🖤~killing with a smile~🖤
Kyle awakens holding ben ever so tightly in his arms under the bright white bedsheets. "G-goodmorning kyle.." ben yawns softly while looking up to Kyle happily. Kyle smiles back then kisses Ben's forehead and sits up. Ben softly runs his index and middle finger down kyles chest then stomach while saying "dunno when this happened but I like it~" while glaring to Kyle's abs,he used to be skranny however now his stomach is chiseled,his waist is defined,his v-lines are more pronounced along with all of his muscle. He's around an 8% body fat build. "I-i dunno either." Kyle mutters with a chuckle then ben leans up and kisses him softly. Ben whines softly and wraps his arms around Kyle. "What's wrong?" Kyle asks while petting him. "I'm alittle scared..little is an understatement but I'm worried about today.." Ben says while looking up sadly. "Don't worry my precious bunny~anyone who lays a hand on you will have theirs ripped off~" Kyle states with his eyes slightly gleaming red. Ben blushes brightly and smiles while sitting up. Kyle scoots from ben and gets off the bed. Kyle is in the same outfit as yesterday because he didn't wanna change and so is ben. Kyle and Ben leave the room and walk down the hallway to the staircase then to the main room where Joanna and Kayla are waiting. Kayla is holding a black dufflbag then Joanna looks to Kyle and Ben "here's are weapons yall" Joanna says while taking the bag from Kayla. "Me and Kayla where up till around 3a.m last night plotting and here's what we got.." Joanna starts. "We tracked Jeff back to Pennsylvania and have concluded he took Todd either to one of the two main forests or his house so even tho splitting up isn't a good idea I think it's what we gotta do. Kyle and Ben you two will go to his old house where as me and Kayla will split in search of the forests. We have prepared burner phones to contact each other if he is found or you need help and some additions." Joanna says while opening the bag. "Ben we got you your requested weapons as well as forearm guards,shin guards,a chest plate,and a Survival knife that goes under your arm,Kyle we got your requested items as well as a grenade,it took alot to get it but we have it,only use it if you need it." Joanna says while handing kyle and Ben their items. Kyle takes the patch of 10 Kuni daggers and wraps his belt through the opening then does the same for his M9 Beretta. He puts the smaller 6 clip 9mm in his hoodie pocket,puts his mini sword in a sheath on the back of his belt under his hoodie. He puts his Glock 19 in a holster on the right with the M9 on the left. He instantly puts the brassknuckles on his left hand wrapping bandages around them to keep them there when his hand is open. Kyle stands up off the living room couch and says "I'm all ready" with a sigh. Ben puts the shin,arm and chest plates on under his clothes,he puts his Rugar LCP in a small holster on his right thigh with his sig Sauer p938 on his left thigh strapped over his jeans. He straps the survival knife under his left arm then wraps his hatchet holster around his jeans as a separate belt. "Now this..I can work with~" ben says while grinning and holding his hatchet up. Ben simply asked for a solid metal-soft metal fused evenly weighted fully black stainless steel hatchet. He twirls it in his hand then throws it into the air causing Kyle to gasp alittle "b-ben!" Kyle says as ben watches the hatchet twirl 4 times then casually catch it by the hilt. "I-i uh..when could you do that..?" kyle says completely shocked. "My dad tought me~" ben says with a slight grin then puts the hatchet in its holster on his right hip. Joanna has her Smith & Wesson M&P in its holster on her lower back belt with her Kel-Tec already in her hand then she slips it in her jacket inside pocket. Joanna is wearing a red leather jacket with black tribal designs and zippers all over,a solid black silk tank top underneath,Baggy black with white paint splattered men's jeans and Levi Jean fabric work boots. She slips the Kel-Tec into her left inside jacket pocket and zips the pocket then zips her jacket to her chest leaving the collar open. Kayla is wearing black thick baggy sweats,black running shoes,a blue long sleeved shirt with black bandages on her hands and her hair in a bun with the bangs middle parted in her face. "This is it..we're hunting Jeff and there is no turning back.." Joanna says. "I don't wanna have to kill anybody.." Ben says sadly while holding his head down. Kyle steps to ben and raises his chin with his index finger then says softly "Thays why I'm gonna be the one to do it." And kisses Ben's cheek. Kayla says "my car's already started...all we gotta do now is go,I have two available which is my Pontiac GX7 midsize crossover that me and Joanna will be taking and a 2015 ford F-150 for you and Ben to take also here is the address to Jeff's house as well as where we will be." While handing Kyle and Ben maps with cordanites marked. Kyle nods then