🖤~one step at a time~🖤

As they drive off Ben in the back on his computer with Kyle sitting to his right and joanna in the front, Kayla says with a quick glance in the rear veiw mirror "we're close guys,about another mile or so." Causing Kyle to look up out his window watching the houses pass by then Ben says "alright,should we all get out or just me..?" And Joanna speaks up "probably just you because it would look off if four people mob up on them like that.." Ben looks down to the computer screen and thinks then looks up again "yeah.." followed by a nod from Joanna as she looks forward again. After 30 minutes they see Marywood University then Kayla says "The uhm..fren hill park is just left up here." And Ben responds with "alright but.." as he looks to Kyle he then says "will you come with me..?" And Kyle smiles gently. "Of course" he says with a soft tone and smile. They turn left on North Blakely Street down the main road, down Cypress Street to Olyphant then turn right as they see the park from down the road. "Amanda says shes sitting at the bench near the play equipment with a pink jacket and blue jeans" Ben says then kayla speaks up "that must be her" while pointing as they pull up next to the park. They see a split winding walkway to the play area with some benches where a person sits in a pink jacket. The wind roaring and a faint sprinkle in the air. Ben steps out of the truck and shuts the door with Kyle getting out after him while whispering "you might wanna leave that in the car.." while pointing to his hatchets. Ben gasps alittle then quickly takes the hatchets out of his belt loops and hands them to Joanna who giggles as she rolls her window back up. Ben chuckles then the two of them walk down the path to the bench where she is sitting,they see the her start to wave and hear "Benny..!?" Then Ben says "its her,c'mon" as he jogs over to Amanda with Kyle following. "H-hai,i-im Ben and this i-is Kyle.." he mutters while pointing to Kyle. Amanda smiles then says "here take a seat" with a giggle. Kyle examines her closely,she has faded black straight hair tucked behind her left ear with the right side over her eye,her hood over her head and jacket zipped halfway,she is light skinned with hazel eyes. She slowly takes her hood off and looks to Kyle and Ben as they sit down,Ben clears his throat then says "is it okay if i get straight to the point..?" Then Amanda says "yeah that's kinda why i came here" with a laugh causing ben to giggle and frown playfully "awe i totally thought it was just to meet me~" Ben ploys and they both giggle with Kyle staring blankly. "So..i read your post but i wanted to ask what fully happened or what you know now" Ben says and she thinks then speaks "well in my post I said the dude followed me for awhile before I got home and I caught a glimpse of the same dude trying to break the backdoor down before I ran upstairs and called the cops,the police found a peice of white and red fabric but never told me anything of it afterwards, all they said was to not worry and call asap if anything else happens" as she huffs from the cold wind hitting her face causing her to get a faint redness. Kyle says "also i wanted to ask..did you by any chance see anyone similar before the instance..?" As he puts his arm on the table. She thinks for a moment then says with a sigh "I guess,I never saw his face fully,all I saw was his pitch black hair over his face..however his left arm did look different from the rest of his clothes.." Kyle's eyes widen then he speaks up "was it bandaged with red stains!?" And she gets shocked alittle but mutters "y-yeah,its what the police found i think.." and Kyle says "sorry..but that confirms it" as he looks to Ben with a nod. Ben nods back and she says "confirms what exactly?" With her eyes widening. Kyle looks to her and says "I uhm..wounded jeff if you wanna say that-" but is quickly interrupted with "if you say that,bitch you threw a fucking grenade!" From Ben with a laugh causing him to groan and turn back to her but before he can speak she says "A what!? Grenade?the fuck?" And he looks down with a sigh. "Yes,we where fighting and we fell down the cliff to the river bellow and as we did i threw a grenade at him but he dodged the initial explosion however he was still burnt and wounded." Kyle says as Amanda lights up with intrigument. "Thats doooopeeee" she mutters with excitement causing Kyle and Ben to chuckle. Amanda then says "but as we've been talking i wanted to ask why you need me if you already have this much insight.." as kyle and ben think. "Well..you're the latest person he's tried to attack and clearly he's to weak to do much and that means we can strike,I dont think he was after you for any specific reason besides he needed someone who was vulnerable and that he thought he could get away with killing..if this was October 14th he had done this and its October 23rd now he couldn't have gotten far but i wouldn't underestimate him.." Ben says then Kyle says "it has been 7 days tho and he is activily hunting us as well which is what led us to Rochester City, New York." Then Amanda says "so..whats so important about him to you? What makes you wanna take it into your own hands vs. The police?" Causing Kyle's pupils to expand then he looks down,tensing alittle. Ben speaks up softly "lets just say..he's really..reallyyyy fucked us up.." Ben chokes alittle and Amanda raises her hands with a smile saying "its okay its okay you don't have to talk about it if it pains you..im sorry" while reassuringly waving. Kyle smiles gently then looks back up "thank you. Just know he has to be stopped and as soon as possible." And Amanda nods then stretches with a sigh. Ben scratches his head then looks to Amanda as she stands up "sooo..do you have any ideas as to who he would strike next? I know you probably wouldn't care about that but I've still gotta ask" he says while yawning. "Sadly I don't..no one I know would be the 'prime' target or at least I wouldn't think so" she says and Ben responds "fair enough,he started attacking people in a coded sequence with plans but lately it seems like he didn't plan for us to beat him and Charlotte,his plan was to split us up and individually pick us off so he's probably reevaluating his options and frantically roaming around like a lost dog" while zipping his jacket up more from the cold wind. They hear a few loud honks causing them to look over to the path where kayla parked and they see kayla as well as Joanna waving to them so kyle stands up to say " I think we gotta go now but here,contact this number if you have anything you wanna tell us or talk about or whatever,it was nice meeting and i appreciate you coming to meet us like this." With Ben standing up saying "yeah,I really appreciate it and we should hang out under different circumstances" with a few giggles at the end as him and Kyle start walking. Amanda says "alright,it was nice meeting and I hope you guys stay safe and uhm..achieve your goals I guess?just be safe" with a smile as she waves them off. Kyle and Ben walk down the walkway path back to the truck then as they hear the leaves crunch kyle says to ben while looking over "this is kinda funny isn't it..just a month ago we where getting high in an abandoned amusement park" while giggling softly. Ben chuckles and says "yeah.." but tenses with a pain in his chest then just shakes his head and keeps walking. They get to the truck and get in the back seats then Kyle asks "whats up??" As Kayla and Joanna look back. "Look at this." Joanna says while holding her phone up.

