🖤~lovely tragedy~🖤

It's been around 30 minutes since they left and are back in Woodhaven so Todd taps Kyle awake from his nap then giggles "we're almost home,y'all want me to drop you off?" As he looks to Kyle then ben. "Yeah just drop me off at my dad's, he lives right near the school" states ben then Kyle sleepily says "yeah..just uh..drop me off at my mom's.." with a tired yawn. Todd says "I'll drop Kyle off first since me and Ben live closer to each other" as he pulls into Kyle's neighbourhood. Kyle looks to see his house,his mother's car in the driveway and what looks like a note on the door. Todd stops the car then says "good luck man,it was fun. We gotta do this again." With a smile then ben says "would you uh..wanna hang out tomorrow if possible since it'll be Sunday..?" Ben shyly asks then Kyle thinks and says "sure, why not" as he gets out and smiles with a wave. Todd drives off as Kyle walks up the driveway to the patio then pulls the folded note off the door and opens it to read

Note< Hey sweetie,I'm not feeling to well so I decided to take a nap,I made you some food in the kitchen. Come in through the back because the front door is really loud please and thank you.

Kyle folds the note back then walks around the left side of the house to a gate and since he doesn't have a key to the padlock he hops the fence and walks behind the house to the sliding glass door. He clicks the lever in then slides the door to see a plate of his favorite breakfast food sitting at the table. He enters then closes the glass door behind him,walks around the dining table to sit down and eat. "Eggs,biscuits,sausage,bacon with toast and milk.." he says with a smile as he mixes his food up then starts eating. He eventually finishes the meal then stands up,picking his plate up and pushing his chair in then walking to the sink and putting his plate down in it. He yawns and rubs his head "guess I didn't sleep very well in an abandoned pond.." he mutters with a chuckle then walks to his room,opens the door then steps in and closes the door behind him. He walks over to his bed and doesn't even undress,he just plops down and falls asleep laying on his stomach,the sun beaming through his window isn't even phasing him.

(Kyle's mom 3rd person pov 1 hour before Kyle returns) she's still in bed reading a book when she hears a knock at the front door so she places her page finder in her book,closes it then scoots out of bed while opening her door and hollering "who is it!?" While putting a shirt on then rushing to the door. She looks out the peep whole and doesn't see anyone so she unlocks then opens the front door to still see no one. After looking around for awhile she scoffs with a "damn kids.." as she turns around to see the sliding glass back door open so she walks over to it,glances into the backyard then shuts it assuming "I must've left it open last night.." then turns to walk back to her room. She walks past Kyle's room to her's at the end left of the hallway then turns her doorknob and steps in but as soon as she does a Sharpe pain courses through her head but before she can figure it out everything goes pitch black...

(Kyle 3rd peson pov) Kyle awakens feeling fuzzy and barely able to open his eyes,through a blurred slur of vision he sees what looks like a pinkish queen sized bed in front of him so he goes to move his hands then can't so he tries to focus better which makes his headache worse but he makes out what looks like a sillouete in the room next to the bed. "W-wha..w-what.." he mutters as he opens his eyes alittle more then realizes his hands are tied with cloth and duck tape as well as his feet so he weakly squirms while coming to his senses. He looks back up and can make out the sillouete better to see someone with black running shoes,black tattered jeans and a black cut up t-shirt holding some white cloth in their left hand. "Finally coming to I see~" says the person in a low raspy tone causing Kyle to look up and see their face. Bleached white skin complection,teeth exposed with no lips and his mouth gapped open with what appears to be fesh cuts from his lips to his cheek bones forming a constant smile. His nose is just overgrown flesh as tho it was healed over,his hair is ratty and flared in different directions with it parting in three directions in his face,one part going to the left,one in the middle and the other on the right,all of it laying stuck together stained with some substance. His eyes are wide with no eye lids,his eyes have lots of red veins protruding from strain and irritation,his iris is blue but tainted with some glints of red and the craziest glare Kyle's ever seen. "See something you like~" says the man with his left hand on his waist mockingly. Kyle comes to his senses and looks over to see his mother in bed with her wrists and feet tied to each bed frame post as well as gagged with torn bed cloth as well as tape. The man steps more into view then holds his right hand up holding a M9 Beretta then growls "your mother has good taste in guns..this is a fine peice however she had only one clip and me being the nice guy I am took every bullet but one..