🖤~peaceful hatred~🖤
Kyle,ben and Joanna all duck and run under the bridge,running across the boarders trying to evade the police. Joanna finds a sewer hatch leading under the main road under the bridge then hollars to Kyle and ben. "Guys! I found something!" Causing Kyle and ben to run back. Kyle speaks up saying "it works but who knows where it'll lead to.." Then ben says "as long as it gets us far enough away from here. Even if it's only a mile,either way the police are gonna be searching for us and I've got a plan although I need more time to think so I'll tell you it once we are a good distance away." Causing Kyle to nod as ben tries to open the hatch but doesn't move it an inch. Joanna and Ben try then Kyle says "Hold up..lemme try something.." as he pushes them away and grips the metal bars tightly,he pulls with all his might but they don't move anymore than the others attempts so he gets alittle annoyed then while ben and Joanna watch they notice a change in Kyle's physical. Ben tilts his head in curiosity as Joanna gasps softly then so does ben. The solid black metal bars start bending and giving way,they notice Kyle's veins grow bolder and his muscles contract tighter with more definition then with a last growl he rips the two bars he grabed away with a loud crash noise as he drops them to the floor. He turns to Ben and Joanna with his eyes brightly gleaming red then they fade to blue and he pants softly. "Phew..that took alot more effort than I thought" he says while wipping his forehead and giggling. "I bet" Joanna says with a nervous chuckle while ben just shakes his head and says "no matter how many times I've seen that it still leaves me utterly perplexed.." while Kyle creeps through the opening he made,he slips his right leg and arm through then hops in and stumbles alittle but catches himself then turns to Ben and Joanna "y'all coming?" He asks as they do the same thing he did. The three walk forward a bit with a harsh sent off shit,piss and compiled trash mixed with dirty water. "Fuuuuck I gotta get outta here" Joanna groans then Kyle chuckles and says "I'm with you on that.." As they keep waking. "Look! A ladder!" Kyle says as he runs along the side wall to see a ladder leading up to a pot hole. "You think you got another burst of that power?" Ben asks then Kyle inhales deeply and exhales with a "I'm sure as hell about to try." While climbing the ladder. Kyle grips the ladder with his left hand,his feet on the bar right under him in a loaded cat hang to cat jump then loads his clenched fist back while inhaling deeply then exhaling slowly and focuses everything he's got. He whispers softly to himself "three...two..One~" As he yells focusing his energy within his body feeling an enormous heat fill his veins,muscles and skin as he lunges upwards,throwing his fist into the metal plate causing it not only to fly upwards but snap into 4 peices while Kyle leaps out of the pot hole about 10 feet high then flails alittle and lands back on the ground in the street. His eyes steaming slightly then he has what feels like a tear stream down his face then while ben and Joanna climb up he puts his right hand to his right eye and smears the liquid then checks his hand to see crimson on it. Ben climbs up and says "dude your eye is blee-" but is cut off by a car honking so the three of them run onto the sidewalk while Kyle wipes his eyes as they return to baby blue. Kyle looks around and says "I think we made it to Carson City..that's a good few miles away." Then ben says "yeah,there's a McDonald's right there" while pointing and chuckling. "Seriously..we are trying to escape police but wait,let's get food first?" Joanna mocks with a laugh then ben pouts. "Hey man it's hungry work all this running" ben ploys back then Joanna groans while Kyle chuckles. "I'd say why not but I wouldn't go into any restaurants..Not yet anyway" then ben says "well that has to do with my plan~" with a grin on his face. Kyle turns to him then says "what's this plan you have?" As ben walks off into some alleyway between some stores. Kyle and Joanna follow him then he stands against a shadowed wall and says "okay so now that we are alittle out of sight here's my idea... first I want to ask, Joanna just what does your friend have access to?" Then she thinks and says "her house is pretty big,she loves beauty and fashion products-" ben quickly says "perfect! If she will allow us to use that I'm thinking cut our hair,change our looks alittle,maybe even hair dye and try to alter our looks as much as possible to make it alittle harder to recognise us." Then kyle says "that could work.." and Joanna says "I like that idea,I've needed a makeover anyways" with a chuckle. "Alright so how do we get there from here?" Ben says while looking to Kyle. "Well we're in Carson City which is about a good 4-5 hour drive back to Woodhaven so we do kinda need a car but if we can get one then I know how to get back and Joanna" he says as he looks to Joanna "do you know how to get to your friend from Woodhaven?" Then Joanna says "yeah although getting across the border will be pretty difficult.." Kyle thinks and says "this might not be reassuring but if worst comes to