🖤~trip to boblo island pt.2~🖤
Todd's driving down the highway still smoking while Kyle plays on his phone and Ben stares out the window. "So we got Bout another 30ish minutes once we cross the bridge y'all" Todd says while adjusting his mirror then turning up the radio. Kyle rests his hands in his lap then turns to Ben and strikes a conversation "hey Ben..how have you been man? We haven't hung out like this in forever ya know" with a smile. Ben looks to Kyle and starts "I've been 'okay' I guess,my parents may be getting a divorce and if that happens I'll probably end up with my dad.." Ben looks down and slicks his light blonde long hair to the right then looks up with his brown eyes kinda glassy. Kyle pouts slightly then Todd speaks up "hey bruh! That's why we're going on this little vacation ya know,we all could use a break..." as he looks out his window for a bit then back to the road. Ben smiles and unzips his green jacket then rolls down his window blowing his hair all over the place. The three drive for another 25 minutes till they arrive to Grosse lle docks,Todd turns to pull into a hidden back ally then stops the car and speaks up "Its like.." as he looks to his cars digital clock "6:10p.m so let's begin Y'all" as he opens his door with a kick,pulling the keys out of the ignition and putting them in his pocket. Kyle opens his door steps out and stretches with a couple groans while ben steps out of the car and stretches alittle. Ben's wearing blue worn out jeans,converse with a black t-shirt and green with white stripped jacket. Todd's wearing his bright pink jacket,lamb of God shirt and black slim jeans with his pink converse. Todd signals to follow him as they walk through back allys till they see the Detroit river with a white not to good looking boat with someone sitting in it who Todd then yells to "Yooo! Kendrick!? You there buddy!?" Making Kyle jump then groan in annoyance as Todd rushes to the person. "Yeah dude,sup" the man replies as he looks up to them on the edge of the docks. "Kyle this is Kendrick" Todd looks back to Kendrick "this is Kyle and ben" then Kendrick says "cool so..Y'all ready and got the money?" Todd nods then hops down into the boat causing it to rattle alittle,Kyle and Ben look to each other then hop down while Todd reaches to pull his wallet out then realizes it isn't there so he starts panicking then ben speaks up "yeah you forgot the bag with our shit so I got it" with a chuckle as he throws Todd his wallet. Todd smiles with a "thanks dude" while opening his wallet and handing Kendrick a 100$ bill. Kendrick takes it then walks to start the boat as the three of them sit on the little chairs in the boat. Kyle giggles then sits with his hands together between his legs "this'll be fun" he speaks up as him,Todd and ben all share some laughs. Todd pulls out the roach he had left from the blunt he rolled before they left then holds it up to his lips and lights it with his blue lighter in his left hand then takes a slow drag off it and exhales a cloud of smoke as the boat starts coasting across the water to the island. "Dude I already see the island!" Ben shouts excitedly then Todd says "yeah it's about a 5 minute boat ride once you make it to the docks.." with a giggle. The boat chugs loudly as it coasts through the water till they eventually arive at the island at a dock with stairs leading up to a patch of concrete then a trail leading to the amusement park. Kyle checks the time on his phone "Its 7:45p.m y'all" he says to Todd and Ben as they hop out of the boat onto the stairs. Todd hoists his duffle bag around his right shoulder as he leads up the stairs with Ben in the middle and Kyle last. They make it up to the top then take in the sights of the park,about a couple 100 feet away is the main gate to the amusement park,it isn't chained at all and one of the gate doors is on the ground with vines wrapped around it,the stone walls surrounding the park are chipped and scratched up with vines growing up them. Kyle walks to the gate and shivers from a cold gust of wind. He smiles as they walk in seeing all the old rides,there's an old food stand to the right but Ben points to the main roller coaster and winks with A "y'all we should go on that~" Kyle takes a drag from a just lit blunt Todd rolled and grins "you're crazy but i love it" then Todd while walking with his hands on his head says "if I fall you best catch me else I'll beat yo ass in the afterlife" with a cackle as they approach the entrance to the where the coaster would be. Kyle slurly kong vaults the ticket counter to approach the track while Todd and Ben walk through after Kyle. He steps onto the all metal track then hears it creek as the metal components try to hold his weight after years of inactivity. He holds his hand for ben and Ben takes his hand then steps down onto the tracks with a released exhale then Todd hops down. Ben walks with Kyle as they walk along each step like a ladder bridge. "Its all fun till we get there" as Todd points to the top of the climb. Ben