🖤~killing with romantic value~🖤
Kyle and Ben arrive to the park they spoke of then the girl stops the car and says "Y'all mind if I ya know..go back to work." Then kyle says "depends,what's your name and you got a number?" With a chuckle as she says "yeah..my name is Joanna and here's my number" as she writes her number on a peice of paper then hands it to Kyle. Ben opens his door then steps out and walks up to the woodchips then kyle opens his door,gets out and walks around the car to catch up with Ben. Ben walks over to the little swing set with just two swings and ones broken so ben says "here I'll sit in the woodchips" with a giggle then Kyle says "you could always sit in my lap~" causing ben to blush and get alittle flustered. "I-i uhm..mmmm" ben mutters out as he crosses his arms then Kyle sits in the swing,swaying slightly. "Welllll?" Kyle says with his arms out and giggling then softly says "you've already cuddled me before so what's the difference" then ben blushes more and shyly asks while hidding his face alittle more "y-you s-serious..or y-you just fucking with me..?" While slowly stepping closer. "I'm dead serious" says Kyle as ben stands next to the swing. "What..you don't wanna?" Kyle ploys then ben jumps alittle and says "n-no I'd love to-wait I mean I wouldn't mind or I um..ahhhh.." Then starts figiting with his hands slightly. Kyle just grabs Ben's hands then pulls him down and wraps his arms around him causing ben to fall in Kyle's lap then ben squirms alittle and blushes uncontolably then Kyle wraps his arms around Ben's waist and giggles. Ben blushes darker and nervously giggles while sitting in Kyle's lap. Kyle hums softly then looks up and asks "why ya so tense~?" Grinning up to ben then he jumps alittle and tries to act calm but fails with a "i-im not t-tense" as Kyle chuckles " says this tense back of yours~" then reaches his hands up and presses down on Ben's shoulders while rubbing counter clockwise causing ben to relax slowly. Ben starts breathing slower as Kyle's hands go to his lower back. Ben exhales with relief as Kyle moves his hands forward to his hips and pulls ben to sit up more,pressing Ben's body to his own. "Mmm~" Kyle hums then ben looks back "w-w-whats gotten into y-you.." Then jumps alittle seeing Kyle's eyes. "W-whoa!" He shouts as he points to Kyle "dude your eyes are badass!" Then kyle shakes his head and nervously laughs "M..my what?" Then ben takes his phone out and takes a picture then turns his phone around to show Kyle. "Oh yeah that..I dunno why that happens" he says with a giggle. "I wanna know..when did we start cuddling?" Then ben gasps "w-wha? You don't remember the last 5 minutes?" Then kyle looks up as his eyes go back to normal. "Not really,it's hazy,my body just kind of..acted on its own" then ben nervously laughs and says "you should've done that before..: under his breath then Kyle says "what was that" with a grin as he pushes ben off causing him to fall forward then ben reaches back and grabs Kyle's hoodie causing them fall together then Kyle falls ontop of ben with his legs over Ben's hips and his hands holding Ben's shoulders. "S-sorry I um..didn't me-" Kyle starts but is cut off by ben leaning up and kissing him deeply. Kyle's eyes widen then close as he relaxes into the kiss,his face heating up despite it being cold outside,ben sits up and holds his hands on Kyle's shoulders then Kyle reaches up to hold Ben's cheeks,both of them blushing brightly. Ben breaks away then stares for alittle as well as Kyle. "I-im not s-sure how t-to feel abo-" Kyle is again cut off by another kiss then he leans into more this time,breathing faster. They both break away with Ben lighting up with happiness,embarrassment and probably alittle arousal. Kyle sits up then ben sits up crossleged and simply smiles with a soft giggle "I'm sorry but you have NO idea how badly I've wanted to do that~" then Kyle blushes and giggles softly. "Why didn't you" Kyle giggles causing ben to huff with annoyance then Kyle boops Ben's nose and chuckles. "I wanted to ask.." ben starts "so what's your..'plan'?" He asks Kyle then Kyle looks up to the sky and thinks for alittle. "I..don't really have one..my goal is to kill Jeffery woods" Kyle states then ben nervously says "kill?" Making Kyle look to him. "Yeah." Kyle says causing ben to gulp nervously. Kyle chuckles as his eye gleams red and he softly rubs Ben's Cheek "Oh c'mon,don't worry about me,I'll be fine~" then ben glares at him and sighs "you