Unintentional Secret

Unintentional Secret

A/N: I had watched the entire first season of "Trolls: TrollsTopia", and I LOVE it! Then, I saw that there were some people that were a little bit concerned with the lack of Broppy moments, now that they're a couple; and there were some haters towards one of the new characters.

Well, I hope to clear some of that up with a theory I came up with, thinking about this dilemma, and with the help of a scene from another DreamWorks series based off another beloved franchise, and another one of my favorite movies ever. Let's see if you guys can catch the reference.

A little warning, though. There are some spoilers in here, so read at your own risk, and I would recommend to watch the season first. Now, let's get on with the story. And action!

She didn't know. That was what Poppy kept on mentally telling herself as she slowly walked around the village upon her return from Lonesome Flats. She really wasn't paying attention where she wanted to go, she just needed to walk around to try and clear her head.

She didn't know. She kept up the mental chanting in her mind, her fists slightly beginning to clench. And yet, it felt kind of.... wrong hearing those words.

"My really good friend."

Normally, in any case, those words wouldn't bother her much. Actually, not at all. But in this case, they were more like a bitter pill to swallow; almost like the nasty medicine she had to learn to take when she started to become a teenager and had to learn that not everything has to taste like cotton candy or berries.

The reason why she was feeling so.... frustrated, for lack of a better word, with herself at the moment was because she had been talking about a certain bunker-owning Troll with a sarcastic wit, a very realistic sense of reason, and the voice of an angel.

Branch was more than just her really good friend; more than her best friend, actually. And that was saying something, since the Pop Troll queen has a lot of best friends of all kinds; from within her home of Pop Village, to the Country Trolls in Lonesome Flats, to the Techno Trolls in Techno Lagoon, and all the way to the Rock Trolls over in Volcano City. Heck, she even had Bridget, who is a Bergen; who are the former enemies of the Pop Trolls, as one of her very best friends!

But the paranoid survivalist Troll was a slightly different story. Branch was her boyfriend.

Never in her life did Poppy think that she would be in a relationship with the most unlikeliest of Trolls. Oh, who was she kidding? She had pretty signed up for it the moment she decided that she was going to do her very best to befriend the loner Pop Troll back when they were children, and his colors were still dull and gray.

Branch had always been intriguing, mysterious, odd. He never did anything that the other Pop Trolls did, always keeping to himself, and was actually pretty smart for someone his age. His little oddities and grumpy behaviors just kept drawing her in, no matter how many times he would try to push her away and the number of times that a lot of the Pop Trolls saying to her that he was a lost cause.

True, there were times that his unusual quirks and pessimistic attitude got on her nerves as well, but she knows that there is a softer side to the former village grump. He had wanted to feel loved and happy again for so long, but he had kept drowning himself in sorrow and guilt because he felt like he didn't deserve any joy after the tragic accident which resulted in the loss of his grandmother. But now, he is still being himself, but he is feeling happier than he, or anyone else in the village, thought he could be. And that alone was enough to make Poppy's spirits soar.

When she had reached the top of a hill at the outskirts of the village, she was surprised to see that Branch was lying down on the grass, eyes shut, humming quietly to himself, his hands placed behind his head.

Poppy smiled softly at the sight of him being so relaxed. Hardly would he ever be so calm except when he was either by himself, or when he was with her, or when he would be sleeping. The sight of him was nice to see, and it was even more nice to join him.

The pink queen carefully walked over to him as if she was approaching some kind of wild animal. But then, those adorable pointed ears, gifting him with his darned strong sense of hearing, twitched over in her direction, making her presence known to him. Branch's sky blue eyes opened, and he tilted his head slightly over in her direction.

"Poppy?" He asked, looking over at her.

"Sorry." She said, feeling a little embarrassed that she got caught. But at least that didn't stop her from asking him her request. "Mind if I join you?"