latest news< infamous mental asylum occupant Kyle Gryolsal who was believed to escape has as of late been confirmed on the run with Benny Harbinger and two as of yet unknown suspect's believed to be in Canada/New York areas,if you see either of these men call the local police immediately.

The article reads followed by a picture of Kyle and Ben. "Well damn" Kyle mutters and Ben says "my dad must've reported it..i can't blame him tho." Then Joanna says "its alright tho,the pictures where of you two before what happened,you look alot different now." Causing kyle to smile alittle then say "thanks,plus they wouldn't show me ya know..killing police and stuff.." while giggling. Kayla chuckles and says "where to now..?" While starting the car. "Food?" Kyle says with a grin looking to ben "Ihop?" Joanna says with her eyebrow raised then ben says "Y E S please im starving" then they all giggle and back out of the car park to drive to the main road. After about 30 minutes they arrive to an Ihop and pull into the parking lot then Kayla stops the car while saying "jeez im starvinggggg" with a groan while stepping out of the car then shutting the door. Joanna opens the door and steps out to follow kayla with Ben and Kyle getting out after. "Hey wait up!" Ben shouts as him and Kyle run to the door where Kayla and Joanna are waiting. Joanna opens the big glass door for the others to walk in,Kayla walks in first followed by Kyle and Ben then Joanna. Kyle sees Ben ducking his head down discreetly while kayla and Joanna go to the front desk. "Hey~" kyle whispers as he puts a hand on bens left shoulder. Ben turns his head and kyle leans in,puts his left hand on Ben's chin lifitng his head then kisses his nose and smiles gently. "Don't hide your face,especially when im arround~" kyle states while grinning,his eyes glowing crimson red then fading to blue. Ben blushes brightly and blinks a few times then smiles while turning to follow Joanna and Kayla. The waitress grabs four menus from the small desk with the register then looks up with her brown hair falling in her face "right this way,i have a booth available" with a smile as she pushes her bangs to the left and turns to face the left of the restaurant. She begins walking past the booths and tables to a booth in the far end of the building. They follow her then take their seats,Kyle scoots into the seat next to the window behind him with Ben sitting next to him,Joanna sits on the inside with the other window to her right with Kayla besides her left. The waitress hands them each their menus then says "any drinks to start?coffee,water?" With a slight head tilt. "Uh..yeah,i would like coffee,the strongest you got.." Kyle says with a glance up. Ben opens his menu while saying "I'd like a glass of milk." Then Kayla says "water is fine" and Joanna says "same,just water for now" as the waitress writes in her notebook. "Okay,ill be right back with your drinks and give some time for you to decide what you want" she says with a smile as she turns to walk to the back kitchen. Kyle lightly taps his foot on the floor while reading his menu,Ben closes his then slides it to the middle while saying "im just gonna go with the simple and fit two egg breakfast with 4 extra peices of turkey bacon". Kyle thinks then says "imma get the breakfast sampler.." while closing his menu. "Im gonna get two things of thick cut brioche french toast...mmmmm that sounds fuckin amazing" Joanna says while drifting off in hunger. Kayla giggles and says "i just want the sirloin tips and eggs with pancakes" as she closes her menu. The waitress comes back about 5 minutes later with her notebook and asks "have y'all decided what you want or do you need more time?" Then Kayla says "we all know what we want?" With a quick panned glance to everyone. "Yeah,i just want two of the Thick cut brioche french toast." Joanna says as she hands each of them their drinks. Kyle says "I