🖤~a madmans sorrow~🖤

After a couple hours they all finally arrive back to Kayla's house with Kyle and Kayla pulling into the driveway. Kyle pulls the keys out of the ignition,opens the door and grogily steps out of the truck with ben doing the same. Shortly after Kayla and Joanna get out then walk up the sidewalk to the front door. Kayla raises her keys up and unlocks the doors then pulls them open while walking in with Joanna behind her. Kyle instantly turns to walk up the stairs. "Where ya goin?" Ben says while Kyle walks up the staircase then turns back to say "Imma take a nap after all that..you can join if you'd like.." with a soft yet weak smile. Ben chuckles then follows Kyle up the stairs to his room as Kyle opens the door to step in. Ben enters after Kyle who is already kicking his soaking dirty shoes off. Kyle pulls then throws his socks off over his shoes,takes his hoodie along with shirt off then drops them beside his bed while unbuckling his belt,taking his weapons off as well as arm guards. Kyle takes his pants off then his shin guards only in his black boxers still wet. Ben blushes softly and looks away while Kyle changes. Kyle changes into fresh boxers with baggy basketball shorts that go past his knees with ben peaking slightly. Kyle turns around and ruffles his hair a little by shaking his head causing it to sloppily fall in his iconic middle part on his face. He chuckles then says "take a picture,it'll last ya longer~" causing ben to blush brighter and growl defensively. "S-shush" ben says while looking away. Kyle folds the white covers over while crawling into bed then winces as the sun shines through the giant bedside window. Ben chuckles then walks to the window,grips the string to the blinds and shuts them causing the room to be dimly lit. Ben takes his jacket off hanging it on Kyle's doorknob then takes his shoes as well as socks off. He takes his arm,shin and chest plates off with his shirt. Ben keeps his jeans on and just walks to Kyle's bedside then topples onto him causing him to groan from Ben's body falling on him. "Reallllyyyyyy" Kyle whines then ben chuckles and says "yesssss" while purring happily. Kyle smiles then pets Ben's messy hair as the two calm their breathing to finally drift off. After about 30 minutes Kyle feels himself waking up but really doesn't want to so he groans silently and turns to the right when he hears something he hates. Ben sobbing silently at the end of the bed causes Kyle to bolt up and scoot to him quickly. "What's wrong?" Kyle says while hugging ben from behind. Ben goes to say words but keeps getting cut off by hicks and deep inhales. Kyle rubs his back and says "shush,it's okay,you're okay,don't stress,it'll be okay.." helping ben to calm down slightly. "I guess..it didn't hit me till now because of everything happening at once b-but i-i just realized..." Ben says while hicking softly. "Todd...r-r-really is g-gone isn't h-he..." Ben finishes while looking down,his hair falling in his face. Kyle stays silent while thinking to himself and instead of saying anything he hugs ben even tighter causing ben to sob more. " This may sound cheesy but even tho Todd is gone..He really isnt gone..as long as we keep him in our hearts and mind he will never be forgotten." Kyle says softly while staring to the ceiling. "Cheesy..but true.." Ben says with a soft smile. After some time of silently holding each other Kyle says quietly "Ben..you will not suffer so long as I live..My words mean more than just that. Mark them within your mind forever and always remember that so long as I live I will never let you die or suffer,that's a vow~" causing ben to smile brightly while Kyle lays back with ben ontop of him. Ben looks up slightly then says softly "I..love you..Kyle~" then rests his head on Kyle's chest feeling his heart beat grow faster. Kyle smiles widely while petting