Branch just smiled and then patted the spot next to him. Poppy beamed at him and happily sat down next to him. As they both laid back on the grass, looking up at the sky as it began to take on a slight purple hue, Poppy felt that little twang of awkwardness and discomfort again.

He knows that she didn't know, right? She thought to herself as she looked back over at Branch. But why did she say that? Out of all things? And it had to come from Holly.

Don't get her wrong, she really liked the upbeat, orange-candy colored Country Troll. She was really sweet, perky, and tough; typical of a Troll from her tribe. But there was one little thing about Holly Darling that kind of bugged Poppy. She seems to sometimes act a little.... too sweet on Branch.

She remembered back when she and her boyfriend first met Holly about a couple of months ago, and she had told him that he was cute, much to the teal Pop Troll's surprise and embarrassment; not that Poppy really disagreed with her about that, but that statement was a little bit out of the blue.

And don't get her started about what had happened earlier. Right away, when Holly had examined the ruined banana cupcake wrapper, she recognized his so-called "adorable" fingerprints. Poppy didn't even want to know how she recognized them, or rather how she could even see them in the first place. And she was above jealousy; she had full confidence that Branch had eyes only for her, and she for him; considering everything they've been through.

Yet when she had saved him from Holly's wrath of a guilt trip, the Country Troll had called him her "really good friend". Why didn't she correct her and say that Branch was her boyfriend? Well, it wasn't because she was embarrassed by him; never! He is amazing, and she wants him and the whole world to see that.

Just then, she realized something. She and Branch never told anyone about their relationship! Maybe that's why Holly acts too friendly with the survivalist, not knowing that he was already spoken for. Yet, why didn't she or Branch say something about it?

"Poppy?" Branch's voice broke her out of her little meltdown of an epiphany as she looked over at the bunker-owning Troll in all of his teal and blue glory, the slowly setting sun making his sky blue eyes sparkle beautifully in the golden light as he partially pulled himself up.

"Are you okay?"

Poppy was about to come up with a response that would try to assure him that everything was fine, but then she remembered that just as easily as she could read him, he can do the same with her. The raised eyebrow and the unconvinced look spoke that much. She then sighed as she slowly sat up.

"You know what Holly said earlier?" She asked. The confusion on his face said that he didn't understand. "When she was about to send you on the guilt trip of a lifetime?"

"Go on." Branch said, still not quite sure about what his girlfriend was talking about.

Poppy felt a little nervous, and then looked down at the ground beneath. "This was just really bothering me, okay?" She exclaimed quickly. "Her calling you my really good friend."

Branch's brow quirked back up again. "Is that what's been bugging you all afternoon?" He asked her.

"Well, it's not that it isn't true." Poppy explained. "You are a really good friend. You're my best friend, actually, but you're also so much more than that to me!"

She then sighed again. "So why didn't I say anything and correct her?"

Branch's brow lowered and then carefully reached over with his hand to gently grasp Poppy's own. "You don't have to keep beating yourself up about it." He said, getting her attention over to him. "This new step.... in our relationship.... is pretty new. To both of us. I mean, I don't think we've even gone out on a real date yet."

Poppy nodded, knowing that it was true, even though she and Branch had officially been a thing for only a couple of months. True, they've always hung out in his bunker whenever they got some time alone, but that wasn't practically new, although the romantic cuddling was new but welcomed.

Branch then sat up, his hand still covering Poppy's. "But I know that when you're ready to call me that, it might come just as easily." He said. "I'm still having a hard time believing that.... you actually feel the same way for me as I do for you."

Poppy beamed at him and then squeezed his hand with her own. "Well, you better believe it, mister!" She exclaimed, feeling much better and more at ease. "Because I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon. Or ever."

The affectionate smile that was Branch's face made her heart leap and twirl as it wanted to come out of her chest. "Me, neither." He said softly, casting a little spell on the pink queen.

Feeling the sheer magnetism of the Troll in front of her, Poppy began to slowly lean in closer to his face, her beautiful magenta eyes fluttering closed. Branch caught onto her intentions immediately, and began to meet her halfway, ready to make a sweet connection.