~" he raises the gun in his right hand and presses the barrel of the gun to Kyle's mothers head and grins causing Kyle to try and move forward. "Tisk..tisk..don't even think of moving. Only one person has to die tonight so don't make me kill two~" the man states with an even widder grin,seeing his cheeks move as if he was smiling. Kyle stops and stares angrily then goes to speak "w-wh-" but is cut off by the man lowering his right hand,pointing the gun to Kyle. "Don't fucking speak,not till I tell you to~" states the man while chuckling. "S-so here's the.." he giggles in between words the starts again "the deal is I'll give you one chance to kill me~if you..yes you can kill me I won't kill her~" and glances to Kyle's mom. Kyle growls then the man reaches into his pocket with a glove on his left hand to pull out a brown with gold trim kitchen knife then throw it to Kyle's feet. "Go on..free yourself and you get one chance~" says the man as he puts the M9 on the desk near the bed ontop of his white cloth. Kyle looks down then reaches and grabs the knife,he cuts the tape off of his hands then cuts it off his feet. Kyle is in just sweats right now but he doesn't care,he flips the knife to hold it regularly then glares to the man with so much anger. "Make this fun boyo~" cackles the man as Kyle rushes him thrusting the knife forward,the man steps to the left so Kyle swings right, the man holds his hands behind his back jokingly then dips to the right causing Kyle to swing downwards then he raises his leg and kicks Kyle in his left hip causing him to hit the bed and whimper,holding his side,then the man leaps forward faster than kyle,grabs his right and left hand,reaches up and grips both his hands while laughing in Kyle's face. Kyle starts kicking the man's legs with everything he's got but the man just laughs louder with each attempt,he spins Kyle around then drives Kyle's arms down with his own causing Kyle to plung the knife deep into his mother's chest till the hilt of the blade stops it then as Kyle screams from shock the man raises up again then forces Kyle to keep stabbing,no matter how hard Kyle struggles the man's grips stays the same,if anything it gets tighter and faster till blood is splattering all over Kyle. "S-STOP PLEASE!" Kyle wails with tears pouring from his eyes as his mother chokes up blood through the rag and tape,eventually falling motionless. Then man chuckles then jumps back,grabs the M9 and his white cloth revealing it to be a hoodie,he quickly puts the white hoodie on then raises his right hand up and points the gun to Kyle as he turns around with the knife. Kyle glares with so much sorrow and anger right into the man's eyes. "This was fun but I gotta bounce,you have a special ride coming anyways ya cold hearted killer~" the man jokes as he quickly runs through the house while laughing then Kyle just falls to his knees..he doesn't even turn his head back to see his mother. He sits their clenching the knife so tightly his hand starts bleeding. He stares at the floor with tears steady streaming down his face with absolutely no words or sounds,just slight whimpers. Kyle hears sirens outside of the house then hears the front door bust open with a massive thud erupting through the house with men and women shouting "Come out now,this is the police!" As a couple officers rush into the bedroom where Kyle is sitting. The officer points his gun to Kyle then shouts "Hey I got the suspect!" As he looks to Kyle and says "don't move an inch" while 3 more officers enter the room,the same one holds his gun pointed to Kyle while the other female officer takes Kyle's hands behind his back and cuffs them then pulls him up to his feet and leads him out the house. Kyle glances around seeing his once happy home full of bright blue and red lights flashing with loud sirens sounding and neighbors opening their doors to see what's happening. Kyle sees the disgusted faces of his once fellow neighbours look at him like a monster covered in blood. The officer opens the back door to the car and shoves Kyle into it and slams the door then rushes around to the drivers seat and gets in. Kyle just stares out the back barricaded window speechless as the car speeds off to the local police station. Kyle is now waiting in holding with his orange jumpsuit lifeless and not moving an inch. There's a couple other people but Kyle ignores them. One of the other dudes tries to strike up a conversation across the bench with a "What's up with you dude.." but Kyle just keeps looking down so the other man about mid twenties with greasy short black hair asks again "uhm hey I'm talking to you." So Kyle slightly glances over at him but doesn't speak. The dude goes to stand up and walk to Kyle but Kyle looks up to him with the same pain he had in his eyes when Jeff made him kill his mother then the dude stutter steps alittle and says "a-are you like a mute or some shit." Then kyle looks back down so he growls and grips Kyle by his shirt collar and says "keep ignoring m-" but his voice cuts out as Kyle doesn't hear or feel anything. All Kyle sees is someone getting angry with exaggerated expressions while shaking him til he gets this sharp sting in his chest. Instead of acknowledging the man he grips his chest then looks up to the man and Kyle feels so much rage course through his body,every nerve is burning and firing to move. "Kill~" Kyle mutters. "move...Move..MOve..MOVE!" Then he shouts "I said move you ignorant cunt!" As he grips the man by his shoulders,pulls him in closer then bites into his neck causing him to scream and blood pour out,the man wails and chokes,spitting up blood while