better..and even tho I don't condone violence..I have some...ideas~" ben snikers. Kyle raises his eyebrow and says "oh really and what might those be~" as he chuckles lightly. "Well I'm thinking..with your new abilities I could devise plans..like your strategist" ben says with a smile. "Yeah..any plans right now?" Kyle asks then ben thinks to himself. " If you don't mind some searching I believe I could find out where Jeff is..however that is gonna be rather hard considering the police can't even find him.." ben states then Kyle looks up "no,not necessarily. The police are treating him as some random killer,emphasis on random because he isn't. He plans every single one of his killings,yes it's because he feels like it but it deffinetly isn't random..the only problem is I have no idea what his goals are so I wouldn't know where to look.." as Kyle looks down,the wind picking up slightly as ben shivers even with his jacket on. Ben widens his eyes then scurries to his pocket and quickly pulls his phone out then turns it on. He swipes the screen then begins typing. Kyle sits there while watching ben closely then after a few minutes ben finally turns his phone to Kyle and says "each kill he has made where all at specific dates..here's what I've got. He killed a man who's name is hidden at 4:04p.m,another man around 3:06a.m,again two days from that one at 3:06a.m,a female at exactly 5p.m,some kid around 6:40a.m then finally 8:00p.m exact." Then kyle raises his brow and asks "so..what's that gotta do with finding him.." then ben grins and says "take out all the zeros which leaves you 4436365648 which I've typed into my phone longitude cordanits and those are 44° 36' 36.5648 which leads right to Huron-manistee national park." Kyle perks up excitedly And smiles "so you're telling me you think that's where he is!?" Then ben says "it's just a hunch but yes!" Kyle smiles then tackle hugs ben and states "we gotta go asap,let's get it" then jumps up and pulls ben to stand up. Kyle quickly pulls his phone out with the peice of paper Joanna gave him then dials her number and waits while the phone rings. Ben puts his phone back in his pocket as he overhears Kyle talking with her. "Okay so can you get me to Huron-manistee national park?" He asks kind of exidetly. "Uh..Yeah I guess..why?" She says in a muffled speaker. "Because me and Ben think we found where Jeff is,it's just a hunch but it's the best we've got." Kyle states then she sighs and says "cool I gotcha however what are you gonna do if he is there." She states then Kyle silently thinks for a minute while bitting his thumb nail softly. "Honestly..I'll figure it out once i get there...okay?.." he says then she says "fine,I'll pick y'all up shortly..is ben going too?" Then kyle says "lemme ask" as he holds the phone down and turns to Ben. "Do you..want to go?if he is there.." Ben cuts him off and says "we'll grab Todd and the three of us got this no problem. Anyways I can't die till I get another kiss~" ben says with a chuckle then Kyle puts the phone back to his ear and says "yeah he is and we are gonna go grab Todd as well." Then she says "cool,see ya" and hangs up. Kyle puts his phone up then walks over to Ben. "I-i wanna ask before it's to late.."Kyle starts as ben looks to him. "W-would you um..wa-wanna be.." Kyle grows nervous and fidgety then ben leans closer with a "hmm?" And Kyle says "w-would you wanna be...mine~" as Kyle looks to Ben's eyes causing him to blush then Kyle says "i-ive never been with anyone besides Charolette and that wasn't much...Plus we've known each other since we where running around a tiny elementary playground throwing fake guns at each other because we couldn't catch each other.." Kyle says with a smile creeping on his face then ben says "of course I will~ and we agreed to never speak of that." He says with a chuckle as he lightly punches Kyle's arm. Kyle giggles then smiles as they hear a car honk to look over and see Joanna in the street. Kyle and Ben begin to walk over to her car then Kyle gets in the passnager seat with Ben in the back again. She reaches to her center consol typing in the directions to Huron park. "You do realize this national park is um....on the other side of Michigan right." Then kyle says "so..?" And she says "so nothing. That's easily gonna be a good 5-10 hour drive and I don't think Ben's dad would be cool with that,not to mention ben has school tomorrow." Kyle groans and looks back to ben who then says "we could always