp and quickly let go of me. "H-h-how did you know?" "I'm not dumb sunshine, I know a lot of things and one of them is you are not such a good actress, I can teach you some lessons in you want" I laugh she rolled her eyes. "Wait a second. Did you just called me sunshine?" She ask. "Shit!" I curse. I shouldn't have said that, damnit! "No?" I said trying to play it off. She backed away from me. "Oh my azar! Robin was right! You're Red X! Shit!" Instead of being angry like I thought she would, she was actually sad for some reason. "No no no no no no" She was about to have a panic attack. I held her hand "Calm down, Sunshine!" I said. She kept on breathing hard, so I decided to kiss her again to make her stop.

                                ~Raven's POV~
This cannot be happening!!!!! Damnit!!!! I was so sad that Robin was right and mad at myself. I started to have a panic attack, Jason or should I say Red X saw that I was and kiss me so I could stop. Even though I was still sad, I kiss him back without hesitation. He smiled. While we were still kissing, he pick me up and put me on the chair, while he was on top of me. He started to kiss my neck then he found my sweet spot, I gasp "oh Jason" I moan. He smirk "I knew you liked me Sunshine!" he said, I rolled my eyes and kiss him again.

With the Titans-
        The Titans saw everything from their hiding spot! They saw the drinking, the swimming, the water fight, but what they saw the most was the seamy make out session between Raven and Red X. Starfire had gasp. "Oh my god!!" Beastboy said. "What in hell!?!?" Cyborg said. "I knew something was up!" Robin yelled. "What!?" The other three said. "Raven has been acting very strange since she started the mission. I didn't know if it was something about her powers or what. But I knew something was up. I just couldn't figure out exactly what is was!" He said. "Then why didn't you confront her about it?" Cyborg said. "Because I knew if I mention it she'll get mad. Then she will get distracted from the mission thinking about it!" "Too late for that! Looks like she had always been distracted". Beastboy said looking back at them kissing. "That is true" Starfire said agreeing with him. Robin look back at Raven still making out with Red X. He began to get even more angry. "TITANS GO!!!" He yelled. They went over to Raven and Red X.

                                    ~Raven's POV~
I tug on Jason's hair as he kept on sucking on neck. "Jason stop, you're going to give me a hickey!" I said. I didn't want him to stop, but I didn't want a huge hickey on my neck. "Fine. I'll just give you a hickey somewhere else" he smirk. "No! That's not what I meant-" he ignore me and started kissing my stomach, I moan. Before he could go any lower, we heard someone coming. It was Robin, Cyborg, Beastboy and Starfire! I gasp and quickly push Jason off of me. I totally forgot that they were here spying! Shit! I hope they didn't see Jason and I just now. "Guys what the hell!" I said "friend raven how could you" Starfiresaid "Yeah dude what the hell!" Said Beastboy "what are you guys talking about?" I said. Then I remembered that they were here all day at the beach waiting to catch Red X, so that means they saw! "Damnit!!" I yelled. My face was extremely red right now. Jason was rubbing his head, because I pushed him hard then he saw the them. He smirk, he got up and put his arm around me then kiss my forehead. He was doing this on purpose!!!! He then look at Robin "Hey bird boy. What are you doing here?" He ask. "that's it" Robin yelled. He punch Jason which caused him to fall and then Cyborg pick him up. "Hey! Leave him alone" I yelled "What in the hell is wrong with you Raven! He's the bad guy and you're making out with him?! Hanging out with his rebel friends! Drinking with them! Partying with them! What has gotten into you!?" Robin said.

Skylar was with Casdi swimming while Dylan was drinking on the shore then Skylar saw the Titans with Raven and Jason "I knew it!" he got out of the ocean and ran over there "hey where are you going?"said Casdi she went running after him. Dylan saw them running, He just laugh then he said "wait for me guys". When Skylar got on the porch he said "I knew it! I knew it!"he got closer to raven "see I told you guys she is a titan! She's Raven! I knew it all this time, I was just not so sure about! But I always had my suspicion about her!" he yelled. Casdi gasp "Rachel, is this true?" she said to Raven, she nod "it's true" Raven took off her blue contacts to show her violet eyes "So we've been hanging out with Raven this whole time!?! Awesome!!!!!" said Dylan all drunk "Yes, you have. And I'm so sorry that I lied to all of you, especially you Jason. I should've never agreed to doing this" Raven said. "But you did though! You betrayed us!" Skylar yelled. Raven turned to Jason, Cyborg still had him in his arms. "Let him go cyborg!" She yelled. "No can do Raven. We finally found out who Red X is! Now we can take him to prison, where he belongs" he said. Robin turned to Cyborg and said "Let's go take him to prison Cyborg". They started walking away.

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