turns to begin walking out the front door. He opens the two massive doors then starts walking down the long marble stone path to the front gates with ben,Joanna and Kayla following. Kayla says "here!" Then throws Kyle the keys to the F-150 and he smiles. They approach the gate then Kayla walks to the little box and types the code In watching the gate open. The three walk to her driveway where the two cars are already there and hers already started. Joanna walks to Kayla's Pontiac and gets in the passnager seat while Kayla gets in the driver's seat then pulls out the driveway into the neighbourhood. Kyle and Ben get in the truck and Kyle starts it up then pulls out the driveway following Kayla to the neighborhood gate. Kayla pulls up to the drive by code box,types the code in then drives through the opening gate with Kyle and Ben following. They each drive in different directions following the maps. Kayla and Joanna head to the forests with Kyle and Ben heading to Jeff's old house.
(Kayla and Joanna 3rd person pov)
Kayla and Joanna drive for a couple hours till Joanna speaks up "we are almost to Sproul state forest" then Kayla says "alright" as they drive through Emporium. They drive through Sinnamahoning finally arriving to the forest as the former road is clouded with trees and vegetation going down a dirt road. They drive for another mile till the road ends at a gate with a do not enter sign. Warning do not enter! The sign has painted on it. Joanna looks to kayla "we um..we got this" Joanna says with a nervous but confident smile as she opens the passnager door,gets out then shuts it. She begins walking to the gate while Kayla turns the car off,takes the keys and gets out to follow her. There's barbed wire at the top so Joanna says "it's possible to climb over" then Kayla says "why not just go around" while Pointing to the ground at the left of the fence where a cut out hole is. Kayla crouches down and lifts it up then crawls through it and stands up to pull it open for Joanna. "Come on hun,we got this" Kayla says as Joanna carefully crawls through the opening then stands up and brushes herself off with a small scratch on the top of her right hand. She shakes her hand then walks before Kayla through the trees "this is gonna be rather hard to find him but the hope is he isn't here.." She says with a nervous laugh. "Yeah.." Kayla says while following Joanna. They walk around for a good 30 minutes with no trace of Jeff then they hear something. "Kayla! Do you hear that!?" Joanna shouts while running through bushes and trees with Kayla quickly running behind her "w-what is i-" but is cut off by Joanna abruptly stopping at the edge of a cliff in front of a giant waterfall. The water crashes from the top down to the river bellow with wind rushing and gliding over the shimmering rocks. Kayla gasps in awe at the beautiful sight "a waterfall" Kayla says with a smile. "I've Always loved waterfalls.." Joanna says with a soft smile. They look to the left where the top of the waterfall is running then Joanna says "Come on its only just through those trees let's go!" As she grips Kayla's hand running through more bushes and vegetation. Kayla blushes softly and smiles till they finally exit the trees and get to the edge of the fall. Joanna sits beside the edge of the rocks and runs her hands through the water "Come. Sit" Joanna says while signaling to kayla. "Shouldn't we be searching" Kayla says with a giggle as she sits beside Joanna. "Yeah yeah but come on,how often to we get this close to a waterfall" she says while splashing Kayla alittle causing her to gasp. "You bitch~" Kayla says then laughs and splashes her back. The two exchange laughs then Kayla says "we haven't been to a waterfall since our families went on a big trip to Niagara falls" then Joanna smiles while saying "yeah..it was so much fun,we hung over the protective railings and scared the life out of our parents" causing Kayla to blush softly and smile. "Yeah,it was so much fun" Kayla says while looking into their reflections. The two sit their for a couple more minutes when they hear a scraping noise within the trees behind them. "What was that?" Kayla says while looking back. "Hm?" Joanna says as they hear another louder scrape. "Sounds like metal.." Joanna says. "Like something chopping through wood,or bark being torn." Kayla remarks back. "Do you think someone else is here" Joanna says then goes wide eyed. "What if..he's here.." Joanna says nervously causing Kayla to inhale then exhale deeply "that is possible but remember that was part of the plans possibilities so be prepared" she says while patting Joanna's back. Joanna unzips her jacket then reaches into the inside pocket and pulls out her Kel-Tec PMR-30 with a fully loaded clip. She holds it in her right hand then cocks it back and aims In a ready stance. The scrapping seems to get farther then they hear rummaging through the bushes. Joanna and Kayla crouch down while slowling following the noise then