ben and says "I love you too..Ben~" as the two finally drift off once more. Kyle awakens before ben to the sun blasting into the room causing Kyle to groan. "W-why the fucks the sun u- w-wait a minute" Kyle says as he springs up,turns to his left where the dresser is then reaches for his phone. He grabs his phone and turns it on to read "o-october 20th 10:27a.m!? Shit dude I slept for over 12 hours.." he says while looking over to Ben who is just waking up as well. Kyle smiles softly and slowly creeps out of bed as to not wake ben. He gets out of bed,yawns while stretching then walks to the door,opens it and begins to walk down the hallway. "Ben's probably gonna be hungry when he wakes up.." Kyle says as his stomach growls. "Heh..I know I am" he says with a chuckle to himself while walking down the stairs to the kitchen. Kyle looks around but doesn't see anyone so he makes his way to the cupboard and looks for something to cook with. After alittle rummaging he finds a skillet,some plates and pots. He decides on something he knows how to make which is "waffles with blueberry compote and lemon ricotta cream" he says with a smile. After about 20 minutes he finishes with enough for everyone in the house,he takes each plate to the dining table sets and organises them neatly then hollars out "Hey anyone here!? I made breakfast!" Awaiting a response. He doesn't hear one so he decides to go check on everyone but heads to his room first. He opens the door to check on ben who is finally waking up so Kyle steps in and says "I uhm..I made breakfast if you would..like some" with a Nervous smile. Ben smiles back and says "that's why I woke up~" with a chuckle as he gets up and out of bed to walk to Kyle. Ben follows Kyle downstairs to the kitchen where they see Joanna already eating. "R-reallyyyyyyy" Kyle groans as he sees a half naked Joanna already eating. Joanna chews a few more times then giggles "oh c'mon I just woke up" with a grin as she continues eating. Joanna is only wearing a crop top with no bra and a pair panties,her white choppy hair is more fluffy and ratty than usual and she has a hue of blush on her face. "Suuuure~" Kyle ploys with a mischievous grin causing Joanna to flick a peice of waffle at Kyle with her fork. Kyle yells with surprise while ducking "Oi! That's not cool man I made those!" With a slight chuckle. Kayla finally enters the kitchen with her long brunette hair messy hanging in her face slightly with a sloppy middle part,wearing a loosely attached bra and booty shorts. "You're one to talk Mr. I sleep naked~" Kayla laughs causing Kyle to blush "y-you uhm..Yo-" he mutters then sits at the table with a defeated groan causing ben to giggle. Kayla sits next to Joanna,pulls another chair to her left,leans against Joanna's side with her feet kicked up in the other chair and her plate of food in her lap. "So..how'd yall sleep last night..?" Kayla asks while pointing her fork to kyle and ben then taking a bite of her waffle. "Fine.." ben mutters while he eats then Kyle says "I slept okay I guess.." then Joanna glances to Kayla with a smug grin and says "I barely slept at all~" with a quick wink causing kayla to glare and blush. "Y-yeah same.." kayla mutters as she quickly eats more. After some time of small talk they all eat,Kyle and ben take their plates to the sink to wash them with Kayla and Joanna following. Kayla walks to the main room with her TV and massive white couch then says "so what we got planned for today?" As she picks up the TV remote to turn it on. Kyle,ben and Joanna walk into the main room to the couch as Kayla flicks through channels till she comes across the news. The other three sit down with Kyle and Ben on the right of the couch. Joanna sits on the left of Kayla resting her head on Kayla's shoulder with her arms around her neck. Kayla smiles softly then they all tune into the news.