Kyle finally rips back tearing a chunk out of the man's neck then spits out the peice of flesh while huffing and breathing shakily then he looks down to his hands covered in blood as the man lays motionless on the floor bleeding out and the other people in the holding cell in fear on the other side of the room. Kyle shakes his head then starts shouting while hitting himself "D-Damnit..I'm not!..I'm not! Im not! IM NOT!" As the guards rush into the cell and taze Kyle till he collapses and passes out. Kyle wakes up in a solitary confinement cell with his hands,feet and chest strapped to a bed with bright white lights over him,four guards standing ready around the white room and a doctor standing at his bedside. The doctor sees Kyle waking up then says "with the stunt you've pulled it's been passed that you are charged with insanity so instead of prison you'll be spending your days in an asylum." With a stern voice,looking to Kyle like he's some dog ready to be put down. The doctor grabs a needle with a bottle of something Kyle doesn't recognise. All it has is the words "GEn A SIStamatic" then the doctor inserts the needle,filling it with the liquid then sets the little bottle down as he turns back to Kyle. Kyle starts to shake then try to escape but he just rattles the bed then the doctor inserts the needle into his main vein in the bend of his elbow. Kyle feels the chemical start to enter his system making him go numb and the room becomes fuzzy. "No!" He shouts slurred and panicked. "I-i don't wanna! N-no please!" He shouts but his voice starts cracking then falling quieter till it becomes soft mumbles and his eyes begin to shut. "I-i..n-n..no..ple-please.." Then as he falls into a black abyss he thinks "one last..cha..nce..I beg for one last chance..please..I'll find him..and avenge her...just..one....more.....chance...." as he finally drifts off one last thought pierces his mind "do you wish for another chance~" erupts a voice within the endless void. "Yes...I do..." Kyle says as he begins to cry. "I can bring you that chance at a cost~" echoes the endless voice. "I'm listening.." Kyle states softly. "In return for your soul I shall give you the knowledge and power to redeem and take your life back..if not then you will be left to rot in an asylum,no mother,no friends,no love,knowing he got away with destroying everything you had for his own happiness~" the voice echoes louder with more of a dark tone. " If I agree..I get the chance to regain my life.." Kyle says while laying in the endless void. "Yes~so long as you kill him~" the voice states. "Deal." Kyle growls. "Give me the chance to live and I will bring him to his knees and make him suffer,that is a garunte." Kyle growls as the voice laughs through his head "it's a deal then,you're life is yours once more and your soul is mine once it is no longer yours Kyle Gryolsal~" the voice states with so much static and echo it hurts Kyle's ears then with a sudden burst of emotion coursing through his veins he has never felt before,he doesn't know what to do in his mind but his body does,he feels as tho his body knows exactly what it is able to do,like a hidden lock was just unlocked within him. With a horrendous erupting growl he opens his eyes now a deep vivid shinning crimson iris with purplish black where the white eyeball was. He forces his arms up snapping the restraints off the bed then rolls to his back kicking his feet up ripping the straps off the bed as well then he leaps over the doctor to the right where one of the guards stands in the corner of the room about to draw his gun. Kyle tic-tacs of the wall then jump crescent kicks the guard causing his jaw to completely shatter,turns his back then reaches his left hand to his shoulder and stabs his fingers into the guards neck and rips his jaw off to throw it at the guard in front of him causing him to stutter and jump back. Kyle reaches back with his right hand then rips the previous guards gun from his belt,raises it up to the two at the door on the left and shoots them both in the head swiftly causing blood to splatter on the white walls then he swiftly aims to the last guard and shoots without warning,spraying his brain across the back wall. The doctor tries to run away then Kyle aims and shoots him in the back of both knees causing him to fall in front of the main door,bleeding heavily from his knees. Kyle speed walks to the doctor then stomps on both of his legs causing his knees to shatter while grinning. "Thanks doc,why dontcha patch yourself up,that looks pretty bad~" as he grabs a near by wash cloth the toses it onto the doctors back. Kyle kicks open the locked vault door causing it to unhing and slam against the hallway wall. Kyle just smiles while walking down the hallway whistling to himself. He follows the arrows on the seiling pointing to the exit as some staff members hide behind the counter some guards rush through the front doors but Kyle unloads the clip into them,there was 5 guards but he shoots 4 of them directly in the head then as the 5th goes to shoot Kyle,he already shoots his hand causing him to drop his gun and yell in pain. Kyle kicks his inner right leg then outer kicks his left making him go into the splits,grabs his shoulders then forces him down causing him to break his hips upwards. Then looks to him and says "I'm no killer but I would love to say dear Jeffery woods,I'm coming