Joanna sees a figure turn behind a tree so she aims and shouts "anyone there!" But hears nothing besides crickets and the wind swaying the leaves. She gulps then approaches the tree and slowly turns around it to see nothing but a carved symbol. She lowers her gun and grazes her left hand across it to see a O with an X in it. "The fuck does this mean? A mark to find a way back maybe?" She thinks to herself but is interrupted by Kayla screaming in frustration and pain. "A-Ahhh!" Kayla yells as Joanna quickly looks from behind the tree to see Kayla on the ground with her hands holding her back. Joanna looks up from Kayla while running to her as she sees a figure duck behind more trees. Kayla winces and groans then raises her hands up with blood on them. "W-what happened!" Joanna says while stepping behind Kayla to see a fairly deep gash going from her right shoulder to her left hip. Joanna shakes out of fear,worry and anger then says "i-i um..e-everything is gonna be o-okay" but as she goes to apply pressure to her wound a gun shot erupts then Joanna feels an immense burn within her right thigh to then look up to her right. "I see..you look rather cute leaking blood with that look on your face~" a voice says as a man steps out from the trees holding up a M9 Beretta in his right hand with a white hoodie and the hood over his head. He cackles alittle then reaches his left hand up and pulls the hood back to reveal his bleach white burned face with freshly carved smile and blacked out bloodshot eyes as well as his matted charred black hair in his face. He shakes his head causing the hair to fall in a sloppy middle part then widens his cheeks to smile further. Kayla gasps and Joanna just stares at him with anger and fright. "Ya know..that's the same look Kyle as well as everyone has upon seeing such a..beautiful face~" he says with a louder cackle. "Jeff.." Joanna groans angrily while holding her right thigh,seeing blood leak through her pants and onto her hand. She winces In pain while looking up. "Right you are~" Jeff says while stepping closer. Joanna glances to her kel-Tec about 5 feet away from her and 5 feet from Jeff. "I wouldn't do that if I where you~" Jeff says while raising his gun to kayla. "The thing is if you reach that gun I'll kill her so even assuming you can reach it and kill me I will have still killed your beloved friend~" Jeff says with a slight growl. Kayla looks to Joanna and says "don't worry about m-" but is cut off by Jeff saying "don't worry about me blah blah save yourself I'll be fine blah blah~" with a loud laugh. "That what you where gonna say sweetie~?gonna play that good ol hero card~?" As he begins cackling causing Kayla to stare angrily but as she goes to move, her back stings so she stops with a wince of pain. "Oh don't worry I didn't cut deep enough to kill,just enough to hurt every movment, right across your most used back muscles~" Jeff says while stepping closer. He smiles then kicks Joanna's kel-Tec to her and says "go on~you got one chance,a good old duel~" while smiling down at her. She hesitantly reaches for it but stops right before it. "Come on~I like alittle fight~I won't fire till you stand~" he says while raising his gun. She grips the guns handle then kneels on her right knee and slowly stands up putting her weight on her left leg then balances while slowly raising her gun to Jeff. Jeff smiles wider then says "three...two..o-" but gets cut off by Kayla screaming and throwing herself into him,slamming her fist into his jaw while shoving him down however he gets one more shot off into Kayla's left shoulder causing her to growl in pain then she shouts "RUN!" to Joanna then bolts off through the trees. Joanna freezes then despite her leg being shot she powers through and runs with everything she's got after Kayla with Jeff cackling behind them. His cackles get farther as well as quieter then Kayla and Joanna stop right before falling off the cliff to the river bellow. They both look to each other then back to the trees as Jeff emerges with his gun aimed at them and a smile on his face. "Good attempt however your only options are fight me and die or jump into the river bellow and most likely die from that so why don't you be good girls and let me do the honours~" he says while walking closer causing Kayla and Joanna to be one step from falling. Kayla shakes from pain and fear as well as Joanna then Joanna says "Kayla.. you aren't going to like this but.." then quickly steps in front of Kayla,wraps her arms around her then leaps forward hearing some gun shots. Kayla screams as Joanna grits her teeth from being shot 6 more times,once in her right shoulder blade,once in her upper right shoulder,once in her left shoulder blade,once in her lower left back,with the next two being in her lower right back. They start falling while looking down to the 40-50 foot drop to the river bellow and Jeff growls then looks over the edge with Joanna saying "perfect.." then despite the pain she shoves