News director< this is Matt Aldron bringing you the latest news. Here we have a latest case last reported early this morning in Pennsylvania of a collapsed cliffside besides the waterfall. It was presumed to be blown up somehow,here is the lead investigators look on the situation.

Man on TV< I am Detective Heris and from a basic assessment no serious damage has been done however we are working to clean up the river from all the debris as well as any stabilization the land may need,it is not confirmed weather the cliff collapsed due to erosion of some other form of destruction however the rocks around the cliffside where charred,covered in sut as well as showed signs of mass pressure rather than overtime erosion. Some of the latest analysis of it suggest the cliff may have had alittle bit but not nearly enough erosion to do that naturally. We are still searching and will be on standby once any further information has been obtained.

After that the news switches back to the former news crew and begins talking about other events. Kayla just glares to Kyle "reallyyyyy..really? Use the grenade wisely so lemme just chunk it at a cliff~" she teases causing Kyle to groan "come on it was the only option I could think offffffff" with a defeated whine. "No more grenades for you I guess~" she says with a playful tap on his arm. "Fair enough.." Kyle says with a slight chuckle as Kayla changes channels. They all relax on the couch for awhile just watching TV with Kayla and Joanna cuddling as well as Kyle and Ben. Kyle gets up while saying "I wanna relax but I can't knowing he is still alive..that was my chance and I fucking let it slip.." while walking out the main room up the staircase to his room but before he gets up the stairs Kayla hollars "follow me to my room then..I have some plans I just wanted to sharpen them better but maybe you could help.." as she walks up the staircase to the left down a long hallway with ben and Joanna following. Kyle shortly follows till Kayla opens a smaller looking door but once they step in the smell of pumpkin spice candles fill the room. Kyle looks around to see her bed sheets all over the place,they are pink with a black post bed,the walls are white with only a red light to illuminate them. Joanna smiles,inhales deeply then exhales with joy "damn I love pumpkin spice candles~" with a blush on her face. Kayla chuckles then walks to the right where a chalk board is then she twists it to the other side. "I've mapped out everywhere Jeff has been and could be however we suspect he is still in Pennsylvania or at least in the neighboring states." She says while dragging her finger along the map she's drawn. "So the four of us are gonna search for him however no splitting up at all got it." Kyle says while looking to the three of them. Ben nods as well as Joanna then Kayla says "deffinetly not splitting up this time.." with a faint chuckle. Kyle smiles then exhales with relief then Joanna perks up to say "we're leaving soon as the sun rises to hunt him down and eliminate him once and for all." With a determined gleam shining in her hazel eyes. Kyle grins then says "well alright then fuckin Rambo" with a giggle causing Joanna to groan annoyed then lightly punch Kyle's chest with a eye roll and grin. The entire rest of the day is spent lounging around to rest and be ready for tomorrow till finally the sun sets with Kyle and Ben in the back yard as the sun falls gracefully behind them in vivid twilight. Kyle is in solid black basket ball shorts and Ben is in baggy grey sweats. The two have been training with each other all day to prepare to fight Jeff. Both Kyle and Ben are drenched in sweat,dirt and alittle blood while huffing and panting. Kyle grins with faint blood trickling down his lip to his chin wincing from exhaustion. "J-jeff has no idea what he's done.." Ben pants out harshly with a determined grin. Kyle just smiles back then begins to walk inside with ben shortly following as they enter through the backdoor into the kitchen. They walk through the main room up the stairs then to their separate rooms. Kyle steps into his room then shuts the door behind him and leans against it with his back and his head resting against the white wood door. "Huh..." Kyle silently sighs to himself as he shoves himself off the door weakly to his bed then imidietly plops down into bed. Kyle falls into a quick deep sleep within 5 minutes as the moon shines through his half open window peacefully.

(Kyle's dream 3rd person pov)
Kyle raises his head to only see pitch black stagnant lines. The lines begin to swirl around his sight till he notices he is floating in nothingness so he tries to move his body with no response. He tries to speak but can't even control his vocal cords,he attempts to look around but realises he can't move his eyes from center focus. He floats tirelessly for what feels like hours till finally he can sense another presence. "uccidere un killer non cambia nulla, l'unico modo per cambiare qualcosa è uccidere tutti gli assassini ~" an unknown voice softly whispers in a language Kyle doesn't know. He begins to feel more control over his body and twitches his fingers slightly as his eyes finally move around slowly to see the blackness change shapes and forms. Different shapes and sizes of grey and black infuse all around him till he can barely make out a singular outline. As the oval shaped outline comes closer the grey strands around the endless void begin to light up however Kyle can't make out the images within the ripples. He twitches his eyes ever slightly till his head finally turns alittle to the right and he can focus more on the aura beside him. With all his concentration looking into the tear he sees vivid spectrums of color and light bouncing off each other echoing a faint static till it opens and he sees people he has never met before. The only figures he makes out is two white faces,one is solid white with a outlined head and nothing else while the other has black lips,eyes and eyebrows with black strands crossing the mask like hair. The faint static he heard grows louder the more he focuses on the faces however when he tries to look away it's as if his body is frozen once again. The static erupts louder and louder till he can't take it anymore,he uses everything he has within himself to move when a third face appears in the ripple. It has middle parted black hair with its eyes closed and Caucasian skin then Kyle realizes he is staring at himself. As his head finally begins to turn with intense struggle the figures eyes open with bright crimson almost blinding him and solid black endless eye sockets behind them. Kyle tries to scream and get away but still can't move his body then as the figure reaches a red wet hand up to the tear it begins to fade from bright prism colors back to shades of grey as the figures fade away to dust. kyle finally turns his head forward again to see the outline from before has a humanoid shape to it and is much closer now,only 4 feet away. Kyle finally gets control of his muscles and croaks out "w-wha...a-are..you.." in a heavily strained tone. "I..am...soon to be....You~" the empty figure states blankly as its colors swirl around with different shades of black and grey. Kyle goes wide eyed at what it says but can't find anymore strength to speak further. "It would seem this has to be cut short..I'll be seeing you soon~Kyle..Gryolsal~" the figure states with a highanous laugh as Kyle feels himself begin to fall rapidly through emptiness. He starts flailing and screaming with his eyes closed till eventually everything crashes into him.......