wait till this Friday which is in 3 days.." Then kyle says "yeah but..who knows what he will do in the next 73 hours.." and Ben thinks. "Todd isn't gonna be in school till next Monday due to getting suspended for..uh..weed in class" Ben says with a chuckle and starts again "so he could possibly go with you and help you,and I could track your movements from my home computer if you let me put a tracker on you and Todd." Then kyle smiles and says alright then,let's go get Todd then back to your house for you to do your whole..tech stuff or whatever then me and Todd will head out." As Kyle looks to Joanna and nods. Joanna pulls into the street and drives to Todd's house. It's about a 6 minute drive so when they pull into the driveway Kyle says "yo,his car isn't there..nobodies is" then they scan the house as Joanna pulls fully into the driveway and parks. His house is basic tan painted brick with white outlines,a few boarded windows from being broken,the garden is a pretty bad mess. Kyle opens his passnager door then stands up and walks up the sidewalk to his door with a glass screen door in front. He opens the screen door and knocks a few times. Nobody answers so he knocks 10 more times pretty hard. He then pulls his phone out and tries to call Todd but no answer then after 5 attempts he grows alittle paranoid then hollars to Ben "c'mere" as he signals him to follow him. Ben gets out and walks up the sidewalk then Joanna even stops the car,takes the keys and gets out,following ben to Kyle. Kyle leads with the three of them walking around the back. They see the back gate already swung open and appears to be broken alittle. Kyle crouches slightly and looks closer to see the wooden boards snapped with the latch completely torn off on the ground. Kyle rushes past it alittle more worried then runs to the back sliding glass door. Ben looks closer at the latch to see a gleam of red In the sunlight but Joanna pushes past him causing him to follow her to Kyle. Kyle goes to open the door and it slides open with ease, he gets this overwhelming sent he hasent smelt before then turns to Ben and Joanna then asks "do y'all smell that..?" As he enters the kitchen. The kitchen is a mess with plates smashed,pots and pans scattered through out the kitchen even into the hallway. Kyle follows the broken plates to the living room where the chairs they had with their black leather torn up with slashes all over as if someone was rushed. Kyle walks through the hallway down the left and checks the far back following this overwhelming sent. As he approaches the back door he sees it's swung open almost off the hinges with the wood broken and red streaks across the door and floor leading into the room. He steps in and sees a mangled body of a small thin women gutted,her eyes gouged out,teeth broken and bloody,a gashed smile in her cheeks with tones of stab wounds all along her body. Kyle cringes with disgust then his head perices with pain as his vision flashes to an image of his mother bleeding out on her bed with Kyle sitting next to it helpless. He screams angrily and shouts then hits the wall in the hallway causing a loud thud as a hole 2 times bigger than his fist forms and huge cracks creep up the wall while his eyes gleam brighter red then dissipate as ben turns the corner with concern. Kyle shakily looks to ben and asks "please tell m-" but us cut of by ben saying "Todd's room was perfectly fine,not a mark anywhere so my guess is..hear me out..Jeff found where Todd lived I have no idea how but he did and the first room he attacked was his mother,my guess is Todd managed to escape from Jeff somehow but not before..that" as ben points to Todd's mothers bedroom. Kyle repulses alittle then regains composure and says "I wanna say call the police as this is a lead however I'm wanted just as much as jeff,you two are associated with a crime being with me hunting Jeff and even without that they would take all the evidence and halting our search or all around fucking it up.." Then ben says "don't directly call them but leave an anonymous tip so they will check the house out although we should hurry because it'll really look bad if they found our DNA here.." Kyle nods and says "so assuming Todd escaped he can't be too far but that also means he could have already called the police" then ben says "nope,his phone was still in his room untouched. My assumption was he was in the bathroom next to her room when Jeff attacked he overheared it and ran for it. Which