Kayla to the right where the water is alittle deeper causing her to scream "no!!!" As Joanna spins around only another 20 feet left she raises her right hand up and fires 4 shots up at Jeff. Jeff goes wide eyed then jumps back but gets hit in his left shoulder by the first one and the second grazes his left eye just missing his eye socket causing him to fall backwards onto his back as the other two shots go off into the air. Joanna smiles in pain as she closes her eyes and falls then finally feels the thud of the water splashing around her. She relaxes her entire body then as she falls through the water the force carries her and she smacks her head on the bottom of the river luckily on a dirt spot however everything goes black with no more feeling........
(Kyle and Ben 3rd person pov)
Kyle and Ben stopped to get some coffee from 7-eleven,Kyle is buying it while ben sits out in the car. Kyle pays for the coffee then walks out of the gas station back to car and gets in handing ben his coffee. "Phew,there ya go" Kyle says as ben takes his coffee,taking a sip. He exhales with happiness as he smiles "just how i like it" ben says. "Double mocha mixed with French vanilla and hazelnut creamer with a handful of ice to cool it off~" Kyle says with a smile as he pulls out of the gas station back to the main road. "The map to Jeff's old house says we are only like 10 minutes away" ben says while looking at his phone. They continue driving till they arrive to the neighborhood Jeff once lived. They arrive to an abandoned house where Kayla put in the GPS. It's a quaint two story house with an overgrown garden and eroded outter build. "Clearly no one's fixed it up in awhile.." ben remarks as they look to it from the truck. Kyle goes to turn the truck off then ben stops him while saying "don't. How about I stay in the car while you search because if both of us go in and he is around he could slash our tires ect... So if I stay here I can watch from afar and if you need help just radio me,I'll be there in a heart beat,plus you're alot stronger than me" ben says with a soft chuckle. Kyle giggles then says "you're just scared~" while hopping out of the truck causing ben to groan. Kyle shuts the door then inhales to prepare himself and finally begins walking up to the front door. Kyle sees the rickety old front door then lightly twists the door knob as it turns fully the door opens with a slow loud creek. Kyle raises his eyebrow as the door is already unlocked but he steps in and looks around. He looks to the left and sees the staircase leading to the second story. He looks to the right where he sees a kitchen with a small living room. A torn up couch sits against the right wall with a busted TV on a stand against the left wall. Kyle walks closer and sees empty liquor bottles as well as some beer cans. He scoffs then walks into the kitchen with the cabinets scattered broken off,some cracked with plates in them and some plates broken against the kitchen walls and on the floor. He leaves the kitchen then looks to the right and slowly walks up the staircase while pulling out his small 9mm from his hoodie pocket. He holds it in his right hand with his index trigger finger against the barrel to his hip ready to raise it. He sees three doors,a bathroom and two bedrooms so he checks the bathroom first. He lightly pushes the bathroom door open with the only light being the sun from outside. He slowly steps inside then sees the sink with bloodstains around it and some on the shattered mirror. He looks down and realizes there's a blood trail from the room on the lower story up the stairs to the bedroom on the right of the bathroom. Kyle raises his gun while stepping out the bathroom and walking to the bedroom with its door open and a blood trail leading into it. He pushes the door open with his right foot while holding the gun up in both hands,his trigger finger on it ready to shoot. He sees a bed coated with dried blood and a night stand next to it as well as beads from a chalice. He bends down and picks up the broken chalice cross pendant with some dried blood on it. He stands up fully then puts the pendant in his hoodie pocket then looks around to see clothes and books scattered around the room but nothing out of the norm so he turns to the door and walks out to the next bedroom. "That must have been liu's bedroom.." Kyle says to himself as he approaches the next room. "And this must be Jeff's.." Kyle says to himself as he creeks the door open while stepping in slowly. The room is totally normal,just how it was left before the house was abandoned. Kyle still looks around to see Jeff's bed,closet with some of his old clothes still there as well as a little box on his bed. Kyle raises his brow as he walks to the bed to examine the small brown box with a latch closing it. Kyle bends down slightly while sitting his 9mm on the bed to pick up the box and unlatch it then open it. The box is full of Polaroid photos so Kyle picks up the one at the