(Kyle 3rd person pov)
Kyle launches up drenched in sweat as he sees ben jump back and the sun blinding him. "W-wha!?..W-where t-the...h-how.." Kyle frantically mumbles as he looks around paranoid causing ben to gesture to be quiet. "Dude it's okay,I woke you up because you where mumbling shit and it's morning so we gotta get ready.." Ben says quickly with a worried tone. "A-are you..alright..?" Ben asks while tilting his head and putting his left hand on Kyle's right shoulder while sitting on the edge of the bed. "I..just had a nightmare.." Kyle mutters then ben hugs him and kisses his cheek while petting his hair. "Im sorry..I'm here for you" Ben says with a soft smile causing Kyle to reach up and hold his face in his hands them pulls ben in to kiss him. Kyle and Ben kiss for around 10 seconds then Kyle breaks away and says "today is it..we ARE going to kill him and her..~" Kyle growls with a bright red gleam in his eye causing ben to freeze alittle then Kyle giggles as the gleam fades to normal. Kyle stands up from the bed and walks to the dresser with ben asking "so..whatcha gonna wear for the occasion?" Then kyle says "I dunno yet..I'll have to see" while opening the drawers. He finds a pair of black skinny male leggings,black with red bottomed shorts that go past his knees to his calf,a slim long sleeved black silk shirt and cotton grey with black inner fur jacket. He puts the leggings on with the silk shirt then slips the shirts on then the grey jacket over it,walks over to his desk where his weapons/gear is then grabs his arm guards,shin guards and boots. He puts the shin guards over the leggings then slips the knee high black leather boots over the guard loosely. He puts the arm guards over his silk long sleeved shirt and under the jacket then reaches onto the desk to his weapons. Kyle looks over and sees his mother's M9 Beretta that Jeff dropped on the cliff side. He picks up the gun with the cartridge on the desk and examines it carefully seeing scratches and some marks on it from the explosion. He then sees carved into the handle Jeff as a reminder then he grits his teeth,looks over to his patch off throwing daggers on the desk and pulls one out in his right hand. He holds the empty gun in his left hand then begins carving over Jeff's name with various lines till his name is etched out off the handle. Kyle flips it to its right side then begins to stand and carve his name into the mesh of the handle then smile faintly while staring at the gun. He inhales deeply then exhales slowly as he puts the knife back in the pouch,sets the gun down and picks up the clip with a case of bullets on the edge of the desk. He opens the case and begins loading the clip with click noises every time a bullet locks in. He loads the 20 round clip then grabs the gun and slides the clip in with a click as it locks. He raises the gun up in his right hand then cocks it with his left hand to put a bullet in the chamber. He flicks the safety to on then sets it on the desk and thinks to himself for a moment then grabs the gun holster and wraps it around his chest so it rests under his left arm in his jacket then he puts the M9 in it and straps it tightly in the holster. Kyle turns to Ben and says "I'm ready." In a blunt tone then ben says "that's it..?" While pointing to his arm then finishes "just the M9 with one clip..?" With a concerned look. Kyle stares angrily and says "all I need to kill him,actually I plan to do it with my bare fucking hands~" then ben coughs alittle and says "i-im gonna go get ready myself.." as he stands up then leaves the room. Kyle stands by himself alone in his room silently thinking to himself while pacing around "what..was that..was it a dream?nightmare?illusion..?.." He mutters as he darts his eyes around. The phrase the voice says replays in his head even tho he doesn't know the language. "U-ccidere un killer..n-non? Yeah..non ca-cambia..Ughhhhh!" Kyle groans as he fails to pronounce the phrase. He sighs then shakes his head then walks over to his desk and decides to get more weapons. He slips the throwing knife pouch under his shorts with a belt around his underwear/waist,he grabs his spicked brass knuckles then slips then in his left jacket pocket and finally grabs his Glock 19 and slips it in his right jacket pocket with a fully loaded clip. He sighs then turns to his door and approaches it then walks out into the hallway while shutting the door behind him. Kyle relaxes alittle as he walks down the stairs to the main room where Joanna,Kayla and Ben are ready. "I thought about something.." Kayla starts as Kyle approaches her. "Jeff was hit with the backfire of the grenade which was clearly enough to blow him away from the cliff so how do we know he didn't die there or at least wouldn't he be hidding while he recovers from such wounds? I know if I got that fucked up I'd wanna rest or take a