also means he couldn't be to far except..Jeff may not be to far either." Then kyle says as they walk out the back door "what about the cordanites of Jeff's killings tho? That's still a valid lead.." Then Joanna says "this may sound bad so don't get mad but perhaps..Jeff did catch Todd but instead of killing him he took him to those cordanites.." as Kyle and Ben eyes widen then they look to each other and back to Joanna with panic "we gotta go!" Ben and Kyle say in a hurry as they run around the back to the front then to the car,Joanna follows while pulling her keys out and quickly shouting "but if that's on the other side of Michigan how the fuck would someone like Jeff get a living body all that way without being caught or even that fast." As the three get in. Ben speaks up and says "it's been two days since Kyle was arrested so if Jeff planned this he's already had twice the time we have to get there with Todd so who knows how long he has already been there" Kyle nods In agreement then says "what about your dad?" To ben as he thinks. We don't have time to worry about that,my dad will understand. Ben pulls his phone out and says "I'm gonna call him,let me handle this." As his phone rings and Joanna begins driving.
Ben's phone call:
Ben's dad<yes?are you okay?
Ben< not really,Todd is In massive trouble and it can't wait,I'm sorry,you can get onto me later but I gotta help Todd.
Ben's dad<hold up hold up. What's wrong with Todd.
Ben<he has been kidnapped by a very dangerous man and is in grave danger every second.
Ben's dad< I'm gonna call the police,where are you heading.
Ben<don't call the police o-
Ben's dad<I know Kyle is wanted. I don't believe Kyle did what was on the news but you aren't so the police ca-
Ben< except I'm wanted now,I'm helping Kyle so that corolates me to him..
Ben's dad<look,I trust kyle,I really do but your safety is my number one priority so I'm gonna call the police weather you want me to or not.
Ben< *sigh* okay,but I have to go.
Ben's dad<alright but when I see you again your ass is grass.
Ben hangs up with a sad sigh as Joanna speeds up. "it's gonna be a good 5-10 hour road trip..hope yall are ready..I'm calling off work for this so Imma blame you if this isn't right" as she glares to ben in the mirror. Ben smiles nervously and says "im kinda fucked too because my dad is calling the cops.." with a nervous chuckle as Kyle says "welp..looks like we're partners in crime now" and giggles. After about 2 hours into the trip Kyle yawns and Ben speaks up "are um..y'all nervous?just like..alittle bit?" Then kyle says "sort of..my mind knows of the consequences as well as everything but this..burn sensation triggers when I try to focus and I just feel like my body knows what it wants even tho my mind feels wrong.." Then ben pouts alittle and says "like..a split?" Then kyle raises his eyebrow as ben says "like..another personality within your mind which physically effects you,it has it's own strengths,weaknesses,abilities,traits and goals. It's not common but at least 1/5 humans have it,sometimes up to 5-8 of them." Then kyle says "how come you have so much knowledge yet never talk?" With a grin then ben shyly looks down and says "i-i just don't feel l-like anyone cares to hear about it is all.." Then kyle pokes Ben's nose and smiles "I love hearing your theories and thoughts,I dunno about me having a split but..It's an option I suppose." Then ben smiles alittle and Joanna says "yeah dude..you sound pretty smart" with a soft smirk then she looks at her GPS and looks back to the road. Another 2 hours pass and now they arrive in Greenville. Joanna pulls into a 7-eleven gas pump then sighs as she parks the car and turns to Kyle "mind running in and paying for gas while I pump?" She asks Kyle then he says "sure" as she hands him a 20$ bill. Kyle takes it and gets out then walks to the front door and walks in to the front desk and slides the 20 to the man behind the counter saying "I uh..need 20 on.." as he looks to the pump "20 on pump 4." Then that man takes the 20 and says "need your receipts?" Then kyle walks off and says "no thanks" as he sees Joanna pumping the gas. He walks to the car then gets in and exhales then looks back to ben and smiles with a "when this is said and done..whenever that is..you and me. Are going to a waterfall." Ben has a confused look then before he says anything Joanna gets back in and pulls out of the gas station. "We've only got about another 30 minutes till we arrive." She