top. "That's me and Charolette.." Kyle mutters while seeing a photo of him and Charolette sitting at the park him and Ben visited. The two of them holding hands on the swing set. "Her bright red dyed hair was always so pretty from every angle..The way it fell perfect down from her shoulders and back to her chest..The adorable left eye part she always had it in with a black bobby pin to hold it in place.." Kyle says while examining the photo. He looks through more photos,some he recognises that him and her took together then some from afar that he never took. The one that stands out the most was Charolette's house,it was taken from across the street,Kyle looks at it then flips it over to see a date. "October 24th 2018 5:00a.m" Kyle reads allowed then realizes "this was the day before Charolette broke up with me because her parents where killed...." as he stays silent processing this turn of events. "Jeff has been tracking me and Charolette for a long time now...does that mean she's in danger as well.." Kyle mutters to himself then a familiar voice echoes through the house from the staircase that he hasent heard in what feels like forever. "Danger is something I've Always been in~" the voice echoes causing Kyle to set the box down,pick up his 9mm,cock it back and raise it while walking out of Jeff's room to the stairs. He aims down the stars but doesn't see anything and walks down the stairs then a thud erupts as he feels a pressure in his back forcing him down the stairs. He tumbles while curling up rolling down the stairs till he slams to the floor. He adjusts himself on his back,looking up at the top of the stairs to see a figure however before he can focus on it he fires his gun but misses watching the wall at the top chip from the shot. The figure vaults the railing at the left of the stairs then Kyle aims his gun to the figure dropping to the floor. Kyle finally stands up and focuses on the figure with his gun aimed right at it,the figure just stands up casually after the 10 foot drop. Kyle growls "who are you. Tell me before I lay this clip into you." Causing the figure to laugh slightly. "You wouldn't ever say that to..." They start as they reach their right hand up and pull the red cloak off. "Me~!" Revealing a transformed Charolette. Kyle gasps as he sees her,her face has two massive cuts up her cheeks that are in the process of healing,her eyelids have been cut and burned off,her bright red hair now faded dirty crimson. She's wearing a tattered red cloak with black knee high boots,silver straps around them with two blades sheathed on the boots. Black parachute pants with a silver belt around her waist and a bright crimson long sleeved silk see through shirt and a black bra underneath. She opens the cloak like a jacket as it hangs over her shoulders,she looks up to Kyle with a crooked twitchy smile. "W-what happened to you.." Kyle chokes out lowering his gun slightly. Kyle reaches his left hand down and puts it in his pocket,grabs his burner phone and speed dials Ben's phone on speaker so ben can overhear them. "What happened to me? Funny you should ask that. Well as you know my parents are dead right?" She says then Kyle responds "yeah..what about it." Then she snikers slightly. "I'm not gonna reveal to much however let's just say..I killed them to be with Jeff,on October 24th I was sleeping in my room when Jeff snuck in through my window..I woke up to Jeff sitting over me about to kill me but for some reason he didn't..I glared right into his eyes then he just..climbed off me.." her voice getting softer. "So did he kill them or did you kill them." Kyle says and she glares back at him. "I killed them..Jeff offered me a brand new life as long as I kill for him and follow him so..obviously I accepted~" she says with her voice returning to a wicked rasp. Kyle scowls her down then says "that the reason you broke up with me." Causing her to grin widely. "No..I did that because well..Jeff has plans for you and your friends so I'm just following him,you'll all be dead soon anyway~" she says and Kyle grips his gun handle tighter and grits his teeth. "So where is Todd." He states then she tilts her head and says "your buddy is both warm and rather cold,you are extremely warm and he grows colder~" with a cackle. "The fucks that supposed to mean. Just tell me where he is and I swear to god..if He is hurt..I will kill you~" Kyle says as his eyes begin to shimmer red. "It's as I said..while you grow hotter he grows colder~" she says causing Kyle to get more irritated then he hears a loud thud as the front door is thrown open with ben yelling angrily and throwing his hatchet at Charolette. She gasps and ducks to the right but it clips her left shoulder so she leaps to the wall left of the door as ben steps past Kyle to pull his hatchet from the wooden staircase. Charolette just regains her stance as her shoulder begins leaking blood. She glares then says "pretty good toss~" with a grin. Ben turns to Kyle and says "He is