just want the breakfast sampler.." while he instantly starts drinking his coffee. Ben says "I would like the simple and fit two egg breakfast with 4 extra peices of turkey bacon" giving a soft smile as he hands her the menu. Kayla hands her the menu while saying "and I just want the sirloin tips and eggs with pancakes" with a nod as the waitress takes their menus. The waitress writes in her notebook then says "Alright,it'll be out as soon as possible" with a smile as she walks to the back kitchen. "So what did you two talk about with that Amanda person?" Kayla says while drinking her water. "Well she doesnt know much about where he'd be now but she confirmed it was him however he could be anywhere by now since that happened 7 days ago." Kyle says while already finishing his coffee. They for the most part stay silent while waiting then after about 15 minutes the waitress comes out with a tray of their food hastily as to not drop it. "Ahh the uhm..simple and fit?" She mutters while handing Ben the plate followed by kyle and the others their plates. "Is that everything?" She says with a soft head tilt as Ben looks up "yeah thats all" with a smile. "Alright." She replys then takes the tray back to the kitchen. They all imidietly begin eating and after about an hour of talking and eating they are all ready to leave. Kayla says "lets pay up front and just head out." As kyle pushes ben playfully, followed by him and Joanna scooting out then kyle and kayla getting out with them. They walk up to the front desk and wait for a worker then the same waitress comes up to the desk and looks to them. "Y'all paying up front?" She says then Kayla pulls out her card and hands it to her "yeah.." she says as the cashier takes the card and swipes it. "How was the meal?" She says as she types on the computer. "It was great" Ben says with a smile causing the cashier to smile back then hand kayla her card back "that's good, come back again" she says with a wave as they leave. Kyle opens the door for the others as they walk past then he follows but stops as another person walks past. A women steps past him quickly and pushes him without a word but he gets a quick glance of her face. "S-she looks like..-" he thinks but hears Ben calling "c'mon we got a long trip back!" So he blinks then walks out as the door shuts. He whispers to ben "bro that chick,she looked familiar" as Ben gets in the car. "Yeah yeah im sure you knew her~" ben ploys sarcastically. Kyle groans and rolls his eyes "im serious, she had scars along her face similar to Charlotte.." kyle thinks as he looks down while kayla pulls out and drives off. The sun begins to set and kyle looks to the car dash to see the time. "5:30 P.M already..?" He mutters to himself then turns to the left and stares out the window at the streets,houses and buildings passing by. Ben looks up from his computer and silently scoots closer to and presses up against kyle with a reliefed exhale. Kyle blushes then smiles as Ben silently purrs,kyle looks down and says "whatcha doing?" Looking to his computer. "Im alittle depressed seeing as I cant post to insta anymore cause the cops will track it" ben says with a giggle then looks up "so I've been checking up on peoples accounts to see how the people back at school are doing.." he says while glancing to his computer. Joanna sits criss cross in the chair and turns to say " why do you still care about that place after all this?" Causing Ben to pout. "Well..that place is where i made my best friends and share countless memories with..even if it was just regular old school..." he says with a soft smile before hearing a beep from his computer. "You have 1 new message from an unknown ID..." the text bubble at the top left of the screen reads. Ben scrolls his cursor to it and clicks open for it to load his Email then load in the message. Kyle looks over Ben's right shoulder to see as Ben reads slightly aloud