worst I can possibly break past the border" with a wink then Joanna says "no,that does not reassure me of shit" with a giggle then ben smiles and says "alright so time to find a car I guess.." while Kyle and Joanna nod. "We gotta steal one.." Ben says sadly. "Why ya sound so upset" Kyle says while looking to ben. "Because it's wrong..I know we have to but I still feel bad.." Ben says while looking down. Kyle pats his back and says "it'll be okay" with a smile. Kyle then walks out of the ally and says "I've got an idea but I'll need y'alls help." Then Joanna says "what's up?" And Kyle looks over to the McDonald's parking lot. "See that 1995 mustang gt?" Kyle says while pointing. Joanna and Ben say "yeah what about it?" Then kyle says "the car owner just walked in so I'm thinking..wait till he unlocks it and as soon as he does,Joanna you run to and jump in the drivers seat,ben you get in after Joanna,while I take their keys,I'll tose you the keys,you start the car and pull out to me after I incapacitate them. How's that sound?" As Kyle looks to ben and Joanna. Ben says "sounds good but since when did you start making the plans~" with a chuckle. Joanna says "yeah but how about you drive and I get the keys?" With a grin. Kyle looks surprised then says "alright but I'll help if ne-" she cuts him off with a "won't need it. I've got this" then Kyle smiles and says alright let's get it. The three of them get into position with Joanna standing against the brick wall near the front door with her head down. Ben stands against the lightpost while Kyle sits on the hood of the car. After about 10 minutes the man finally walks out the front door past Joanna. The man is 5'6 wearing a grey tank top with blue jeans and converse,he is kinda skinny with short cut black hair. He reaches into his pocket and as soon as he pulls out his keys Joanna walks behind him then once she hears the honk of the car unlocking she leaps forward and drives her foot into the back of his knee then pushes him to the ground causing him to toss his keys to the ground. She whispers "sorry" as she soccer kicks him in the jaw knocking him unconscious then she bends down,grabs his keys then throws them to Kyle as he reaches up and grabs them to then open the car dorr,get in and start the car. Ben hops in the passenger seat then Kyle pulls out to Joanna then she opens the back door quickly and hops in. Kyle looks back and speeds off backwards into the main road then drives off. The three of them share adrenaline filled laughs with a "woah shit that was crazy!" From ben as he looks back to Joanna. She chuckles then Kyle says "not bad at all,with the kick at the end tho,so insult to injurie like damn dude" as he laughs while looking at the road passing the street lights. Kyle drives normally for about 3 hours till the gas light says low fuel. "Shit,we are about 15-25 minutes from Woodhaven and we need gas." Kyle says then Joanna says "I still got that hundred don't worry" and Kyle sighs with relief and pulls into the local gas station. They get gas then continue on,after about 20 minutes they arrive to Kyle's neighbourhood and he stops the car. "So you gonna drive from here?" Kyle says while stepping out of the car. Joanna gets out and replies "yeah,plus I'm not publicly wanted like you two,not yet anyway." As she steps past Kyle and gets in the driver's seat. Kyle gets in the back with ben up front then she drives off. They drive for awhile till they approach the border to Canada. Kyle and Ben duck in the back set together,Kyle has his hood up and so does ben. She finally pulls up to the booth with her passport ready as she rolls down her window. She gives her papers and information to the female guard at the booth who checks it out. After a couple minutes she glares to Joanna then hands her stuff back to her. Joanna takes it then the guard says "free to move on,enjoy your trip" with a thumb point to drive off. Joanna drives forward as the barricade lifts up then she rolls her window up and sighs with relief as Kyle and Ben take their hoods off. "Phew that was nerve wreaking" ben says causing Kyle to nervously laugh. "Yeah.." Kyle says. "Only another hour..hour and a half maybe till we get to her house now" Joanna says. They continue driving for around an hour then Kyle yawns and pulls his arms through his sleeves to then take his hoodie off. He sets it on the floorboard then looks down at his black shirt to see it full of holes as well. He groans and says "I can't wait to change.." while ben giggles. "Yeah,we smell like sewer,dirty river water,sweat and blood" ben says then Kyle giggles. Joanna pulls into a parking lot then stops the car saying "we gotta leave the car so we gotta walk a good mile if that's cool with yall,that way they can't track it to my friend." Kyle nods and Ben says "yeah,that's cool" as they all get out with Kyle picking up his hoodie and putting it back on. The three of them walk along backallys and roads to avoid visablitiy. It's around 6p.m now so the sun is setting,they walk another 30 minutes till they arrive to a gatted neighbourhood and Joanna pulls out her phone to then call someone. The phone rings then someone answers with a click.