states as she turns the radio up. Kyle pulls up a map of the park then says "Hey ben,this place would be a great date spot under different circumstances~" then giggles causing ben to blush. "Uuugghhh..there's so many trails and alot of land,how the fuck would we find him? He could be anywhere in that big ass forest.." Kyle defeatedly groans. Ben says softly "we deffinetly aren't splitting up tho,got it?" Ben states as Joanna and Kyle nod with a "yes" in unison. She pulls up to a cottage store with cars and bikes parked and lots of hiking signs. She pulls up next to the other cars in what looks like the parking lot then stops the car and says "we um...gotta pay to hike here so how much y'all got..?" As ben pulls his wallet out "I got like..40 bucks with some change" then she says "that might be enough with my 100 although 40 of it is going into gas to get back." As the three of them exit the car and walk to the cottage. They walk up to the log doors and enter then Kyle inhales to the smell of maple brown sugar and Kyle exhales with joy then the lady behind the main desk with gift shop items peaks over and says "can I help you three?" With a smile. Kyle walks up and says "we would like a hike trail pass is all" then she says "just you three?" Then kyle nods as she reaches under the desk for an odd amount of time and pulls out a trail map then says "it'll be 20 a peice." Then ben pulls out his 40 and groans to Kyle saying "lucky. " with a chuckle as he hands her the money and Joanna hands her a 20. She puts the money in the register then says "the rules are no going off trail or venturing off unless a park guide is with you or you need help and if you are injured there is park rangers all over so just holler,they scout all over to ensure no one is injured,do you agree to these terms?" Then kyle says "yeah,we just wanted a friendly get away was all" with a sweet smile then she smiles back and hands them each a necklace with a pass saying "mid class hike pass?" Kyle mutters while reading. The three of them walk out the cottage then Kyle opens the map to read the trails. Ben groans and says "jeez..there's so many routes and paths..plus they close at nig-" Kyle cuts him off and says "wait a minute..if Jeff kidnapped Todd why the fuck would he come to a national park hundreds of people visit and explore daily with tones of police and rangers.." as he looks to ben and Joanna. "I-i uh..good point" ben mutters. "What are you saying?" Joanna says while looking to Kyle. "I'm saying maybe he wanted us here for a reason but maybe not to find him..possibly for something else.." Then Joanna thinks for a moment but ben speaks up "if he took Todd then obviously he is baiting us or you at least so why here..hmmm..I'm thinking.." Ben gets cut off by a loud siren going off as a armoured truck pulls up with 4 men in it,it speeds right to Kyle,ben and Joanna almost hitting them. The armored truck stops as three men step out in swat gear with rifles. The officer that gets out of the passnager seat aims his gun right at Kyle while the other two officers aim at ben and Joanna. The three of them slowly put their hands up as the officer pointing to Kyle speaks up "Kyle Gryolsal,Ben Harbinger, and Joanna Kaitska. You three are under arrest however we are ordered to shoot at the first sign of resistance or hostility so I'd suggest you come willingly else this'll be a bloodbath." As the three officers step closer,coraling them till the three of their backs touch. Ben starts shaking nervously as Kyle glares anxiously at the officers,Joanna looks to her car then back to the officer. "That son of a bitch set us up.." Joanna angrily whispers as the officer surprises her by slamming the butt of the gun into her temple knocking her unconscious and as she falls to the ground ben turns around to scream and the officer near him tackles him and shoves him into the ground while pulling his cuffs out. Kyle turns and goes to push him off ben when the third slams the butt of his gun into the back of Kyle's neck with a loud crunch. Ben watches as Kyle's body slams into the dirt causing it to poof everywhere. The last thing Kyle hears is ben squeal and screech. "K-kyle! Ky-" ben is cut off by a officer forcing him up while the other carries Joanna to the armored truck. The first officer shoves her into the back seat then as they go to pull ben to the car he starts balling out of fear and pain. "K-kyle! Wake u-" he starts but is cut off by being slammed into the truck.