for you~" then pushes the guard down and walks out the front door. He grins as he drops the gun to the ground and begins to run,he's alot faster than before running at least 20 times faster than he used to. His max running speed was only 13mph now it's around 30 easily as he runs through the city till he sees a back ally where he starts walking more casually. He looks down to see he still has a bloodstained white suit on so he takes his shirt off as well as shoes then keeps walking till he approaches the back of a restaurant,an arbys to be exact. He knocks on the back employee door til someone steps out,a female employee with short dirty drown hair in a ponytail comes out and asks "are you okay?You look pretty bad" since Kyle is covered in blood. He just giggles then grabs her by the throat,pulls her out then spins around to kick the door shut and drags her into the parking lot while saying "I need you to drive me somewhere,now you can either do that alive or dead..your choice~" as he forces her into the drivers seat the hops over the car to the other side where he opens the passnager door and gets in. She nods quickly and panicked but trying to stay calm "w-where ya h-headin" she croaks out. "Take me to.." He stops then asks "where are we exactly?" Then she says "r-rosedale blvd" and Kyle groans. "Just take me to central Woodhaven." Then turns to her and smiles softly. She starts the car then slowly turns to the main road and begins driving. It takes about 15 minutes to get back to his neighborhood so once they arrive Kyle tells her to pull into his driveway with his mom's car still there and police tape all over. She looks to Kyle wide eyed then says "w-wait..are you.." Then kyle interrupts with "yes. I am." Then gets out and begins to walk up the driveway while saying "call the police if you want,I'm already convicted of something I didn't do but it's to late for that." As he ducks under some police tape then walks to the front door and kicks it open,speed walking through the house till he gets to his room. He rips the police tape off his door then opens it and walks in looking for some clothes. "There's only one place I can think to go..Ben's place.." Kyle thinks allowed as he gets dressed. He puts on some black boxers,white socks with his solid black converse,Skinny red tights under his black skinny jeans with ripped knees to form a design,a white tank top with his black baggy hoodie that's to big for him. He clenches the hoodie cloth on his chest and inhales deeply. "I miss you..dad.." He mutters to himself then leaves his room but as he walks through the living room he glances at himself in the hallway mirror seeing his hair is now matted crow black and his base eyes are solid crimson. He frowns then giggles "under different circumstances this would be dope.." He says to himself as he leaves through the front door and sees the employee from before still out there. He tilts his head as she waves for him to get in. He's alittle cautious at first then walks to the car and gets In. "What's the meaning of this?" He asks then she says "with what you said you peaked my interest so I'm just simply seeing what happens next" while she starts the car. "Where to now..?" She asks. Kyle just chuckles and says "so you're gonna aid me?" Then she says "don't think of it so much as aiding rather more of a I would like to see where this goes situation but yes,I'm 'aiding' you for laments terms" then Kyle laughs and says "alright then,I just need somewhere to stay so I was gonna go to my friends house and even if that doesn't work getting to see him and explain what happened would still be nice" then she says "so..where's he live?" Then kyle says "the neighborhood behind the high school, the second house to the main entrance." She leaves the neighborhood then drives to where ben lives. After about a 5 minute drive they arrive so Kyle opens the car door and says "you gonna stay again?" With a laugh then walks around the car up Ben's sidewalk. It has lots of roses planted with some tulips and sunflowers all spread out along the sidewalk leading to the porch. Kyle inhales deeply then exhales as he knocks on the door a couple times. After about 30 seconds with no response he knocks again and finally Ben's dad opens the door and says "oh well hey Kyle I haven't seen you in forever" with Ben overhearing then rushing our of his room in just boxers and a baggy black shirt excitedly. "KYLE!? Dude wassup!" As he jumps past his 6'4 gruff dad to tackle hug Kyle. "Would you wanna come in kyle?" Ben's dad offers then Kyle looks back to the girl in the car then she signals with an OK sign so he says "sure" then Ben's dad steps aside to let Kyle in. Ben's dad walks into the living room on the left then sits on the couch facing the right wall with the garage door next to their wall mount TV,a book shelf around the couch and the kitchen directly in front of the living room with Ben's room being on the right. Ben pulls Kyle and says "dude I gotta show you something" then pulls Kyle into his room and shuts the door. Ben even reaches over to his bed sitting to the left of the door with his headboard in between his bed and the window pulling blankets off to put in the cracks of his door to be quieter then says with a whisper "Please tell me it isn't true.."With teary puppy eyes. Kyle asks "tell you what isn't." Then ben inhales and says "t-the