here,While you get hotter meaning angrier he is bleeding out somewhere in the area." Causing Kyle to go wide eyed then glare angrily to Charolette. She smiles then says "well done,very clever ben~" causing ben to glare back. Charolette chuckles then says "I'll reveal alittle bit just so you don't feel like complete dumbasses. Jeff never even touched Todd,was never at those cordanites and was never at his house. I killed all the people at those dates and I'm the one who killed Todd~" then Kyle freezes and mutters "k-killed..Todd..?" While spacing out. "Totally,well by now anyway,he should have bled out by now if my calculations are correct~" she says with a wide toothy grin. Kyle growls and grips his gun handle so tightly as his muscles contract the handle breaks into peices with the bullets inside exploding in his hand,steaming as he drops the remains. His hand is burned and bloody now but he keeps his fists clenched then walks to Charolette as his eyes fade to purplish black while burning bright crimson. "If you don't show me where he is I will not only rip you to shreds but I will turn your bones to dust~" Kyle growls causing ben to stand back alittle and Charolette to go wide eyed with joy. "So that's the ability I saw on the news when you killed those guards and toppled that armoured truck~" she says with exited eyes as Kyle quickly grips her throat and lifts her off the ground. "Where. The. Fuck. IS. HE~." Kyle growls then she chokes out "r-right b-behind y-yo du-dumbass.." while Pointing to the room behind him. Kyle throws Charolette into the wall where the TV is causing it to shatter and the wall to crack with a loud thud as she yelps and falls to the floor. Kyle quickly turns around,walks to the door and kicks it open but as soon as he does Charolette laughs hysterically once Kyle looks inside. He sees Todd naked and hung by his feet to the roof with his hands tied and cuts all over his body,blood dripping down his body. Kyle gasps then leaps to him,reaches up and snaps the rope off the roof to let Todd drop onto the floor. Kyle holds Todd in his arms getting blood all over his hoodie,he reaches up and feels Todd's pulse on his neck. "Come on come on come on.." He keeps saying but doesn't feel anything. "T-todd come on man..don't Do this.." He says frantically while lightly slapping Todd's face. "N-nice joke..come on..w-wake.. up and laugh like you always do..please..Todd..TOdd..TODD!...please.....don't go..." Kyle says while looking into Todd's eyes with no sign of light. Kyle begins to cry while staring into Todd's empty blank eyes. "W-w-why..first it was her..not you now..." Kyle begins to choke and cry more audibly. "N-not like t-this..n-not h-here..not n-now...." He says while holding Todd's head on his shoulder hugging his lifeless body. "I knew your face would be PRICELESS~" Charolette chuckles with Kyle sitting motionless crying. Ben holds his hand over his mouth and chokes alittle with tears beginning to form as he walks into the room. Charolette stands up in the living room picking glass shards out of her torso. Kyle begins to shake uncontrollably with more fury than he's ever felt. "First...first...it was my mother...now...now it was Todd..." Kyle starts while growling as his tears halt. "I was helpless when my mom was killed..I was a weak teen who had no idea what was happening..I'm still a teen and I'm probably still weak but something I do know now is why I'm even alive right now...I'm...Alive..TO..AVEnge....MY...MOTHER AND NOW MY ONCE BEST FRIEND WHO NEVER DESERVED SUCH A FATE AS THIS,I WILL ENSURE YOU AND JEFF SUFFER THE WORST DEATH IMAGINABLE,THAT IS MORE THAN A GUARANTEE THAT IS A FUCKING VOW~ " Kyle yells at the top of his lungs as his eyes glow such a bright red his pupils aren't visable. Charolette gasps and Ben jumps with fear as Kyle rams through the door causing it to bust open in the shape of his body and before she can duck to the right Kyle slams his left fist into her stomach causing her to be lifted and slammed into the wall. His fist ruptures through her stomach causing blood to splatter behind her as it collides with the wall causing it to completely bust open to the installations behind it as his arm rips through her stomach to his bicep. She chokes blood and wails with pain as Kyle looks her dead in the eyes while growling horrifically. He slowly begins to grin then raises his arm up more causing blood to pour down his sleeve,arm and onto the floor,soaking her clothes with blood as well as his and the floor. She growls in pain as Kyle smiles wider "oh you have no idea how satisfying the look on your face is right now~its rather...priceless~" he ploys while staring into her pained angry eyes. Kyle spins to the left and throws Charolette into the couch with enough force to break it in half as well as crack the wall behind it and bust her head with the blood from her stomach splattering against the back wall as well as begin to pour onto the floor and couch she lays on. She holds