🖤~the introduction~🖤

Young Kyle sits alone at his quaint marble desk resting his head in his hands,sitting in a new gaming chair in front of his computer screen lighting up a portion of his dark room,he raises his head and slicks his dirty blonde middle parted greasy hair to his ears with soft tears streaming down his face. The screen is showing Facebook messanger with a conversation he and his girlfriend just had.

Kyle<Charlotte why...?
Charlotte<It's over kyle....
Kyle<I know but I wanna know why..
Charlotte<It's not your fault,there's alot going on with my parents having been..you know..I just wanna be alone okay?..maybe I'll see you again but for now I just wanna be alone..

The screen bellow her last message reads - you can no longer reply to this conversation (click here for help)- Kyle softly whimper cries to himself then slumps his head down resting his face on the desk next to the keyboard. He starts shaking and hugs himself quietly till eventually he falls asleep in tears on his desk top. Through-out the night his computer screen saver has a sun transition to moon as it goes round and round while he sleeps. The room begins to get rather cold and he shivers in his sleep but doesn't awaken. Finally 6 hours later his mom shakes him awake with the sun blasting in through his bedside window blinding him for about 15 seconds until he adjusts. His 5'6 slim mother brushes her light blonde swooped hair to the right and smiles softly at him. "You have school in 60 minutes and I didn't want you to have to rush before you leave" she says as she rubs his back then walks to his door and before she steps out says "I've already cooked breakfast so it's here if you're hungry" but before she leaves he quickly says "w-what time is it..?" She looks back and responds with "6:00a.m Sharpe" and steps out. He blinks a few times then rubs his burning eyes,scoots out from his desk and stands up then pushes his chair back in and walks to his brown kinda scratched up dresser. He opens it and rumages through for any clothes he can find,he doesn't have many clothes as he doesn't care for fashion. He decides on grey baggy sweats that sag past his hips,plain boxers under the sweats,black ankle socks with avia running shoes,a white tank top with a navy blue and green interior jacket,he zips the jacket up and stands up from his bed then stretches and sighs with relief. He groans and walks to his door then opens it and walks out into the hallway into the bathroom. He enters and closes the door then turns back to look into the mirror in front of the sink and as he looks at himself he thinks about Charlotte and tears begin to form in his eyes so he turns the sink on and splashes his face with water,grabs the towel on the towel rack then wipes his face off and puts it back. He sighs again then leaves the bathroom now walking down the hallway with only three rooms that lead to the living room on his left and the kitchen on the right. He walks to the kitchen while glancing into the living room,there's a black leather couch sitting against the tan wall with a black crow designed clock that reads 6:00a.m then he glances over to a 70 inch curved TV with a DVD shelf case around it full of movies and games with a ps4 on the TV stand. They aren't rich but above average,they live pretty good. He finally enters the kitchen and sees his mom sitting at the table waiting on him. "I made eggs,bacon,biscuits,buttered toast,one cookie and a glass of milk" she says while smiling. He pulls out the chair next to his mom as he looks to his plate with the food neatly organized. He smiles softly then grabs a fork and starts mixing it together,breaking the bacon up into his mushed eggs then spreading it in between the biscuits like a sandwich. He finishes that with the toast and chugs his glass of milk then sighs with happiness at the meal he just ate. He goes to pick up his plate then his mom grabs it and says "I've got it sweetie" and takes it to the sink,rinses it off and puts it up. She walks back to the table and pulls her chair to face him then smiles softly. "Are you okay honey?you seem upset this morning" she states concerned. He looks down and rubs his arms while tensing up. His mother looks closer and pouts alittle then pats his head. "Its okay if you don't wanna talk about it now,I won't be mad but please tell me eventually so I know you aren't upset all the time,I worry enough as is but if you need me I'm always here" she softly says to him causing him to smile then he looks up and says "okay..Thank you" as he looks to see the time. 6:45a.m the clock reads so he stands up and picks his backpack up from the living room couch,his mom walks with him to the front door then they walk to the car,his mom has a 1975 silk black Cadillac with gold interior,they walk to the car then get in, he opens the passnager door then breaths with relief as he sits in the cool cushioned seats and shuts his door,pulling his seatbelt over and clicking it. She pulls out of the narrow driveway and drives down the road to his school. After about a 5 minute drive they pull into the school parking lot and she parks in the side lot away from the front door. He watches all the other teens walking with their cluiqes and friends mobbing into the front doors then his mom says softly "have a good day,try not to let whatever's on your mind slow you down,take breaks if you have to but try to