Kyle's thoughts<is that...Ben..he's in danger..I gotta..h-help him...get up...Get up...GEt up....GET..up......GET UP..GET UP! I SAID GET UP!!!!!
As Kyle howls in anger shouting "nobody fucking touches ben unless it's me and if anyone makes him upset I will rip them to shreds~!" While convulsing in the officers grip,the officer is losing his grip as Kyle yells once more then forces the officer off of him with a shockwave causing him to fall backwards about 10 feet. Kyle growls lowly and turns to face him with his blackish purple bright crimson eyes. Kyle lunges to the man on the ground and stomps into his chest. Kyle's shoe even rips at the bottom from the force as his foot crunches through his bulletproof vest. Blood splatters all over Kyle's legs as the man's chest cavity is torn into and he spits up blood while convulsing. Kyle just grins then pulls his foot out and turns to face the truck that is now speeding off. Kyle growls then squats,sets into a lung position and sprints at full speed after the truck heading downhill. Kyle lunges a couple times missing the back then finally grabs a hold of the barricaded back doors. Ben looks out the door but as he goes to yell one of the officers slams his gun into ben knocking him unconscious. Kyle grows even more angry then slams his fist into the metal door causing it to dent with his handprint. Kyle keeps punching till his hand starts bleeding but as it gets to the bone the door is about to bust. His hand finally busts through the door and he rips it open,throwing it off the hinges as the truck speeds onto the highway almost hitting other cars causing Kyle to swing around. Kyle swings once more into the truck, the first officer shoots his rifle as Kyle takes a couple bullets right to the chest then before he aims at his head Kyle reaches up and grabs the end of his gun then grips it causing it to combust and shatter to metal shards. The officer gasps with panic then draws a tactical knife but as soon as he does Kyle knees his right hand with his left knee causing the blade to fly upwards then Kyle side kicks him into the gate separating the back from the driver as Kyle grabs the knife and turns to the officer on the right and drives the knife into his throat but the officer still manages to shoot his rifle point blank into Kyle's stomach. Kyle staggers alittle while stepping back slightly as the officer falls limp,Kyle then turns to the other one who tries to get up but Kyle grabs his left leg and throws him out of the truck doors watching as he topples into the main road,rolling then sees a car attempt to stop but doesn't in time and runs right over him as his body is torn in three. Kyle stands in the truck while seeing Joanna and Ben unconscious so he steps to the wall near the driver and begins kicking the barricades till they smash through hitting the front windshield. Kyle reaches through the broken window and grips the officer driving the trucks neck and rips his esophagus out causing blood to spray across the steering wheel and windshield. Kyle turns around as the truck begins swerving and losing control,he picks up ben and Joanna over each shoulder then looks out the doors to see the stopped up cars from the prior accident then before the truck swerves to the left off the highway bridge Kyle leaps out of the back and takes the impact of the momentum causing his shoes to shred away and his feet scrape open to the bone. He barely stops before falling over after the truck just In time to watch it drop around 30 feet into the river bellow. Kyle sets Joanna and Ben on the protection barriers on the left side of the bridge then reaches behind Joanna to her handcuffs and snaps them off then does the same for ben. He reaches his right hand up and examines Joanna's wound by turning her head then examines Ben's bruise on his forehead. Kyle slaps ben and Joanna alittle and Joanna comes to before ben with a "w-wha..what h-happened..?" Then squeals alittle when she sees Kyle covered in blood,his hoodie,pants and shoes torn up with bullet holes leaking blood and ripped to shreds. She looks up slowly to his blank staring blackish purple crimson eyes then gasps softly and gulps nervously. Kyle tilts his head confused then Joanna looks to the left and sees the giant break in the barriers where the truck fell and she scoots away pushing ben alittle out of fright then looks back to Kyle with wind harshly blowing around them. "W-what the fuck a-are you" Joanna says as Kyle stands up. "Me..?oh..I'm nothing special,I'm just