Joanna's phone call:
Joanna<hey Kayla??
Kayla<joanna!?yo what's up you havent called me in forever!
Joanna< yeah yeah I know but I'm at the front gate to your neighborhood and wanted to ask if I could come in..
Kayla<Of course! Hold on I'll be at the gate to let you in!
Joanna< oka-
She stops once the phone beeps as it hangs up. "She's gonna open the gate for us" Joanna says to Kyle and Ben with a nervous smile. They wait a couple minutes then see some girl in white ripped jeans wirh blue paint splattered patterns on them,gold and white running shoes,a blue baggy V-neck shirt with sleeves that stop at her elbows,her hair is brunette in a bun with her bangs in a middle part blowing in the wind. She approaches a box on the other side of the gate then types in a code as the gate clicks and opens. Joanna walks to her with Kyle and Ben following "Kayla this is my friends and we uh...need help.." Joanna says while looking down. "What's wrong?" Kayla says with a concerned look. "Can we come in?I'll explain everything I promise.." Joanna says. "Yeah come on" Kayla says as she leads them up a long winding road to a massive house at the top of the hill. They approach a massive 3 story mansion,All white painted with gold trims,the garden is full off roses,tulips and a bunch of other plants Kyle or ben have never seen. They walk up the marble patio to the front doors which are 9 foot black doors with gold designs all around and windows forming a diamond. Kayla opens the doors and walks in,there's a ballroom staircase with red carpet going up them,it breaks off at the top going in a circle to the second story. Kyle looks to the left where the kitchen is then follows Kayla into it. She walks to a cupboard then opens it while saying "y'all sit,Imma make some tea" while pulling out some tea bags,she then walks to her nice stove,grabs a pot and fills it with water then turns the burner on and starts boiling water. She walks to another cabinet and pulls out four yea cups,walks to the table and slides coasts at four seats then places the cups down. Kyle,ben and Joanna all sit at the long dinner table with a gold cloth over it. Kyle says "your house is awesome.." quietly then Kayla says "eh it's alright I guess,I'm not one to brag" with a soft smile. "So what's up Joanna and um..you two" she says then Joanna says "this is Kyle and ben,the two of them have become my friends and we seriously need help..or just someone on our side.." Then Kayla turns around and says "alright,tell me everything,I won't judge I swear." As she grabs the pot of boiling water then walks to the tea cups,puts the tea bags in and pours the water. She finally sits down with them then Kyle leans forward. "I'll go first..I'm Kyle Gryolsal..I was framed for the death of my mother but at the same I was the one who couldn't fight back..so her death is on me..however I'm gonna claim my redemption by killing the man who caused this and clearing my name.." Kyle says while looking up to Kayla. "I met Joanna because I needed a ride home and she was the first person I came across..little did I know we would end up becoming connected and this.." Kyle points to Ben "is my um..boyfriend Ben Harbinger and I've known him all my life..our other best friend Todd was kidnapped by Jeffery woods and we are hunting him however we are just as wanted by the authorities as Jeff so it's rather hard to do anything.." Kyle stops and breaths alittle. It's silent for awhile then Kayla says "I'm so sorry that happened..I'll help as long as Joanna trusts you two and she says so." With a smile. After about 20 minutes they all talk and the three of them tell Kayla everything that happened so after all this she says "what exactly do y all need?" Then ben says "im thinking change our looks and a place to stay..just long enough to clear our names and find Jeff.." with a pout. Kayla says "don't worry,I'll help y'all,im not so normal myself....." She drifts off then Kyle says "What?" And she snaps out of it then says "oh nothing,I'm just saying I'm with yall" then smiles softly. She says "I can loan y'all some money to get some clothes