break like shit" she says then ben says "he's still alive because he attacked me while we floated down stream but he got away so he is still out there.." with his arms crossed. Kayla holds her chin with her right hand while thinking them says "alright but I'm carrying the grenade thus time~" with a laugh as she glares to Kyle. He waves and says "whatever I didn't need it anyway!" With a faint chuckle. Joanna is wearing bluish grey jeans,the same tims from before,a black tank top with the same red leather jacket as well as her Kel-Tec PMR-30. Kayla is wearing red avia running shoes,black sweats,a baggy white shirt and a thick dark blue jacket over it and Joanna's Smith & Wesson M&P in her inside jacket pocket. Ben is wearing his new green coat with inner white fur and patches for durability,a blue tank top that goes to his thighs with black baggy torn jeans and his pink converse with his hatchet,rugur lcp 380 in its holster on his right thigh and his sig Sauer p938 on his left. Ben smiles to Kyle then Joanna says "I like the outfit~" with a chuckle then ben says "me too~" and playfully paws at him. Kyle rolls his eyes with a smile while saying "Yeah yeah let's go already" as he walks past them to the front door. " We're taking the truck this time" Kayla says as she unlocks the truck with a honk. "Where are we heading first tho..?" Kyle says as Kayla gets in the driver's seat with Joanna in the passnager and Kyle with ben in the back. "This sounds crazy but i think he is in New York, it's right next to Pennsylvania,there is a mass of people so he could have range to kill not to mention places to hide along side homeless ect... So I believe we should check there,not to mention-" Kayla says but is cut off by "not to mention she wants to visit new york~" Joanna ploys causing Kayla to blush and groan. Kayla puts the keys in the ignition and turns the truck on with a roaring moter as she pulls out of the driveway to the front gate. Joanna rolls down her window as she pulls up to the code box then types the code and the main gate opens. They drive off into the main road for about 2 hours till they arive at the border to new York. Kayla pulls up to the toll and the guard behind the bullet proof glass asks for her identification as well as passport. She hands it to him then after awhile he hands it back and mumbles "damn Kisaragi.." with a scoff as he let's her drive off. Kayla chuckles then drives off into new York while ben says "I've checked the population count in the cities and I believe he would have stopped/gone to Rochester city because it isn't the most populated area however it isn't a small town,it has around 200,000 people in it and has lots of archaic buildings littered across it to take refuge in..it's at least worth a look in my opinion.." while typing on his laptop. Kayla nods and says "alright so let's head there first..I've really wanted to visit the Memorial art museum as well as the highland park gardens" with a soft smile. "We should probably get a hotel tho because I have a feeling we aren't gonna find one person out of 200,000 in the first night,especially not at 6p.m on a Friday night.." ben says with a glum look. Kayla says "got any good ones in mind?" While ben examines his laptop. "Actually yeah. The Radisson hotel Rochester airport,it's only 71$ for a two bed one night stay and I think 300-400$ for a week stay." Then kayla says "that'll work I guess,book us a room using my card" while reaching into her pocket to pull out her wallet then hand her card to Ben in the back seat. After about a 15 minute dive they arrive at the Radisson hotel where ben booked them a 2 bed 1 bath week long stay. The four of them examine the room with two nicely made beds,a tv with a desk and sliding chair on the left to the right of the door. Kyle jumps into the closest bed left of the door in front of the tv with ben shortly jumping after him. Kayla walks to the other bed and sits on the end while Kayla takes her boots,jacket and jeans off leaving a shirt and panties on then lifts the covers and slips into bed. "Already~?" Kayla ploys as she flicks through channels on tv. "Man I'm tired so I'm at least gonna get a nap in" Joanna responds while laying her head on the cool white pillow. "Alriiight~" Kayla jokingly whines while she leaves the tv to play adult swim and scoot up to Joanna then get under the covers. Ben walks over to the desk by the TV headboard and pulls his HP Omen 15.6" laptop i7 2.8GHz 8GB 1TB Windows 10 (15-CEo11DX) and places it on the desk while turning on the small table lamp. Kyle glances over to Ben while Kyle lays in bed with his hands behind his head on his back. Joanna shortly falls asleep while Kayla strokes and pets her hair gently and begins to doze off herself. Kyle's eyes begin to get heavy and he gets sleepy himself so he shortly falls asleep however ben is wide awake on his computer.