her arms over the wound tightly while weezing and groaning in pain. Kyle flicks his wrist and blood flies everywhere along the walls and floor. The entire living room is trashed and coated with blood drops. Ben even has some blood splatters on his face from Kyle flicking it. Kyle looks over to Ben with so much heinus violence causing ben to freeze with fear. Kyle begins to slouch down as his eyes fade to regular purplish black crimson and his glare is alittle less menacing. Ben stands up then realizes "Wait if Charolette was doing this and Jeff is in the forest..SHIT WE GOTTA GO TO KAYLA AND JOANNA ASAP!" He shouts as he runs past Kyle to the truck. Kyle gives Charolette one last glare then scoffs and runs off as she wryly cackles. Kyle and Ben run to the truck,Kyle gets in and so does ben then they quickly speed down the road out the neighborhood. They keep speeding till eventually reaching the forest and driving in till they see where Kayla had stopped the car. Kyle stops the truck,takes the keys and quickly hops out then so does ben. Kyle runs to where the opening in the gate is and crawls through it then opens it for ben. Ben crawls through then the two begin to run through the trees looking all around. "They could be anywhere!" Ben shouts then Kyle says "No look! Follow their foot prints!" While running down the trail Kayla and Joanna left to the waterfall. "Ah!" Kyle yells as he almost falls off the edge of the cliff causing ben to halt as well. They look around then ben taps Kyle's shoulder and points "look,down there on the rocks under the waterfall!" Ben says then Kyle says "we gotta get down there someho-" but is abruptly cut off by getting tackled off the edge. Kyle twists around to see Jeff smiling and falling with Kyle and Ben "missed me~?" Jeff says mockingly then punches Kyle while falling to the river bellow. Jeff cackles and grips Kyle's hood,pulls it over his head then twists him around so Jeff is behind him. Jeff wraps his arms around Kyle's neck in a rear neck chokehold. Kyle glares to the right and sees ben falling closer to the river but realizes it's deeper at the end however it's fairly shallow near the fall so Kyle starts panicking. He begins to elbow Jeff in the stomach but that doesn't work as they come closer only 20 feet away. Kyle goes wide eyed then reaches to his belt and grips a pouch with something in it. He undoes the pouch then yells "this is so not a good idea but fuck it!" Then as his eyes fade to purplish black crimson he headbutts Jeff causing him to let go,twists to his right and kicks Jeff to the right off him against the cliff they fell off then throws the green object at Jeff. Jeff gasps as he sees it come closer with Kyle grinning and holding his right hand up with a pin around it. "Get a load of that fucker~" Kyle says as his body slams against a rock inpailing his back going through his chest causing blood to splatter upwards then rinse through the river current. Jeff grips the grenade then twists around and throws it at the cliff while kicking away from from it with the drop only 10 more feet. The grenade explodes causing Jeff to scream and completely burn his left arm down to the muscle tissue and bone,leaving it charred,black,blue and running red with his clothes being blown away,his hoodie having fire on it as well as pants till his body slams against the river water which washes the fire away. Ben landed in the river and swims upwards as the current pulls him down stream as well as Jeff. The grenade exploding causes the cliff to explode and collapse so all the rocks,dirt and trees begin to cave in and break off into the river as well as starting a fire. The debris falls into the river and is swept down the stream after Jeff and Ben. Ben flails alittle then grabs a rock sticking out and holds on as the water crashes around him. He sees Jeff's head pop out of the water as he is being thrown down stream. Jeff's entire left arm is burned to the bone and pouring blood leaving red in the water before and after him. Jeff raises his right arm up and tries to grab ben but he throws his left foot up and kicks Jeff in the chest causing him to roll over ben and gets swept past him further down the river. Ben groans and looks up to Kyle,Joanna and Kayla at the fall. He hoists himself up on top of the rock and stands weakly then walks across the standing out rocks to the other side of the river. He finally makes it to stable ground then pants intensely while running to kyle,Joanna and Kayla. Kyle groans in pain at the rock protruding through his chest. He reaches up with his right hand and grips the top of it. He loads his left hand down then punches his back while forcing the top to the left and breaks the rock off with a yelp of pain. Kyle falls into the river but ben jumps onto the sticking out rocks and reaches out then grabs Kyle's left hand to pull him up onto the stable rocks. Kyle coughs up blood and water then sits up,grips the rock in his chest,yells with all his might