and anything y'all need." Causing Kyle to smile then Joanna says "thank you so much" and Kayla says "y'all should shower,get some rest and relax with me after all that shit you went through okay?" Then the three of them nod and smile. They each take turns to shower and eventually go to sleep. Kyle walks to the room Kayla said he could stay in as he walks up the grand staircase down the hallways he sees the fancy door and opens it,walking in to see a massive king sized post bed white with gold curtains. Kyle just got out of the shower so he walks to the dresser with new clothes laying on it but he just takes his towel off standing naked in the room then puts the towel up. He crawls under the covers and lays his head on the pillow then leans up and turns the lamp by his bedside off. He lays awake staring at the ceiling.
(Kyle's thoughts) I uh..jeez. so much has happened in such a short time..just yesterday I came home with the thought it was gonna be another regular day...coming home to food on the dining table to pass out and wake up permanently changed..Is it bad that I already miss..her...so much.."its okay if you don't wanna tell me what's wrong right now as long as you do eventually,I don't wanna worry anymore than I already do" uuuggghhh..i-i..I m-miss you..so much...
Kyle silently cries then drifts off to sleep. Kyle feels a pressure on him as he slowly opens his eyes,he looks to the left and jumps softly while blushing intensely. "B-ben!?" He whisper yells causing ben to sleepily look up at him. "H-huh..?" Then kyle looks down and the covers are barely over his waistline so he pulls them up and says "i-i uh w-what are you doin" while ben groans and says "I was lonely and didn't feel right so I snuck in here..I didn't think you'd mind" with puppy eyes causing Kyle to pout then smile softly. "I-im uh naked tho.." Kyle says while looking away. "I didn't move the covers~" ben ploys. "Not unless you want me tooooooo~" ben says as he pulls them down causing Kyle to squeal and jump to the side pulling them up while ben chuckle. "Heh,I'm just kiddingggg" then boops Kyle's nose with his and smiles. "Alright alright get up I gotta get dressed" Kyle says while sitting up. Ben whines and says "fiiiine.." as he gets off the bed and walks to the door then steps out. Kyle gets up and walks to the dresser with his clothes. He spent 200 dollars on heavy duty steel toed tan boots with black trims at the top,some socks,metal shin guards,black sweats with plates sewn into the knees as guards,a long sleeved white shirt with black paint splatter design,arm guards and his prior black baggy hoodie. Kyle sits on the bed and slips his socks on then stands up to pull the shin guards over his feet then strap them tightly. He puts his sweats on over those then puts his boots on,his white and black long sleeved shirt then finally sits on his bed while staring down at the hoodie. "I still..miss you too...both of you..." Kyle mutters as he looks down at his Black hoodie with new red draw strings and red bandana patches where the holes where as well as a black-grey bandana design patch where the back was ripped. Joanna fixed it up for him so he finally slips the hoodie on and stands up then slips the arm guards over his sleeves and finally walks to the door to leave as he sees ben standing in the hallway. "You look kinda sexy all battle ready~" ben jokes causing Kyle to chuckle as they walk through the hallway. Ben only spent around 100 dollars to get black fingerless gloves,hardened pink converse,some better quality navy blue greyish jeans and his same pink hello kitty shirt with a new green jacket that is alot stronger fabric made for harsh environments with navy blue and white fur around the hood and inside. Kyle notices ben has his hair in a ponytail with it swooped over his right eye in the front. He steps closer and smiles "you with a ponytail is just alittle cute~" causing ben to whine and blush alittle "well I'm gonna have Kayla style it to change my appearance,Joanna already cut her hair last night after you went to sleep" ben says to Kyle as they walk to the