(Third person over ben)
Ben quietly types on his computer while darting his eyes rapidly with only the blue screen light illuminating the room behind him as kyle,Joanna and Kayla sleep. He opens saved folders with websites cropped into folders on the sides of the screens consisting of various directions to places as well as images. The pages he has cropped are stories,news reports,sightings,videos and documents about Jeff, some real some fake. He groans to himself while tapping his foot anxiously then thinks to himself "if Jeff is in New York he could be in the main new York city as more people mean more ways to hide but at the same time that's a catch 22 where he would also have a bigger chance to get found with how popular he is apparently,I joked about him at first thinking it was some bullshit story..come to find he's as real as any other killer however he is different from such people like Ted Bundy,Jeffery Dahmer and Albert Fish..something about his psychie from what I can tell of victim reports as well as survivor stories and what Kayla as well as Joanna told me I can say he is deffinetly bipolar,has a high God complex,obsessive love with fighting as well as possible BPD,it's a bit of a stretch but maybe,just maybe he does. From what I can tell he was perfectly normal before he one day snapped which isn't uncommon for killers,psychos and mentally insane creatures. However the asylum that did manage to capture him for a short amount of time did run enough tests to confirm he would switch from highly aggressive,hostile and murderous to apathetic,caring and remorseful. The doctors only got 2 brain scans of him and both where when he was in what they called 'a neutral medium' meaning he was more of a sociopath rather than sane or psycho,he showed signs of remorse deep down but his body still wanted to harm life forms,during the first scan while he was restrained his muscles and brain activity insisted he wanted to kill the nurses as well as doctors around him but his amygdala was disturbed,it showed distorted waves as well as his frontal lobe showed signs of being damaged slightly. The parts having to do with emotions,feeling and empathy where distorted when they mentioned his family/past. At the mention of liu his brain would send flairs but would stop,almost as if while in his angered state he couldn't access his memories,experiences or any other emotion but primal rage. During his calmed down state once he exhausted his energy his brain activity showed he begun to remember past experiences but would imidietly switch once he consciously realized it. I believe he possibly has a split that he isn't conscious of which is corolated with his traumatic past,the documents I found say he was beaten,burned and on the brink of death at the age of 14, 6 years ago when 3 other teens attacked him at a birthday party for some little kid across the street. The wounds suggest he could have taken a form of brain damage from the intense heat roasting his brain as well as blood loss/intense pain from the burns as well as when he was hit over the head with a glass bottle of vodka. ugh! There are so many variables and variants to why he is how he is. Now that I have a slightly better understanding of his mental it may be easier to think like him,if I was a 20 year old with unconscious BPD and a split that only wishes to ruin and erase life where would I go?..especially knowing 4 people are hunting me down with intent to kill me..who the fuck knows..not to mention he isn't unconscious of his actions,both sides show awareness of each other and can make conscious decisions to fulfill their needs...I've mapped out every single documented killing through the police networks as well as times,locations,victims,victim wounds,witnesses,investigators,investigations and leads to where he would be,so far the police files haven't seen him last since the murder of Charlotte's parents Gregory Gylium and Laiyla Gylium as well as suspect to the disappearance of Charolette Gylium. The only suspected lead was a female by the name of Amanda Doile who filed a police report of attempted murder at 9p.m in Dickson city, Pennsylvania..not to far from Rochester, New York. I'm gonna try to contact the witness later and get a possible meet up,right now I'm gonna search for more police documents I guess.." Ben begins to open more pages and folders as he glances to his digital clock suggesting it's 3:54a.m so he blinks a few times then rubs his eyes. "Damn..I wanna sleep but I still got more digging to do.." Ben says to himself softly while yawning. He saves all of his ideas,opinions,thoughts,pages,leads,names and websites to his notes in a folder protected with a 20 word password. Ben opens Twitter on Google chrome then logs into his backup account and searches for the witness account he found. He types in Amanda_slays420 into the search bar till he finds her account then clicks on it. He scrolls down and sees her posts. "She posted at 10a.m on October 14th.." Ben mutters as he examines the post.