stay calm,collected and cool,keep your chin up and enjoy your time,you never know when it'll run out" he smiles then opens the door and as he gets out says "okay,I'll try to stay positive,love ya" then shuts the door and starts walking to the giant collective of teens, his mom quickly drives by and shouts "I love you sweetie!" While blowing a kiss and speeding off. He blushes out of embaresment then speed walks to class. He enters his school then walks through the crowded hallways as all the teens mob over each other till he gets to his first hour class, Mr.Rainbow is a kind old teacher,he's the 12th grade first hour Literature teacher,he turns 60 in 2 months which would be November 25th. Kyle walks into class then goes to his desk and sits next to his friend Todd and his other friend Ben waves at him from the other side of the room,Kyle and Todd sit in the last two desks at the back left of the classroom. Todd has dyed pink with blue ender dyed spiky hair and green eyes,he's wearing a soft red jacket with a Lamb of God shirt underneath and blue slim jeans with white and pink converse. Todd and Kyle talk a bit before class starts,Todd is just joking about him and his girlfriend's shenanigans over the weekend,they snuck into an abandoned amusement park and fucked in different places,drawing their art all over everything and smoking alittle. Kyle just chuckles and cracks some jokes about how they should've fucked while they where there and as they where laughing Mr.Rainbow enters the classroom with his black slacks,dress shoes,white shirt and rainbow suspenders,his grayish brown hair slicked back all neat with a smile on his face. "Alright that's enough,your assignments are on the board,spare paper and pencils are at the front of the class and just raise your hand if you need me" he states as he walks to his desk. Most of them do their work while others blow it off and talk or mess around with friends. Kyle finishes before Todd and Ben so he gets up to turn his paper in. The assignment was to write a short story about anything you wanted then make your own summary of it to prove you knew it fully because at the end of the week he is going to do a test on everyone's story individually for extra credit. Kyle walks back to his desk then sighs and watches Todd walk to Mr.Rainbow's desk and turn in his paper then walk back to his desk. Kyle turns to him and says "so..me and Charolette broke up.." as he smiles weakly then Todd says "damn dude,what for?" And Kyle just shrugs and says "her parents where um.." He whispers quietly "murdered" then Todd perks up concerned and interrupts with "is that why she hasent been to school in a week..?" And Kyle sighs sadly with a "yeah..she didn't tell me what happened or how,all she said is her parents where dead in their bedroom when she woke up..She told me she just wants to be alone and by herself so I understood but it still hurts ya know..." Todd sighs and says softly "yeah I know man,it'll be okay tho,you have me and Ben" with a soft chuckle and pat on Kyle's back. Kyle smiles and giggles with a "yeah,I'll always have you two" then as the bell rings Todd says "you bet your ass you do" with a laugh then they pick their bags up and everyone leaves to their next class. Kyle goes through each class as usual and ends the school day fairly okay so he waits with Todd and Ben in the front of the school on some benches for their parents to come get them. "So..I heard from some kids that there's some killer out there going around and mutilating people in the worst ways possible.." says ben as he smuggly giggles. Todd chuckles and rolls his eyes With a "suuuuure there is" in disbelief. Kyle groans and grins "bruh they would be caught by now if they are that careless.." He says to Ben. "Except some police officers where supposedly killed while investigating the killings,found dismembered and mutilated at their own home.." ben explains. Kyle looks down then says "well I'll just hope the police have it under control.." then Todd jokingly states "I dare some bitch ass killer to come at me,I'd show em psycho" while hitting his chest and laughing. Kyle and Ben share a laugh then Kyle's mom pulls up and honks the horn while waving. Kyle stands up and walks to the car while waving his friends bye. "So how was school sweetie?" His mom asks softly while he buckles up. "It was okay,me,ben and Todd talked and had some good laughs" he giggles out. "That's good" his mom mutters while driving down the road. Kyle looks out the window as they drive through the neighborhood and pull into the driveway. He sighs as she stops the car and opens her door then he opens his and they both walk into the house. Kyle walks through the living room down the hallway to his room and opens the door then walks in shutting the door behind him while setting his bag next to his dresser. He takes his jacket off while kicking his shoes off then pulls his tank top off and plops onto his bed with a sigh of comfort upon feeling his soft silk black sheets over a temperpedic matters with black bed sheets covering it and three red pillows. He pulls his phone out,plugs in his ear buds then turns on some music and slowly zones out till eventually falling asleep. He awakens to a text from ben at 1:00a.m so he picks his phone up and turns it on being blinded by the bright blue light for a couple seconds and reading on the notification saying.