grand staircase to the kitchen where Joanna and Kayla are cooking. Kyle gasps as he sees Joanna "y-yo! Your hair is awesome" he says. Joanna's hair is dyed solid white now,frayed to be slick spicked back with her fringe being swooped into a choppy left eye part. She chuckles and says "yup" causing Kyle to grin. "She even gave me these contacts which make my eye color purple instead of brown" Joanna says while widening her eyes. Kyle just grins then inhales deeply as Joanna sees his eyes glow bright red then she groans. "That's cheating.." she mutters as he giggles. Joanna just borrowed some of Kayla's clothes then Kyle speaks up "so..I don't know y'alls opinion on this but..we need weapons and I mean weapons~" then Kayla says "like what? I can get just about anything ya need" with a innocent smile. Kyle raises his brow and says "I myself have some..requests.." then Kayla says "tell me" and he looks up to say "I would like..hear me out. A patch of kuni throwing daggers,a decently crafted mini sword,brass knuckles, spikes preferably..a M9 Beretta,a 9mm pistol preferably smaller make..and finally one glock 19 with 3 clips." Then kayla says "thats easy as long as you put it to use" then ben says "I um...have some requests.." causing everyone to get curious. "I would like a ruger lcp. A sig Sauer p938. Two finger blades, a black and white skull mouth mask then finally a hatchet." Ben says and Kyle says "ah shit,I wanna see that" then he looks to Joanna and she says "fine..I got some shit too. I'd like just two simple Smith & Wesson M&P and a Kel-Tec PMR-30." And chuckles. Kayla says "I'll have that by tomorrow if y'all can wait" so Kyle smiles and says "fuck yeah" then Kayla says "my only question is..even tho you all are hunting a dangerous killer are you yourselves confident in your abilities with these weapons and plans..?" Causing the three to think. Ben speaks up and says "yes. I may be afraid but I have compete faith in Kyle,Joanna and myself that we won't fail." Then Joanna says "yeah. After seeing this dude in action and hanging out with him I'm confident however we gotta be careful,anything could happen." She says with a smile. Kyle smiles widely and says "thanks yall,I will not fail and that is a garunte also yes..I'm confident in my weapon skill." So they all nod then share some conversations. After an hour of eating and chatting Kyle speaks up "so..What should we do while we wait till tomorrow..?" While looking to ben and Joanna. "I say we just chill and enjoy the day considering it's gonna get hectic fast so might as well enjoy the peace while we have it" ben says while smiling and getting up,sliding his chair in. Joanna thinks then says "yeah..it is gonna get crazy tomorrow.." while getting up. Kyle walks to ben and wraps his arms around Ben's waist to pull him while pressing his body against ben. "W-what uh..whatcha doing there..~" ben mutters as Kyle leans forward to Ben's face. Ben blushes and turns his head to the left and Kyle kisses him softly at first then deepens the kiss. Ben blushes darker then turns around and kisses back deeply while wrapping his arms around Kyle's neck. Kyle grins then he reaches down,slips his hands behind Ben's knees then lifts him up onto the kitchen counter causing him to squeal alittle but gets cut off by another kiss. Ben tries to scoot away out of embarrassment but Kyle pulls him closer with more force and growls softly then bites his bottom lip,pulls out then kisses him softly. Kyle leans down to Ben's collar bones and starts nibbling upwards,licking slightly then kicks up to his ear and whispers "sorry I just couldn't resist with how fucking adorable my little bunny is~" which causes ben to light up brightly holding back the urge to squeal. Kyle grins then winks and helps ben off the counter. Ben asks Kyle "can we um..c-cuddle today?" While blushing then Kyle says "all day?" And ben nods while smiling. "Okay~" Kyle says while pulling ben up the grand staircase. Kyle holds Ben's hand as they walk to Kyle's room,walk and shut the door behind them......
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