Goodbye Raven
Nightwing POV: I was in my room talking to Starfire. "What should we do with them?" I ask her "I don't know but we have to do something before they kill Terra!" She said worried. I was worried too. But then again I was not. Like would Raven kill Terra? Did Red X really get to her that much? Was I too late to bring her back? I should have went undercover instead of letting Raven do it. If it wasn't for me none of this would happen! Red X would be in prison, Raven would still be with us and Terra wouldn't have been on the team. To be honest I really didn't want Terra back at first but I grew to like her. Now she's like a little sister to me. And Raven is well, not in our lives anymore. She's 'dead' to us. "Guys! I have an idea!" Said Beastboy running into my room. "What is it Beastboy"? Starfire ask. "So Terra and I have been talking and we decided to send them to Arkham Asylum. We just think that will be a better place for her than the Prison over here in Jump City" he said. "Arkham Asylum?" I said as I started to think. Red X would be gone for good. And they won't be our problem anymore. "Fine we'll send them over there tomorrow I have to talk toBatman about it first" I said. "Talk to Batman about what"? Ask Cyborg as he came in. "About sending Raven and Red X to Arkham Asylum tomorrow" as soon as I said that Cyborg looked like he was shock. He kind of looked sad also. I knew he still loves Raven and forgives her about everything. Oh well she's a criminal now!!! "I'll go call Batman now" I said. They nodded and left.
Cyborg POV: As soon as I left Nightwing's room I went to the confession room. "Raven!!!!!" I said running over to them. "What?" She said "Did you find the girls?" Jason said. "No, but they're sending you both to Arkham Asylum tomorrow" "WHAT!!!!???!!" They both yelled. "They can't send us to Arkham!!!!!!!! We have to find the girls!!!" Jason yelled. "Shh! Lower your voice! I'm not suppose to tell you this. Hell I'm not even supposed to talk to you at all! So I need you to lower your voice before we get caught" I said. They both shut up. "Good. Now I'm trying my best to convenice them not to send you away but-" "But what? Let me guess Terra got to them again?" Raven said cutting me off. I signed "Yes she did. Terra just know how to get to them". "We just have to show them who Terra really is. Then they'll believe you guys and help!" I said. "Cyborg they'll never going to believe us. They're going to send us away no matter what we do!" Raven said. "We need you to let us out tonight! You have to let us out tonight!" Jason said. I nodded and left. To get them out I need to key to unlock the handcuffs their in. And I need to somehow trick the others. But most importantly I need to find Terra and the girls. Nightwing and Starfire was still talking and Beastboy went to go check on Terra I think. I went to Nightwing's room to get the keys. I got them and left, before he saw me. I went back to the confession room to help Raven and Jason escape.
Jason POV: After Cyborg left to go get the keys. Raven still tried to get in contact with the girls by her powers. "Anything?" I ask. She shook her head "No nothing! I just hope they're okay" she said "I hope so too". Once I get my hands on Slade. He is going to wish that he was never born!!!!! And I hope Raven kicks Terra's ass for helping him. What am I saying? Of course she's going to kick her ass!!! And after we beat their ass, we're beating the Titan's asses. Those Titans ruin everything!!!!!! Well except Cyborg, he's a good guy. Its ashame, he has to work with the others. I feel bad for him. I know I shouldn't blame the Titan's for everything. But I am!! Like if it wasn't for them being stupid and listing to Terra, our daughters will still be here with us. "Were the hell is Cyborg!?" I yelled I was ready to get out of here. "I'm right here! And what did I tell you about yelling!" He said walking in, with the key in his hand. "You guys ready to escape?" he ask. "Hell yeah! Let's go escape this hell whole!!!!!"
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