steps to the ladder on the side of the tracks before the other two then starts climbing and giggles "just don't puss out at the top boyyy" then Todd starts climbing with a "fuck you,I bet you'll puss out first" as they start climbing faster with Kyle behind both of them going at his own pace. Ben reaches the top then stands up at the top platform before the drop then squats down to pull Todd up,Todd takes his hand then once he's up does the same for Kyle then the three of them stand at the top platform looking down. Ben nervously laughs then Kyle inhales happily as they all scan the entire rest of the park from how high they are. Ben taps Kyle's shoulder while muttering "u-um..k-kyl-" but gets cut off by Todd stepping down the ladder going down the drop and saying "let's go explore more guys" then as Kyle goes to step and climb down ben blinks a few times,shakes his head and cautiously climbs after Kyle. They finally make it to the bottom tracks and hop down to the knee high grass then look for a way out of the coaster boarders. Ben stays quiet while Todd takes his blunt back,takes a drag then licks his fingers and pinches the cherry of the blunt to put it out and puts it in his jacket pocket. They trudge through tall grass till they find the employee exit and leave back into the trail of the park. Kyle looks back to ben and says "you okay..?you look shook." Then Todd jokingly says "Its prolly hitting him now" with a sly grin then ben shakes his head and says "n-nah..ain't nothing hitting me tonight.." as he looks down. Kyle turns back to ben and stops then bends down to look at ben closer. "What's up dude?You can tell me and Todd,ain't nothing gonna bother us. Right todd?" As he looks to Todd. "Yeah,I don't care whatcha tell me ya still my bro" Todd says. Ben inhales sharply then exhales and mutters "s-so while we where at the top of the coaster steep and..I was scanning the park,over sitting in one of those uh..spinning rides,ya know where you sit in a cart and it spins while the whole machine twirls and everyone in it spins around? Well I swear I saw someone sitting in one of those carts,it was white with what looked like shoulders.." Kyle thinks then says "it could've just been some trash or deibre but we can go check if you want" then ben smiles alittle then says "thanks guys" as Todd pats his back then says "so where was this at? Lead the way captain" with a small laugh. Ben giggles then leads them straight to the left of the peak of the coaster. After some walking through the backs of old shops,stands and stages they arrive at the ride ben spoke of. Kyle and Todd scan while squinting for any sign of another person but don't see anything. "I can't see any white cloth or sillouete besides some plastic bags in that cart." Then Todd points to one at the top "was it that cart?" As ben looks up he mutters "w-what.." as he shakes his head then says "y-yeah,it was right in that cart,I deffinetly say a sillouete.." then Todd says "it may have just been those bags flowing in the form of shoulders/a head.." then looks back to Kyle and Kyle looks to ben. "I-i guess so" remarks ben as he smiles with relief. "Alrighty then,where to now y'all?" Todd asks while clapping. "Umm,how about..The uhm....hhaauunntteedd houuuse~" says Kyle jokingly while pointing over at a nearby hunted house with the typical evil clown face painted on the front however the paint is all chipped away and the wallpaper is stained as well as ripped up,the windows are boarded up with tape all over. "Not sure if that's how it looked before or not" says Todd with a wry laugh as the three of them approach the haunted house. Kyle walks in through the front wooden old styled door with a unhinged sign saying 'beware of corpses' then Kyle giggles and steps in. "This place smells like straight dick cheese" says Todd as he follows behind ben looking around at the cheesy old decorations. As Kyle and Ben walks in front Todd shouts "woah that's cool!" Then runs through another tunnel. Kyle quickly says "wai-" but stops as he sees Todd already ran off. Kyle under his breath groans "damnit Todd you dick.." as he grabs Ben's hand then runs through the same hallway after him then ben pulls Kyle's arm and stops. Kyle turns to Ben and tilts his head "What's up? You okay?" Kyle asks as ben whispers softly "there's something I gotta tell yo-" but is cut off by a loud "Bwahhhh!" As Todd jumps out with an old clown mask on causing ben to jump back hitting the wall and Kyle to instinctively slap Todd. "OOOOW!" Todd groans as he rubs his cheek then takes the mask off while giggling slightly. Kyle giggles then says "that's watcha get ya douche" while ben shakes softly then tries to calm back down,inhaling and exhaling deeply. "T-that w-wasnt cool.." Ben mutters as they start walking through the hallway further. They reach what appears to be the end of the haunted house with a giant open spin wheel that isn't on so they just exit the building through it. Kyle checks his phone to see 20 missed messages from his mother so