"Poppy!" The deep voice that was screaming the pink Pop Troll's name immediately sent both her and her boyfriend reeling away from each other, regaining a respectable distance away from each other, just in time for Smidge to appear and come up to the young queen.

"I've been looking all over for you." The tiny Pop Troll said. "Where have you been? You're scheduled for a weekly meeting with the ambassadors in fifteen minutes."

Poppy mentally slapped herself. She had completely forgotten about that, due to her having a bit of a meltdown almost all day. But as much as her duties were calling her, she spared a quick look over at Branch from behind her. He had a sympathetic smile on his face, knowing that she had queen duties to do, and that he didn't mind that she had to leave. As much as both of them would like to hang out 24-7, they both had jobs of their own to do around the village.

But Poppy didn't want to leave just yet. And even though she and Branch had resolved her internal situation, she still wasn't entirely sure if she was ready to talk with the other ambassadors yet at their weekly meetings. Particularly Holly so soon.

The last couple of meetings, she would always be talking about how great life in TrollsTopia is, but sometimes, she would be going on and on about this "cute" friend of hers, and apparently, he is someone that has something that's pretty special. The other ambassadors, particularly the girls, would tease her and say if she has a crush on him, which she blatantly denies over and over, but Poppy had a sneaking suspicion that she already knew who Holly would be singing praises about, even if she would say that she's just super friendly with everyone she meets, which is true.

The sinking feeling in her stomach, along with the slight churning and boiling of her blood, would be almost too much for the pink Pop Troll queen, and every time, she would be very surprised that she had managed to keep her cool and her composure until the end of the meeting. She swore that if she had to go through that one more time, when the meeting was over, she would not head over to her pod to roughly flop on her bed and then start pounding her pillow with her fists, but instead, go over to Branch's bunker, stomp right up to him, and then kiss him until they were both left breathless and senseless, strengthening her belief that they are perfect for each other.

"Poppy?" Smidge's baritone voice snapped her out of her heated daydream, reminding her that she hasn't moved or given the tiny Pop Troll an answer.

"Uh, actually, Smidge?" Poppy said, wanting to get this conversation done before her friend noticed the reddening blush on her cheeks. "I would like to reschedule that meeting for tomorrow afternoon. If they ask, just tell them I've taken a personal day."

Both Smidge and Branch were slightly surprised at her answer. But then, they both had a smile of understanding on their faces. Poppy had been working pretty hard with the TrollsTopia experiment for a while, and it was nice that she was actually trying to take some time off.

"Okay." Smidge said. "I'll tell them that." Without saying anything else, she went back down the hill and into the village, out of sight.

Both Poppy and Branch breathed out a sigh of relief as they both stood up. "That was close." She said.

"Yeah." Branch agreed before he realized something. "Wait. Why do we care.... if they know about us?" He asked.

Poppy slightly flinched at his question. "Well.... we don't." She answered, sounding a bit hesitant. It's not like they're keeping their relationship a secret, right? They just.... haven't told anyone yet.... officially.

"Well, it's like you said before, this is.... all so new." She added. "I just kind of.... want to share it with you right now."

If Branch was flattered by her words, he didn't really show it, because his smooth dark brow was slightly raised up again in confusion and a little bit of disbelief.

"Look, we'll tell everyone." She assured him. "Starting with family and closest friends first. But I just kind of think.... that maybe now.... isn't the best time. I mean, if all that's been going on with TrollsTopia and a whole bunch of other problems, both of us have been so busy, and whenever we do have some free time, we spend it together and out of sight from everyone else. So of course they wouldn't know about us being a thing officially-"

"Poppy." Branch's voice cut her off from her rambling. He then walked up to her, a tender little smile on his face.

"If anyone can understand a need for privacy, it's me." He said. "So I understand. And I agree. This might not be the best time to spring the news of our relationship on everyone. Until we have things somewhat more settled around the village, maybe it would be better for us to keep this on the down-low. Then, we can tell our friends about this new step in our relationship."