Ben<hey dude,so I know you're probably asleep with it being 1 in the morning and all but I had to tell you this. Tomorrow morning turn on the news for real,earlier I dunno if you saw but they showed the head of the police force talking about the infamous killer on the loose,I'm kinda scared and wanted to warn you,stay safe man,goodnight bro<3

Kyle wakes up more after reading the text then realized his bedside window is opened and his room is freezing with it being the middle of fall. He shivers then sits up and grabs the window seal but as he goes to shut it he hears faint breathing but then realizes he's breathing pretty fast from being so cold so he just hurries up and shuts the window with a thud then turns his phone off and slowly falls back asleep but before he does he hears the same breathing pattern from when he shut his window then looks around,his heart racing quicker now because his breathing was alot slower than before. He scans his room but doesn't see anything in the darkness and slowly he doesn't hear anything but his own heartbeat so he sighs then plops back down,sweating slightly. "That must just be my tired nervous brain fucking with me.." He says softly and finally falls back asleep. The next morning he wakes up before his alarm goes off due to the sun beaming right into his eyes at around 5:50a.m so he rubs his eyes and groans while sitting up. He yawns then looks over at his now open window. " W-what the f-fuck..?" He mutters as he scoots closer to see a few drops of what looks like blood,it's dried with a copper smell to it,he looks up and sees small spots all over the edges as if it was dripping from something that had slithered through it. "There's no way.." He says allowed. "M-my bed is right n-near my window so..surely I would feel or hear someone enter or leave..so..how t-the fuck.." He mutters nervously and shaking very slightly. He stays sitting there frozen for at least 2 minutes thinking before his mom opens the door with a smile "hey sweetie,you're up ear- u-uh what's that..?" She points at his window with red spots all over it. "I-i dunno.." He mutters then she rushes to him and starts rubbing his cheek then with an overwhelming sting he jumps back and grips his left cheek tightly while groaning in pain. He takes his hand off and looks at it to see some fresh blood on his hand,he panics alittle then jumps up and rushes past his mother who wasn't short of following him to the bathroom where he rammed through the door and glares into the mirror to see a cut up his left cheek about half an inch up,just enough to look like a soft smile but the flesh was split so when he gasped blood started trailing down his lips and cheek,he quickly held his hand over his cheek and looked back to his mother with panicked eyes and his mother's full of concern mixed with shock. He gulps out of fright then she wraps her arm around him and they both walk outside,his mother only wearing sweats,a baggy shirt with house shoes,her long blonde hair slightly ratty from just waking up,they walk through the living room to the front door then to the car. They get in and speed off to the hospital with no hesitation........

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