he quickly goes to open his phone then it dies and he shouts "Shit!" Causing ben and Todd to look over to him. "You good?" Todd says while ben asks "what happened?" Then kyle groans and says "my fucking phone died and I missed like 20 texts from my mom..I'm So fuuuuuucked.." as he rubs his temples nervously. Ben walks to him and rubs his back "it'll be okay dude,let's just try to enjoy the rest of the night okay..?" Kyle nods and says "yeah.." then smiles to ben and Todd. Kyle stands up fully then walks with Ben and Todd. The three of them decide to chill in a now dry vine covered old pond,Todd pulls his bag out with 7 grams left so he grinds up enough for the three of them and rolls three blunts loaded enough to finish the whole bag. The three of them light their blunts then all take as long of a drag as they can to then see who can hold in the smoke the longest. Kyle breaks and coughs while exhaling a cloud of smoke then shortly after so does ben and finally Todd does about 30 seconds later while giggling and coughing "noobs" he jokes while they all share a laugh. The rest of the night is spent chilling in the empty pond smoking and telling each other stories. Eventually the three of them doze off because Kyle awakens to the morning sun and groans as he feels something on him then as he panics he looks over to see ben cuddling him while asleep so he blushes then sighs with relief. He goes to tap ben then stops himself and lays there for alittle and relaxes. Then hears a camera click and looks back to see Todd grinning with his camera in his hand so Kyle springs up causing ben to shout awake and fall off the edge of the pond and groan while Todd laughs "oohwhooohahaha that photo is straight gold" he laughs out while running from a tired Kyle trying to catch him. "C'mon dude delete the picture already!" Then Todd trips Kyle and as he falls he grabs Todd causing them both to fall so Todd throws his camera up then slaps Kyle slightly to stun him,springs up and catches his camera then runs to his backpack,puts it in and zips it then puts it around his shoulder and breaths heavily "nope,my picture forever now whenever I need a good laugh" he says while sticking his tounge out. Kyle groans then looks to ben and chuckles at ben just angrily glaring to Todd while he giggles. "So Kendrick should be at his boat waiting to take us back so let's hurry" Todd states as he begins to walk through the park. Kyle and Ben follow after him back to the front gates they entered from then through the grassy fields till they reach the stairs they walked up then they walk down to the edge of the docks where Kendrick is playing on his phone and sees them. "Y'all ready?" He asks as he starts the boat. "Yeah" Todd says while him,ben and Kyle climb into the boat and sit down as Kendrick speeds off back to Grosse lle. "Boy I hope my car is still there" Todd nervously jokes. "I'm sure it is" ben reassuringly says with a playful punch to Todd's shoulder. "Shit dude I need a shower,I wreak of swisher sweets,sweat,old haunted house and depression" Kyle jokingly says with a grin causing Todd and Ben to laugh. After a couple minutes they arrive back to the docks where Todd sighs with relief as he sees his car. "Oh thank god.." he sighs with joy as Kendrick docks the boat then turns it off. Kyle hops out the boat and stretches then so does ben then Todd while Kendrick says "hope the trip was fun boys,y'all should come hang out with me sometime" with a giggle as he waves them off. The three of them walk to Todd's car as he unlocks it and opens his door then gets in and so does Kyle then ben. Sitting the same as the first time Todd starts the car and begins to pull out of the little back ally he found and says "long trip home boys so let's get it" with a determined smile. Kyle chuckles and Ben smiles then Todd plugs the Aux cord into his phone and starts playing a favorites playlist which starts with Avenged sevenfold - This means war- playing so he turns it up and turns right on the main road then his gas light says "low fuel? Damn I gotta get some gass" Todd states as he quickly turns left to pull into a 7-eleven gas pump. "I'll be back,y'all want anything?" He says as he steps out of the car. "A blue raspberry red bull would be nice" says Kyle. "Yeah I'll take a double mocha 24ounce coffee if you can" ben says as he goes back to playing on his phone. Todd steps out then walks into the gas station and to the counter. "I need uh.." he looks out the front window to check the pump then looks back "20 on pump 2.." then slides a 20$ bill to the employee behind the counter. "Alright would you like a reseat?" Says the employee then Todd shakes his head "nah I'm good" as he goes to get Kyle's red bull and Ben's coffee. He pays for the two items then walks out to the car,opens the door handing Kyle and Ben their things then stepping back out to pump gas. After getting gas Todd pulls out of the station and turns back into the main road to head home....
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