Anonymous-October 23rd, 5:40P.M : Dear Ben,Kyle,Joanna, and Kayla.
It would appear as tho you are a more apparent threat than initially thought. Im here to make a deal,you forget What's happened and move on with your lives in exchange we will never contact you again while living our lives,should you say no well then Ben you can say goodbye to your father. You have 24 hours from this point to respond with an answer,goodbye for now Kyky.

Ben stares blankly for alittle then Joanna says "kyky?" With a raised eyebrow. "Thats what Charlotte used to call me when we where together.." kyle says then Ben tenses and his eyes twitch. "T-t-they d-didnt..no wa-way.." he mutters as kyle goes to put his left hand on Ben's shoulder. "I-if they do AnYtHiNg! To him i swear I will personally shred both of them m-myself!" He growls while tears fill his eyes and he begins shaking. Kyle quickly shuts his computer,pushes it off his lap then pulls him into his chest,tightly wrapping his arms around Ben. "Shush,they won't hurt your father i promise,i will not let that happen. Okay?" He says while petting Ben's hair gently. "O-okay.." Ben mutters as he hugs kyle back. Kayla narrows her eyes with evident distress then shakes her head and keeps driving,Joanna looks back and says "what should we do..? We can't just let them get away,especially not after all thats happened and what we've done." Then Ben turns to Joanna "yeah but I can't let them hurt my father..thats the whole reason I ran away! Was so he wouldn't get involved..." Ben says while raising his voice but is interrupted by kyle hugging him tighter. "I'm sorry..i know,kyle?what about you?" Joanna says to kyle who looks off into space. "Kyle..?" She says again but with no response.

Kyle's pov< "h-hey..i know you're there..whatever you are. Hey!..HEY!! H-" Kyle says but gets interrupted "Shut up already~! damn. Yes,yes im here,what do you desire." The voice erupts in Kyle's mind. "What should i do?..Jeff and Charlotte have Ben's father but i can't just let them go..plus who's to say they wont just kill him anyways and use him as bait." He says to the pitch black void. "Im afraid to say such a question has no straight answer,im not one to tell you what to do,im mearly the one who suplys you with the means to do so~" the voice says as kyle glares annoyed. "What exactly do you want to do,what do you yourself wish to do~" it says while kyle silently thinks. He thinks to himself "i wanna kill jeff and Charlotte,i wanna watch them suffer for the death of my mother and all those innocent people.." "then why don't you~" the voice interupts his thoughts. "W-wha? B-because..-" "because you're scared to hurt Ben or the others,despite your hatred you deep down wish not to hurt those you love and wish for your life to return to normal however i hate to say that wont ever happen,not to mention you aren't even human.." the voice says with a more serious tone. "What do you mean im not Human..?" Kyle hesitantly says while raising his eyebrows. "Have you already forgoten young kyle,the deal~?" The voice says with a coy to its tone. Kyle tries to think but struggles then shakes his head "w-what deal..?" He says as memories flash through his head. He sees himself in an orange jumpsuit tied to a white bed surrounded by guards and a doctor injecting a mysterious liquid into his arm. "I-i.." he mutters as his body tenses,remembering the feeling rush through his nerves as he was overwhelmed with rage,he remembers Jeff forcing him to stab his mother over and over then framing him for it. Kyle remembers killing the prison guards and crippling the doctor then killing more guards. "In exchange for your soul i shall give you the knowledge and power to redeem and take back your life back..if not then you will be left to rot in an asylum,no mother,no friends,no love,knowing he got away with destroying everything you had for his own happiness...." kyle mutters as he looks up to the void thats swirling and changing shape. "Mhm,heheh yes~in turn for your soul i gave you life and the ability to act on your revenge~" the voice grows louder with low cackles as it slowly grows into a humanoid outline. "What..are you.." kyle says in awe as he stares wide eyed. "I would've thought it obvious by now..~" it says as the aura grows bigger. "The devil?" Kyle mutters then it cackles "now thats a good one but no,the devil wishes it had my power,im the reason your species believes in a devil~" it growls in a sadistically happy tone. "You see,for I am an ancient demon,my name forgoten yet always feared over time,I create the balance between cause and effect for instance Jeff killing your mother was the cause for your situation and you accepting me was the effect,now me giving you power is me wishing to see where this cause will have an effect~" it says as it finally begins taking shape. "My name young kyle is...Mykayra the great one~" it is a 15 foot creature with grey glistening leathery skin, a 12 foot black feathery tail with 4 scorpion stingers on the end,its legs are thick with feathery fur to the knees where it molds into bone crow feet with two hind claw shapped toes and bandages around the feet. It has two diamond shapped lower wings over its tail laying downwards,it has parallel swaying spicked black markins all across its skin that blend into its fur,it's wings span 12 feet each with a bats structure however with spiks on the joints,the wings have feathery fur around their connection point to the back. Its hair is long and flows everywhere almost like water in the void,it has the same markings across its face from its eyes as its eyes are bright crimson infused purple,its teeth are jagged pitch black as well as its tounge which it licks its teeth with. Its arms from the elbow down are also bone with 6 claws,4 for the main fingers then 2 pincers at the wrists with bandages around them. It lets out a raspy exhale then glares at Kyle with a smile. "Now do you understand~?what you must do~?" It says in an even lower raspy voice. Kyle stays silent in pure shock then blicks a few times. He inhales then exhales and closes his eyes for a moment. "Yes,yes i do..lord Mykayra~" kyle says with a widened grin as his eyes change to bright crimson pupils with deep purple outter eyes. "Now thats more like it,go now Kyle Gryolsal~" Mykayra says as Kyle begins falling rapidly and his conscious flashes.