Poppy nodded, agreeing with his idea. But then, his smile took on a bit more of an.... embarrassed form. "And I guess that my paranoia was just taking hold of my brain again, because for a second, I thought.... that you were embarrassed by me."

The pink queen shook her head. "No, never!" She said, taking his hands. "I would never be embarrassed by you, Branch. Sometimes, the things that you do are a little strange and somewhat embarrassing, but I'm used to them. Plus, you know me. I have little to no filter on me when it comes to certain things."

Branch lightly scoffed while rolling his eyes playfully. "Don't I know it." He said, smiling fondly at the truth of her statement.

Poppy returned the smile as she took a step closer to him. "You're amazing, Branch. And I want the whole world to know that, and to also know that I'm one very lucky girl to have you as someone very dear to my heart. Not today, but soon. I promise."

Branch lightly squeezed her hands in his. "I know. But always know that everyday, ever since the World Tour, I've been considering myself the luckiest guy ever to have Queen Poppy, who is literally sunshine personified on this planet, consider me worthy of her."

Poppy lightly blushed at her boyfriend's loving words as she removed one hand from his gentle grasp to gently cup his cheek. "Well, you did manage to do a whole lot of things that got everyone to see that there's a lot more to you than first meets the eye. Like build an impressive security system, save the entire village by lifting up their spirits with a song, and also dealing with a hyperactive queen and her wise-cracked schemes that threatened not just our village but also the entire world of Trolls."

"Hey, someone's gotta have your back." Branch said with a teasing grin. "And to also make sure that you don't get yourself into a heap of trouble because of your completely crazy schemes. Even if you don't always listen to me."

"Well, my not listening did sometimes prove to be worth it." Poppy replied with a matching playful smile. "After all, I knew that I would one day manage to get you out of your slump and have some fun with the rest of the village."

"Yeah." Branch said with a light chuckle. "And I hope that an overzealous pink-haired Troll learned her lesson about listening to others. You can't always do everything by yourself. Sometimes, really hearing someone else's opinion can provide a different side of the problem that can lead to a better solution. At least remember that you'll always have me in your corner, whenever you need me."

Poppy beamed at him brightly, and then threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Thanks, Branch." She said.

The teal Pop Troll returned the hug, and then after a few more seconds, they broke away. Then, before she could change her mind, Poppy leaned forward and quickly kissed his cheek. Feeling a rising red blush beginning to appear, she tried to remove herself from his embrace, feeling her usual confidence starting to wane, feeling a little embarrassed. But Branch took a firmer hold on her arms, and then surged forward, planting his lips on hers. Only for a brief moment, Poppy was taken aback by it, but then immediately returned it, her knees feeling like jello.

They had kissed before, but that was just a sweet chaste little peck; nothing more. And it was more like a spur of the moment thing, so Poppy wasn't entirely sure if she would count it as her first real kiss with Branch. And after that, they had only given each other sweet, comforting hugs, warm cuddles, and little brief kisses on the cheek.

But this new kind of lip-lock, it was positively soothing but also quite electrifying, making her entire body tingle with passion and joy. It was cupcakes and rainbows all bundled up in a warm blanket of love. It was pretty much the greatest feeling in the world; like she was floating on air but also feeling like she was right at home. The only word that came to her mind describing this new kind of feeling was....


A/N: Yeah, so that's my theory. Poppy and Branch are kind of keeping their relationship on the down low for the time being. And no, I really don't think that Holly "likes" Branch, even if she does seem to flirt with him by calling him cute. She probably is just super friendly with almost everyone, and isn't really nervous to say what she thinks. At least, that's what I think. Hopefully, we can see some Broppy moments expanding on the new romantic side of their relationship soon.

Well, that's all for now, y'all! I hoped you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment about what you think, and remember to stay healthy!

Got to fly! ;)

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