Amanda's post<
10:00A.M, October 14th.
Hey boiiis,I know I was gone for a few days and I'm sowwy;~; I was fucking attacked like damn. I was walking home from my friends house when as I was walking I noticed a man in a white hoodie with Black legs and his hood over his head. He followed behind me around 30 feet away I assume...I don't really know but he continued after me so I took a different route,my plan was to pass my house and see if he would leave then circle back around the block but once I was about 4 houses from mine he began walking faster till I finally decided to run down the street however he didn't run after me. After about 2 minutes of running my ass off around the block I never saw anyone again so I walked home from there,made it to my front door and even got inside when it hit me,my front door wasn't locked so I checked all around my house. Not to reveal to muuuuch but I check every room in my house and found nothing however I did already have my phone in my hand with 911 in the keypad ready to call when I heard the window of the living room shatter so I ran upstairs to my room,slammed the door and locked it while calling the police. I told the operator that a man was breaking in and wanted to kill me and they told me to stay calm,that they had a unit coming and it would only be around 5 minutes before they arrived. I waited while I heard him shuffling around my house,rummaging through the downstairs room and as I heard footsteps walking up the stairs I heard the police knock on the door then someone stomp quickly downstairs and out the backdoor. I left my room to run downstairs where the police questioned me,looked around and didn't find anybody,told me they must've left already and to call again if someone attempts again but I don't believe it was just anybody,I believe it was that Jeff the killer guy,like who wears a bright white ass hoodie while breaking into someone's house? I dunno either way I'm okay now and wanted to tell everyone what happened,comment/messege me for any questions^>^.