and pulls it out causing blood to pour from his chest onto the dirt and rocks they are sitting on. Kyle throws the rock back into the river while gripping his chest tightly. Ben hovers over him and examines his wound that starts crysyalizing. " Go check.." Kyle inhales deeply "on them.." then exhales while his wound heals. Ben nods then runs to the fall where Joanna is unconscious and Kayla is holding her in her lap. Kayla is resting against the cliff wall with Joanna resting in her lap. Ben crouches down and asks "are you two okay?" Then kayla says "n-not really..She was shot 6 times..me once and gashed across my back.." then ben growls and says "don't worry,we're gonna get help." With a reassuring glare. Kayla caresses Joanna's cheek softly while Kyle slowly limp walks over to them. "Now that's gonna be hard to explain.." Kayla weakly giggles while Pointing to the burning destroyed cliff side. "Y-yeah..but it kinda worked..I think.." Kyle huffs while crouching to Joanna and Kayla. " Me and Ben are okay,I'm wanted in just about every state I assume or I'm gonna be after this however you two aren't so go to a hos-" Kyle says but is cut off "just get us back to.." Kayla weezes then continues "Get us back to my house and my assistant can..h-help us.." then Kyle says "yall aren't gonna make it that far.." as he inches closer. "I um..have an idea but it may not work.." Kayla says. Kyle raises his brow then Kayla holds her hand out to Kyle "lemme see one of your daggers." She asks then Kyle hesitantly reaches into his pants where the blade pouch is and toses it to her. "Um..why." He asks. "You'll see.." Kayla says as she pulls a blade out. "Something I haven't told you all is..." She starts saying while slicing her right wrist open letting the blood leak into her hand. "The reason I'm so rich,socially and economically protected as well as well off is because I was..." She says while letting her blood drip into Joanna's mouth. "A government test subject...I was nominated by my parents who where very poor at a very young age..no older than 5 when I was housed by the government special forces. They tested various chemical formulas on at least a hundred other people of various ages and whoever lived through them would move into the next test..I was among 10 others who lived and only 4 others the test worked on..well kinda worked.." She finishes while her blood stops leaking and Joanna swallows it. "What do you mean...kinda?" Kyle says nervously. "The test was to genetically modify our helix and find a way to never age or die of physical harm however the cost for me and the other 4 is in turn we got one or the other...I got the never die of physical harm but my backlash/catch is my cells age rapidly faster than others when I have to repair them..meaning if I heal a critical wound it could shave 10 years off my age for just that..." She says as Kyle sees Joanna come to. "anyone who ingests my blood will be healed with no consequences however that still counts for me..it's estimated I wont live past 60..so for compensation and bribing my family to keep quiet the government pays for everything we get without question and gets us out of legal trouble best it can.." She says then stops when Joanna looks up to her then turns,gets on her knees and tackle hugs Kayla. "KAYLA! Oh thank god you are okay.." She says while rubbing Kayla's back then realizes there's no cut or marks there. "W-werent you harmed..?" Joanna says nervously then Kayla inhales,looks her right in the eyes and explains everything she just said but to Joanna. Joanna thinks for a moment then sighs "honestly it makes alot of sense.." She says with a slight smile. Kayla smiles back and rubs Joanna's back softly then says "don't worry about me from now on okay? Ain't no bitch gonna kill me" with a giggle then kisses Joanna's cheek causing her to blush. "Alrighty then" Joanna says with a bright smile. "Come on y'all,we gotta get back now" Kyle says while standing up as well as ben. Kayla stands up then helps Joanna up all of them soaking wet. "Jeff isn't dead but he sure as hell is fucked up..that I'm certain of" Kyle says then Ben says "yeah,our mission isn't over however it is farther than before~" with a chuckle as the four of them walk along the river to find their way back to their cars. After trudging through the forest vegetation they finally arrive back to the gate with their cars parked in front. They each exit through the hole in the gate then Kyle and Ben walk to the truck while Joanna and Kayla walk to the Pontiac. Kayla and Kyle get in the driver's seat of the cars while Joanna and Ben get in the passenger seats. Kyle backs out and turns the car to drive where they came from with Kayla following. They all drive back out the forest till they find the main road leading to the cities. "Finally going home.." Ben mutters while falling asleep in the truck. Kyle smiles as they drive back to Kayla's house........
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