(Everyone pov) "KYLE!" Joanna shouts as Kyle glares to her with his eyes glowing. She stutters then says "you okay..?" And Kyle starts giggling "im perfectly fine,in fact I know what to do,hehe..HeHe,HAHA" he cackles while shaking joyfully. Ben scoots away to the far left door and kyle looks over then blinks a few times and his eyes slowly revert back to baby blue. "S-sorry but I need you all to trust me,here's the plan. Ben,i need you to respond to the Email and tell them this." As Ben hesitantly grabs then opens his computer "tell them what??" He says while opening the messege to respond. "Okay,we will stop pursuing you as long as you let Ben's father go and we will never try anything towards you again,you have my word." Kyle says while Ben types it out. "Anything else?" Ben asks. "No,that's all." He says and Ben nods then sends the Email. Kayla sighs and says "so whats your plan?" While looking in the rearview mirror. "The plan..well it's rather simple,we get your father from them then upon leaving we track them down and kill them but the other plan is if they harm him anyway we all go in asap and put an end to this for good~" he says while looking to Ben who winces then nods. "Alright." Ben says with a glum look as Joanna says "don't worry Ben,it'll be okay" while placing her hand on his knee from the front seat. Kayla stops the truck as they pull into the hotel parking lot and says "we're here yall" while turning the truck off and taking the keys out. They all get out following kayla up the stairs to the room,kayla uses the hotel key,opens the door and steps inside with the others behind her. Kyle walks in with a smile while holding Ben's shoulders from behind,Ben walks over to the desk near the t.v and sets his computer down. "I've got some stuff to plan,i need you to sit down and chill~" ben says while pushing Kyle away playfully. Kyle giggles and says "fiiiine" then plops down onto the hotel bed,grabs the remote and turns on the t.v while Joanna plops onto the other bed followed by kayla diving onto her with a yelp from Joanna. Kayla giggles and ruffles Joannas hair playfully causing her to pout then giggles softly. Joanna pushes kayla to the left onto the other side of the bed to watch t.v while Ben types on his computer plotting their next plan.............

(Hey everyone,im back officially and will upload the bext chapter either tomorrow or the next day,I know this was short but its my return to my story,the next chaoter will be Much better garunted^~^)

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