Her post ends as ben looks down to see 100 plus comments,1.1k retweets and 500plus likes. "So her story has gotten a good amount of fame I see.." Ben mutters to himself then scrolls up to the top of her profile. Her profile picture is a female with short choppy black hair,Smokey eye shadow,black lipstick while holding their right hand up with their middle finger up. He clicks to inbox her and starts typing away.

Ben's messeges< Hey,I read your story as well as your filed report on the attack a few days ago. I wanted to ask if we could meet up,I'm Ben and I was also attacked by Jeffery Woods. I wish to bring him down and would like to talk 1 on 1 with you and get more details about what happened,I am currently staying in Rochester, New York and can meet anywhere,I would greatly appreciate it if you would messege me back as well as would be willing to meet with me in person.

He sends the messege then sighs and closes out Twitter and all the other pages to finally close his laptop screen. He checks the time on his phone reading 4:16a.m then groans and scoots out from the desk and gets out of the chair. He stretches and walks over to the bed Kyle lays in while taking his shoes and shirt off leaving his jeans on. He climbs into bed with Kyle,wrapping his arms around Kyle then quickly falls asleep.

Kayla wakes up before everyone else so she sits up in bed while Joanna sleeps peacefully beside her. She lightly strokes Joanna's hair then scoots out off bed still dressed from yesterday. Kayla walks over to the mini kitchen to make some coffee,she finds the hotel coffee packages as well as filters and cups. She turns on the coffee maker with water in it and the filter listening to it churn and boil. She watches as her coffee pours into the little mediocre mug and chuckles to herself. She puts 2 sugar packets in with some creamer then stirs it up and jumps when she feels someone hugs her tightly form behind. She holds around to see Joanna sleeping resting her head over Kayla's left shoulder. Kayla blushes alittle as she feels Joanna press her body against hers from behind while wrapping her arms tightly around Kayla's waist. "G-goodmorning to y-you too~" Kayla mutters out bashfully then Joanna says "sleeping without you us torture~" In a soft sleepy tone while smiling. Kayla holds her coffee up to Joanna and says "wanna sip..?" Shyly then Joanna says "I'm thirsty but not for coffee~" in a lower more pronounced tome causing Kayla to blush brightly. "I-i um maybe y-you shou-" Kayla starts muttering but is cut off by Joanna reaching her hands up and grabbing the cup to take a sip. Joanna gulps then hands the cup back to Kayla with a satisfied exhale. "For cheap hotel coffee that wasn't bad" Joanna ploys while giggling then nuzzling her head into Kayla's neck then they both freeze when they hear "woah now,it's getting kinda hot in here~" from a snickering Kyle. Kayla jumps and Joanna steps away with a faint blush while saying "uh..no I was just ah..getting some coffee..yeah,coffee" with a shy quick high pitched tone. Kyle giggles with a smirk and says "suuure,okay,anyways how long have y"all been awake?" Then kayla says "I just woke up.." and Joanna says "same.." and Kyle looks over to Ben still asleep spread out on his belly in bed. "What time is it..?" Kyle asks while sitting at the little kitchen table. "Uhm.." Joanna says while raising her phone up and says "11:00a.m" while checking her phone. Kyle nods then looks over to Ben who is groaning with his arms over his face. "I don't wannnnnnnna.." Ben groans as he grogily opens his eyes. He flops his arms on the bed sadly then looks over to Kyle sitting in the kitchen and springs up then hops out of bed to then run to Kyle. "W-waii-" Kyle starts but is cut off by ben tackle hugging him and sitting in his lap on the chair with his arms around Kyle. Ben smiles quietly while Kyle rubs his back causing him to purr then ben perks up with his eyes widened. "Oh shit!" Be yells as he jumps off Kyle and speed walks to his laptop them opens it while sitting at the desk. He opens his Twitter page to see he has 3 missed messeges.

Ben's twitter inbox:
8:00A.M, October 22nd
Heyo,so you also encountered him too??I'm interested in talking and would like to meet honestly.

8:30A.M, October 22nd
Although your a ways away and I'm rather sceptical about meeting some random dude on Twitter.

10:25A.M, October 22nd
So im open to meeting however I'll wait for you to respond and we can discuss a meet up I guess.

11:32A.M, October 22nd
hey! Sorry I fell asleep,I'm awake and can meet you anywhere,if I seem rushed I kind of am,me and my friends are hunting jeffery woods and need all the info we can get,I only wanted to meet in person so nobody could find our conversation and confirm it's you.

11:34A.M, October 22nd
I'm willing to drive but not out of state,could we meet somewhere around fern hill park? I live down the street from it if you can drive here.

11:35A.M, October 22nd
That's cool,I can meet you there,it'll take awhile but I can drive there. How does around 5p.m sound? If I leave around 1-2 I should be there by then.

11:35A.M, October 22nd
Sounds great,I'll be there around 5:00-5:30 ish then.

11:36A.M, October 22nd
Alright,see you then^.^

Ben scoots his chair away from the desk and looks over to Kyle,Joanna and Kayla then says "I'm gonna meet this witness at Fren hill park in Pennsylvania but if Jeff is here in Rochester shouldn't one or two of is stay here and search..?" While the others think. Kayla says "I think we should all go because whoever we are led to from her we would all be aware of it and If we split up we could have another instance like two days ago." Then ben says "yeah..right,we're leaving around 1 then so I hope y'all are ready.." while Kyle stands up and says "wanna get some food before we head out..?" While looking to everyone. The other three nod then Kayla says "I'm starving,that sounds great" with a smile as Joanna walks to her bed where her clothes are. Joanna gets dressed and grabs the truck keys then tosses them to Kayla. "Lets go then" Joanna says with a smile as ben opens the hotel door while grabbing a hotel key. They all leave and walks down the stairs to the parking lot where the truck is then they all get in and Kayla drives off......

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