a soul looking for redemption is all~" then with a final grin his wounds slowly stop leaking blood and begin to steam as they close. They clot and scab up,crystallize then the crystal turns to dust and within 30 seconds all the wounds are heald. He blinks a few times as his eyes fade back to normal causing him to panic alittle saying "u-um what happened to my cloths..?" While looking to see his shoes gone,jeans completely torn up and hoodie full of holes soaked with blood. He lifts his hands up with dried and some fresh blood on them and jumps slightly. "S-shit okay.." he mutters then ben finally comes to but as he does they hear tones of sirens blaring with 5 patrol cars,a fire truck and ambulance speeding down the bridge. Kyle growls with irritation and concern as he turns to Joanna and Ben. "We gotta go now." Kyle says while pulling Joanna up then trying to pick ben up who is barely conscious. As soon as ben finally stands up more patrol cars speed up to them and form a barricade on the bridge with their cars sideways blocking the road. Kyle,Ben and Joanna back away till they stand at the edge of where the truck fell. The officers,some with basic outfits and some in swat/riot gear peruse closer then Joanna says "are only way to go is..down.." while looking behind them at the river bellow. Ben shakes and gulps nervously "Down there!? Oh fuuuuck no! Hell no!" As he looks down then looks back to Joanna. "Where the fuck else are we gonna go!?" Then after that Kyle yells "shut up,close your eyes and hold on tight~!" As he turns to them with his eyes gleaming brighter red as the white fades back to blackish purple. He leaps forward and tackles both of them off the bridge and holds them tightly in a hug then twists around so he falls first. Ben screams and Joanna yells from the adrenaline as they look up seeing the bridge grow farther away feeling the wind pick up. Joanna looks down and screams louder as they see the water get closer. Ben keeps his eyes closed tightly then finally with a massive splash they hit the water. The screams halt as water fills their ears. They dive down for a solid 4 seconds till they each regain composer. Kyle winces in pain then his eyes return to normal but his hoodie back is even more torn up from the impact. As Kyle swims to ben and Joanna the blood washes off of him with his hair flowing in the water. Kyle waves towards himself as he turns and begins to swim down the river. Ben and Joanna follow quickly as they approach the right side of the river washing ashore the rocks and concrete. They all climb up then ben falls to his back breathing heavily,Joanna lays on her stomach then rolls over panting softly while Kyle sits on his knees breathing hard. "T-that sucked.." Kyle chokes out with harsh coughs. Joanna nervously laughs with exitmemt and adrenaline. "Y-you..I've only known you fucking 24 hours and I've had so much happen..more than anything else I've ever done..I'm flattered and terrified at the same time" Joanna giggles as Kyle laughs back. Falling to his knees then says "yeah..I'm not the most thrilled about it either" with a few good chuckles. Ben sits up and shakes his hair then yells "How are y'all so casual like that..that right there is what's scary!" With a nervous giggle. They all smile then take a little more time to regain themselves. Kyle speaks up "welp..we're deffinetly wanted now..s-sorry about that.." then Joanna says "don't even worry about it,this has been more fun than I've had my whole life.." while smiling then ben says "yeah,im with you no matter what..even with your um..weird..psycho healing ability shit.." while smiling at Kyle. "Where do we go now because we gotta find somewhere fast.." Kyle says while looking to ben and Joanna. "Can't go to my dads..not for while.." Ben says softly. "My house is a no go considering the police will deffinetly be watching it closely..however..I do have a friend who may help.." Joanna says while thinking. "She lives in Toronto, Canada..which is across the border however if we can get there she would be willing to help..plus she's pretty rich too.." then Kyle perks up and says "alright then..well..looks like we're going to Canada!" With a clap and giggle. Ben chuckles and says "I've Always wanted to visit Toronto just under different circumstances." Then Joanna says "oh c'mon these are the best circumstances" with a giggle. The three stand up then all share a nervous smile. "Lets go..." Kyle mutters.............
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