news that you k-kill-" Kyle puts his finger on Ben's lips. "I didn't do that myself,I came here to tell you what happened but you have to believe me please.." Then ben says "of course I'll believe you,I don't care what you tell me I'll be on your side" with a slight smile. Kyle exhales with relief then sits on Ben's bed then ben sits next to him. "When I got home..I saw a note on my front door.." Kyle starts then ben says "yeah,when we drove off I saw you read it" then Kyle says "yeah..It said to come in through the back and that my mother made me some food as well as not to wake her up so I did that but shortly after I ate I passed out..my food was drugged with something..I woke up and saw my mother tied to her bed with a man standing beside her.." Ben goes wide eyed as Kyle's speaking then gasps when Kyle says "Jeffery Woods was that man,the bastard..He baited me and got me riled up so when he through me a knife I would attack him then all he had to do was guid my hands causing me to stab her..Then he made me stab over and over again..no matter how hard I tried he never loosened his grip till she was completely motionless..He framed me for it by calling the police on suspect of murder..I escaped and I..i.." Kyle starts to shake and cry alittle then ben scoots closer to then hug Kyle super tightly,wrapping his arms around him with as much strength as he can muster. Kyle hugs back tightly then ben says "it's okay..well it's not but I mean I believe you..that's..horrible..I'm so sorry..how can I help?" Ben says while petting Kyle's hair softly. "Simply being with me and not leaving me is all I could ask for.." Kyle says while looking up to ben. Ben looks to Kyle then says "I will always be with you no matter what I promise." Kyle blushes alittle then Ben leans in but as he gets closer his dad knocks on his door and says "Hey do y'all want dinner? I made some meeean prom chops with mashed potatoes and macaroni" then Kyle's stomach growls and he says "man that sounds absolutely delicious,I'm starved" as he gets off Ben's bed. Ben pouts then smiles and follows Kyle out his room into the kitchen. Kyle inhales then exhales with joy and says "smells great" as he sits down at the marble dining table. Ben sits next to Kyle then his dad passes them both a plate. Kyle looks to his dad and smiles with a "thank you" as he takes the plate,picks up his fork and starts eating. Ben giggles then the three of them talk and have a few good jokes as well as some short conversations. Once Kyle gets done eating he scoots his chair out then walks to the sink and puts his plate up. Then Ben's father does the same and eventually ben. Kyle and Ben walk to the couch and sit down while Kyle inhales and exhales deeply over and over till ben asks " you okay?" With a soft whisper. "I-i wanna ask to stay here but..ho-" ben stops him and says "don't worry,I got this" as he winks then stands up while walking to his dad. "D-dad.." Ben starts by tapping his dad's  shoulder then once he turns around ben says "Kyle's mother got into an accident and he doesn't have anywhere to stay so I wanted to ask for him if he could stay with us for alittle while.." while looking down. Kyle stands up and says "i can pay rent..hopefully no more than 2 weeks to a month but I can help around the house and with whatever you need as well as pay rent by helping with the bills.." Kyle proposes. Ben's dad thinks for a good minute then exhales and says "you can stay in the garage if that's okay with you but the conditions is no girls over,no gangsters or drug business and nothing that will put our family in danger as well as you because you are our family after all." Kyle smiles then shakes his hand with a "Deal, I agree and I'll still help around if you need me" then Ben's dad chuckles and says "alright then,y'all go hang out or something,ben needs to do something besides sit alone in his room all day" with a giggle as ben frowns and chuckles. "Wanna go to a park?" Kyle asks ben then ben smiles and says "yeah just let me get dressed" as he runs back into his room. While ben gets dressed his dad puts his hand on Kyle's shoulder then leans close to whisper in Kyle's ear "I don't know what you have planned but if ben gets hurt that'll be the least of your worries" then stands up clears his throat,chuckles and walks back to the kitchen as ben comes out. "You look...snazzy" Kyle jokes. Ben's wearing green converse with black lines,black skinny jeans with zipper designs on the knees,a white belt with silver studs around it and a black buckle,a pink hello kitty shirt he thinks is cute and his signature green jacket with white interior fur and white line designs on the back and a dark green beanie swishing his long hair over his right eye. Ben giggles then says "I'm ready" with a smile. Kyle gets off the couch then they walk to the door then out to the girls car,Kyle and Ben both get in the back then ben says "who's this." In a slightly mad tone then Kyle says "a friend who is apparently my taxi now" then she chuckles with a "long as you got gas money" then Kyle groans and says "I kinda lost all my money.." Then ben pulls out a 10$ bill and says "here" then she says "where you two going?" Then kyle says "the park that sits next to that creek in the forest,it's pretty popular" then she says "cool" and drives off to the park.......

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